Chapter 12.32


12.32.010    Vision.

12.32.020    Definitions.

12.32.030    Complete streets infrastructure.

12.32.040    Projects.

12.32.050    Freight/truck routes.

12.32.060    Network.

12.32.070    Intergovernmental coordination.

12.32.080    Exceptions.

12.32.090    Performance measures.

12.32.100    Implementation.

12.32.010 Vision.

A. The City of Everson shall, to the maximum extent practicable, scope, plan, design, construct, operate and maintain transportation facilities for the safe accommodation of pedestrians, bicyclists, wheelchair users, motorists, emergency responders, freight, and users of all ages and abilities in all new construction or reconstruction projects of public streets. Through ongoing operations and maintenance, the City shall identify cost-effective opportunities to include complete streets practices.

B. By promoting nonmotorized travel, the City will reduce negative environmental impacts, promote healthy living, and meet the needs of the diverse populations that comprise the Everson community. The vision of the City of Everson is of a community in which all residents and visitors, regardless of their age, ability, financial resources, or preferred mode of travel, can safely and efficiently use the public right-of-way to meet their transportation needs.

C. Transportation facilities that support the concept of complete streets include, but are not limited to, sidewalk and pedestrian safety improvements; Americans with Disabilities Act; pavement markings and signs; street and sidewalk lighting; Title VI compliance; bicycle accommodations; and street theme designs that appeal to and promote pedestrian use. The system’s design will be consistent with and supportive of local neighborhoods, recognizing that transportation needs vary and must be balanced in a flexible, safe, and cost-effective manner. [Ord. 855 § 1, 2024.]

12.32.020 Definitions.

A. “Complete street” means a road that is designed to be safe and accessible for all transportation users including drivers, bicyclists, transit users, freight, emergency service providers, and pedestrians of all ages and abilities. The complete streets policy focuses not just on changing individual roads, but on changing the decision-making process so that all users are routinely considered during the planning, designing, building, and operation of all roadways.

B. “Complete streets infrastructure” means design features that contribute to a safe, convenient, or comfortable travel experience for users, including but not limited to features such as: sidewalks; shared use paths; bicycle lanes; automobile lanes; paved shoulders; street trees and landscaping; planting strips; curbs; accessible curb ramps; bulb-outs; crosswalks; refuge islands; pedestrian and traffic signals, including countdown and accessible signals; signage; street furniture; bicycle parking facilities; traffic calming devices; surface treatments such as paving blocks, textured asphalt, and concrete; narrow vehicle lanes; and raised medians.

C. “Street” means any public right-of-way, including arterials, connectors, alleys, ways, lanes, and roadways by any other designation, as well as bridges, tunnels, and any other portions of the transportation network, that is open for use by the general traveling public.

D. “Street project” means the construction, reconstruction, retrofit, maintenance, alteration, or repair of any street, and includes the planning, design, approval, and implementation processes.

E. “Users” means individuals that use streets, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motor vehicle drivers, and public transportation riders and drivers. [Ord. 855 § 1, 2024.]

12.32.030 Complete streets infrastructure.

As feasible, the City of Everson shall incorporate complete streets infrastructure into existing public streets to create a comprehensive, integrated, connected transportation network that balances access, mobility, health, economy, and safety needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, motorists, emergency responders, freight and users of all ages and abilities. [Ord. 855 § 1, 2024.]

12.32.040 Projects.

A. Those involved in planning and design of projects within the public right-of-way will give consideration to all users and modes of travel from the start of planning and design work. Transportation improvements shall be viewed as opportunities to create safer, more accessible streets for all users. This shall apply to new construction, reconstruction, and rehabilitation. Community engagement will be encouraged during project planning and development.

B. The City of Everson will incorporate complete streets principles into the City’s GMA comprehensive plan, public works standards, capital facilities plan, ADA transition plan, transportation improvement plan, and other plans, manuals, rules, regulations, and programs as feasible and appropriate, and in accordance with American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), National Association of Town Transportation Officials (NACTO), Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) guidelines and standards. [Ord. 855 § 1, 2024.]

12.32.050 Freight/truck routes.

Because freight is important to the overall economy of the City and has unique right-of-way needs to support that role, freight will be the major priority on streets classified as truck routes. Complete street improvements that are consistent with freight mobility but also support other modes and user needs shall be considered for truck routes. [Ord. 855 § 1, 2024.]

12.32.060 Network.

Projects should enhance the overall transportation system and its connectivity for access to parks or recreation areas, schools, downtown, existing pedestrian or bicycle networks, or regional bicycle pedestrian plans prepared by other associated groups such as Whatcom County. [Ord. 855 § 1, 2024.]

12.32.070 Intergovernmental coordination.

The City will coordinate with other transportation agencies including the Washington State Department of Transportation, the Whatcom Council of Governments and Whatcom County to ensure the principles and practices of complete streets are included within their planning, design, construction, and maintenance activities. [Ord. 855 § 1, 2024.]

12.32.080 Exceptions.

Exceptions to this policy may be determined by the Mayor, City Council, or their designee under the circumstances listed below:

A. Uses are prohibited by law; or

B. A documented absence of current or future need exists, as identified in City plans and future travel demand models; or

C. The Mayor concludes that application of compete streets principles is unnecessary or inappropriate because it would be contrary to public safety; or

D. Where there are significant adverse environmental impacts to streams, wetlands, steep slopes, or other critical areas; or

E. Where the establishment would be contrary to the transportation element of the comprehensive plan; or

F. Where the additional project cost would be disproportionate to the need or probable future use. [Ord. 855 § 1, 2024.]

12.32.090 Performance measures.

The Mayor or their designee shall report to the City Council on an annual basis on the transportation projects undertaken within the prior year and planned within the coming six-year period and the extent to which each of these projects has met the objectives of this policy. [Ord. 855 § 1, 2024.]

12.32.100 Implementation.

Historically, this policy has been primarily implemented during the annual development of the City’s six-year transportation improvement plan (TIP). This approach will remain as the City has celebrated many complete streets successes already. Improvements identified in the TIP will be implemented as funding becomes available. Special emphasis shall be placed on those improvements that can be accomplished with limited financial resources. [Ord. 855 § 1, 2024.]