Disposition of Ordinances Table
1 | Fixing the time and place of the general meetings of the Town Council of the Town of Lake Stevens | |
2 | Designating the depository for the funds of the Town of Lake Stevens | |
3 | Providing for the appointment of certain offices of the Town of Lake Stevens | |
4 | Providing for the designation of an official newspaper for the Town of Lake Stevens | |
5 | Designating three (3) public places in the Town of Lake Stevens for the posting of all ordinances and legal notices and publications of said Town | |
6 | Fixing the amount of the bond to be given by the respective officers of the Town of Lake Stevens | |
7 | For the preservation of public morality, peace, safety and good order in the Town of Lake Stevens, and defining disorderly persons, and providing penalties for the violations thereof | |
8 | Designating the time and place of Lake Stevens Police Court | |
9 | Relating to vehicles and the operation thereof upon the public alleys, streets, and highways of the Town of Lake Stevens, providing procedures for the enforcement of the provisions of this ordinance, and defining offenses and fixing penalties | |
10 | Defining certain misdemeanors involving, affecting and by children and prescribing the penalties thereof | |
11 | Establishing a curfew in and for the Town of Lake Stevens | |
12 | Levying a tax of 1% from and after July 1, 1961 upon the gross revenues of public utility districts derived by such districts from the sale of electricity within the Town of Lake Stevens, exclusive of revenues derived from the sale of electricity for the purpose of resale | |
13 | Creating a franchise unto the Apex-Snoking Inc. for garbage and refuse service within the Town of Lake Stevens, and providing for reasonable rates to be charged therefor, and providing for franchise fees paid to the Town of Lake Stevens for such franchise, and creating an emergency | |
14 | Creating a City Planning Commission and prescribing its duties, authority and procedure | |
15 | Relating to Civil Defense | |
16 | Providing for the filing of declarations of candidacy and the paying of a filing fee therefore as the method for nominating candidates for the annual municipal general election, setting forth the form of the declaration of candidacy and the loyalty affidavit, providing for the required filing dates and declaring an emergency | |
17 | For the sanitary disposal of sewage, requiring public service connections for septic tanks, prohibiting the use of outdoor privies; regulating the installation and maintenance of septic tanks; providing for permit for installation; providing for certificate of approval; providing for inspection; providing for penalties for violation thereof | |
18 | Providing for the regulations and control of dogs and providing for the impounding thereof, and providing penalties for the violation of such ordinance | |
19 | Requiring permit for open fires and establishing penalties therefor | |
20 | Providing for hawker, peddler or solicitor licenses in the Town of Lake Stevens | |
21 | Adopting Title No. 46 of the Revised Code of Washington pertaining to the regulation and operation of motor vehicles, and providing for penalties for the violation thereof, and incorporating the laws of the State of Washington by this reference, together with all amendments thereof, as more specifically allowed and permitted by RCW 35.21.180, and repealing Ordinance No. 9 | |
22 | Establishing a comprehensive plan and zones in the Town of Lake Stevens and therein regulating the use of land, height of buildings, area of lots, building sites and yard spaces; providing for the adoption of maps showing the boundaries of said zones, defining the terms used in this Ordinance; providing for its adjustment, amendment and enforcement; prescribing penalties for violations and repealing ordinances or portions of ordinances in conflict therewith | |
23 | Relating to the operation of boats and to the safety of swimmers, boaters, skiers and others on that portion of Lake Stevens lying within the Town limits of the Town of Lake Stevens, and providing that all violations of this ordinance shall be a misdemeanor | |
24 | Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the Town at a special election to be held in conjunction with the general election to be held November 6, 1962, to authorize the borrowing of money and the issuing of negotiable warrants or bonds therefor for the purpose of acquiring for municipal purposes that certain building in the Town of Lake Stevens commonly known as the Old Post Office Building, or other and additional funds for the remodeling of the same, and the total indebtedness for which purpose shall not exceed the sum of $8,500.00, and declaring an emergency | |
25 | Relating to the salaries of officials and employees of the Town of Lake Stevens | |
26 | Providing for the issuance, specifying the maturities and maximum interest rate, and fixing the form of $8,500.00 par value of general obligation bonds authorized by the qualified voters of the Town at a special election held in conjunction with the State general election on November 6, 1962, pursuant to Ordinance No. 24; creating a bond redemption fund and a construction fund; and providing for the sale of said issue of bonds | |
27 | For the licensing and registration of dogs, and for prescribing a license fee, time and method of payment and enforcement provisions thereof | |
27 | Amended No. 27 - for the licensing and registration of dogs, and prescribing a license fee, time and method of payment, and enforcement provisions thereof | |
28 | Relating to the convenience of passengers and baggage for hire, providing for taxicab operators, licenses and regulating the ownership of taxicabs in the Town of Lake Stevens, Washington, and declaring an emergency | |
29 | Granting to Washington Natural Gas Company, a Delaware corporation, and a public utility selling and distributing gas within the State of Washington the right and franchise to use and occupy the streets, avenues, roads, alleys, lanes and other public places and ways of the Town of Lake Stevens, for constructing, maintaining, repairing, renewing and operating a gas distribution system and accessories within and through the Town of Lake Stevens | |
30 | Pertaining to contracting with Snohomish County for improvements of roads and declaring an emergency | |
31 | Adopting model code for installation of gas appliances and piping | |
32 | Annexing certain areas to the Town of Lake Stevens | |
33 | Adopting a code for public safety and morals within the Town of Lake Stevens, and providing for a penal code for the registration of felons and for the prohibiting of litter and other obnoxious undesirable matter, and creating certain title therefor and for providing penalties for the violation thereof | |
34 | Regulating the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal conversion, demolition, occupancy, equipment use, height, area and maintenance of buildings or structures in the Town of Lake Stevens and providing for the issuance of permits and collections of fees therefor, and declaring and establishing Fire Districts providing penalties for the violation thereof and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict therewith and adopting by reference for such purposes the Uniform Building Code, 1964 Edition | |
35 | Creating and establishing fire zones within the Town of Lake Stevens | |
36 | Regulating outdoor advertising signs | |
37 | Authorizing a contract between the Town of Lake Stevens and Snohomish County for the repair and surfacing of portions of the Vernon Road and declaring an emergency | |
38 | Designating the Everett Federal Savings and Loan Association as a depository for the Town of Lake Stevens | |
39 | Providing for audit and payment of claims and for reimbursement of expenditures by officers or employees of the Town of Lake Stevens | |
40 | Fixing salaries for police, judge and for Town Marshal and relief and special Deputy Town Marshal, and declaring an emergency | |
41 | Providing for the entry into a joint participation contract with Lake Stevens Sewer District and approving the Comprehensive Plan of the Sewer District and declaring an emergency | |
42 | Relating to wrecked, junked, dismantled, abandoned and unlicensed motor vehicles; prohibiting the storage, repairing or dismantling thereof on public or certain private properties; declaring the same to be a nuisance; providing for the abatement of such nuisances; providing penalties for the violation of this ordinance and declaring an emergency | |
43, 44 | Granting to Colorcable, Inc., a Washington Corporation, its successors and assigns, the franchise to construct, operate and maintain coaxial cable subscriber system for television signal distribution throughout the Town of Lake Stevens and imposing provisions and conditions thereto | |
45 | Designating the time and place of Lake Stevens Police Court and procedure for reporting and remitting of money | |
46 | Relating to Lake Front uses and prohibiting buildings and structures over portions of Lake Stevens and defining offenses and prescribing of penalties and declaring emergency | |
47 | Entitle "Occupations subject to tax-amount-exception" and providing for the increase of occupational tax on telegraph and telephone business and creating a tax upon the gas business and electric light and power business, levying a tax upon the gross revenues of such utility businesses, providing when said tax shall be paid and establishing an effective date for the increase or commencement in such occupations tax upon said described utility business and repealing Ordinance No. 12 | |
48 | Posting places | |
49 | Creating traffic violations bureau and declaring emergency | |
50 | Pertaining to sewage waste disposal and regulating sewage waste disposal systems, providing for certificates of competency for sewage disposal system designers and sewage disposal system installers, requiring permits, defining offenses and providing penalties, and declaring an emergency | |
51 | Adopting the planning documents prepared by Gray and Osborne, consulting engineers to the Town, approving the completed planning documents prepared with an advance from the United States of America under the terms of Public Law 560, 83rd Congress of the United States, as amended | |
52 | Adopting a Comprehensive Plan for zoning within the Town of Lake Stevens | |
53 | Granting to "Community Cablevision, Inc." its successors and assigns, the franchise to construct, operate and maintain a coaxial cable subscriber system for television signal distribution throughout the Town of Lake Stevens and imposing provisions and conditions thereto | |
54 | Creating position of the Assistant Clerk of the Town of Lake Stevens and providing the salary therefor and declaring an emergency | |
55 | Adopting Title No. 46 of the Revised Code of Washington pertaining to the regulation and operation of motor vehicles, and providing for penalties for the violation thereof, and incorporating the laws of the State of Washington by this referenced, together with all amendment thereof, as more specially allowed and permitted by R.C.W. 35.21.180 | |
56 | Void | |
57 | Granting to "Tel-Vue Systems, Inc." its successor and assigns, the franchise to construct, operate and maintain a coaxial cable subscriber system for a television signal distribution throughout the Town of Lake Stevens and imposing provisions and conditions thereto | |
58 | Authorizing amendment of agreement with Snohomish County Fire Protection District No. 8 and changing payment of mileage and further amending Ordinance No. 35 | |
59 | Prohibiting the use of any glue, cement or other adhesive for the purpose of becoming intoxicated | |
60 | Declaring intent to acquire certain lands as property as streets within the Town of Lake Stevens to be designated as 21st Street N.E. collector | |
61 | Authorizing blanket approval of all vouchers by the Town Council | |
62 | Zoning regulations | |
63 | Regulating the use and possession of certain firearms and other dangerous weapons within and about the Town of Lake Stevens, and providing penalties for the violation thereof | |
64 | Regulating the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, conversion, demolition, occupancy, equipment use, height, area, and maintenance of buildings or structures in the Town of Lake Stevens and providing for the issuance of permits and collections of fees therefor, and declaring and establishing fire districts providing penalties for the violation thereof and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict therewith and adopting by reference for such purpose the Uniform Building Code, 1967 Edition | |
65 | Subdivision regulations | |
66 | Authorizing the Town Council to establish parking zones | |
67 | Amending Ordinance No. 64, Article II, "Definitions", and defining the word "Vehicle" | |
68 | Authorizing the Town Council to name and rename, adopt and designate streets, avenues and roads in the Town of Lake Stevens | |
69 | Requiring the licensing of amusement shows | |
70 | Adopting a fire prevention code prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion, and establishing a bureau of fire prevention and providing officers therefor and defining their powers and duties | |
71 | Designating the depository for the funds of the Town of Lake Stevens | |
72 | Adopting a system or plan for a system of sewerage for the Town of Lake Stevens, declaring the estimated cost thereof as near as may be, and providing the method of financing the same from grants anticipated to be received from the United States of America, Department of Housing and Urban Development and under Public Law 660 and from the State of Washington and from the issuance and sale of sewer revenue bonds in the amount of not to exceed $930,000.00 to be supported by assessments to be levied in one or more utility local improvement districts authorized to be created | |
73 | Providing for the annexation of certain unincorporated areas of real property to the Town of Lake Stevens | |
74 | Ordering the carrying out of a portion of the system or plan for acquiring and constructing a system of sewerage for the Town as adopted by Ordinance No. 72, and in accordance with Resolution No. 1969-6; establishing Utility Local Improvement District No. 69-1; providing the method of assessment in that district; providing that payment for a part of the improvement be made by special assessments upon property in the District; creating a sewer construction fund; and providing for the issuance and sale of sewer construction fund warrants to be redeemed by the proceeds of the sewer revenue bonds authorized by Ordinance No. 72 | |
75 | Adopting the budget of the Town of Lake Stevens and designating salaries for Town employees for the Town of Lake Stevens | |
76 | Adopting a system or plan for a system of sewerage for the Town of Lake Stevens, Washington, declaring the estimated cost thereof as near as may be, and providing the method of financing the same from grants anticipated to be received from the United States of America, Department of Housing and Urban Development and under Public Law 660 and from the State of Washington and from the issuance and sale of sewer revenue bonds in the amount of not to exceed $1,125,000.00 to be supported by assessments to be levied in one or more utility local improvement districts authorized to be created; and repealing Ordinance No. 72, passed and approved September 22, 1969, and Ordinance No. 74, passed and approved October 27, 1969. | |
77 | Ordering the carrying out of a portion of the system or plan for acquiring and constructing a system of sewerage for the Town as adopted by Ordinance No. 76, and in accordance with Resolution No. 1969-9; establishing Utility Local Improvement District No 70-1; providing the method of assessment of the improvement be made by special assessments upon property in the District; creating a sewer construction fund; and providing for the issuance and sale of sewer construction fund warrants to be redeemed by the proceeds of the sewer revenue bonds authorized by Ordinance No. 76 | |
78 | Prohibiting contributing to the delinquency of a minor | |
79 | Approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll of Utility Local Improvement District No. 70-1 which has been created and established in connection with the carrying out of the portion of the system or plan for acquiring and constructing a system of sewerage for the Town as adopted by Ordinance No. 76 and ordered to be carried out by Ordinance No. 77, and levying and assessing the amount thereof against the several lots, tracts, parcel of land and other property shown on the roll | |
80 | Authorizing execution of Joint Participation Contract between the Town of Lake Stevens and Lake Stevens Sewer District, a municipal corporation | |
81 | Establishing means of controlling the subdivision of land into four or less lots, tracts or parcels | |
82 | Establishing a Board of Adjustment, according to State statute RCW 35.44.05 and containing rules and regulations thereof | |
83 | Providing for the issuance and sale of $1,070,000.00 par value of Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1970, for the purpose of providing a part of the funds with which to carry out that portion of the system or plan for acquiring and constructing a system of sewerage for the Town of Lake Stevens as adopted by Ordinance No. 76, and ordered to be carried out by Ordinance No. 77; creating a special revenue bond redemption fund; fixing the date, form, maturities, interest rates, terms and covenants of such bonds; and providing for the sale and delivery of those bonds to Wm. P. Harper & Son & Company, Seattle, Washington, and Blyth & Co., Inc. Seattle, Washington | |
84 | Declaring intent to acquire certain lands as property as streets within the Town of Lake Stevens to be designated as 21st Street N.E. Collector and Business Loop Street | |
85 | Providing for the designation of an official newspaper for the Town of Lake Stevens | |
86 | Regulating the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, conversion, demolition, occupancy, equipment use, height, area, and maintenance of building issuance of permits and collections of fees therefor, and declaring and establishing fire districts, providing penalties for the violation thereof and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict therewith and adopting by reference for such purposes the Uniform Building Code, 1970 Edition, the Uniform Swimming Pool Code, 1970 Edition, the Uniform Mechanical Code, 1970 Edition, and the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1970 Edition | |
87 | Pertaining to acquisition of lands, easements and rights of way for a sanitary sewer system within the Town and adjacent areas and providing for condemnation of certain lands | |
88 | Adopting Title 46 of the Revised Code of Washington pertaining to the regulation and operation of motor vehicles, and providing for penalties for the violation thereof, and incorporating the laws of the State of Washington by this reference, together with all amendments thereof, as more specifically allowed and permitted by RCW 35.21.180, and repealing Ordinance No. 21 | |
89 | Relating to bonfires and outdoor rubbish fires in the Town of Lake Stevens | |
90 | Imposing a local sale and use tax in the Town of Lake Stevens | |
91 | Adopting the budget for the Town of Lake Stevens and designating salaries for the Town employees | |
92 | Adopting a vacation schedule for the Town Marshal, Assistant Town Marshal, Town Clerk, Street Maintenance Man and Sewer Maintenance Man | |
