Chapter 19.28
19.28.020 Additional development standards in the M-M zone.
19.28.010 Basic development standards.
Repealed by Ord. 2657-02. (Ord. 2397-99 § 46, 1999: Ord. 1671-89 (part), 1989.)
19.28.020 Additional standards for uses in the M-M zone.
In addition to the development standards contained in Table 6.1 in Chapter 19.06 of this title, the following development standards apply to uses hereafter established in the M-M zone:
A. Building Design.
1. Exterior building materials shall be selected so as not to project or reflect natural or artificial lighting or glare into residential areas.
2. Mechanical equipment located on the roof, facade, or external portion of a building shall be architecturally screened by including the equipment in the building or site design so as not to be visible from adjacent properties or public streets.
3. Equipment or vents which generate noise or air emissions shall be located on the opposite side of the building from adjoining residentially zoned properties.
B. Loading. Truck loading, parking and maneuvering areas shall be screened from abutting properties and streets by a sight-obscuring fence eight feet in height or enclosed within a ten-foot-wide landscaped area planted to Type II standards.
C. Outdoor Storage. Outdoor storage areas shall be permitted to occupy an area not more than fifty percent of the area of the building footprint of the principal building; provided, this limitation shall not apply to outdoor storage of school buses in conjunction with a permitted public service building or use located in the area bounded by Seaway Boulevard to the west; 75th Street S.W. to the north; Hardeson Road to the east; and SR-526 to the south. Outdoor storage shall not be permitted within required building setback areas. Outdoor storage areas shall be enclosed by a sight-obscuring fence eight feet in height, or enclosed within a ten-foot-wide landscaped area planted to Type II standards.
D. Prohibited Manufacturing Uses. The following manufacturing uses are prohibited in the M-M zone:
1. Manufacturing involving outdoor storage which exceeds the maximum land area permitted by Section 28.020.C;
2. Manufacture or storage of explosives;
3. Stockyards, dairies, slaughterhouses, rendering plants, canneries, and other agricultural industries;
4. Petroleum refineries;
5. Bulk fuel storage, unless stored in tanks and accessory to a permitted use located on the same lot;
6. Truck parking, repair and maintenance unless accessory to a permitted use located on the same lot;
7. Cement manufacturing;
8. Blast furnaces;
9. Smelting;
10. Drop forge industries;
11. Fertilizer manufacture;
12. Sanitary landfills;
13. Waste to energy facilities;
14. Sewage treatment plants;
15. Lumber, pulp or paper mills;
16. Cargo container storage;
17. Asphalt or concrete batch plant;
18. Other similar heavy manufacturing uses with potentially noxious impacts, as determined by the planning director, except as otherwise provided by this section. In making such a determination, the city shall use the review process as described in Title 15, Local Project Review Procedures. (Ord. 3618-18 § 15, 2018; Ord. 2747-04 § 2, 2004; Ord. 2538-01 § 15, 2001; Ord. 2397-99 § 47, 1999: Ord. 1849-92 §§ 15—17, 1992; Ord. 1671-89 (part), 1989.)
Editor’s note: Ord. 2397-99 repealed the use-standards tables formerly codified in Chapter 28. Please refer to the use tables in Chapter 5 for all zones.