1. Overview
The Juanita neighborhood is located in the central north portion of Kirkland. The neighborhood is bounded by the city limits of NE 145th Street on the north; generally 20th Avenue NE on the south; Interstate 405 and Totem Lake neighborhood to the east; and the lower slope of Finn Hill following the alignment of 91st Avenue NE on the west. The northern portion from NE 132nd Street to NE 145th Street was annexed in 2011 from unincorporated King County (see Figure J-1, Land Use).
100th Avenue NE and Juanita-Woodinville Way NE provide the main north-south vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian connections through the neighborhood, while NE 112th Street, Forbes Creek Drive, NE 116th Street, NE 124th Street, and NE 132nd Street provide the main east-west connections.
The neighborhood contains many active and natural parks, a regional shoreline park, a recreational community center and various types of open spaces. Three elementary schools and one high school are located in the neighborhood.
Two neighborhood commercial areas provide business services, restaurants, banks, and grocery stores for nearby residents and businesses. The South Juanita Neighborhood Center is located on either side of 100th Avenue NE between NE 124th Street and just south of NE 116th Street. The North Juanita Neighborhood Center is located north of NE 132nd Street on the west side of Juanita-Woodinville Way NE. The area east of 100th Avenue NE and north of NE 132nd Street contains office uses and two medical treatment facilities. See Juanita Business District section below and the Pedestrian Oriented Design Guidelines for the Juanita Business District for the long term vision for that area.
The majority of the land area is devoted to low density residential. Medium and high density residential surround the commercial areas and along main arterials as a transition to low density residential neighborhoods. Planned Area 9 on Forbes Creek Drive, now developed with multifamily, was once the location for the Kirkland Sand and Gravel Company.
Juanita Market