1. Overview
The Kingsgate neighborhood is located in the northeast corner of the City. See Kirkland Neighborhood Map above. The neighborhood is bounded by I-405 to the west, the Tolt Pipeline Trail and the City limits to the north, the City limits to the east, and the Totem Lake Business District to the south and southeast. Both 124th Ave NE and 132nd Ave NE provide primary north-south connections with Totem Lake to the south and the cities of Bothell and Woodinville to the north. East-west access is provided by NE 132nd Street and by NE 143rd Street to Woodinville and the Sammamish Valley to the east. The Kingsgate commercial center in the northern portion of the neighborhood along 124th Ave NE serves as a northern gateway into the City.
The neighborhood contains 2.3 square miles, the third largest neighborhood after Finn Hill and Juanita (Kirkland GIS, 2013). As of 2010, it had a population of 13,065 people.
The following land uses make up the neighborhood:
Land Uses |
Percent of Land Area |
Single-family residential |
56.68% |
Right-of-way |
18.13% |
Vacant |
9.90% |
Multifamily residential |
7.23% |
Institutions |
3.86% |
Park/open space |
2.54% |
Commercial/mixed use |
1.36% |
Utilities |
0.16% |
Office |
0.07% |
(Kirkland GIS, 2013) |
Kingsgate predominately contains single-family residential uses. Multifamily residential uses make up a small percent of land area followed by commercial/mixed uses and office uses. Of the 817.13 residential acres, in 2013 there were 3,244 single-family units and 1,665 multifamily units for an overall residential density of six units per acre (Kirkland GIS, 2013). The neighborhood contains a shopping center, a King County library, several public and private parks, private open space tracts, two elementary schools and a middle school. See Figure K-1, Kingsgate Land Use Map.
Other important features in Kingsgate are the Seattle City Light transmission line along 124th Ave NE, Woodinville Water Tower on 130th Ave NE, two parallel Olympic Pipeline Company’s liquid pipelines, and a Puget Sound Energy transmission line located in the eastern portion of the neighborhood. For other information on utilities in the Kingsgate neighborhood, see the Utilities Element chapter of the Comprehensive Plan.
The Kingsgate Neighborhood Plan was prepared in 2015. Neighborhood plans allow for more detailed examination of issues than the general element chapters in the Comprehensive Plan, with a focus on smaller geographic areas and the application of City-wide goals and policies to the unique circumstances of each neighborhood. The document is a guiding plan on land use, park and open spaces, natural environment, multi-modal transportation, and urban design for the neighborhood.
It is intended that neighborhood plans be consistent with the general element chapters, but if there is need for clarification, the goals and policies in these general element chapters prevail.