93 | Relating to, creating and regulating the sewer department, providing for the management and control thereof, regulating the use of public and private sewers, private sewage disposal, the construction, installation and maintenance of public and private sewers, the discharge of water and waste into public sewer system, providing for licensing of side sewer contractors, regulating the planting of certain trees and shrubs in proximity to sewers, providing penalties for violations of this ordinance, establishing liens and providing for the enforcement thereof, and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith | |
94 | Relating to Sewer Service charges and providing for penalties and interest and amending Article IX of Ordinance No. 93 | |
95 | Establishing rates and charges for sewer service furnished by the Town | |
96 | Relating to traffic and regulating the use of certain streets in the Town of Lake Stevens; creating parking time limits on certain streets | |
97 | Providing for appointment of a livestock poundmaster; regulating livestock running at large; and providing for impounding and location of owners thereafter | |
98 | Amending the budget of the Town of Lake Stevens and designating salaries for the Town employees | |
99 | Calling for payment of Bonds 75 to 79, inclusive, of Sewer Revenue Bonds dated August 1, 1970 | |
100 | Providing for the issuance and sale of $55,000.00 par value of "Limited General Obligation Bonds, 1972," of the Town to provide the funds to pay the cost of remodeling and enlarging the Town Hall into a Civic Center, purchasing the existing Community Hall for Town use and purchasing of property for parks and other Town purposes; specifying the maturities and fixing the form and maximum effective interest rate of such bonds; establishing a "General Obligation Bond Fund, 1972"; and providing for the sale of such bonds | |
101 | Adopting the budget for the Town of Lake Stevens and designating salaries for Town employees and elected officials | |
102 | Adopting a vacation schedule for the Town Marshal, Assistant Town Marshal, Patrolman, Town Clerk, Street Maintenance and Sewer Maintenance Man | |
103 | Amending the budget of the Town of Lake Stevens | |
104 | Void | |
105 | Void | |
106 | Providing for the annexation of certain unincorporated real estate lying in Snohomish County to the Town of Lake Stevens | |
107 | Regulating pay periods and disbursements of payroll to Town of Lake Stevens employees | |
108 | Void | |
109 | Regulating the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, and repair of fences, walls or other enclosures; providing for the issuance of permits and the collection of fees therefor; providing penalties for the violation thereof | |
110 | Relating to the issuance of permits for substantial developments under the Shoreline Management Act of 1971 and prescribing penalties | |
111 | Amending Ordinance No. 93, relating to the private sewerage disposal, regulating the construction thereof, providing for permits, setting permit fees, and providing penalties for violation of this ordinance | |
112 | Providing for the issuance of permits for the burying of cable, pipe and other material, setting forth fees therefor, and providing for its installation | |
113 | Calling for payment of Sewer Revenue Bonds Nos. 80 through 89, inclusive, dated August 1, 1970 | |
114 | Pertaining to the licensing of pawnbrokers and second-hand dealers in the Town of Lake Stevens, and setting permit fees | |
115 | Adopting the budget for the Town of Lake Stevens, and designating salaries for the Town employees | |
116 | Creating two Cumulative Reserve Funds, one for the purchase of equipment and other expenditures for the Street Department and the other for the purchase of equipment and expenditures for the Sewer Utility Department | |
117 | Providing for the regulation and control of dogs, providing for the impounding thereof and providing penalties for the violation of such ordinance, and repealing Ordinance No. 18 | |
118 | Amending Ordinance NO. 115, and designating salaries for the Town employees prospectively and retroactively | |
119 | Providing for a tonnage limit for 125th Avenue N.E. | |
120 | Providing for the regulation of winter load restrictions and emergency road conditions | |
121 | Providing for the licensing of public dances, establishing license fees and providing penalties for violation of this ordinance | |
122 | Amending Ordinance No. 117, an ordinance dealing with the regulation and control of dogs in the Town of Lake Stevens | |
123 | Amending Ordinance No. 110 an ordinance relating to the issuance of permits for substantial development under the Shoreline Management Act of 1971 | |
124 | Adopting the budget for the Town of Lake Stevens and designating salaries for the Town employees | |
125 | Amending Ordinance No. 102, an ordinance describing the vacation schedule for Town employees | |
126 | Amending Ordinance No. 86 by revoking the same and providing for the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, conversion, demolition, occupation, equipment use, height, area and maintenance of buildings or structures in the Town of Lake Stevens, and providing for the issuance of permits and collection of fees therefor, and acquiring and establishing fire districts, providing penalties for the violation therefor, and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict therewith, and adopting by reference for such purpose the Uniform Building Code 1973 Edition, the Uniform Swimming Pool Code 1973 Edition, the Uniform Mechanical Code, 1973 Edition, the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1973 Edition | |
127 | No ordinance | |
128 | Amending Ordinance No. 97 providing for the impound of animals and fees for said impound | |
129 | Amending Ordinance No. 93 providing for the use of certain type sewer pipe and the bedding of said pipe | |
130 | Adopting the budget for the Town of Lake Stevens, and designating salaries for the Town employees | |
131 | Amending Ordinance No. 121, providing for the licensing of public dances, establishing license fees, and providing penalties | |
132 | Providing for the issuance of permits for the buying of cable pipe and other material and the cutting, paving, or other encroachment along and upon public sidewalks, streets, curbs and gutters by private individuals, contractors, corporations and/or developers and setting forth fees therefore | |
133 | Fixing the time and place of the general meetings of the Town Council of the Town of Lake Stevens | |
134 | Approving annexation of William Day property, and providing for assumption of indebtedness | |
135 | Amending Ordinance No. 62 by providing for mobile homes and mobile home parks in Urban Residential districts | |
136 | Adopting classification of Non-Charter Code City pursuant to the option municipal code | |
137 | Designating salaries for elected officials | |
138 | Correcting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens and designating the salaries for City employees | |
139 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, and designating salaries for the City employees | |
140 | Amending Ordinance No. 95 establishing rates and charges for sewer service furnished by the City | |
141 | Amending Ordinance No. 107, regulating pay periods and disbursements of payroll to City of Lake Stevens employees | |
142 | Creating a Civil Service system and establishing a Civil Service Commission which shall substantially accomplish the purpose of Chapter 41.12 of the Revised Code of Washington, as it relates to all full time permanent employees of the Police Department | |
143 | Amending Ordinance No. 93, relating to, creating and regulating the Sewer Department, providing for the management and control thereof, regulating the use of public and private sewers, private sewage disposal, the construction and installation and maintenance of public and private sewers, the discharge of water and waste into public sewer systems, providing for planting of certain trees and shrubs in proximity to sewers; providing penalties for violations of this ordinance; establishing liens and providing for enforcement thereof; and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, and amending Article VI, Section 6.15 providing for connection by registered side sewer contractor or City employee | |
144 | Consolidating position of City Clerk and City Treasurer and providing for authority, duties and qualifications | |
145 | Providing for the registration of businesses providing for license fees, and providing for penalties for failure to make application for said license, and providing for appeal to City Council | |
146 | Implementing the State Environmental Policy Act in the City of Lake Stevens by the adoption of City environmental policy and providing for procedures for determining and considering the environmental impact on actions taken by the City | |
147 | Providing for the vacation of a portion of 26th Street N.E. in the City of Lake Stevens | |
148 | Regulating use of alcoholic beverages, motorized vehicles, bicycles, animals, within Catherine Creek Park, prohibiting vandalism, littering, and open fires, and providing for penalties for violations thereof | |
149 | Revoking Ordinance No. 102 and No. 125 providing for vacation schedules for the Marshal, Assistant Marshal, Patrolmen, City Clerk-Treasurer, Street Maintenance and Sewer Maintenance Personnel | |
150 | Amending Ordinance No. 23 relating to the operation of boats and to the safety of swimmers, boaters, skiers and others on that portion of Lake Stevens lying within the City limits of Lake Stevens, and providing that violations of said ordinance shall be misdemeanors | |
151 | Correcting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens and designating the salaries for City employees | |
152 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, and designating salaries for the City employees | |
153 | No ordinance | |
154 | Providing for underground wiring | |
155 | Approving annexation of Bob Rux property, and providing for assumption of indebtedness | |
156 | Approving annexation of Michael Day and Jack Bauer property and providing for assumption of indebtedness | |
157 | Amending Ordinance No. 62 relating to zoning by clarifying and expanding the definition of homes for the elderly | |
158 | Amending Ordinance No. 155, approving the annexation of Bob Rux property and providing for assumption of indebtedness | |
159 | Amending Ordinance No. 133, fixing the time and place for the general meeting of the City Council of Lake Stevens | |
160 | Calling for payment of Sewer Revenue Bond Nos. 120 through 124, inclusive, dated August 1, 1970 | |
161 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, and designating salaries for the City employees | |
162 | Correcting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens | |
163 | Approving annexation of John P. (Jack) Requa property, and providing for assumption of indebtedness | |
164 | Fixing the time and place of general meetings of the Council of the City of Lake Stevens, and repealing Ordinance Nos. 133 and 159 | |
165 | Amending Ordinance No. 65 providing for an extension of time between the filing of a proposed plat or subdivision and the next public hearing of the Planning Commission, and providing for an increase in basic fee | |
166 | Correcting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens | |
167 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens and designating salaries for the City employees | |
168 | Approving annexation of William Flick and Franklin Belzer property and providing for assumption of indebtedness | |
169 | Amending a portion of Ordinance No. 62 and Ordinance No. 81, providing for fees for conditional use permits, variances, rezone applications and short plats | |
170 | Providing for procedures to review and amend the Comprehensive Plan providing for methods of initiating said review and amendment and providing for periodic review of the Comprehensive Plan | |
171 | Providing for the vacation of a portion of 28th Street Northeast | |
172 | Amending Ordinance No. 137 and providing for salaries for elected officials | |
173 | Amending Ordinance No. 140 and No. 95 providing for rates and charges of sewer service furnished by the City of Lake Stevens | |
174 | Creating Cumulative Reserve Fund for street maintenance and acquisition of street rights-of-way | |
175 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens and providing for 1980 appropriations | |
176 | Correcting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens | |
177 | Providing for the annexation of John Martin property and providing for assumption of indebtedness | |
178 | Providing for the adoption of rules, regulations, requirements, standards and procedures for the subdivision of land into four or less lots, tracts or parcels, and repealing Ordinance No. 81 | |
179 | Repealing Ordinance No. 70 and adopting the 1979 Uniform Fire Code, additions and provisions | |
180 | Amending Ordinance No. 117 providing for an adjustment of impound fees therein | |
181 | Amending Ordinance No. 154 providing for underground wiring and providing for penalties for violation thereof | |
182 | Amending Ordinance No. 13 by repealing the same and creating a franchise unto Northwest Garbage Service for garbage and refuse service within the City of Lake Stevens, and providing for reasonable rates to be charged therefore and providing for franchise fees paid to the City of Lake Stevens for such franchise | |
183 | Providing for annexation of Merrell Boyd property and providing for an assumption of indebtedness | |
184 | Relating to incurring indebtedness; providing for making certain street improvements; declaring the estimated cost thereof as nearly as may be; providing for the borrowing of $363,000 and issuing and selling negotiable general obligation bonds to pay the cost thereof, such bonds to be payable by annual tax levies to be made without limitation as to rate or amount; declaring an emergency; and providing for the submission of the proposition of incurring such indebtedness and issuing such bonds to the qualified voters of the City at a special election to be held on November 4, 1980, in conjunction with the general election to be held on the date | |
185 | Relating to incurring indebtedness; providing for making certain storm drainage improvements; declaring the estimated cost thereof as nearly as may be; providing for the borrowing of $190,000 and issuing and selling negotiable general obligation bonds to pay the cost thereof, such bonds to be payable by annual tax levies to be made without limitation as to rate or amount; declaring an emergency; and providing for the submission of the proposition of incurring such indebtedness and issuing such bonds to the qualified voters of the City at a special election to be held on November 4, 1980, in conjunction with the general election to be held on the same date | |
186 | Annex to Fire Protection District No. 8 pursuant to RCW 52.04.170 | |
187 | Repealing Section 2 of Ordinance No. 126 and providing for the adoption by reference of the Uniform Building Code, 1979 Edition, together with amendments, additions and index thereto | |
188 | Providing for rates and charges for sewer service furnished by the City of Lake Stevens | |
189 | Amending Ordinance No. 145 by providing for an increase in the license fees of an ordinance providing for the registration of businesses, and the payment of license fees, and providing for penalties for failure to make application for said license, and for appeal to the City Council | |
190 | Amending Ordinance No. 27 providing for the licensing and registration of dogs and prescribing license fees, time and method of payment, and enforcement provisions thereof | |
191 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens and providing for 1981 appropriations | |
192 | Correcting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens | |
193 | Amending Ordinance No. 191 by correcting the budget for 1981 | |
194 | Relating to the control of drug paraphernalia and providing for penalties | |
195 | Repealing Ordinance No. 71 and providing for the deposit of funds of the City of Lake Stevens and declaring an emergency to exist | |
196 | Amending Ordinance No. 62, by changing minimum yard requirements in residential waterfront districts and eliminating duplexes as conditional uses | |
197 | Granting to "Tele-Vue Systems, Inc.", its successors and assigns, the franchise to construct, operate and maintain a coaxial cable subscriber system for television signal distribution throughout the City of Lake Stevens, and imposing provisions and conditions thereto | |
198 | Amending Ordinance No. 159 and providing for a change of meeting date of the Lake Stevens City Council | |
199 | Providing for rates and charges for sewer service furnished by the City of Lake Stevens and amending Ordinance No. 188 | |
200 | Amending a portion of Ordinance No. 65 and a portion of Ordinance No. 165 providing for an increase in basic fees for preliminary plats | |
201 | Providing for fees for short plats and amending a portion of Ordinance No. 178 | |
202 | Providing for fees and conditional use permits, variances and rezone applications and amending a portion of Ordinance No. 62 and Ordinance No. 169 | |
203 | Providing for fees for shoreline substantial development permits and amending a portion of Ordinance No. 110 | |
204 | Amending Ordinance No. 93 in part and providing for sewer connection charges | |
205 | Providing for telephone utility tax resulting from House Bill 61 | |
206 | Stating an intent to join Fire Protection District No. 8 and finding the public interest served thereby | |
207 | Amending Ordinance No. 197 providing for the granting of a franchise to Telvue Systems, Inc. | |
208 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens and providing for 1982 appropriations | |
209 | Correcting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens | |
210 | Amending Ordinance No. 187 providing for the adoption of the Uniform Building Code 1979 Edition and providing penalties for violations thereof | |
211 | Creating a Claims Clearing Fund and directing all payment for claims for materials furnished or services rendered be made therefrom and awards drawn thereupon to be funded by an appropriate budget account of the City | |
212 | Creating a Payroll Clearing Fund for directing all payments for salaries and wages to be made therefrom and providing warrants drawn thereon to be funded by an appropriate budget account of the City | |
213 | Creating a Treasurer’s Trust Fund | |
214 | Fixing and imposing a sales and use tax and providing for special initiative procedures to approve or reject a portion of said tax | |
215 | Amending the Criminal Code and ordinances for the City of Lake Stevens, adopting certain state statutes by reference and setting penalties and prescribing punishment therefore, and repealing Ordinance No. 33 and all other ordinances and sections of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance | |
216 | Relating to zoning; establishing a new chapter in the zoning code, setting forth requirements for landscaping and screening in all zones | |
217 | Amending a portion of Ordinance No. 39 providing for mileage reimbursement | |
218 | Providing for arrangement of charges for sewer service furnished by the City of Lake Stevens and amending Ordinance No. 199 | |
219 | Providing for the codification of the laws and ordinances of the City of Lake Stevens | |
220 | Approving annexation of Lake Stevens High School property and certain adjoining properties and providing for assumption of indebtedness | |
221 | Imposing an excise tax on sales of real estate, providing for the collection thereof, subjecting the tax to referendum by special initiative and fixing penalties for the violation thereof | |
222 | Amending Ordinance No. 178 and Ordinance No. 201 providing for the adoption of rules, regulations, requirements, standards and procedures for the subdivision of land into four or less lots, tracts or parcels and expanding certain review from the City engineering department to the City engineer and/or City planner | |
223 | Amending Ordinance No. 181 providing for underground wiring and providing for penalties | |
