50.39 User Guide – CBD 6 zones.

The charts in KZC 50.42 contain the basic zoning regulations that apply in the CBD 6 zones of the City. Use these charts by reading down the left hand column entitled Use. Once you locate the use in which you are interested, read across to find the regulations that apply to that use.

Section 50.40


The following regulations apply to all uses in this zone unless otherwise noted:

1.    Refer to Chapter 1 KZC to determine what other provisions of this code may apply to the subject property.

2.    The entire zone must be physically integrated both in site and building design. In addition, the design and development of the subject property must provide pedestrian linkage through this zone and between Central Way and areas to the north of this zone, consistent with the major pedestrian routes in the Downtown Plan chapter of the Comprehensive Plan.

3.    The City may require that areas of the northeastern and southeastern portions of the subject property be developed with pedestrian scale amenities and landscaping to enhance the entryway into the Central Business District.

4.    See KZC 50.62 for additional building height provisions.

link to Section 50.42 table