Chapter 3.40


3.40.010    Tax imposed.

3.40.020    Fund created – Use of proceeds.

3.40.010 Tax imposed.

There is hereby imposed on all sales taxable under Chapter 82.46 RCW which occur within the corporate limits of the city of Fircrest an additional tax of one-quarter of one percent as authorized by RCW 82.46.035(2), and any amendments thereto. (Ord. 1015 § 1, 1992; Ord. 992 § 1, 1991).

3.40.020 Fund created – Use of proceeds.

There is created within the funds of the city a capital projects fund. Moneys received by the city from real estate excise taxes imposed by this chapter shall be deposited in said fund and shall be used solely for financing capital projects specified in the capital facilities plan element of the city comprehensive plan. “Capital project” means those public works projects of the city for planning, acquisition, construction, reconstruction, repair, replacement, rehabilitation or improvement of streets, roads, highways, sidewalks, street and road lighting systems, traffic signals, bridges, domestic water systems and storm and sanitary sewer systems, and planning, construction, reconstruction, repair, rehabilitation or improvement of parks. (Ord. 1015 § 2, 1992; Ord. 992 § 2, 1991).