Chapter 19.40


Article I. Generally

19.40.010    Purpose and intent.

19.40.020    Pedestrian facilities.

19.40.030    Bicycle facilities.

Article II. Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities – Construction Standards

19.40.040    Sidewalks and walkways – Design and construction standards.

19.40.050    Bikeways – Design and construction standards.

19.40.060    Bike lanes – Design and construction standards.

Article I. Generally

19.40.010 Purpose and intent.

This chapter is intended to identify the location and design standards for pedestrian and bicycle facilities, including those nonmotorized corridors that are described within the Parks, Recreation and Trails Master Plan and referenced in the Transportation Element of the City’s Comprehensive Plan. While those adopted long-range policies establish general locations for such facilities, these standards provide specific requirements at a project-level scale. When there is conflict between this chapter and the City’s long-range plans, the general location (need) for a pedestrian or bicycle facility will be controlled by the long-range plan, while the specific location and design of the facility will be controlled by this chapter. (Ord. 2007 § 1, 2017; Ord. 1999 § 1 (Exh. 1), 2017. DS § 801)

19.40.020 Pedestrian facilities.

A.    Sidewalks Both Sides. Sidewalks shall be provided on both sides of all arterial, collector, local access, and commercial streets. See Standard Detail R Series.

B.    Sidewalks One Side. Sidewalks shall be provided on one side of streets only when a three-quarter street on a perimeter arterial or collector is to be constructed, when there is no possibility of development or pedestrian access on the other side of the street, or when the Public Works Director authorizes the construction of a shared use path in lieu of a sidewalk on one side, consistent with the Parks, Recreation and Trails Master Plan. See Standard Detail R-2 and related details.

C.    Handicap Facilities. Ramps are required at curbs per RCW 35.68.075. See also Standard Details R-12 and R-14.

D.    Trails and Shared Use Paths. Trails and shared use paths shall be established consistent with the Parks, Recreation and Trails Master Plan and are intended to link the City’s park system to schools, residential areas, and the central core of the City in coordination with (and at times in place of) the City’s sidewalk system. (Ord. 2007 § 1, 2017; Ord. 1999 § 1 (Exh. 1), 2017. DS § 802)

19.40.030 Bicycle facilities.

A.    Bikeways – When Required. The need for a bikeway shall be determined by the Public Works Director on a case-by-case basis. Bikeways shall be provided when the need is identified either in the policies of the Comprehensive Plan or other City approved plans such as recreation and open space plans and transportation plans, or when traffic analysis shows substantial bike usage which would benefit from a designated bike facility.

    As per the Ferndale Comprehensive Plan and Parks, Recreation and Trails Master Plan, the City has determined that bikeways and bicyclists should not utilize the limited space provided to automobiles on the City’s major arterials, unless no other alternative exists. Instead, the City seeks to establish bike lanes and bicycle routes on collector streets and trails paralleling major roadways in order to effectively serve the varied needs of bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorists.

B.    Bikeway Classifications.

1.    Class I. A restricted right-of-way in the form of a trail or shared use path designated for the exclusive or semi-exclusive use of bicycles. Through travel by motor vehicles or pedestrians is not allowed. However, vehicle parking may be allowed. Cross-flows by motorists to gain access to driveways or parking facilities are allowed; pedestrian cross-flows to gain access to parked vehicles or bus stops or an associated land use are also allowed.

2.    Class II. A Class II bikeway is an on-street bikeway, a route of travel shared with motorized vehicles or pedestrians and designated as such by signs placed on vertical posts, stenciled on the pavement, or via painted or stained hard surfacing. Any bikeway which shares its through traffic right-of-way with either or both moving (not parking) motor vehicles and pedestrians is considered a Class II bikeway.

3.    Unclassified. Streets that have not been designated with adjacent bikeway paths are not intended to prohibit the use of bicycles or bicyclists. However, the use of bicycles on these streets requires adherence to relevant bicycle rules and is at the risk of the bicyclist.

