Chapter 18.39


18.39.010    Permanent supportive and transitional housing.

18.39.010 Permanent supportive and transitional housing.

Permanent supportive and transitional housing facilities are permitted uses in any zoning district allowing a single-family dwelling subject to the following criteria:

(1) Permanent supportive and transitional housing facilities are limited to a maximum of five residents at any one time, plus up to five resident staff.

(2) Permanent supportive and transitional housing facilities must be a 24-hour-per-day facility where rooms are assigned to specific residents for the duration of their stay. Transitional housing facilities shall require a minimum length stay of seven days.

(3) On-site services such as laundry, hygiene, meals, case management, and social programs are limited to the assigned residents and shall not be available for drop in or other use by nonresidents.

(4) No permanent supportive housing or transitional housing facility may be located within one-half mile of another property that contains a permanent supportive housing or transitional housing facility in the town or an adjacent jurisdiction, calculated as a radius from the property lines of the site.

(5) Permanent supportive and transitional housing facility operators shall obtain a state of Washington business license.

(6) All facilities shall comply with HPMC Title 8, Health and Safety.

(7) Prior to operating a permanent supportive housing or transitional housing facility, an occupancy agreement shall be submitted to the town which meets the requirements of this section. The town council shall review the occupancy agreement as part of a regularly scheduled meeting and either approve, deny, or request additional information related to the request.

(a) Property owners and/or facility operators shall use and enforce the occupancy agreement approved by the town council.

(b) The occupancy agreement shall include, but may not limited to, the following:

(i) Names and contact information for on-site staff and a statement that the facility operator shall notify the town of all staff change(s) within 72 hours.

(ii) Description of the services to be provided on site.

(iii) A staffing plan which includes, but may not be limited to, the following:

(A) Number, function, and general schedule of staff supporting residents and facility operations.

(B) Staff background checks, certifications, and certification requirements.

(C) Staff training programs.

(D) Staff-to-resident ratios.

(E) Staff roles and responsibilities.

(F) The name and emergency contact information for at least one organization member located off site.

(iv) Rules and/or code of conduct describing resident expectations and consequences for failing to comply. At minimum, the code of conduct shall be consistent with state law prohibitions and restrictions concerning the following:

(A) Possession and use of illegal drugs on site.

(B) Threatening or unsafe behavior.

(C) Possession and use of weapons.

(v) A fire safety plan reviewed and approved by the Bellevue fire department confirming fire department access.

(vi) A safety and security plan reviewed and approved by the Medina police department including protocols for response to the facility, facility residents, and to residents throughout the town. The safety and security plan shall establish a maximum number of permitted Medina police department response calls to the facility. Any Medina police department call(s) to the facility exceeding the maximum threshold established in the safety and security plan shall be considered a violation of this chapter and the facility operator will be fined in accordance with HPMC 18.60.003(3)(d).

(vii) A plan for avoiding potential impacts on nearby residences including a proposed mitigation approach that addresses items such as noise, smoking areas, parking, security procedures, and litter.

(viii) Description of eligibility for residency and resident referral process. [Ord. 571 § 2 (Exh. A), 2024]