224 | Amending Ordinance No. 205 providing for a reduction in telephone utility tax | |
225 | Amending Ordinance No. 218 and Section 6.04.040 of the Lake Stevens City Code providing for rates and charges for sewer service furnished by the City of Lake Stevens | |
226 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens and providing for 1983 appropriations | |
227 | Correcting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens | |
228 | Repealing Ordinance No. 118 | |
229 | Relating to Aquafest Festival; establishing a procedure for issuance of a master permit to the festival sponsor; waiving the application of certain City codes and amending Title 4 by adding a chapter thereto to be known as Chapter 4.32, Aquafest Master Permit | |
230 | Establishing a new chapter to the Lake Stevens City Code providing and requiring that drainage plans and erosion control plans be submitted in connection with certain permits, performance and maintenance bonds authorizing City assumption of drainage facilities | |
231 | Amending Title 9 by a section thereto to be known as Chapter 9.34 providing for the prohibition of public nuisances | |
232 | Amending Ordinance No. 62 as codified in Title 14.08.010 providing for a change in the definition of professional offices | |
233 | Providing for litter control and establishing penalties for failure to comply and amending Title 8 by adding Chapter 8.08 to be known as Uniform Litter Control Code | |
234 | Creating the position of City Administrator providing for duties, responsibilities and salary | |
235 | Amending the City of Lake Stevens Shoreline Master Program, changing the shoreline designation from Suburban to Urban on the east side of Catherine Creek from 23rd Place on the south to Hartford Drive on the north, and declaring an emergency therefore | |
236 | Amending Ordinance No. 121 and Sections 4.16.020 and 15.16.020 of the Lake Stevens City Code providing for an increase in fees for licensing of public dances | |
237 | Amending Ordinance No. 132 and Sections 11.08.020 and 15.36.010 of the Lake Stevens City Code providing for an increase in fees for the burying of able, pipe and other material and the cutting, paving, or other encroachment along and upon public sidewalks, streets, curbs, and gutters by private individuals, contractors, corporations and/or developers | |
238 | Amending the budget for the City of Lake Stevens | |
239 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, and providing for 1984 appropriations | |
240 | Amending Ordinance No. 93 and Ordinance No. 204 in part and providing for sewer connection charges | |
241 | Amending Ordinance No. 93, Article VIII, Section 8.02 in part and providing for sewer stub charges | |
242 | Creating a new zone entitled "Planned Community Business Park Zone" and amending Zoning Ordinance No. 62 | |
243 | Creating a new zone entitled "Medium Density Urban Residential Zone" and amending Zoning Ordinance No. 62 | |
244 | Approving annexation of Hank Robinett property and certain adjoining properties and providing for assumption of indebtedness | |
245 | Amending Ordinance No. 126, 187, and 210 by revoking the same and providing for the adoption of the Uniform Swimming Pool Code, 1973 Edition; the Uniform Mechanical Code, 1982 Edition; Uniform Plumbing Code and Uniform Plumbing Code Standards, 1982 Edition; Uniform Fire Code and Uniform Fire Code Standards, 1982 Edition; Uniform Building Code and Uniform Building Code Standards, 1982 Edition; Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1979 Edition; and providing penalties for violations thereof | |
246 | Relating to the finances of the City, providing for and authorizing the purchase of certain obligations for the purpose of paying the principal of and interest on the City’s presently outstanding "Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1970"; authorizing the use and application of the money derived from such investments; authorizing the execution of an agreement with Olympic Bank of Everett, as refunding trustee, and providing for the payment and redemption of the outstanding bonds to be refunded | |
247 | Providing for the purchase and acquisition, for strictly City purposes, of a building and land for public and City use; declaring the estimated cost thereof as nearly as may be; providing for the borrowing of a total of $250,000, and selling negotiable general obligation bonds to pay the cost thereof, such bonds to be payable by annual property tax levies to be made in excess of regular property tax levies; and providing for the submission of the proposition of incurring such indebtedness and issuing such bonds and ratifying this Ordinance to the qualified voters of the City at a special election to be held therein on September 18, 1984, in conjunction with the State primary election to be held on the same date | |
248 | Amending a portion of Ordinance No. 94 and Ordinance No. 218 providing for an increase in sewer service charges and providing that said charges shall be billed monthly | |
249 | Amending Ordinance No. 93, Article VIII, Section 8.02 and Ordinance No. 241 in part and providing for sewer stub charges | |
250 | Amending Ordinance No. 93, 204 and 240 in part and providing for sewer connection charges | |
251 | Repealing Ordinance No. 146 and implementing the State Environmental Policy Act, adopting Chapter 197-11 WAC, in the City of Lake Stevens by the adoption of City Environmental Policy and providing for procedures for determining and considering the environmental impact on actions taken by the City | |
252 | Relating to the system of sewage of the City; specifying, adopting and ordering the carrying out of a plan of additions to and betterment and extension of that system; providing for the issuance of $365,000 principal amount of "Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1984", for the purpose of paying a part of the cost of carrying out that system or plan; creating a special bond redemption fund and construction fund; fixing the date, form, terms, interest rates, maturities and covenants of such bonds; providing for the sale and delivery of those bonds to Seattle-Northwest securities corporation of Seattle, Washington | |
253 | Adopting a system of registration for its bonds and obligations | |
254 | Providing for the control of development in flood prone areas, establishing eligibility in the National Flood Insurance Program by meeting requirements of 1910.3 (b) of the Flood Insurance Administration and adopting the Flood Hazard Boundary Map, Zone A, issued by the Federal Insurance Administration | |
255 | Amending Ordinance No. 82 setting forth the duties and procedures for the City Board of Adjustment | |
256 | Relating to offenses against public morals, setting penalties and repealing all other ordinances and sections of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance | |
257 | Amending a portion of Ordinance No. 164 dealing with dates and times of City Council meetings | |
258 | Amending Ordinance No. 14 and setting forth the duties, authority and procedures for the City Planning Commission | |
259 | Amending the budget for the City of Lake Stevens | |
260 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, and providing for 1985 appropriations | |
261 | Approving annexation of Wallace Nelson property and providing for assumption of indebtedness | |
262 | Amending Ordinance No. 93 as codified in Title 6.08.280 providing for an increase in the charge in lieu of assessment | |
263 | Adding Section 11.04.045 relating to the adoption of standard specifications for public works construction to enact new standards for such specifications and fixing a time when the ordinance shall become effective | |
264 | Establishing a new chapter of the Lake Stevens City Code to be known as Chapter 2.30 creating a Board of Park Commissioners | |
265 | Amending in part Ordinance No. 62, 135, 169, 202, 216, and 243 by replacing in its entirety RTP Residential Trailer Park District with the new zone entitled Mobile/manufactured Home Park Zone | |
266 | Amending Zoning Ordinances No. 62, 169, 202, and 265; and landscaping Ordinance No. 216 in regard to Planned Community Business Park Zone and Medium Density Urban residential Zone | |
267 | Amending Zoning Ordinance No. 62 and No. 243 dealing with duplexes | |
268 | Approving annexation of Hartford property and providing for assumption of indebtedness | |
269 | Amending Ordinance No. 144 in part by providing for and authorizing the Clerk-Treasurer and Assistant Clerk to countersign warrants with the Mayor | |
270 | Amending a portion of Ordinance No. 164 and 257 changing the date of a City Council meeting | |
271 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, and providing for 1986 appropriations | |
272 | Amending Ordinance No. 260 providing for increase in appropriations for the 1985 budget | |
273 | Amending Ordinance No. 149 providing for holidays recognized by the City of Lake Stevens | |
274 | Amending Ordinance No. 94 and Section 6.04.050 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code providing for the collection of delinquent connection and sewer service charge | |
275 | Providing for the adoption of the Washington State Energy Code (Chapter 51-12 WAC) as required by SHB 1114 | |
276 | Repealing Ordinance No. 85 as codified in Section 2.04.020 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code, providing for the designation of an official newspaper for the City of Lake Stevens | |
277 | Amending Ordinance No. 260, and providing for salary for the Mayor and establishing additional temporary expanded duties | |
278 | Regulating the sale and distribution of malt liquor | |
279 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 126, 187, 210 and 245 by revoking the same; amending Ordinance No. 179, Section 1 and 2; and providing for the adoption of the Uniform Swimming Pool Code, 1981 Edition; the Uniform Mechanical Code, 1985 Edition; Uniform Plumbing Code and Uniform Plumbing Code Standards, 1985 Edition; Uniform Fire Code and Uniform Fire Code Standards, 1985 Edition; Uniform Building Code and Uniform Building Code Standards, 1985 Edition; Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1985 Edition; Uniform Sign Code, 1985 Edition; Washington State Building Code Advisory Council WAC 51-10-83-4 for The Regulation for Barrier Free Facilities Effective August 17, 1983 and Regulations for Barrier Free Elevators and Rules for Wheelchair Lifts effective March, 1981; and providing penalties for violations thereof | |
280 | Relating to dishonored checks, adding Chapter 3.02 to Title 3 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code | |
281 | Repealing Ordinance No. 36, Chapter 4.24 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code; amending Ordinance No. 62, Article II, Section 14.08.010 and Chapter 14.52 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code; and Amending Ordinance No. 242, Section 7 and Section 14.52.070 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code pertaining to the placement of signs with corporate limits of the City of Lake Stevens | |
282 | Creating a new fund to be known as the Petty Cash Revolving Fund | |
283 | Repealing Ordinance No. 50 and amending Chapter 6.20 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code pertaining to sewer disposal systems - septic tanks | |
284 | Amending Sections 1, 2 and 3 of Ordinance 107 and Sections 1, 2, and 3 of Ordinance 141, an ordinance regulating pay periods and disbursements of payroll to the City of Lake Stevens employees | |
285 | Declaring an emergency to exist and approving the purchase of a police vehicle without call for bids | |
286 | Amending Ordinance 271, Exhibit "A", adjust the salary of the Clerk Treasurer | |
287 | Pertaining to unfit dwellings, buildings and structures | |
288 | Changing the regular date of Council meeting | |
289 | Adding a new chapter entitled Bidding Procedure/Small Works Roster, Chapter 3.40 to the Lake Stevens Municipal Code governing the City’s bidding procedure and incorporating a provision for a small works roster for public works projects | |
290 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens for the calendar year ending December 31, 1987 | |
291 | Amending a portion of Ordinance Nos. 94, 95, 140, 173, 188, 199, 218, 225, 248 and the Lake Stevens Municipal Code Sections 6.04.040 and 15.32.060 regulating the sewer rates for specific classes of users | |
292 | Amending Ordinance No. 271 providing for increase in appropriations for the 1986 budget | |
293 | Amending Ordinance No. 62, Article III, entitled "Official Zoning Map" which was established as an integral part of the zoning regulations | |
294 | Repealing the following ordinances in total: Numbers 27, 97, 117, 122, 128, 180, 190; amending Ordinance No. 148, Sections 6, 7, and 9; repealing the codification of those ordinances in the Municipal Code; replacing Title 5, Animal Control, with Title 5 Animal Regulations; and providing for the regulation and control of animals | |
295 | Adding a new chapter to Title 14 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code to be known as Chapter 14.46, Animals | |
296 | Adding two new chapters to Title 11 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code pertaining to street construction and developer contributions as a condition of land use approvals and administrative guidelines | |
297 | Repealing Ordinance No. 254 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 12.40 in its entirety and replacing with the new 1986 Model Flood Damage Prevention Code | |
298 | Relating to contracting indebtedness; providing for the issuance of $115,000 par value of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, 1987, of the City for strictly City purposes to provide funds with which to redeem a note previously issued to acquire land and a building for use as a City library; fixing the date, form maturities, interest rates, terms and covenants, of such bonds; establishing a bond redemption fund; and approving the sale and providing for the delivery of such bonds to Seattle-Northwest Securities Corporation of Seattle, Washington | |
299 | Approving annexation of Adams property and providing for assumption of indebtedness | |
300 | Repealing Ordinance Nos. 23 and 150 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Title 10 and replacing with a new Title 10 entitled "Recreational Water Use Activities Regulations" | |
301 | Amending Section 12.12.010 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code to include regulations governing permits for structures built or anchored beyond the shoreline of Lake Stevens within the City of Lake Stevens | |
302 | Amending Ordinance No. 69, Paragraph 2; repealing Ordinance No. 145, Section 2; repealing Ordinance No. 189, Section 1; and amending Sections 4.08.020 and 4.28.050 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code pertaining to amusement shows and annual business license fees | |
303 | Approving annexation of Miller property and providing for assumption of indebtedness and zoning classification | |
304 | Amending Ordinance No. 297, Section 12.40.040, Paragraph A.1., administration, establishing development permit requirements for flood hazard areas | |
305 | Ordinance defeated | |
306 | Amending Ordinance No. 290 providing for increase in appropriations for the 1987 budget | |
307 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens for the calendar year ending December 31, 1988 | |
308 | Cancelling the regular December 28, 1987 City Council meeting | |
309 | Repealing Ordinance No. 179, Section 7 and LSMC, Title 12, Section 12.20.060(1) and creating a new Chapter to the LSMC entitled "Fire Hydrants and Fire Flow Standards" | |
310 | Amending Ordinance No. 256 as codified in Chapter 9.14 dealing with offenses against public morals | |
311 | Establishing a no parking zone on Godfrey Road | |
312 | Amending Ordinance No. 307 providing for increase in appropriations for the 1988 budget | |
313 | Creating a new chapter 13.30 in the for adopting regulations, requirements and procedures for boundary line adjustments | |
314 | Amending Ordinance No. 300 and Title 10, Section 10.16.030, 10.20.040, 10.24.020 and 10.24.070 pertaining to recreational water use activities regulations | |
315 | Amending Ordinance No. 62, Article II and III and Ordinance No. 242, Section 3 designating land use zones in which hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities will be allowed and creating a new ’ to Ordinance No. 62 entitled "Hazardous Waste Treatment and Storage Facilities" | |
316 | Creating a new Chapter 9.30 of the entitled "Noise Control" | |
317 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 223 and 181, Section 1, Subsection 6; amending Ordinance No. 154; and 12.32.010 providing for underground wiring | |
318 | Amending Ordinance No. 281, Section 4 and 14.52.050 and 14.52.080 pertaining to political sign size and to the placement of signs within the corporate limits of the City of Lake Stevens | |
319 | Granting to Washington natural Gas Company, a Washington corporation, and a public utility selling and distributing gas within the State of Washington the right and franchise to use and occupy the streets, avenues, roads, alleys, lanes and other public places and ways of the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for constructing, maintaining, repairing, renewing and operating a gas distribution system and accessories within and through the City of Lake Stevens | |
320 | Amending Ordinance No. 119, Section 1 and Section 7.20.010 of the to limit tonnage on certain streets | |
321 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 217, 39 and Section 2.44.010 of the providing for travel expense reimbursement | |
322 | Cancelling the regular December 26, 1988 City Council meeting | |
323 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens for the calendar year ending December 31, 1989 | |
324 | Approving annexation of West/Williams and other property and providing for assumption of indebtedness and zoning classification | |
325 | Repealing Ordinance Nos. 254, 297 and Chapter 12.40 in its entirety and replacing with the new 1988 Flood Damage Prevention Code | |
326 | Repealing Ordinance No. 289 and Chapter 3.50 of the and incorporating new text providing for the City’s bidding procedure and incorporating a provision for a small works roster for public works projects | |
327 | Amending Ordinance No.323 providing for increased appropriations for the 1989 budget | |
328 | Repealing Ordinance No. 114 and replacing Chapter 4.20 relating to pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers | |
329 | Deleting reference to "Utility Uses and Government Buildings" in the LSMC Section 14.16.020 and Section 1 of Ordinance No. 135 and creating Chapter 14.50, "Government and Utility Facilities" | |
330 | Amending Ordinance No. 293 and No. 62, Article III, entitled "Official Zoning Map" which was established as an integral part of the zoning regulations | |
331 | Tobacco ordinance not adopted | |
332 | Approving annexation of P.A.K. and other property and providing for assumption of indebtedness and zoning classification | |
333 | Approving annexation of Miller and other property and providing for assumption of indebtedness and zoning classification | |
334 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 314 and 300 and Title 10, Section 10.24.020 pertaining to recreational water use activities regulations | |
335 | Amending Ordinance No. 316 and Section 9.30.050 and creating a new Section 9.30.065 entitled "Proviso" pertaining to noise control | |
336 | Amending Ordinance No. 233 providing for litter control and establishing penalties for failure to comply | |
337 | Establishing procedures and fees for binding site plan review and creating a new chapter in the Title 13 Subdivision: 13.34 Binding Site Plan | |
