Chapter 2.52


2.52.010    Credit card policy adopted.

2.52.020    Credit card policy and procedures.

2.52.030    Credit card user agreement.

2.52.010 Credit card policy adopted.

The city council of the city of Granite Falls hereby establishes and adopts a city credit card policy. [Ord. 904 § 8, 2015; Ord. 767 § 1, 2008.]

2.52.020 Credit card policy and procedures.

(A) Purpose. To authorize the city’s policy on use of the city credit card to transact official city business.

(B) Groups Affected. City manager and city clerk/treasurer.

(C) References. Ordinance 767.

(D) Policy. The city council has authorized the city manager to implement procedures for the use of the city credit card for the following uses:

(1) Travel. Credit card may be used by city employees when in travel status on official city business for airline tickets, ferry, hotel, parking, taxi, meal cost, gas and emergency city vehicle repairs, and other travel-related expenses as authorized by the city manager or city clerk/treasurer. In addition the assigned individual may use the city credit card for conference and class registration. Out-of-state travel and out-of-state registrations require the city manager’s or city clerk/treasurer’s pre-approval.

(2) Purchases. The assigned credit card may be used for ordering supplies and/or equipment, including online purchases.

(E) Procedures. A city credit card will be kept by the city clerk/treasurer for limited use for city purchases. City employees wishing to use the city credit card for purchasing must call the city clerk/treasurer and give the name of the vendor, the estimated amount of the purchase, a description of the purchase being made and other information needed to make the purchase. The city clerk/treasurer will keep a log of such purchases. Employees may be held personally liable for any purchases appearing on the credit card bill which do not appear on the credit card log. All credit card charges must be accounted for.

(F) Card Limits. City manager and city clerk/treasurer cards limit shall not exceed $10,000.

(G) Ensure Proper Use. The city clerk/treasurer will ensure that all cards are used in accordance with this policy. Any misuse will be reported to the city manager.

(1) Credit card may not be used for cash advances.

(2) Credit card may not be used for personal purchases.

(3) Any charges that cannot be properly identified or which are not appropriate to city or state policies or regulations shall be paid immediately by the user of the card by cash, check, or payroll deduction.

(4) City credit cards may not be used to purchase services (i.e., consultant fees, window washing, temporary help, etc.).

(5) Credit cards may not be used to pay other invoices or statements.

(H) Receipts/Verification. Employees authorized to use city credit cards are responsible for providing, as necessary, documentation, required by city clerk/treasurer to process payment, on a timely basis.

(1) Employee will submit credit card receipts no later than five business days after the purchase date, or within two business days of return from travel status.

(2) Employee will submit delivery receipts no later than two business days after the merchandise is received.

(3) Employee will document Internet purchases, by printing out the purchase confirmation page from the vendor’s website.

(4) Employee will document phone purchases, by signing a copy of the page the item was ordered from (i.e., catalog page, brochure, flyer etc.).

(5) If interest or late fees are incurred as a result of an employee’s failure to submit necessary documentation in a timely manner, the employee will be held responsible for payment of those fees, and payment may be withheld from the employee’s pay.

(I) Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the city manager or city clerk/treasurer in advance.

(J) The city manager or city clerk/treasurer will disallow use of the city credit card by any employee for violation or misuse of the credit card in accordance with this policy.

(K) The city clerk/treasurer is responsible for administration of the cards, including but not limited to: selection of card provider; payment of credit card bills, which shall be paid in full monthly; managing the issuance of the cards; and ensuring proper use. [Ord. 904 § 8, 2015; Ord. 767 § 1 (Exh. A), 2008.]

2.52.030 Credit card user agreement.

I, _____________________, as an employee of the city of Granite Falls, accept personal responsibility for the safeguard and proper use of city credit card #__________________, which has been assigned to me for use in the performance of my job, in accordance with the terms in the policy.

I have read and understand the credit card policies and procedures. _____ Initial

I understand the city manager or city clerk/treasurer will disallow my use of the city credit card for violation or misuse of the credit card and/or credit card policies and procedures.

I understand that each time I use, or authorize the use thereof, that I am adhering to the following statement:

“I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that this is a true and correct claim for necessary expenditures incurred by me and that no payment had been received by me on account thereof.”

I understand that I will be held personally liable for any inappropriate charges I incur to the city credit card, and payment for any such inappropriate charges is hereby authorized to be withheld from my paycheck.

The undersigned individual had read and understands the above statement.


Date: ________________________

[Ord. 904 § 8, 2015; Ord. 767 § 1 (Exh. A)(Att. A), 2008.]