Chapter 16.16


16.16.010    Police and fire department authority.

16.16.020    Obedience to title required.

16.16.030    Obedience to police and fire department officials.

16.16.035    Driver’s license.

16.16.040    Restrictions on coasters, roller skates.

16.16.050    Authorized emergency vehicles.

16.16.060    Processions – Restrictions on driving through.

16.16.070    Processions – Driving regulations.

16.16.080    Processions – Identification of funeral.

16.16.090    Procession – Permit required – Exception.

16.16.100    Driving on sidewalk.

16.16.110    Opening and closing vehicle doors.

16.16.120    Clinging to moving vehicles.

16.16.125    Careful operation required.

16.16.130    Boarding or alighting from vehicles.

16.16.140    Riding on portions of vehicle not intended for passengers.

16.16.150    Street obstruction by railroad train.

16.16.160    Vehicle load restrictions.

16.16.170    Commercial vehicles restricted on certain streets.

16.16.180    Street use by certain vehicles restricted.

16.16.190    Driveway access restrictions.

16.16.200    Seatbelt law – Adopted.

16.16.210    Washington Mandatory Liability Insurance Law adopted.

16.16.220    Washington D.U.I. Vehicle Seizure and Forfeiture Law adopted.

16.16.010 Police and fire department authority.

(a) It shall be the duty of the officers of the police department or such officers as are assigned by the police chief to enforce this traffic title.

(b) Officers of the police department or such officers as are assigned by the police chief are authorized to direct all traffic by voice, hand, or signal in conformance with traffic laws; provided, that in the event of a fire or other emergency or to expedite traffic or to safeguard pedestrians, officers of the police department may direct traffic as conditions may require notwithstanding the provisions of the traffic laws.

(c) Officers of the fire department, when at the scene of a fire, may direct or assist the police in directing traffic thereat or in the immediate vicinity. (Ord. 597 § 1, 1969; Ord. 505 § 8, 1964).

16.16.020 Obedience to title required.

It is unlawful for any person to do any act forbidden or fail to perform any act required in this title. (Ord. 505 § 9, 1964).

16.16.030 Obedience to police and fire department officials.

No person shall wilfully fail or refuse to comply with any lawful order or direction of a police officer or fire department official. (Ord. 505 § 10, 1964).

16.16.035 Driver’s license.

All persons driving upon the public streets, alleys, highways or other public ways in the city of Fircrest shall comply with all driver license requirements imposed by Chapter 46.20 RCW. (Ord. 650, 1973; Ord. 505 § 106A, 1964).

16.16.040 Restrictions on coasters, roller skates.

No person upon roller skates, or riding in or by means of any coaster, toy vehicle or similar device, shall go upon any roadway except while crossing a street on a crosswalk and when so crossing such person shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to pedestrians. This section shall not apply upon any street while set aside as a play street as authorized by ordinance. (Ord. 505 § 11, 1964).

16.16.050 Authorized emergency vehicles.

(a) The driver of an authorized emergency vehicle when responding to an emergency call or when in the pursuit of an actual or suspected violator of the law or when responding to but not upon returning from a fire alarm may exercise the privileges set forth in this section, but subject to the conditions herein stated.

(b) The driver of an authorized emergency vehicle may:

(1) Park or stand, irrespective of the provisions of this title;

(2) Proceed past a red or stop signal or stop sign, but only after slowing down as may be necessary for safe operation;

(3) Exceed the speed limits prescribed herein so long as he does not endanger life or property;

(4) Disregard regulations governing direction of movement or turning in specified directions.

(c) The exemptions herein granted to an authorized emergency vehicle shall apply only when the driver of any such vehicle while in motion sounds audible signal by bell, siren, or exhaust whistle as may be reasonably necessary, and when the vehicle is equipped with at least one lighted lamp displaying a red light visible under normal atmospheric conditions from a distance of 500 feet to the front of such vehicle, except that an authorized emergency vehicle operated as a police vehicle need not be equipped with or display a red light visible from in front of the vehicle. (Ord. 505 § 12, 1964).

16.16.060 Processions – Restrictions on driving through.

No driver of a vehicle shall drive between the vehicles comprising a funeral or other authorized procession while they are in motion and when such vehicles are conspicuously designated as required in this chapter. This provision shall not apply at intersections where traffic is controlled by traffic control signals unless a police officer is present at such intersections to direct traffic so as to preserve the continuity of the funeral procession. (Ord. 597 § 2, 1969; Ord. 505 § 40, 1964).

16.16.070 Processions – Driving regulations.

Each driver in a funeral or other procession shall drive as near to the right hand edge of the roadway as practical and shall follow the vehicle ahead as close as is practical and safe. (Ord. 597 § 2, 1969; Ord. 505 § 41, 1964).

16.16.080 Processions – Identification of funeral.

A funeral composed of a procession of vehicles shall be identified as such by the display upon the outside of such vehicle of a pennant or other identifying insignia or by such other method as may be determined and designated by the traffic division. (Ord. 505 § 42, 1964).

16.16.090 Procession – Permit required – Exception.

Processions or parades shall be conducted pursuant to regulations as set forth in Chapter 9.90 FMC. Funeral processions; groups required by law to be so assembled; pedestrian processions along a route that is restricted to sidewalks and crossing streets only at pedestrian crosswalks in accordance with traffic regulations and controls; and activities and events deemed by the city manager or appointed designee to not require a special events permit are exempt from the regulations set forth in Chapter 9.90 FMC. (Ord. 1248 § 18, 2000; Ord. 597 § 1, 1969; Ord. 505 § 43, 1964).