4.    Prohibited. The City may prohibit the use of bicycles on certain street sections when it is determined that the bicycle/motorist interface is inherently dangerous and/or disruptive to the flow of automobiles. In these situations, the City will seek to make reasonable accommodation to bicyclists by identifying alternative routes of travel. (Ord. 2007 § 1, 2017; Ord. 1999 § 1 (Exh. 1), 2017. DS § 803)

Article II. Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities – Construction Standards

19.40.040 Sidewalks and walkways – Design and construction standards.

A.    Sidewalk Construction Standards. Sidewalks shall be constructed with cement concrete, or approved equal. Sidewalks shall be at least five feet in width, and a minimum of four inches in depth, or six inches if crossing a driveway section. Sidewalk configuration, construction joints, and other sidewalk characteristics shall be in accordance with City of Ferndale Standard Details R-12 and R-13.

1.    The City has established the pedestrian-oriented zone within the downtown core and along Second Avenue, adjacent to Griffintown Park. In order to promote significant pedestrian traffic and multiple uses within the sidewalk, sidewalks within this area shall be a minimum of 10 feet in width.

B.    Shared Use Path Construction Standards. In the event that the Public Works Director waives the requirement for standard sidewalk construction for the purpose of establishing a shared use path in compliance with the Parks, Recreation and Trails Master Plan. (Ord. 2007 § 1, 2017; Ord. 1999 § 1 (Exh. 1), 2017. DS § 804)

19.40.050 Bikeways – Design and construction standards.

A.    Shared Use Path (Class I Bikeway). Separated bikeway corridors require a minimum 15-foot right-of-way. Vegetation shall be cleared to a minimum of two feet from the edge of the bikeway surfacing. An approved herbicide shall be applied before placement of the base course. The bikeway shall be sloped to provide runoff, and ditches shall be provided where necessary. In special cases, catch basins and drains may be required.

B.    On-Street Bikeway (Class II Bikeway). The minimum width of an on-street bikeway shall be eight feet, but the desirable width is 10 feet.

C.    Street/Bikeway Intersections. Where bikeways and walkways intersect with traffic, sight distance, marking, and signalization (if warranted) shall be provided in accordance with the MUTCD.

D.    Roundabouts and Bicycles. Bicycles that are ridden through a roundabout are required to follow the same rules as automobiles. Bicycles that are walked through a roundabout are required to follow the same rules as pedestrians. (Ord. 2007 § 1, 2017; Ord. 1999 § 1 (Exh. 1), 2017. DS § 805)

19.40.060 Bike lanes – Design and construction standards.

A.    General. Bike lanes and bikeways in a paved shoulder or space next to a curb shall comply with the following design requirements:

1.    Width When Parking Is Prohibited. Where parking is prohibited, bike lanes shall be a minimum of five feet in width. This width may be narrowed to a minimum of four feet to accommodate turn lanes approaching intersections.

2.    Width When Parking Is Permitted. Where parking is permitted, the space shared by both bikes and parked cars shall be a minimum of 12 feet in width.

3.    Marking and Signage. Bike lanes shall be signed as needed for one-way, with traffic. They shall be demarcated from vehicular travel lanes by white striping as required by the Public Works Director. Bike lanes may either be provided on one side only, if the street network provides a workable one-way couplet of parallel routes; otherwise bike lanes shall be provided on both sides.

4.    Markings at Driveways and Intersections. Where parking is prohibited, bike lanes shall be signed and/or marked as needed at vehicle crossings such as driveways, intersections and loading areas to warn both bicyclists and motorists of the need to exercise caution.

5.    Sign Standards. All signs and markings shall conform to the current edition of MUTCD.

6.    Surfacing. Pedestrian and bikeway surfacing shall conform to the values in Table 8-1.

Table 8-1

Pedestrian and Bicycle Surfacing

Type of Facility

Class “B” Asphalt Concrete1

Crushed Surface Top Course

Crushed Surface Base Course

Portland Cement Concrete

1.    Sidewalks:





a.    At driveway section





2.    Bikeways


1 1/2"

2 1/2"2


3.    Shared Use Path3:



2 1/2"2


4.    Pedestrian Trail






1    Asphalt treated base may be substituted for asphalt concrete in temporary surfacing or in leveling course in the ratio of four parts thickness of asphalt treated base to three parts asphalt concrete. Three inches asphalt treated base may be substituted for total four inches of crushed surfacing top and base courses.

2    Or four inches of Class B gravel.

3    When a walkway or bikeway is incorporated into a street shoulder, the required shoulder section, if higher strength, shall govern.

(Ord. 2007 § 1, 2017; Ord. 1999 § 1 (Exh. 1), 2017. DS § 806)