338 | Amending Ordinance No. 279, Sections 2 through 9 and Section 12 and amending Ordinance No. 179, Section 1 and 2 by adopting the most current building code editions and providing penalties for violations thereof | |
339 | Approving annexation of Clark and other property and providing for assumption of indebtedness and zoning classification | |
340 | Approving annexation of Palmer and other property and providing for assumption of indebtedness and zoning classification | |
341 | Approving annexation of Vogler and Hougardy property and provide for assumption of indebtedness and zoning classification | |
342 | Approving annexation of Rogge/Germano and Marshall property and providing for assumption of indebtedness and zoning classification | |
343 | Amending Ordinance No. 62, Article II and III, Section 1, 2, and 3 LSMC Chapters 14.08, 14.16, 14.20 and 14.24) and creating a new Section to Ordinance No. 62 entitled "Chapter 14.62 Bed and Breakfast" | |
344 | Providing for the vacation of a street within the City of Lake Stevens (below 28th Street N.E.) | |
345 | Providing for the vacation of a street within the City of Lake Stevens (east of Grade Road) | |
346 | Providing for the vacation of a street within the City of Lake Stevens (25th Street N.E. abutting the High School) | |
347 | Cancelling the regular December 25, 1989 City Council meeting | |
348 | Amending Ordinance No. 251, Section 14.16.210: Substantive Authority to Deny or Condition Action, Environmental Policies, Subsection 3 | |
349 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1990 | |
350 | Amending Ordinance 323 and ordinance providing for increased appropriations for the 1989 budget | |
351 | Amending Ordinance No. 264 and Section 2.30.010 increasing the Park Board membership to seven | |
352 | Amending Ordinance 323, 327 and Ordinance 350 providing for increased appropriations for the 1989 Budget | |
353 | Relating to solid waste, approving the Snohomish County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan; designating the County waste disposal system for the disposal of all solid waste generated within the city/town and making disposal elsewhere illegal; defining violations and penalties; and approving an interlocal agreement with Snohomish County | |
354 | Adopting energy efficiency and conservation standards for new buildings; amending Title 12 | |
355 | Approving annexation of McIntrye and other properties and providing for assumption of indebtedness and zoning classification | |
356 | Providing for the vacation of a street within the City of Lake Stevens | |
357 | An interim ordinance creating a new chapter to entitled Land Clearing | |
358 | Imposing an additional excise tax on sales of real property, providing for the collection thereof, subjecting the tax to referendum by special initiative and fixing penalties for the violation thereof | |
359A | Amending Ordinance Nos. 62 and 315 and Chapter 14.44 of the pertaining to the Industrial Park District | |
359B | Relating to land use and amending the zoning map of the City of Lake Stevens as adopted by Ordinance No. 330 | |
360 | Cancelling the regular December 24, 1990 City Council meeting | |
361 | Amending Ordinance No. 230, Storm Drainage, to include provisions for footing/roof/storm drain requirements | |
362 | Adopting the Budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington for the calendar year ending December 31, 1991 | |
363 | Amending Ordinance 349 providing for increased appropriations for the 1990 Budget | |
364 | Approving annexation of Baldwin property an other properties and providing for assumption of indebtedness and zoning classification | |
365 | Amending Ordinance 349 and Ordinance 363 providing for increased appropriations for the 1990 Budget | |
366 | Creating a new chapter known as Chapter 2.26 of the providing for employment of a hearing examiner, setting forth the authority of said position and providing for procedures | |
367 | Subdivision Code of the City of Lake Stevens providing for the orderly subdivisions of land, providing for notice and public hearings, setting forth standards, providing for methods of appeal, and addressing matters of administration, enforcement and penalties, and further repealing No. 65, as amended | |
368 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 137 and 172 and providing for salaries for elected officials | |
369 | Repealing Ordinance No. 144 and Chapter 2.08 and providing for the separation of duties for the City Clerk Treasurer position | |
370 | Amending Ordinance 362, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1991 | |
371 | Requiring mitigation of development impacts on school services | |
372 | Relating to land use and amending the zoning map of the City of Lake Stevens as adopted by Ordinance Nos. 330 and 359 | |
373 | Approving annexation of property known as Margolese property and other properties and providing for assumption of indebtedness and zoning classification | |
374 | Amending Ordinance No. 357 and Chapter 12.44 entitled Land Clearing | |
375 | Amending Ordinance No. 362, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1991 | |
376 | Authorizing condemnation of land for widening of streets and adjacent public improvements | |
377 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 266, 265, 202, 169, and 62 and LSMC 14.72.010; Ordinance No. 170, LSMC 14.80.110; Ordinance Nos. 203, 110 and LSMC 12.24.060; Ordinance 230 and LSMC 6.48.190; Ordinance Nos. 251, 146, and LSMC 14.116.140, 14.116.070, and 14.116.220; Ordinance No. 313 and LSMC 13.030.080; Ordinance No. 337 and LSMC 13.34.030 setting forth fees for land use applications/permits by resolution | |
378 | Adopting an interim environmentally sensitive areas ordinance pursuant to the Growth Management Act of 1990 | |
379 | Adopting the Budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1992 | |
380 | Setting forth a fee for review of traffic reports | |
381 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 262, 143, 129, 111, 93 and 80 and LSMC Title 6 providing for a general facilities connection charge, and removing or revising outdated portions of the LSMC | |
382 | Cancelling the regular December 23, 1991 City Council meeting | |
383 | Repealing Ordinance No. 354, Section 1, Northwest Energy Code, and adopting the new Washington State Energy Code and Washington State ventilation and indoor air quality code and amending Section 12.04.010 | |
384 | Amending Ordinance 362, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1991 | |
385 | Approving the interfund loans from the Street Fund to the Arterial Street Fund and to the Arterial Street Grant Funded Fund | |
386 | Amending Ordinance 379, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1992 | |
387 | Repealing Ordinance 109 and LSMC Chapter 12.08, and creating Chapter 14.54, fence regulations, of the (Zoning Ordinance), regulating the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, and repair of fences, walls, or other enclosures; providing for the issuance of permits, the collection of fees therefore, and providing for the violation thereof | |
388 | Providing for the issuance of $385,000 par value Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bonds, 1992, of the City for the purpose of providing the funds to refund that Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement and promissory note entered into for the purchase of certain real property; fixing the date, form maturities, interest rates, terms and covenants of such bonds; and approving the sale and providing for the delivery of the bonds to Dain Bosworth Incorporated, Seattle, Washington | |
389 | Providing for the issuance and sale of $390,000 par value Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds, 1992, for the purpose of paying the cost of advance refunding the outstanding Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1984, of the City, and the costs of issuance and sale of the bonds; providing for and authorizing the purchase of certain obligations out of the proceeds of the sale of the bonds herein authorized and for the use and application of the money derived from those investments; authorizing the execution of an agreement with Seattle First National Bank, as refunding trustee; fixing the date, form, denomination, maturities, interest rates, terms and covenants of such bonds; and providing for the sale and delivery of such bonds; and providing for the sale and delivery of such bonds to Dain Bosworth Incorporated of Seattle, Washington | |
390 | Relating to the State Environmental Policy Act, repealing Ordinance No. 251 and Chapter 14.116 of the L.S.M.C. and adopting Title 16, SEPA procedures and policies, of the LSMC. | |
391 | Amending Ordinance 379, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1992, and amending Ordinance 386, an ordinance amending Ordinance 379 | |
392 | Amending ’s of Ordinance No. 367 Subdivision Ordinance | |
393 | Amending portions of Ordinance No. 164 and 257 dealing with dates and times of City Council meetings | |
394 | Amending LSMC Title 14, ’ 14.28.050, Planned Residential Development Districts Permitted Uses | |
395 | Amending the Zoning Map by rezoning the property known as Lake Stevens Woods, and described in Exhibit A, from R9.6: Suburban Residential to PRD: Planned Residential Development District | |
396 | Providing for mandatory collection and disposal of solid waste, solid waste recycling, providing for collection fees, and providing for penalties for violations | |
397 | Adopting ’ 3, "Urban Design Guidelines," of the Snohomish County Tomorrow’s Residential Development Handbook for Snohomish County Communities on a 1 year interim basis (with the ability to re adopt as appropriate); and to amend the Zoning Ordinance, Chapters 14.18 (Medium Density Urban Residential Zone), 14.28 (Planned Residential District), 14.32 (Residential Buffer District), 14.40 (Central Business District), and 14.42 (Planned Community Business Park Zone) to require conformance of all primary use structures except single family residences with the Urban Design Guidelines | |
398 | Amending the building regulations and fees code, Chapter 12.04, to add distribution and purchase of radon measuring device kits | |
399 | Amending in part Ordinance Nos. 338, 279, 275, 245, 187, and 179 by adopting the most current building code editions and providing penalties for violations thereof | |
400 | Repealing Ordinance No. 182, garbage and refuse ordinance, as previously codified in Chapter 8.04 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code | |
401 | Amending the LSMC Title 14: Zoning Code, Chapter 14.48, parking and loading regulations | |
402 | Adopting the Interim Capital Facilities Plan Element of the Comprehensive Plan | |
403 | Amending the Title 2, Chapter 2.26: Hearing Examiner, clarifying the authority of and granting further responsibilities to the hearing examiner for the City of Lake Stevens | |
404 | Amending Ordinance 379, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1992, and amending Ordinance 386, an ordinance amending Ordinance 379, and amending Ordinance 391, an ordinance amending Ordinance 379 and Ordinance 386 | |
405 | Approving annexation of "Slater Annexation Area" and providing for assumption of indebtedness and Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations | |
406 | Adopting the Budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1993 | |
407 | Repealing Title, 2, Chapter 2.28: Planning Commission of the LSMC and adopting a new Title 2, Chapter 2.28: Planning Commission, establishing by laws and rules of authority for the Planning Commission | |
408 | Amending LSMC Title 13: Subdivisions to allow a reduction in lot size when dedication of public rights of way causes a loss of potential lots on short plats | |
409 | Repealing Ord No. 264, as amended by Ord No. 351 and repealing Title 2, Chapter 2.30: Board of Park Commissioners of the LSMC and adopting a new Title 2, Chapter 2.30: Park and Recreation Planning Board, establishing by laws and rules of authority for the Park Board | |
410 | Cancelling the regular December 28, 1992 Council meeting | |
411 | Approving an interfund loan from the Street Reserve Fund to the General Fund | |
412 | Amending Ordinances 404, 391, 386, and 379, the Budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1992 | |
413 | Providing for the City’s assessed valuation for 1993 | |
414 | Creating a new Chapter 3.44 to be entitled Cashier’s Change Fund, to accommodate customer payments | |
415 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 266, 265 and 62, including the Zoning Map, rezoning the herein legally described property (Generally known as "The Tisdale property") from R7.5: Urban Residential to PRD: Planned Residential Development | |
416 | Amending Ordinance 406, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1993 | |
417 | Amending Ordinance 406, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1993 | |
418 | Approving an Interfund Loan from the Sewer Revenue Refunded Bonds (1992) Fund to the Sewer Fund | |
419 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 406 and 416, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington for the calendar year ending December 31, 1993 | |
420 | Amending Ordinance Nos 265 and 62, amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Section 14.36.030(B) and adding Section 14.68.110 to allow visitors to temporarily occupy a recreational vehicle subject to given standards | |
421 | Amending Ordinance No. 406, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington for the calendar year ending December 31, 1993 | |
422 | Amending Chapter 14.08: Definitions of LSMC Title 14: Zoning to clarify and refine the definitions of height, basement, and stories as they pertain to buildings | |
423 | Re-establishing a temporary moratorium on amendments to the Zoning Map and the Comprehensive Plan | |
424 | Amending Ordinance No. 55, the Traffic Code Ordinance, and amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Section 7.28.010 and adding Section 7.28.040 to provide for setting speed limits on individual roads and in individual neighborhoods throughout the City | |
425 | Amending Ordinance No. 62 (As amended), specifically, amending the Official City Zoning Map, rezoning a legal lot from Urban Residential (R7.5) to Residential Buffer (RB) | |
426 | Amending Ordinance No. 406, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington for the calendar year ending December 31, 1993 | |
427 | Creating a Library Board | |
428 | Accepting real property donated by Daniel and Karen Heaton | |
429 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 406 and 419, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington for the calendar year ending December 31, 1993 | |
430 | Amending in part Ordinance No. 399 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Section 12.04.010 by adopting the most current Uniform Plumbing Code | |
431 | Authorizing and providing for the acquisition of interests in land for the purpose of improving a portion of 20th Street NE. from Hartford Drive to 116th Avenue N.E. within the City of Lake Stevens; providing for condemnation, appropriation, taking and damaging of land and property rights necessary thereof; providing for the cost thereof and directing the initiation of appropriate proceedings in the manner provided by law for aid condemnation | |
432 | Repealing Ordinance No. 15 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Chapter 9.40, Civil Defense, and creating a new LSMC Chapter 9.40, Mayor’s Emergency Powers | |
433 | Authorizing and providing for the acquisition of interests in land for the purpose of improving a portion of 20th Street N.E. from Hartford Drive to 116th Avenue N.E. within the City of Lake Stevens; providing for condemnation, appropriation, taking and damaging of land and property rights necessary thereof; providing for the cost thereof and directing the initiation of appropriate proceedings in the manner provided by law for aid condemnation | |
434 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1994 | |
435 | Providing for the City’s assessed valuation for 1994 | |
436 | Cancelling the regular December 27, 1993 Council meeting | |
437 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 406 and 419, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington for the calendar year ending December 31, 1993 | |
438 | Ordinance pertaining to blood alcohol level was not adopted | |
439 | Amending Ordinance No. 62 and LSMC Title 14: Zoning Code, rezoning approximately 60.5 acres from Suburban Residential (R9.6) and Urban Residential (R7.5) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) | |
440 | Amending Ordinance No. 381, Section 14; Ordinance No. 262, Article 7, Section 7.03; Ordinance No. 93, Article 7, Section 7.03; and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Section 6.08.280 regarding sewer connection charges | |
441 | Establishing procedures for unclaimed property | |
442 | Establishing procedures for sale, donation, and other disposal of surplus and personal property | |
443 | To vacate portions of unimproved 10th Street N.E. and 123rd Avenue N.E. rights-of-way | |
444 | Amending Ordinance 434, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington for the calendar year ending December 31, 1994 | |
445 | Repealing the existing Comprehensive Plan and the elements thereof (Ordinance 52 and Resolution 1978-2) and LSMC Section 14.04.010; and creating a new LSMC Section 14.04.010; adopting a Comprehensive Plan as required by the Growth Management Act of 1990, as amended (RCW 36.70A); and adopting the same Comprehensive Plan pursuant to RCW 35A.63 | |
446 | Establishing procedures for latecomer agreements pursuant to Chapter 35.91 of the Revised Code of Washington, whereby developers who construct utility system improvements which benefit a wider area than a particular subdivision may be reimbursed by subsequent developers for a portion of the costs of constructed improvement which benefit a wider area than a particular subdivision may be reimbursed by subsequent developers for a portion of the costs of constructed improvements | |
447 | Establishing procedures for latecomer agreements whereby developers who construct street system improvements which benefit a wider area than a particular subdivision may be reimbursed by subsequent developers for a portion of the costs of construction improvements | |
448 | Establishing a new Lake Stevens Criminal Code and recodifying other chapters of the Criminal Code | |
449 | Relating to the land use and zoning of places of adult entertainment, adult theaters, and adult use establishments, and to licensing of adult entertainment, adult theater and adult use establishments; extending the moratorium on acceptance of applications for, and issuance of, use permits and building permits for adult entertainment, adult theater, and adult use establishments; establishing a moratorium on acceptance of applications for, and issuance of, business and other license for adult entertainment, adult theater, and adult use establishments; and declaring an emergency | |
450 | Amending Ordinance No. 62 and LSMC Title 14; zoning code, rezoning approximately 26.2 acres from Suburban Residential (R9.6) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) | |
451 | Relating to the land use and zoning of places of adult entertainment, adult theaters, and adult use establishments, and to licensing of adult entertainment, adult theater and adult use establishments; entering findings of fact in support of the moratorium on acceptance of applications for, and issuance of, use permits and building permits for adult entertainment, adult theater, and adult use establishments; and on acceptance of applications for, and issuance of, business and other licenses for adult entertainment, adult theater, and adult use establishments, and deleting Section 3 of Ordinance No. 449 And adding a new Section 3 to Ordinance No. 449 | |