16.16.100 Driving on sidewalk.

The driver of a vehicle shall not drive within any sidewalk area except at a permanent or temporary driveway. (Ord. 505 § 44, 1964).

16.16.110 Opening and closing vehicle doors.

No person shall open the door of a motor vehicle on the side available to moving traffic unless and until it is reasonably safe to do so, nor shall any person leave a door open on the side of a motor vehicle available to moving traffic for a period of time longer than necessary to load or unload passengers. (Ord. 505 § 44.1, 1964).

16.16.120 Clinging to moving vehicles.

Any person riding upon any bicycle, motorcycle, coaster, sled, roller skates or any toy vehicle shall not attach the same or himself to any moving vehicle upon any roadway. (Ord. 505 § 45, 1964).

16.16.125 Careful operation required.

Every person operating or driving a vehicle of any character upon the public streets of the city shall operate the same in a careful and prudent manner and at a rate of speed no greater than is reasonable and proper under the conditions existing at the time and place of operation. (Ord. 646 § 3, 1972; Ord. 505 § 45.5, 1964).

16.16.130 Boarding or alighting from vehicles.

No person shall board or alight from any vehicle while such vehicle is in motion. (Ord. 505 § 46, 1964).

16.16.140 Riding on portions of vehicle not intended for passengers.

No person shall ride on any vehicle upon any portion thereof not designated or intended for the use of passengers. This provision shall not apply to an employee engaged in the necessary discharge of a duty or to persons riding within truck bodies intended for merchandise. (Ord. 505 § 47, 1964).

16.16.150 Street obstruction by railroad train.

It is unlawful for the directing officer or the operator of any railroad train to direct the operation of or to operate the same in such a manner as to prevent the use of any street for purposes of travel for a period of time longer than five minutes, except that this provision shall not apply to trains or cars in motion other than those engaged in switching. (Ord. 505 § 48, 1964).

16.16.160 Vehicle load restrictions.

When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall operate any vehicle with a gross weight in excess of the amounts specified in Schedule VII at any time upon any of the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule VII attached to and made a part of this section.


10,000 pounds on any street not permanently improved.

(Ord. 505 § 91, 1964).

16.16.170 Commercial vehicles restricted on certain streets.

When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall operate any commercial vehicle exceeding _____ pounds gross weight at any time upon any of the streets or parts of street described in Schedule VIII attached to and made a part of this section, except that such vehicles may be operated thereon for the purpose of delivering or picking up materials or merchandise and then only by entering such street at the intersection nearest the destination of the vehicle and proceeding thereon no farther than the nearest intersection thereafter.


10,000 pounds on any streets
not permanently improved.

(Ord. 505 § 92, 1964).

16.16.180 Street use by certain vehicles restricted.

(a) The police chief is authorized to determine and designate those heavily traveled streets upon which shall be prohibited the use of the roadway by motordriven cycles, bicycles, horse-drawn vehicles, or other nonmotorized traffic and shall erect appropriate signs giving notice thereof.

(b) When signs are so erected giving notice thereof, no person shall disobey the restrictions stated on such signs. (Ord. 597 § 1, 1969; Ord. 505 § 93, 1964).

16.16.190 Driveway access restrictions.

Wherever driveway access exists to any residential property within the city of Fircrest upon a nonarterial street or other public right-of-way, and also upon an arterial street, no driveway access shall be permitted from such residential property to the arterial street. (Ord. 663, 1974).

16.16.200 Seatbelt law – Adopted.

(a) The Washington Seatbelt Law, RCW 46.61.688, hereinafter referred to as the “seatbelt law” is adopted by reference as and for the seatbelt ordinance of this city as set forth in full in this section.

(b) Filing of Ordinance. Incident to the adoption of the seatbelt law by reference of this section, copies of the text of the adopted RCW 46.61.688 shall be filed as required by RCW 35.21.180 for use and examination by the public. (Ord. 851 §§ 1, 2, 1987).

16.16.210 Washington Mandatory Liability Insurance Law adopted.

The Washington Mandatory Liability Insurance Law, RCW 46.30.010, 46.30.020, 46.30.030, 46.30.040, 46.30.900 and 46.30.901 hereinafter referred to as the “Mandatory Liability Insurance Law” is adopted by reference as and for the mandatory liability insurance ordinance of the city of Fircrest as if set forth in full herein. (Ord. 947 § 1, 1990).

16.16.220 Washington D.U.I. Vehicle Seizure and Forfeiture Law adopted.

(a) Adoption by Reference. A new section is added and shall read as follows: The Washington D.U.I. Vehicle Seizure and Forfeiture Law, Section 1 of Chapter 139, Washington Laws 1994, hereinafter referred to as the “D.U.I. Vehicle Seizure and Forfeiture Law” is adopted by reference as and for the D.U.I. vehicle seizure and forfeiture ordinance of the city as if set forth in full herein.

(b) Filing of Ordinance. Incident to the adoption of the D.U.I. Vehicle Seizure and Forfeiture Law by reference of this section, copies of the text of the adopted Section 1, Chapter 139, Washington Laws 1994, shall be filed as required by RCW 35.21.180 for use and examination by the public.

(c) Restatement. The provisions of this section, insofar as they are substantially the same as provisions of ordinances repealed or amended by the ordinance codified in this section in relating to the same subject matter, shall be construed as restatements and continuations and not as new enactments. (Ord. 1072 §§ 1, 2, 4, 1994).