Chapter 12.50
12.50.050 Exceptions, exemptions, and considerations.
12.50.060 Intergovernmental cooperation.
12.50.100 Performance measures.
12.50.010 Vision – Purpose.
The city of Enumclaw envisions a transportation network that prioritizes the safety, accessibility, and convenience of all users of the public right-of-way. The purpose of this complete streets policy is to establish guidelines and principles that guide the planning, design, and implementation of street and transportation projects to achieve a balanced and inclusive transportation system. (Ord. 2791 § 1 (Exh. A), 2024).
12.50.020 Definitions.
A. “All users” means individuals of all ages and abilities including, but not limited to, pedestrians, bicyclists, public/paratransit users, people with disabilities, emergency responders, motorists, freight delivery/service personnel providers, commercial vehicles, and green modes (skateboarding, rollerblades, etc.).
B. “Complete streets” means a transportation policy and design approach that requires streets to be planned, designed, operated, and maintained to enable safe, convenient and comfortable travel and access for all users regardless of their mode of transportation. Complete streets allow for safe travel by those walking, cycling, driving automobiles, riding public transportation, or delivering goods. Complete streets are streets for everyone.
C. “Maintenance activity” means ordinary repair designed to keep facilities in safe working condition, such as, but not limited to, cleaning, sweeping, spot repair, concrete joint repair, pothole filling, water, sewer and drainage or other utility installation or repairs.
D. “Multimodal transportation system” means a single transportation system that appropriately and adequately accommodates two or more modes of transportation. (Ord. 2791 § 1 (Exh. A), 2024).
12.50.030 General policy.
The city of Enumclaw shall, to the maximum extent practical, design, construct, operate, and maintain an integrated transportation system that will meet the needs of motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists, wheelchair users, transit vehicles and riders, freight haulers, emergency responders, and residents of all ages and abilities. (Ord. 2791 § 1 (Exh. A), 2024).
12.50.040 Projects.
Those involved in the planning and design of projects within the public right-of-way will give consideration to all users and modes of travel from the start of planning and design work.
Transportation improvements shall be viewed as opportunities to create safer, more accessible streets for all users. This shall apply to new construction, reconstruction, and rehabilitation. (Ord. 2791 § 1 (Exh. A), 2024).
12.50.050 Exceptions, exemptions, and considerations.
The city shall evaluate and carry out projects as follows, and the public works director, city administrator or city council may authorize exceptions and exemptions to this chapter as follows:
A. Where a street project would require the inclusion of street uses prohibited by law, the street project may exclude such street uses; or
B. Where their establishment would be contrary to public health and safety; or
C. Where there is no identified long-term need; or
D. Where there are significant adverse environmental impacts to streams, wetlands, steep slopes, historical sites or other critical areas, over and above the impacts of the existing infrastructure; or
E. Where there are significant adverse impacts on neighboring land uses, including impacts from right-of-way acquisition; or
F. Repairs made pursuant to pavement opening and restoration; or
G. Ordinary maintenance activities designed to keep assets in serviceable condition (e.g., mowing, cleaning, sweeping, spot repair and surface treatments such as chip seal, or interim measures on detour or haul routes); or
H. Where their inclusion in a small, isolated project would create a very short section of improvements with problematic transitions on either end or that are in an isolated area unlikely to be followed by similar improvements at either end, resulting in little progress on implementing complete streets networks; or
I. For street reconstruction projects and maintenance paving projects that involve widening of pavement, the accommodation of a specific use is expected to:
1. Require more space than is physically available; or
2. Be located where both current and future demand is documented to be absent, including a lack of current or planned transit routes in city plans and future travel demand models; or
3. Drastically increase project costs by more than 20 percent of total project cost for new construction and equivalent alternatives are available within close proximity; or
4. Result in cost that is disproportionate to the current need or probable future use. (Ord. 2791 § 1 (Exh. A), 2024).
12.50.060 Intergovernmental cooperation.
City of Enumclaw shall collaborate with other transportation agencies, including WSDOT, King County, neighboring jurisdictions, regional transportation authorities, and other relevant agencies to coordinate efforts, share resources, and implement consistent complete streets policies and practices to ensure transportation network flows seamlessly across jurisdictional boundaries in accordance with local and regional road, transit, bicycle and pedestrian plans. (Ord. 2791 § 1 (Exh. A), 2024).
12.50.070 Design criteria.
The city, through its public works department, or engineer, shall maintain design criteria, standards and guidelines based upon recognized best practices in street design, construction and operation as identified in state statutes and EMC Title 12. To the greatest extent possible, the city shall adopt the same standards, as permitted through this code. As part of the city’s comprehensive plan, the city shall encourage the development and use of multi-purpose/shared use paths. Resources to be referenced in developing these standards shall include, but shall not necessarily be limited to, the latest editions of: the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, Washington State Department of Transportation Design Manual, Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. (Ord. 2791 § 1 (Exh. A), 2024).
12.50.080 Community context.
Community input and engagement shall be integral to the planning and design process of complete streets projects. The city of Enumclaw shall actively seek input from residents, stakeholders, and community organizations to ensure that transportation improvements align with local priorities and reflect community values. (Ord. 2791 § 1 (Exh. A), 2024).
12.50.090 Network.
Appropriate attention should be given to projects which enhance the overall transportation system and its connectivity for access to parks or recreation areas, schools, shopping/commercial areas, public transportation, employment centers, existing pedestrian or bicycle networks, or regional bicycle pedestrian plans prepared by other associated groups, such as King County. (Ord. 2791 § 1 (Exh. A), 2024).
12.50.100 Performance measures.
The city administrator or designee shall report to the city council on an annual basis the transportation projects undertaken within the prior year and planned within the coming six-year period TIP (transportation improvement plan) report and the extent to which each of these projects has met the objectives of this chapter including:
A. Identifying the projects, public and private, which have expanded the city’s network and documenting the linear footage increase of pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and the comfort level of those facilities, added in the previous year.
B. Identifying the number of documented exceptions to the policy in the previous year. (Ord. 2791 § 1 (Exh. A), 2024).
12.50.110 Implementation.
This chapter will be primarily implemented through developing bike and pedestrian network plans on a regional basis within the city and in conjunction with WSDOT and King County’s regional plans. These plans shall specify the type and location of improvements and shall be implemented as funding becomes available. Special emphasis shall be placed on those elements of these plans that can be accomplished with little or no additional expense. (Ord. 2791 § 1 (Exh. A), 2024).