452 | Adopting the Washington Model Traffic Ordinance (MTO) as contained in the Washington Administrative Code, CH. 308 330 WAC with certain sections deleted, to regulate traffic in the City of Lake Stevens, adopting certain sections of Chapter 275, Laws of 1994, and RCW 46.20.370 as amended by Section 23 of Chapter 275, Laws of 1994, amending Chapter 7.28 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code, and repealing Ordinance No. 21, 1963, Ordinance No. 55, 1968 and Ordinance No. 424, 1993. | |
453 | Establishing a water safety and watercraft code, proscribing penalties for violations thereof, and repealing Title 10 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code. | |
454 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 62 & 196 and the Lake Stevens Municipal Code Section 14.24.020, deleting boathouses as a permitted use in the Residential Waterfront District and LSMC Section 14.24.030 to regulate the dimensions of docks | |
455 | Amending Ordinance No. 301, Ordinance 46, and LSMC Section 12.12.010, Lake Front, regulating overwater structures and land fill along the shores of Lake Stevens | |
456 | Establishing a water safety and watercraft code, proscribing penalties for violations thereof, declaring an emergency and repealing Title 10 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code | |
457 | Amending Section 9.08.010 of the Lake Stevens Criminal Code and Ordinance Mo. 448, Section 3, to adopt by reference certain portions of RCW Title 26 to enable Lake Stevens Police to enforce "no contact" and other orders issued by superior courts in dissolution and other domestic relations matters. | |
458 | Extending for an additional six (6) months until May 9, 1995, the moratorium on acceptance of applications for, and issuance of, use permits and building permits for adult entertainment, adult theater, and adult use establishments | |
459 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1995 | |
460 | Creating a new fund to be designated as the Drug Buy Fund, Chapter 3.48 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code, for the purpose of enforcing State statutes and City ordinances relating to controlled substances | |
461 | Amending Ordinance 434, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1994 | |
462 | Approving interfund loans from the Capital Improvements Real Estate Excise Tax Fund and the Capital Improvements Fund to the Arterial Street Fund | |
463 | Creating a new classification of sanitary sewer customers - low income senior citizens and low income disabled persons - to be considered in setting sewer rates | |
464 | Cancelling the regular December 27, 1994 Council meeting | |
465 | Providing for the City’s assessed valuation for 1995 | |
466 | Amending Ordinance 434, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1994 | |
467 | Approving interfund loans from the Capital Improvements Real Estates Excise Tax Fund and the Capital Projects-Developer’s Contributions Fund to the Lake Restoration IIC Fund | |
468 | Repealing a portion of Title 14, Zoning, and crating a new Title 14, Lane Use Code and adopting development design guidelines | |
469 | Amending Ordinance 459, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 13, 1995 | |
470 | Approving an interfund loan from the Street Reserve Fund to the Street Projects-CDBG funded fund and amending Ordinance 459, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1995 | |
471 | Amending Ordinance 459, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1995 | |
472 | Relating to the purchase of certain real property; authorizing the execution of a conditional sales contract; and fixing the date, interest rate, installments, maturity, form, terms and covenants of such contract | |
473 | Creating a new Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Chapter 2.14, Fire Marshal’s Office | |
474 | Repealing Ordinance No. 229 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Chapter 4.32, Aquafest Festival; Ordinance Nos. 447, 380, 296, 263, 237, 132, 68, 65, 37 and LSMC Title 11, Streets and Sidewalks; Ordinance Nos. 408, 392, 377, 367, 337, 313, 65 and LSMC Title 13, Subdivision; and Ordinance No. 378 and LSMC Title 15, Environmentally Sensitive Areas | |
475 | Repealing certain portions of Lake Stevens Municipal Code Title 12, Building and Construction and renumbering and renaming other portions thereof | |
476 | Repealing Title 6, Sewers, of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code in its entirety, repealing certain ordinances and decodifying other ordinances of the City of Lake Stevens relating to sewer, and adopting a new Lake Stevens Municipal Code Title 6, Sewers | |
477 | Adult entertainment - on hold | |
478 | An ordinance repealing Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Title 2, Administration and Personnel, and Ordinance Nos. 3, 6, 14, 39, 48, 49, 54, 85, 102, 107, 125, 133, 136, 137, 141, 142, 144, 149, 159, 164, 172, 198, 217, 234, 257, 258, 264, 273, 276, 284, 321, 351, 366, 369, 393, 403, 407, 409, 427, 441, and 442 and adopting a new LSMC Title 2, Administration and Personnel | |
479 | An ordinance of the City of Lake Stevens, Washington extending for an additional six (6) months until November 9, 1995, the moratorium on the acceptance of applications and permits for, and issuance of use permits and building permits for adult entertainment, adult theater and adult use establishments, adoption of a work plan and declaring an emergency to accelerate the effective date of this ordinance | |
480 | Amending Ordinance No. 468, the Land Use Code, by establishing density and dimensional requirements for the Waterfront Residential Zoning District | |
481 | Regulating nuisance activities, repealing Ordinance Nos. 42, 231, and 448 Section 2(b), and repealing Chapter 9.60 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code, and adding new Chapter 9.60, Nuisance Activities | |
482 | Amending Ordinance 459, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1995 | |
483 | Declaring an emergency, and placing a moratorium for six months until November 22, 1995, accepting sign applications | |
484 | Amending Ordinance No. 483 (which declared an emergency and placed a moratorium for six months until November 22, 1995, on accepting applications for permits for new signs) | |
485 | Emergency Ordinance prohibiting the sales and/or discharge of fireworks on New Year’s Eve of 1995 and subsequent years to take effect immediately | |
486 | Accepting dedication of right of way and open space real property donated by North Ridge Investors along Grade Road | |
487 | Entering findings of fact in support of the moratorium on acceptance of applications for, and issuance of commercial, and industrial sign permits as provide for in Ordinance No. 483, as amended by Ordinance No. 484 | |
488 | Providing for a hearing and an appeals process and establishing civil and criminal penalties for nuisance activities, adding a new Chapter 9.72, Civil Violations, and amending the name of Title 9 to the Lake Stevens Municipal Code to be known as the Criminal and Civil Violations Code | |
489 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 316, 335, and 448 Section 2(a) and Sections 9.56.050, 9.56.060, and 9.56.090 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code pertaining to noise control | |
490 | Adopting a moratorium on the acceptance of applications for all land use and building permits - moratorium to be effective from July 23, 1995 until the Secretary of State has certified that sufficient number of valid signature have or have not been obtained to put Referendum 48 on the November 7, 1995 general election ballot | |
491 | Repealing Ordinance Nos. 148, Section 10 of Ordinance No. 215, and Section 2.(c) of Ordinance No. 448 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 9.64, Park Code; renaming Title 10, Water Safety and Watercraft, to Parks and Recreation; and adding a new Chapter 10.03 to the Lake Stevens Municipal Code entitled Park Rules and Regulations | |
492 | Adding a new Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 14.22, Takings Claims, pursuant to Initiative 164, which established procedures and criteria to process and evaluate compensation claims for takings as defined per Initiative 164, and allow for contravention of the land use code when appropriate | |
493 | Amending Ordinance No. 468 and LSMC Title 14 (Lane Use Code) to comply with portions of ESHB 1724, including clarifying the definition and timeline for determining complete applications, changing the permit processing timeline, and changing and clarifying judicial appeal deadlines | |
494 | Amending Ordinance NO. 390 and LSMC Title 16 (City’s SEPA Rules), Chapter 16,28, re-defining the date a DNS becomes final as the date of issuance of the underlying permit | |
495 | Parental responsibilities ordinance not adopted | |
496 | Accepting dedication of right of way donated by Robert M. Kocher, Jr. and Debra Kocher along Old Hartford Road | |
497 | Amending Ordinance No. 468 and LSMC Title 14, Chapter 14.68, revising sign regulations | |
498 | Amending Ordinance No. 459, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1995 | |
499 | Amending Ordinance No. 468 and LSMC Sections 14.08.010 and 14.40.010, changing the permit requirements for nursing care and intermediate care homes and changing the definition of certain group home types | |
500 | Accepting dedication of right of way donated by Kenneth (Ken) A. Stevenson along Grade Road | |
501 | Amending Ordinance No. 468, Section 2, and the Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Title 14 (Land Use Code) to clean up minor errors, and missing portions, and add new minor regulations regarding land use in Lake Stevens | |
502 | Renewing for an additional six (6) months Until May 9, 1996, the moratorium on the acceptance of applications and permits for, and issuance of use permits and building permits for adult entertainment, adult theater and adult use establishments | |
503 | Adopting the Budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 13, 1996 | |
504 | Abandoned Vehicles - not adopted | |
505 | Cancelling the regular December 26, 1995 Council meeting | |
506 | Accepting dedication of right of way donated by Peter Steckler and Alvina Steckler along 26th Street NE | |
507 | Providing for the City’s assessed valuation for 1996 | |
508 | Amending Ordinance 459, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1995 | |
509 | Amending Ordinance 503, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1996 | |
510 | Amending Ordinance No. 468, Section 2, and the Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Title 14 (Land Use Code), Section 14.08.010 (Definitions of Basic Terms), to amend the definitions of adult entertainment | |
511 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 468 and 493, and LSMC Title 14 (Land Use Code) to comply with ESHB 1724, the State Regulatory Reform Act, and certain policies within the Lake Stevens Comprehensive Plan | |
512 | Amending Ordinance No. 390 and LSMC Title 16 (State Environmental Police Act) to comply with ESHB 1724 (State Regulatory Reform Act) | |
513 | (1) Approving a interfund loan from the Sewer Reserve Fund to the 1996 GO Bonds Fund and (2) amending Ordinance 503, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1996 | |
514 | Relating to the purchase of certain real property; authorizing the execution of a conditional sales contract; and fixing the date, interest rate, installments, maturity, form terms and covenants of such contract - Baptist Church parking lot | |
515 | Amending Ordinance 468 (Land Use Code), Section 2, and Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Section 14.56.210 by adding a provision to require readable house numbers to enhance emergency response | |
516 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 468, 493, and 511, and the Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Title 14 (Land Use Code), Section 14.72.110 changing the bicycle parking requirements | |
517 | Amending Ordinance No. 468, Section 2, and Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Title 14, Chapter 14.92 (Shoreline Management), amending and adding definitions and adding an exemption for docks valued under ten thousand dollars on bodies of fresh water | |
518 | Builders Security - not adopted | |
519 | Sign ordinance revision - not adopted | |
520 | Guest houses in certain zones - not adopted | |
521 | Amending Ordinance No. 443, updating the action upon which undeveloped portions of 10th Street NE and 123rd Avenue NE rights-of-way are vacated | |
521B | Cancelling the regular July 22, 1996 Council meeting | |
522 | Amending Ordinance No. 478 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Title 2, Administration and Personnel, to add Chapter 2.29, Arts Commission | |
523 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Title 7, Vehicles and Traffic, by adding the following Chapter 7.32, Road Closures | |
524 | Amending Ordinance 503, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1996 | |
525 | Adding a new Chapter 4.40 to Lake Stevens Municipal Code, establishing adult entertainment code to provide for a definition of adult entertainment, establishing finds of fact, providing for procedure for the Clerk to suspend or revoke a license, requiring information in applications for adult entertainment licenses, and establishing standards of conduct including a minimum four foot separation between an entertainer and a patron | |
526 | Amending Ordinance No. 502, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1996 | |
527 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 468 and 497 and the Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC), Chapter 14.68 (Signs), to allow temporary off-site residential use-related signs | |
528 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1997 | |
529 | Amending Ordinance No. 453 and LSMC Section 10.16.030 (Restrictions on hours of operation of vessels), allowing for watercraft speeds in excess of eight miles per hour after the hour of one p.m. for special events or emergency response vessels | |
530 | Amending and supplementing Ordinance No. 246 of the City which provides for the defeasance of the City’s outstanding Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1970, and calling such bonds for prior redemption | |
531 | Adding a new section to the Lake Stevens Municipal Code Title 9 (Criminal Code) and establishing a curfew | |
532 | Violations Code - under review | |
533 | Cancelling the regular December 23, 1996 Council meeting | |
534 | Providing for the City’s assessed valuation for 1997 | |
535 | Amending Ordinance No. 503, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1996 | |
536 | Amending LSMC 9.08.010, regarding assault and other crimes involving physical harm, to include the crimes of interfering with the reporting of domestic violence and violating a restraining order | |
537 | Amending Ordinance No. 197, Section 1.(a), providing for the granting of a franchise to TCI (Previously known as Viacom and Tele-Vue Systems, Inc.), to extend the franchise agreement for one year | |
538 | Amending Lake Stevens municipal code (LSMC) chapter 2.29, arts commission by adding section 2.29.070, municipal arts fund, and creating a new LSMC chapter 3.38, municipal arts fund, to establish funding for the City of Lake Stevens arts commission. | |
539 | Amending Ordinance No. 468, section 2, subsection 14.56.210; Ordinance No. 515; and Lake Stevens municipal code section 14.56.210, street names and house numbers | |
540 | Amending Ordinance No. 468, section 2, subsection 14.36.100, and LSMC title 14, section 14.36.100 (Official Zoning Map), granting a rezone of property within the city of Lake Stevens subject to a herein authorized development agreement. | |
541 | Amending LSMC 14.40.010 (Table of Permissible Uses) to allow food service uses within the general industrial and light industrial districts. | |
542 | Establishing a six month moratorium on planned residential developments, providing for severability, and declaring an emergency. | |
543 | Amending Ordinance No. 529, section 1; Ordinance No. 453, section 2, and Lake Stevens municipal code sections 10.16.030(a), restrictions on hours of operation of vessels, and 10.04.040, definitions, to address watercraft wakes. | |
544 | Amending Lake Stevens municipal code (LSMC) title 7, vehicles and traffic, by adding chapter 7.36, bicycle and skate regulations. | |
545 | Canceling the regular May 27, 1997 council meeting | |
546 | Right-of-way - not adopted | |
547 | Amending Ordinance 503, the budget for the city of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31,1996 | |
548 | Amending Ordinance 528, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1997. | |
549 | Creating a new Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 11.04, Storm Water Management Utility | |
550 | Canceling the regular July 28, 1997 council meeting | |
551 | Amending Ordinance No. 316, Section 1; Ordinance No. 491, Section 3; and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Sections 9.56.010, 9.56.070, and 10.03.250, placing restrictions on noise levels allowed on publicly owned, operated or maintained properties, and modifying enforcement procedures for noise violations | |
552 | Creating a new section to Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 9.64, entitled Section 9.64.020, limiting the discharge of fireworks during the fourth of July, and establishing June 1, 1999 as the effective date | |
553 | Repealing Ordinance Nos. 302, 189, 145, 69, 20 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapters 4.04, 4.08, and 4.28 and creating new Chapter 4.04, Business Licenses and Regulations | |
554 | Repealing Ordinance No. 28 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 4.12, Vehicles for Hire, and creating new chapter 4.08, Vehicles for Hire | |
555 | Creating new Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 4.12, Pawnbrokers and Secondhand Dealers | |
556 | Creating a new Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 3.46, Recovery of Costs for Convicted Persons, to recover the City’s costs of emergency response for persons guilty of driving a vehicle, vessel or aircraft while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug | |
557 | Amending Ordinance No. 478 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Sections 2.08.020 and 2.08.030 by changing the City Council’s regular meeting days to the first and third Mondays and workshop meetings days to the second and fourth Mondays | |
558 | Gambling tax - not adopted | |
559 | Extending a moratorium on Planned Residential Districts through April 15, 1998 | |
560 | Adopting the Budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1998 | |
561 | Amending Ordinance 528, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1997 | |
562 | Relating to Telecommunications; establishing requirements for telecommunication carriers’ and providers’ use of the public rights-of-way and public property; describing the procedures for application and approval of telecommunication business registrations, telecommunications right-of-way use authorizations, franchises, and facilities leases; describing violations and establishing penalties; adding a new Chapter 4.20 to the Lake Stevens Municipal Code, and adding a new Chapter 12.12 to the Lake Stevens Municipal Code | |
563 | Amending Ordinance No. 468, Section 2, Ordinance No. 501, Section 8, and the Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Section 14.12.200, reassigning the duties of the Zoning board to City Council, and LSMC Section 14.44.310, Subsection (C), giving City Council final approval of Design Review Board actions | |
