Chapter 17.30
17.30.010 Comprehensive plan conformance.
17.30.020 Street and block layout.
17.30.010 Comprehensive plan conformance.
In the planning of a short or major subdivision or dedication, the subdivider shall prepare his proposed plat in conformance with the following provisions of the comprehensive plan:
(1) Land, which the town hearing examiner, on the advice of the town engineer, considers difficult to subdivide due to actual or potential flooding, bad drainage, steep slopes, rock formations, or other features likely to be harmful to the safety, welfare, and general health of the future residents, shall not be subdivided, unless adequate methods are formulated by the developer and approved by the town engineer.
(2) Those areas of the town where topographical slopes are 10 percent or more, shall be subdivided in conformance with any additional requirements, which the town engineer shall provide to any subdivider within 30 days after receipt of his application.
(3) The proposed subdivision shall provide for such requirements contained in the official plans or portions thereof and development plans for the town of Hunts Point.
(4) The subdivider shall make available, for public acquisition, such lands in the area to be subdivided, as are designated by the official map or parks, playgrounds, and public buildings. [Ord. 467 § 67, 2008; Ord. 106 § 6(a), 1972]
17.30.020 Street and block layout.
Street and block layout shall conform to the most advantageous development of adjoining areas, whether such areas are presently developed or not, and the entire neighborhood, and shall provide for the following:
(1) Street continuity of appropriate streets, and arterials.
(2) Streets generally following contour lines.
(3) Streets intersecting at right angles, or as nearly as possible. Consideration shall also be given to reasonable traffic safety standards at all street intersections.
(4) Street jogs shall be avoided.
(5) Nothing less than full-width streets, and no boundary streets on the tract in which the plat is located. [Ord. 106 § 6(b), 1972]
17.30.030 Public ways.
(1) Local and residential streets, and dead-end streets shall have a minimum width of right-of-way of 60 feet. All dead-end streets shall terminate in a circular turn-around, or an appropriate turn-around design having a minimum right-of-way diameter of 80 feet, unless the town engineer approves a “T” or “Y” shaped paved space in the place of the required turning circle. Right-of-way for the “T” or “Y” shall not be less than 60 feet.
(2) All local and residential streets, and dead-end streets, shall have a minimum width of 22 feet of improved right-of-way, not including curb or parking lane. The pavement of a turning circle at the end of a dead-end street shall be fully paved and shall have a minimum outside diameter of 70 feet.
(3) Grades and Curves of Residential Streets.
(a) Grades of local streets shall be not more than 10 percent;
(b) All changes in street grades shall be connected by vertical curves meeting the standards and requirements of the town engineer;
(c) The radii of curvature on the centerline shall not be less than 100 feet for local streets.
(4) At street intersections, property line corners shall be rounded by an arc, the minimum radii of which shall be 10 feet respectively.
(5) Parking strips for local and residential streets, dead-end streets, “T” and “Y” dead-end streets shall be eight feet in width. [Ord. 467 § 68, 2008; Ord. 106 § 6(c), 1972]
17.30.040 Lots.
(1) The size, shape and orientation of lots shall be appropriate for the location of the proposed subdivision and for the type of development contemplated.
(2) Lots shall be rectangular in shape except where there is pronounced curvature of a street and/or shoreline, in which cases trapezoidal shaped lots may be permitted. Lots wherein any internal angle exceeds 180 degrees shall be avoided.
(3) Every lot shall abut on a street for the full width or depth of each lot.
(4) Lots for residential purposes shall be at least 80 feet wide at the building line, in order to permit compliance with side yard requirements of HPMC Title 18 and still be adequate for a building of practicable width; lots abutting on bodies of water shall be at least 40 feet wide at the traverse line defined in Chapter 17.20 HPMC.
(5) Lots, except corner lots, having frontage on two streets shall be avoided.
(6) Side lot lines shall be approximately at right angles to the right-of-way line of the street on which the lot faces.
(7) Corner lots for residential use shall be platted wider than interior lots, and shall conform to the front yard requirements on the side street as prescribed by HPMC Title 18.
(8) The proposed subdivision or short subdivision:
(a) Will not create any new lot which is nonconforming in whole or in part, will not render any existing structure nonconforming in whole or in part, and will not expand or intensify any existing nonconformity; and
(b) Will not create any new lot commonly known as a “flag lot,” characterized by the provision of access to the bulk of the lot (the “flag”) by means of a comparatively long, narrow strip of that or an adjacent lot (the “flag pole”). [Ord. 579 § 1, 2025; Ord. 106 § 6(d), 1972]