Title 7
7.02 Business Licenses and Regulations
7.04 Business Licenses—Licensee Identification
7.06 Commute Trip Reduction
7.08 Ambulances
7.12 Amusement Devices
7.16 Auctions and Auctioneers
7.20 Cabarets
7.22 Carnivals and Circuses
7.24 Repealed
7.26 Erotic Performance Establishments
7.32 Massage Parlors and Public Bathhouses
7.36 Pawnbrokers and Secondhand Dealers
7.44 Taxicabs and For-Hire Vehicles
7.48 Gambling Restrictions—Tax
7.52 Celebrations
7.56 Charitable Solicitation
7.60 Repealed
7.61 Cable Television—Procedures and Terms for Grant of Franchises
7.68 Motor Vehicle Towing and Storage Service
7.72 Newsstands
7.74 Fair Housing Regulations
7.75 Tenant Protections
* For the statutory provisions authorizing code cities to license, to regulate, make inspections and to impose excises for regulation or revenue in regard to all places and kinds of business production, commerce, entertainment, exhibition and upon all occupations, trades and professions and any other lawful activity, see RCW 35A.82.020.
Side sewer contractor’s license—See Chapter 15.32 of this code.