564 | Authorizing the issuance and sale of limited tax general obligation bonds of the City in the aggregate principal amount of $2,110,000 to pay a portion of the cots of constructing and equipping improvements to the City’s sewer system and to finance a purchase of real estate for City use; providing for the disposition of the bonds proceeds; providing for the annual levy of taxes to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds; and authorizing the sale of the bonds by competitive bid | |
565 | Repealing Section 2 of Ordinance No. 445, amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 468, and amending the City of Lake Stevens’ Comprehensive Plan, including revising planning assumptions, data, and policies regarding housing, land use, parks and recreation, transportation, utilities and public services and facilities, and capital facilities | |
566 | Providing for the City’s assessed valuation for 1998 | |
567 | Canceling the regular December 22, 1997 Council meeting | |
568 | Amending Ordinance No. 564 of the City to increase to $2,130,000 the principal amount of the City’s limited tax general obligation bonds authorized therein | |
569 | Amending Ordinance No. 566 the City’s assessed valuation for 1998 | |
570 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 537, Section 1 and 197, Section 1.(a), providing for the granting of a franchise to TCI (previously known as Viacom and Tele-Vue Systems, Inc.) to extend the franchise agreement for six months | |
571 | Amending Ordinance 560, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1998 | |
572 | Providing for the vacation of street and alley rights-of-way within the City of Lake Stevens | |
573 | Amending Ordinance No. 528, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1997 | |
574 | Amending Ordinance No. 560, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1998 | |
575 | Amending Ordinance No. 560, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1998 | |
576 | Amending Ordinance No. 560, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1998 | |
577 | Extending a moratorium on Planned Residential District (PRD) through June 1, 1998, or until the City takes action on the proposed PRD Ordinance amendments, whichever happens first | |
578 | To amend the Official Zoning Map, granting a rezone of property within the City of Lake Stevens from Waterfront Residential (WR) to Public/Semi-Public (P/SP) | |
579 | Amending the City’s Planned Residential Development regulations as contained in Section 14.44.020 Lake Stevens Municipal Code | |
580 | Accepting warranty deed for right of way on 20th Street NE from Harry Whitford | |
581 | Accepting warranty deed for right of way on 22nd Street NE from the Living Trust of Elvera J. Bissonette | |
582 | Accepting warranty deed for right of way on 22nd Street from Charles and Ruth Duffy | |
583 | Amending Ordinance No. 560, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1998 | |
584 | Canceling the regular September 8, 1998 Council meeting | |
585 | Annexing a single parcel of approximately one acre, known as the "Bussing Annexation", into the City of Lake Stevens, and providing for the assumption of indebtedness and comprehensive plan and zoning designations | |
586 | Annexing a single parcel of approximately nine acres, known as the "Elementary Six Site Annexation," into the City of Lake Stevens, and providing for Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations | |
587 | Amending Ordinance No. 414, and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 3.44, Cashier’s Change Fund, to accommodate customer payments at City Hall and the Permit Center | |
588 | Amending Ordinance No. 468 and LSMC Section 14.44.010 and adding Section 14.44.015 LSMC to modify the permitted uses in the Central business District to allow single-use residential buildings when certain conditions are met | |
589 | Annexing twelve parcels totaling approximately twenty-six acre, known as the "Holloway Annexation," into the City of Lake Stevens, and providing for the assumption of indebtedness and Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations | |
590 | Amending various provisions in ordinance Nos. 468 and 493, and Title 14 including editorial revisions, permit review clarification, & updating certain development standards. This ordinance also rezones City owned park and civic center properties from residential to public/semi-public zones. Finally, this ordinance amends the official zoning map by updating to include this and previous rezones and recently annexed properties | |
591 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1999 | |
592 | Imposing a six month moratorium on filing with and processing by the City certain development activities requiring connection to the City’s sewer system, providing for severability, and declaring an emergency | |
593 | Providing for the City’s assessed valuation for 1999 | |
594 | Amending Ordinance 560, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1998 | |
595 | Amending Ordinances Nos. 468 and 590 and Title 14 LSMC to modify the setbacks in single family residential zones, with reductions to front yard setbacks for porches and portions of homes with living space and reduction of exterior side yard setback for accessory structures that meet certain standards | |
596 | Amending Ordinance No. 486, Section 2 and LSMC Chapter 14.76, Chapter 14.120 and 14.28.040, regulating the protection, removal and replacement of trees | |
597 | Amending Ordinance No. 549 and Chapter 11.04 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code, relating to the Storm and Surface water Management Utility, revising the rates for 1999 and providing for assessment of flood protection benefit to be collected on behalf of, and distributed to Drainage Improvement District No. 8 | |
598 | Amending Ordinance No. 593, Section 1, providing for the City’s assessed valuation for 1999 | |
599 | Amending Ordinance No. 560, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1998 | |
600 | Amending Ordinance No. 591 the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1999 | |
601 | Livers Industrial code amendment - Council did not adopt | |
602 | Imposing a six-month moratorium on filing with and processing by the City certain development activities requiring connection to the City’s sewer system, providing for severability, and establishing that an emergency exits | |
603 | Amending Ordinance 591, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1999 | |
604 | Creating an enforcement process for municipal violations, repealing and amending ordinance provisions of various titles and adding Title 17, Enforcement Code, to the Lake Stevens Municipal Code to unify the process of resolving code violations | |
605 | Amending Ordinance 591, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1999 | |
606 | Amending Ordinances Nos. 468 and 590 and Title 14 LSMC to allow an apartment as an alternative to a mobile home for a night watchman residence in the Light and General Industrial zones | |
607 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 468, 499, 501, 511 & 595 and Title 14 LSMC to allow farm animals for personal, non-commercial uses in certain residential zones in the City of Lake Stevens | |
608 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 468, 499, 501, 511 and 595 and Title 14 LSMC to create new standards to apply to the construction of new telecommunications towers within the City of Lake Stevens | |
609 | Amending Ordinance No. 478, Section 2, and Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Chapter 2.92, Sale and Disposal of Surplus and Personal Property | |
610 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 587, and 414 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Section 3.44.010, Cashier’s Change Fund created, to accommodate customer payments at City Hall and the Permit Center | |
611 | Amending Ordinance 591, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1999 | |
612 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 468 and 590 and Section 14.48.040 LSMC to eliminate certain setbacks from private access tracts which serve more than four dwelling units and to incorporate editorial changes of a housekeeping nature | |
613 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2000 | |
614 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code Title 14 and Ordinance No. 468, Land Use Code, to include new regulations required by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and declaring an emergency | |
615 | Repealing Ordinance No. 614 and amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code Title 14 and Ordinance No. 468, Land Use Code, to include new regulations required by the Federal Emergency Management Agency | |
616 | Setting the City of Lake Stevens’ property tax levy for 2000 | |
617 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 549 and 597 and Chapter 11.04 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code, relating to the Storm and Surface Water Management Utility, removing the rate schedule from this section and referring to the fee resolution | |
618 | Property tax levy for the year 2001 not adopted | |
619 | Gambling tax not adopted | |
620 | Imposing a six-month moratorium on filing with and processing by the City certain development activities requiring connection to the City’s sewer system, providing for severability, and establishing that an emergency exits | |
621 | Amending Ordinance No. 205 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Subsection 3.12.030 to include cellular and pager services | |
622 | Creating an enforcement process for municipal violations and repealing, amending or creating provisions for Title 5, Animal Regulations | |
623 | Creating an enforcement process for municipal violations and repealing, amending or creating provisions for Title 7, Vehicles and Traffic | |
624 | Creating an enforcement process for municipal violations and repealing, amending or creating provisions for Title 9, Criminal Code | |
625 | Amending Ordinance 591, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 13, 1999 | |
626 | Adopting a new Chapter 9.76, of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code related to burglary, robbery and panic alarms, and establishing penalties for false alarms | |
627 | Imposing a six-month moratorium on filing with and processing by the City certain development activities requiring connection to the City’s sewer system, providing for severability, and establishing that an emergency exits | |
628 | Amending Ordinance 613, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2000 | |
629 | Amending Ordinance 613, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2000 | |
630 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 13, 2001 | |
631 | Setting the City of Lake Stevens’ property tax levy for 2001 | |
632 | Imposing a moratorium on filing with the processing by the City certain development activities requiring connection to the City’s sewer system, providing for severability, and establishing that an emergency exists | |
633 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance N. 468 and Section 4 of Ordinance 565, and Amending the City of Lake Stevens’ Comprehensive Plan | |
634 | Amending Ordinance No. 631 setting the City of Lake Stevens’ property tax levy for 2001 | |
635 | Setting the City of Lake Stevens’ property tax levy for collection in 2001 | |
636 | Readopting Ordinance No. 621, providing for severability, and establishing an effective date | |
637 | Amending Ordinance No. 522 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 2.29.020, membership/appointment/compensation for the Arts Commission | |
638 | Amending Ordinance No. 613, budget for the City of Lake Stevens, year ending December 31, 2000 | |
639 | Amending Ordinances No. 468, 511, 579, 590, 596, and 604 and Title 14 LSMC to modify regulations pertaining to tree protection, landscape and buffering requirements, PRD Standards, Title 14 Code Enforcement and technical editing | |
640 | Amending Ordinance No. 613, budget for the City of Lake Stevens, year ending December 31, 2000 | |
641 | Amending Ordinance No. 630, budget for the City of Lake Stevens, year ending December 31, 2001 | |
642 | Imposing a moratorium on filing with the processing by the City Sign Permit applications | |
643 | Amending Ordinance No. 468 and Title 14 LSMC adopting concurrency rules pertaining to transportation, parks, and sewer facilities | |
644 | Amending Ordinance No. 468 and Title 14 LSMC adopting park impact fees and eliminating the requirement of residential developments to provide mini parks | |
645 | Removing a moratorium on filing and processing by the City certain development activities requiring connection to the City’s sewer system, providing for severability, and establishing that an emergency exists | |
646 | Compensation of the Mayor and Council members | |
647 | Amending Ordinance 630, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2001 | |
648 | Sewer code - under consideration | |
649 | Sewer code in land use code - under consideration | |
650 | Amending Ordinance 630, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2001 | |
651 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 622 and 294 and portions of Lake Stevens Municipal Code Title 5, Animal Regulations, including the addition of cat licensing | |
652 | Adopting the Budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2002 | |
653 | Setting the City of Lake Stevens’ property tax levy for 2002 | |
654 | Setting the City of Lake Stevens’ property tax levy for collection in 2002 | |
655 | Amending Ordinance 630, the Budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2001 | |
656 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 468, Section 4 of Ordinance 565, and Ordinance No, 633, and amending the City of Lake Stevens’ Comprehensive Plan, including revising background discussion, data, and policies regarding concurrency, land use and traffic safety | |
657 | Amending Ordinance No. 468, Section 2, Chapter 14.80, Building and Construction and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 14.80, Building and Construction, pertaining to the Building Code; and repealing Ordinance No. 468, Section 2, Subsection 14.84, Fire Code and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 14.84, Fire Code and creating a new Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 14.84, Fire Code | |
658 | Amending Ordinance No. 653 setting the City of Lake Stevens’ property tax levy for 2002 | |
659 | Imposing a moratorium on filing with and processing by the City sign permit applications which include electronic reader boards | |
600 | Amending Ordinance 630, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2001 | |
661 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 468, 511, 579, 590, 596 and 604 and Title 14 LSMC to repeal Chapters 14.16, 14.20 and 14.24 LSMC and replace said chapters with a new Chapter 14.16; and to modify Chapter 14.68 sign regulations including a variety of editorial, procedural and substantive modifications | |
662 | Amending Ordinances Nos. 468, 540 and 578 and Title 14 LSMC to adopt and modify regulations for the mixed use and neighborhood commercial zones, and for allowing modifications to the City’s road standards to accommodate traffic calming facilities. In addition, property located at the southeast corner of 20th Street N.E. and Business Loop Road is proposed to be rezoned from Central Business District (CBD) to Multi-Family Residential (MFR) | |
663 | Lifting a moratorium on filing with and processing by the City sign permit applications which include electronic reader boards | |
664 | Imposing a moratorium for a six-month period on acceptance and processing by the City land use permit applications for housing of sexually violent predators, such as community transitional housing, community treatment facilities, secure residential treatment housing, and similar facilities; and for group homes and institutions which confine criminals and the mentally ill; and establishing that an emergency exists | |
665 | Amending Ordinances Nos. 485 and 552 and Chapter 9.64 (Fireworks) of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code to allow the sale and discharge of consumer fireworks during the New Years Eve holiday | |
666 | Amending Ordinances Nos. 468, 499, 511, 541, 588, 590, 596, 606, 608, 639, 661 Title 14 LSMC adopting permit review regulations for essential public facilities in a manner consistent with the Snohomish County Tomorrow siting process; regulations for secure community transitional facilities for sex offenders; adding new classifications and development standards for health and social services facilities; reducing the number of parking spaces required for certain offices from five to two and a half spaces per thousand square feet of building floor area; modifying the permit requirements for grading activities to be based on the size of lot and the volume of grading; requiring protection of trees on a site until time of development; new tree protection standards; adopting the 2001 Puget Sound Stormwater Manual; and limiting appeals of land use decisions to parties of record | |
667 | Adopting interim regulations governing the siting of essential public facilities and secure community transition facilities and modifying moratorium on the filing and processing by the City applications for secure community transition facilities and establishing that an emergency exists | |
668 | Amending Ordinance No. 478, Section 2, Subsection 2.60, and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 2.60, Library Board, to increase the Library Board membership | |
669 | Siting the City of Lake Stevens’ property tax levy for 2003 | |
670 | Setting the City of Lake Stevens’ property tax levy for collection in 2003 | |
671 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2003 | |
672 | Removing any portion of Drainage Improvement District No. 8 located within the boundaries of Lake Stevens from Drainage Improvement District No. 8 | |
673 | Unused - Number reassigned to Ordinance No. 679 | |
674 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 617, 597, and 549 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Subsections 11.04.040, Definitions, 11.04.050, rates for surface water drainage service; and 11.04.060, billing, by removing County collection of flood protection benefit fees for Drainage Improvements District #8 and imposing collection of flood protection benefit fees by the City | |
675 | Amending Ordinance No. 468 and Title 14 LSMC adopting rules to implement a GMA based school impact mitigation fee program and repealing rules for collection of SEPA based school impact mitigation fees | |
676 | Amending Ordinances Nos. 468, 497, 499, 501, 511, 527, 541, 563, 588, 595, 606, 608, 639, 644, 661, 662, and 666 and Title 145 LSMC to adopt and modify the City’s land use regulations including technical, editorial, and clerical revisions, updating permit procedures and various development standards. | |
677 | Amending Ordinance 652, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2002 | |
678 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 557 and 478 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Sections 2.08.020 and 2.08.030 by changing the City Council’s regular meeting days to the second and fourth Mondays and workshop meetings days to the first and third Monday’s | |
679 | Amending Ordinance No. 476 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Title 6, Sewer, amending LSMC Subsection 6.20.040, Billings; creating a new LSMC Subsection 6.24.150, Utility Reimbursement Agreement; crating a new LSMC Chapter 6.28, Fats, Oil and Grease Management; and creating a new LSMC Subsection 14.60.270, Building Sewer Construction Requirements. | |
680 | Amending Ordinance No. 624 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Subsections 9.60.030, General definition, and 9.60.060, Vehicles and Machinery, and adding Subsection 9.60.055, Nuisance Vehicles, to clarify the regulations | |
681 | Annexing 20.26 acres of property for municipal purposes, known as the "Eagle Ridge Annexation," into the City of Lake Stevens, and providing for Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations | |
