Policy H-15:

Preserve the views of Lake Washington and the Olympic Mountains from NE 104th Street, 112th Avenue NE, and from 116th Avenue NE looking west on NE 87th and 90th Streets (Figure H-4).

View corridors that lie within the public domain are valuable for the beauty, sense of orientation, and identity that they impart to neighborhoods. The Highlands public view corridors are to be preserved and enhanced for the enjoyment of current and future community members. One means of this may be the undergrounding of utilities.

Policy H-16:

Provide streetscape, gateway and public art improvements in the neighborhood that contribute to enhanced visual quality and a sense of neighborhood identity.

Improvements, such as landscaping, signs, public art, structures, or other features, could be included at neighborhood gateways to provide a sense of neighborhood identity at locations identified in Figure H-4. Two neighborhood association kiosks, located near the entrance points to the neighborhood at 112th Avenue NE and 110th Avenue NE, may also benefit from additional landscaping.

Policy H-17:

Provide streetscape enhancement of pedestrian lighting and landscaping along NE 87th Street between the Cross Kirkland Corridor and 116th Avenue NE.

An important entrance to Highlands is along NE 87th Street. It can offer greater neighborhood identity and an improved pedestrian environment through streetscape and intersection improvements.

The street system provides Kirkland neighborhoods with several local and territorial views.

Figure H-4: Highlands Urban Design Features