682 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 468, 499, 511, 541, 588, 590, 606, 608, 639, 666 and 676 and LSMC Sections 14.40.010 (Table II) to allow automobile sales in the Central business District | |
683 | Amending Ordinance 671, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2003 | |
684 | Adopting the budget for the city of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 13, 2004 | |
685 | Setting the City of Lake Stevens’ property tax levy for collection in 2004 | |
686 | Setting the City of Lake Stevens’ property tax levy for 2004 | |
687 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 468 and Section 4 of Ordinance Nos. 565, 633 and 656, and amending the City of Lake Stevens’ Comprehensive Plan, including revising background discussion, updating data and maps, and policies regarding annual docketing process and adoption of the Lake Stevens School District Capital Facilities Plan | |
688 | Amending Ordinance No. 623 and portions of Title 7, Vehicles and Traffic, relating to the inclusion of motorized foot scooters | |
689 | Amending Ordinance 684, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2004 | |
690 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 476 and 679 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Subsection 6.16.080, Sewer Connection Charges - Payment Due, Subsection 6.28.040, City of Lake Stevens Standards | |
691 | Amending Ordinance 684, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2004 | |
692 | Amend the official zoning map, rezoning property within the City of Lake Stevens from Planned Business District (PBD) to Public/Semi-Public (P/SP) | |
693 | Amending Ordinance 671, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2003 | |
694 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 468, 501 and 657 and Chapters 14.80 and 14.84 adopting by reference the International Building and Fire Codes | |
695 | Voided | |
696 | Amending Ordinance No. 476 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 6.20, Customer Services Charges by adding Subsection 6.20.060, Sewerage Lien - Extension of Coverage | |
697 | Providing for the issuance and sale of limited tax general obligation bonds of the City in the aggregate principal amount of $2,340,000 to finance the acquisition of land and the acquisition and installation of a modular building to serve as the City’s police station and to pay costs of issuance of such bonds; providing the date, form, terms and maturities of the bonds; providing for the annual levy of taxes to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds; and authorizing the sale of the bonds | |
698 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 688, 623 and 544 and portions of Lake Stevens Municipal Code Title 7, Vehicles and Traffic, relating to scooters | |
699 | Amending Ordinances Nos. 371, 468, 675 and 676 and Sections 14.08.010 and 14.100.120 LSMC to allow critical areas and their buffers to be considered as usable open space and to modify the discount factor applied to school impact fees | |
700 | Amend the Official Zoning Map, rezoning property within the City of Lake Stevens from General Industrial (GI) to Public/Semi-Public (P/SP) | |
701 | Annexing three parcels of approximately three and six-tenths (3.6) acres and unopened public right-of-way of approximately two-tenths (0.2) of an acre, known as the “Canell Annexation,” into the City and providing for the assumptions of indebtedness and Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations; and providing for the effective date of this ordinance | |
702 | Annexing five parcels, known as the Three Stars, North Star and deJong Annexations of approximately twelve and twenty eight hundredths (12.28) acres into the City and providing for the assumption of indebtedness and Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations; and providing for the effective date of this ordinance | |
703 | Annexing one parcel of approximately one and sixty four-one hundredths (1.64) acres, known as the “Rasband Annexation,” into the City and providing for the assumption of indebtedness and Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations; and providing for the effective date of this ordinance | |
704 | Gambling tax not adopted | |
705 | Voided | |
706 | Amending and correcting the errors in the legal description found in and attached as Exhibit “A” to Ordinance 585, which in 1998 annexed a single parcel of approximately one acre, known as the “Bussing Annexation,” into the City of Lake Stevens, and provided for the assumption of indebtedness and Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations, and providing for the effective date of this ordinance | |
707 | Levying taxes upon all property, real, personal and utility, subject to taxation within the corporate limits of the City of Lake Stevens, Washington for the year 2005 | |
708 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2005 | |
709 | Amending Ordinance No. 476 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Section 6.04.020 Definitions and Section 6.16.100 Charge-In-Lieu-Of-Assessment | |
710 | Providing for the vacation of a portion of the Bryce Drive Street right-of-way within the City of Lake Stevens | |
711 | Amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 699, pertaining to calculation of School Impact Fees | |
712 | Voided | |
713 | Amending Ordinance 684, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2004 | |
714 | Creating a new Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 9.34, crimes relating to gambling | |
715 | Annexing 45 parcels of approximately twenty six point five seven (26.57) acres, known as the “Crews Annexation,” into the City and providing for the assumption of indebtedness and Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations and providing for the effective date of this ordinance | |
716 | Annexing 12 parcels of approximately 72.2 acres, known as the Pacific Ridge Annexation into the City and providing for the assumption of indebtedness and Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations; and providing for the effective date of this ordinance | |
717 | Repealing Ordinance Nos. 294; 604. Sec. 1; 622; and 651 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Title 5, Animals Regulations, and Creating a New Title 5, Animal Regulations | |
718 | Forfeited firearms; adding new Section 2.94 to the City of Lake Stevens Municipal Code and further providing for severability | |
719 | Annexing 1,014 parcels of approximately eight hundred fifty five (855) acres, known as the “Greenspace-CAM West Annexation,” into the City and providing for the assumption of indebtedness and Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations; and providing for the effective date of this ordinance | |
720 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2006 | |
721 | Levying taxes upon all property, real, personal and utility, subject to taxation within the corporate limits of the City of Lake Stevens, Washington for the year 2006 | |
722 | Annexing 10.98 acres of property for municipal purposes, known as the “Sunnyside Waste Water Treatment Property (Sunnyside WWTP)” into the City of Lake Stevens, and providing for comprehensive plan and zoning designations | |
723 | Amending Ordinance 708, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2005 | |
724 | Providing for the vacation of open space tract 996 of the Plat of Malia Heights, located North of 30th Street NE, East of 109th Avenue NE, South of SSH No. 92 and West of 111th Drive NE | |
725 | Amending Chapters 14.12 and 14.44 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code, relating to the City’s Design Review Board | |
726 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 468 and Section 4 of Ordinances Nos. 565, 633, 656 and Ordinance 687, and amending the City of Lake Stevens’ Comprehensive Plan, including revising background discussion, updating data and maps, amending the Comprehensive Land Use Map and Zoning Map and policies regarding the Comprehensive Plan update as required by State law | |
727 | Amending the City’s Comprehensive Plan by adopting the Lake Stevens School District 2004-2009 Capital Facilities Plan as a subelement of the Capital Facilities Element of the City’s Comprehensive Plan and amending Chapter 14.100 LSMC by adopting the same multiplier that is applied by Snohomish County to school impact fee calculations | |
728 | Amending Ordinance 720, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2006 | |
729 | Annexing approximately 708.12 acres, known as the “Frontier Village Annexation,” into the City; providing for the assumption of indebtedness and establishing Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations; and providing the effective date of this ordinance | |
730 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 678, 557 and 478 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Sections 2.08.020 and 2.08.030 by changing the City Council’s regular and workshop meeting locations to the Lake Stevens School District Administration Building located at 12309 22nd Street NE | |
731 | Amending Chapters 14.04 and 14.56 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code and adopting streets and sidewalks design standards deviation procedures | |
732 | Amending portions of Ordinance No. 553, codified as Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Sections 4.04.090, Term and Renewal of License and LSMC Code Section 4.04.210, Violations; Ordinance No. 554 codified as LSMC Section 4.08.040, License Term – Expired; Ordinance No. 555, codified as LSMC Section 4.12.020, License Required; Ordinance 562 codified as LSMC Section 4.20.040, Business Registration Fee; and Ordinance 525 codified as LSMC Section 4.40.150, Due Date for License Fees, pertaining to business license renewals and expiration dates and severability | |
733 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2007 | |
734 | Levying taxes upon all property, real, personal and utility, subject to taxation within the corporate limits of the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the year 2007 | |
735 | Relating to gambling; providing for, and levying, a tax upon the income derived from the conduct of certain gambling activities; providing for necessary administrative procedures for the collection and enforcement of such a tax; providing penalties for failure to timely pay the tax; and providing for the effective date of this ordinance | |
736 | Amending the City’s Comprehensive Plan by adopting the Lake Stevens School District 2006-2011 Capital Facilities Plan as a subelement of the Capital Facilities Element of the City’s Comprehensive Plan | |
737 | Amending Chapters 14.08 and 14.36 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code by reducing the minimum area requirement for a Planned Neighborhood Development from 25 acres to 15 acres | |
738 | Amending the Official Zoning Map for the 11 parcels contained in the Eaglemont proposed rezone from Suburban Residential (SR) to Urban Residential (UR) | |
739 | Adopting an updated Comprehensive Plan as required by the Growth Management Act and amending the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and the Official Zoning Map | |
740 | Amending 14.68 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code amending the sign code | |
741 | Revising and updating the City’s Critical Areas Regulations as required by the Growth Management Act and amending Chapters 14.04, 14.08, 14.16, 14.44, 14.48, 14.64, 14.88 and 14.92 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code | |
742 | Annexing approximately 292 acres, known as the “Soper Hill Annexation,” into the City; providing for the assumption of indebtedness and establishing Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations; and providing for the effective date of this ordinance | |
743 | Granting a seven-year franchise to provide open video and dark fiber services within the City of Lake Stevens to Black Rock Cable, Inc., setting forth the terms and conditions of said service, establishing penalties, and fixing an effective date | |
744 | Amending the City’s regulations for development in Planned Business District zones by allowing supporting residential uses in specified circumstances and amending Chapters 14.36, 14.40, 14.44, and 14.48 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code | |
745 | Annexing one parcel of approximately one acre, known as the “Fire District Annexation,” into the City and providing for the assumption of indebtedness and Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations; and providing for the effective date of this ordinance | |
746 | Revising and updating the City’s building and construction regulations to comply with Washington State’s adoption of the 2006 International Code Council Editions of International Codes and amending Chapters 14.08, 14.12, 14.44 and 14.80 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code | |
747 | Adopting County codes by reference in order to provide for transitional permit processing in newly annexed areas | |
748 | Adding to Chapter 2.52 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code regarding Fire Marshal services and fees; and severability | |
749 | Amending Ordinance 720, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2006 | |
750 | Amending portions of Ordinance No. 553 codified as Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Sections 4.04.020, Definitions, LSMC Code Section 4.04.040, Exemptions, LSMC Code Section 4.04.050, City Clerk as License Officer, LSMC Code Section 4.04.060, Procedure for Obtaining License, LSMC Code Section 4.04.070, Procedure for Issuance of License, LSMC Code Section 4.04.080, License Fees, LSMC Code Section 4.04.110, License Posting and Change of Address, and portions of Ordinance Nos. 553 and 732 as codified in LSMC 4.04.090, Term and Renewal of License, LSMC Code Section 4.04.210, Violations, LSMC Code Section 4.08.040, License Term – Expired, LSMC Code Section 4.20.040, Business Registration Fee, and severability | |
751 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 610, 587 and 414 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Section 3.44.010, Cashier’s Change Fund Created, to accommodate customer payments at City Hall and the Police Station | |
752 | Voided | |
753 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2008 | |
754 | Levying taxes upon all property, real, personal and utility, subject to taxation within the corporate limits of the city of Lake Stevens, Washington for the year 2008 | |
755 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 610, 587, 414 and 751 Lake Stevens Municipal Code Section 3.44.010, Cashier’s Change Fund Created, to accommodate customer payments at City Hall and the Police Station | |
756 | Amending Ordinance 733, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2007 | |
757 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Map, Ordinances No. 726 and 739, as amended, and Title 14 LSMC, by approving 2007 City-initiated map amendment request #M-1 (Post office annex site), which amends the Comprehensive Plan’s land use map designation for property located at 12XXX 36th St NE from Planned Business District to Public/Semi Public, and rezones said property from Planned Business District to Public/Semi-Public pursuant to the city’s annual amendment and update process | |
758 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Map, Ordinances No. 726 and 739, as amended, and Title 14 LSMC, by approving 2007 City-initiated map amendment request #M-2 (Sewer District #1 Site), which amends the Comprehensive Plan’s Land Use Map designation for property located at 1106 Vernon Road from Sub-Regional Commercial to Public/ Semi-Public, and rezones said property from Sub-Regional Commercial to Public/Semi-Public, pursuant to the City’s annual amendment and update process | |
759 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Map, Ordinances No. 726 and 739, as amended, and Title 14 LSMC, by approving 2007 City-initiated map amendment request #M-3 (Sewer District Site #2 Site), which amends the Comprehensive Plan’s Land Use Map designation for property located at 11XX Vernon Road from High Density Residential to Public/Semi-Public, and rezones said property from Multi-Family Residential to Public/Semi-Public, pursuant to the City’s annual amendment and update process | |
760 | Amending the Zoning Map and Title 14 LSMC, by approving 2007 City-initiated map amendment request #M-4 (Sewer District #3 Site), which amends the City’s Zoning Map for property located at 1926 Vernon Road from High Urban Residential to Public/Semi-Public, pursuant to the City’s annual amendment and update process | |
761 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Map, Ordinances No. 726 and 739, as amended, and Title 14 LSMC, by approving 2007 City-initiated map amendment request #M-6 (Greenspace Site), which amends the Comprehensive Plan’s Land Use Map designation for property bounded by 107th Ave NE, Oak Road, Alder Road, 28th Ave SE Ave SE from Medium Density Residential to High Density Residential, and rezones said property from Suburban Residential to High Urban Residential, pursuant to the City’s annual amendment and update process | |
762 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan, Ordinances No. 726 and 739, as amended, and Title 14 LSMC, by approving 2007 City-initiated map amendment request #M-7 (Flickner Site), which amends the Comprehensive Plan’s Land Use Map designation for property located at southeast corner of Highway 9 and Soper Hill Road from Medium Density Residential to Mixed Use, pursuant to the City’s annual amendment and update process | |
763 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Map, Ordinances No. 726 and 739, as amended, and Title 14 LSMC, by approving 2007 City-initiated map amendment request #M-8 (County UGA Change #1 Site), which amends the Comprehensive Plan’s Land Use Map to add to the Lake Stevens Urban Growth Area property located east of Lundeen Parkway and south of 8th Street NE, pursuant to the City’s annual amendment and update process | |
764 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan, Ordinances 726 and 739, as amended, and Title 14 LSMC, by approving 2007 City-initiated map amendment request #M-9 (County UGA change #2 Site), which amends the Comprehensive Plan’s Land Use Map to add to the Lake Stevens Urban Growth Area property located along 79th Drive NE north of Vernon Road, pursuant to the City’s annual amendment and update process | |
765 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan, Ordinances No. 726 and 739, as amended, and Title 14 LSMC, by approving 2007 City-initiated text amendment requests #T-1 (update maps for annexations), T-2 (Higher Education Facility), #T-4 (Transportation element), #T-5 (Capital Facilities element), #T-6 (RUTA), #T-7(Docket Process), #T-8 (Buildable Lands) and #T-9 (miscellaneous changes), which amend the Comprehensive Plan text and figures pursuant to the City’s annual amendment and update process | |
766 | Voided | |
767 | Compression braking - on hold | |
768 | Annexing one parcel of approximately 2.91 acres, known as the “Corniche Annexation,” into the City and providing for the assumption on indebtedness and Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Designations; and providing for the effective date of this ordinance | |
769 | Declaring its intent to join and be annexed by the Sno-Isle Intercounty Rural Library District; requesting that a special election be held on the 20th day of May, 2008, for purpose of submitting the annexation proposition to the voters, and making other provisions | |
770 | Requesting an election regarding annexation by the Sno-Isle Intercounty Rural Library District | |
771 | Prohibiting smoking and tobacco use in City parks, adopting new Lake Stevens Municipal Code Section 10.03.155 to codify the prohibition on tobacco use; amending Ordinance No. 491 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Section 10.03.020 to define smoking and tobacco use; amending Ordinance Nos. 604 and 491 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Section 10.03.270 to revise the monetary penalties for violations of Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 10.03, Park Regulations and establishing an effective date | |
772 | Amending Ordinance 753, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2008 | |
773 | Amending the City’s critical areas regulations by increasing stream and wetland buffer widths, by encouraging innovative and flexible approaches to protecting critical areas, and by making other related revisions, and amending Chapters 14.88 and 14.48 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code | |
774 | Limiting the use of consumer fireworks within the City; amending Chapter 9.64, limiting the sale and discharge of fireworks, establishing penalties for violations thereof | |
775 | Revising and updating the City’s fire regulations to comply with Washington State’s adoption of the 2006 International Code Council Editions of International Codes; moving and amending definitions used in the fire regulations to the definitions chapter; and amending Chapters 14.08 and 14.84 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code | |
776 | Amending Ordinance 753, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2008 | |
777 | Amending the Official Zoning Map for the three parcels contained in the Zacky/Trunell/Daily proposed rezone from Suburban Residential (SR) to High Urban Residential (HUR) | |
778 | Amending portions of Ordinance No. 746 correcting the City’s building and construction regulations related Washington State’s adoption of the 2006 International Code Council Editions of International Codes and amending Chapter 14.80 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code; and providing for severability | |
779 | Providing for the issuance and sale of two series of limited tax general obligation and refunding bonds of the City in the aggregate principal amount of $4,950,000 to finance the acquisition of land for a new civic center, to refund certain outstanding limited tax general obligations for the City and to pay costs of issuance of such bonds; authorizing the plan of refunding; providing the date, form, terms and maturities of the two series of bonds; providing for the annual levy of taxes to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds; and authorizing the sale of the bonds | |
780 | Amending the Zoning Map, as amended, and Title 14 LSMC by approving 2007 City-initiated zoning map amendment request #M-7 (Flickner property), which amends the Zoning Map for two parcels located at southeast corner of State Route 9 and Soper Hill Road from Urban Residential to Mixed Use, conditioned upon the execution of development agreement setting forth prohibited uses of the Flickner property | |
781 | Granting Comcast of California/Colorado/Washington I, Inc., a cable franchise | |
782 | Enacting cable system regulations that govern the granting of cable system franchises and the construction, operation and maintenance of cable systems and repealing Chapters 3.24 and 12.08 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code | |
783 | Amending Chapter 12.12 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code relating to cable system regulations | |
784 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan, Ordinances No. 726 and 739, as amended, and Title 14 LSMC, by approving 2008 applicant-initiated map amendment request #M-1 (Chapman), which amends the Comprehensive Plan’s Land Use Map designation for property located at 10311 Lundeen Parkway from Medium Density Residential and High Density Residential to Mixed Use and which amends the Official Zoning Map designation for said property from Suburban Residential and Multi-Family Residential to Mixed Use, pursuant to the City’s annual amendment and update process | |
785 | Voided | |
786 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan, Ordinances No. 726 and 739, as amended, and Title 14 LSMC, by approving 2008 applicant-initiated map amendment request #M-3 (Kaintz), which amends the Comprehensive Plan’s Land Use Map designation for property located at 14 and 26 99th Avenue Northeast from High Density Residential to Downtown/Local Commercial and which amends the Official Zoning Map designation for said property from Multi-Family Residential to Local Business, pursuant to the City’s annual amendment and update process | |
787 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan, Ordinances No. 726 and 739, as amended, and Title 14 LSMC, by approving 2008 applicant-initiated map amendment request #M-4 (Treichler), which amends the Comprehensive Plan’s Land Use Map designation for property located at 1915 Vernon Road from Downtown/Local Commercial to Waterfront Residential and which amends the Official Zoning Map designation for said property from Local Business to Waterfront Residential, pursuant to the City’s annual amendment and update process | |
788 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan, Ordinances No. 726 and 739, as amended, and Title 14 LSMC, by approving 2008 City-initiated map amendment request #M-5 (Waterfront Residential), which amends the Comprehensive Plan’s Land Use Map designation for property located on the lakefront at the north and northwest side of Lake Stevens from Medium Density Residential, Local Commercial, Public/Semi-Public and no designation to Waterfront Residential, Local Commercial and Public/Semi-Public, and which amends the Official Zoning Map designation for said property from Suburban Residential, Local Business, Public/Semi-Public and no zone to Waterfront Residential, Local Business and Public/Semi-Public, pursuant to the City’s annual amendment and update process | |
789 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan, Ordinances No. 726 and 739, as amended, by approving 2008 City-initiated map amendment request #M-6 (Zacky/Trunell/Dailey), which amends the Comprehensive Plan’s Land Use Map designation for property located at 3408, 3416, and 3420 102nd Avenue Northeast from High Density Residential to Medium Density Residential, pursuant to the City’s annual amendment and update process | |
790 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan, Ordinances No. 726 and 739, as amended, and Title 14 LSMC, by approving 2008 City-initiated text amendment requests #T-1 (Chapter 1 Introduction), #T-2 (Chapter 2 Description of the Planning Area), #T-3 (Chapter 3 Housing Element), #T-4 (Chapter 4 Land Use Element), #T-5 (Parks and Recreation Element), #T-6 (Transportation Element), #T-7 (Utilities and Public Service and Facilities Element), #T-8 (Capital Facilities Element), #T-9 (Economic Development Element), #T-10 (Miscellaneous Changes), and #T-12 (Critical Areas Protection), which amend the Comprehensive Plan text and figures, pursuant to the City’s annual amendment and update process | |
791 | Amending Ordinance 776, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2008 | |
792 | Levying taxes upon all property – real, personal and utility, subject to taxation within the corporate limits of the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the year 2009 | |
793 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2009 | |
794 | Amends Ch. 14.120, park impact mitigation fees (14.120) | |
795 | Voided | |
796 | Providing for the adoption and implementation of engineering design and development standards, amending the Land Use Code definitions, amending street and access classifications and requirements, and amending Title 14 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code by amending Chapters 14.04 (General Provisions), 14.08 (Basic Definitions and Interpretations), 14.12 (Administrative Mechanisms), 14.48 (Density and Dimensional Regulations), 14.56 (Streets and Sidewalks), 14.60 (Utilities), and 14.64 (Floodways, Floodplains, Drainage, and Erosion) | |
797 | Amending Titles 10 and 14 LSMC, by approving minor code corrections for Chapters 10.03 (Park Rules and Regulations), 14.08 (Basic Definitions and Interpretations), 14.12 (Administrative Mechanisms), 14.44 (Supplementary Use Regulations), 14.88 (Critical Areas), 14.92 (Shoreline Management), and 14.120 (Park Impact Mitigation Fees), including a variety of editorial, reference, and terminology errors | |
798 | Adopting a new Innovative Housing Options Demonstration Program, Chapter 14.46, and amending Chapters 14.08, Basic Definitions and Interpretations, 14.40, Permissible Uses, and 14.44, Supplementary Use Regulations, LSMC, to be consistent with the new program | |
799 | Repealing Ordinance No. 740 and amending Chapter 14.68 LSMC “Signs” by correcting inadvertent errors in Ordinance No. 740 | |
800 | Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 738 by correcting the property description for the Eaglemont rezone | |
801 | Annexing approximately 2,374 acres, known as the “Southwest Annexation,” into the City; and adopting the land use and zoning designations; and providing for the effective date of this ordinance | |
802 | Amending Ordinance No. 793, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2009 | |
803 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan, Ordinances No. 726 and 739, as amended, and Title 14 LSMC, by approving 2009 City-initiated text amendment requests #T-1 (adoption of Lake Stevens School District 2008-2013 Capital Facilities Plan), #T-2 (Land Use and Zoning Maps), #T-3 (Related to Proposed Engineering Design and Development Standards), #T-4 (Correction of Policy Numbering), and #T-5 (Correction of Decision Criteria), which amend the Comprehensive Plan text and figures, pursuant to the City’s annual amendment and update process | |
804 | Amending Ordinance No. 793, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2009 | |
805 | Adopting a new format for the official zoning map and amending Chapter 14.36 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code | |
806 | Amending Ordinance No. 538 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Chapter 3.38, Sections 3.38.010, Purpose, 3.38.020, Definitions, 3.38.030, Appropriations for Municipal Construction Projects, and 3.38.040, Municipal Arts Fund, regarding the source and use of funds for the Municipal Arts Fund | |
807 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 610, 587, 414, 751, and 755 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Section 3.44.010, Cashier’s Change Fund Created, to accommodate customer payments at City Hall and the Police Station | |
808 | Adopting stormwater management regulations pursuant to the Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit issued to the City by the Washington State Department of Ecology and amending Chapters 14.64 and 16.28, and adopting Chapter 11.06 | |
809 | Amending Ordinance No. 793, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2009 | |
810 | Amending Chapter 10.03 LSMC “Park Rules and Regulations”; Chapter 14.04 LSMC “General Provisions”; Chapter 14.08 LSMC “Basic Definitions and Interpretations”; Chapter 14.40 LSMC “Permissible Uses”; Chapter 14.44 LSMC “Supplementary Use Regulations”; and Chapter 14.68 LSMC “Signs” | |
811 | Repealing Chapters 14.12 LSMC “Administrative Mechanisms”; Chapter 14.16 LSMC “Permits, Hearings and Appeals”; and Chapter 14.96 LSMC “Amendments”; adopting a new processing code in four new Chapters (Chapter 14.16A LSMC “Administration and Procedures”; Chapter 14.16B LSMC “Types of Land Use Review”; Chapter 14.16C LSMC “Land Use Actions, Permits and Determinations - Decision Criteria and Standards”; and Chapter 14.18 LSMC “Subdivisions, Boundary Line Adjustments and Binding Site Plans”); and amending the following Chapters of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code to be consistent with the new processing code: Chapter 2.56 LSMC “Park and Recreation Planning Board”; Chapter 2.64 LSMC “Planning Commission”; Chapter 4.04 “Businesses Licenses and Regulations”; Chapter 9.60 “Nuisance Activity”; Chapter 12.12 LSMC “Telecommunications”; Chapter 14.04 LSMC “General Provisions”; Chapter 14.08 LSMC “Basic Definitions and Interpretations”; Chapter 14.28 LSMC “Enforcement and Review”; Chapter 14.32 LSMC “Nonconforming Situations”; Chapter 14.36 LSMC “Zoning Districts and Zoning Map”; Chapter 14.40 LSMC “Permissible Uses”; Chapter 14.44 LSMC “Supplementary Use Regulations”; Chapter 14.46 LSMC “Innovative Housing Options Demonstration Program”; Chapter 14.48 LSMC “Density and Dimensional Regulations”; Chapter 14.56 LSMC “Streets and Sidewalks”; Chapter 14.64 LSMC “Floodways, Floodplains, Drainage, and Erosion”; Chapter 14.68 LSMC “Signs”; Chapter 14.72 LSMC “Parking”; Chapter 14.76 LSMC “Screening and Trees”; Chapter 14.80 LSMC “Building and Construction”; Chapter 14.88 LSMC “Critical Areas”; Chapter 14.92 LSMC “Shoreline Management”; Chapter 14.100 LSMC “Impact Mitigation”; Chapter 14.110 LSMC “Concurrency Management System”; Chapter 14.120 LSMC “Park Impact Mitigation Fees”; and Chapter 16.12 LSMC “Categorical Exemptions and Threshold Determinations” | |
812 | Adding a Chapter 4.60 to the Lake Stevens Municipal Code in order to prohibit the conduct or operation of social card games as a commercial stimulant within the city limits; providing for penalty; amending portions of Ordinance 735 codified as Lake Stevens Municipal Code Section 3.35.020(b) to remove the reference to social card games | |
813 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan, and Ordinance Nos. 726 and 739, as amended, by approving 2009 City-initiated text amendment (addition of one roundabout project to capital facilities plan), which amends the Comprehensive Plan text concurrently with adoption of a 2009 City budget amendment, pursuant to RCW 36.70A.130(2)(a)(iii) | |
814 | Amending Ordinance 793, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2009 | |
815 | Amending Ordinance 793, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2009 | |
816 | Levying taxes upon all property – real, personal and utility, subject to taxation within the corporate limits of the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the year 2010 | |
817 | Making a declaration of substantial need for purposes of setting the limit factor for the property tax levy for 2010 | |
818 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2010 | |
819 | Amending Ordinance 815, budget amendment for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2009 | |
820 | Amending Ordinance No. 717 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Section 5.12.030 relating to dog and cat licensing | |
821 | Repealing Ordinance 810 and establishing regulations governing events, including amending Chapter 10.03 LSMC “Park Rules and Regulations”; Section 14.04.080 Fees; Section 14.08.010 Definition of Basic Terms; Section 14.08.010 adding new definitions; Section 14.40.010 Use Description 26.000 on Table II; Section 14.44.050 Events; Section 14.44.400 Food Sales from Stationary Motor Vehicles on City-Owned Property; Section 14.44.410 Food Sales from Stationary Motor Vehicles on Property Not Owned by the City; Section 14.68.030 Certain Temporary Signs: Permit Exemptions; and providing for severability and effective date | |
822 | Amending Ordinance 793, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2009 | |
823 | Setting the threshold and tax rates in accordance with RCW 82.14.415 with respect to the Southwest annexation | |
824 | Amending portions of the Business License Regulations Ordinance Nos. 732 and 750 codified in Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) business licensing and regulations Sections: 4.04.080 License Fees; 4.04.090 Term and Renewal of License; 4.04.120 License Transferability – Sale of Business; 4.04.130 Canvassers, Peddlers and Solicitors; and 4.04.150 Suspension or Revocation of License - Grounds; Repealing portions of Ordinances Nos. 121, 131, and 236 codified as LSMC 4.16 Dance Halls; and providing for severability | |
825 | Amending Ordinance 818, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2010 | |
826 | Amending Ordinance 818, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2010 | |
827 | Amending portions of Ordinance Nos. 221, 358, and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 3.34, Excise Tax on Real Estate Sales | |
828 | Amending Ordinance 818, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2010 | |
829 | Amending the Official Zoning Map for the three parcels contained in the Adkins proposed rezone from Suburban Residential (SR) to Urban Residential (UR) | |
830 | Amending Ordinance 818, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2010 | |
831 | Amending Ordinance 818, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2010 | |
832 | Adding a new Chapter 3.26 to the Lakes Stevens Municipal Code authorizing the imposition of a leasehold excise tax | |
833 | Amending portions of Ord. Nos. 811, 778, and 746 codified as Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Chapter 14.80 entitled “Building and Construction”; and amending portions of Ord. No. 775 codified as LSMC Chapter 14.84 entitled “Fire Code” – revising and updating these city regulations to comply with Washington State’s adoption of the 2009 International Code Council editions of International Codes; and providing for severability and effective date | |
834 | Providing for the issuance and sale of limited tax general obligation and refunding bonds of the City in the aggregate principal amount of $966,000 to finance the costs of a new shop for the Public Works Department, to refund certain outstanding limited tax general obligations of the City, and to pay costs of issuing these bonds; authorizing the plan of refunding; providing the date, form, terms and maturities of the two bonds; providing for the annual levy of taxes to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds; and authorizing the sale of the bonds | |
835 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan, ordinances Nos. 726 and 739, as amended, and Title 14 LSMC, by approving 2010 city initiated text amendment requests #T-1 (Before Chapter 1), #T-2 (Chapter 1 Introduction), #T-3 (Chapter 2 Description of Planning Area), #T-4 (Chapter 4 Land Use Element), #T-5 (Chapter 5 Parks and Recreation Element), #T-6 (Chapter 6 Transportation Element), #T-7 (Chapter 7 Utilities & Public Services & Facilities Element), and #T-8 (References), which amend the Comprehensive Plan text and figures, pursuant to the city’s amendment and update process | |
836 | Amending portions of Ordinance No. 688 codified in Section 7.12.090 entitled “Prohibited Parking” by adding new Section 7.12.090 “F” regarding the prohibiting of vehicle roadside parking adjacent to residential mailboxes between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on scheduled postal service delivery days; providing for severability; and establishing an effective date | |
837 | Amending Ordinance 818, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2010 | |
838 | Amending Ordinance 818, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2010 | |
839 | Adding a new Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 2.14, City Office Hours, to Title 2, Administration and Personnel | |
840 | Levying taxes upon all property – real, personal and utility, subject to taxation within the corporate limits of the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the year 2011 | |
841 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2011 | |
842 | Amending Ordinance 818, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2010 | |
843 | Adding a new Section 14.56.270 regarding the private landscape usage of public right-of-way | |
844 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan, Ordinances No. 726 and 739, as previously amended, by approving City initiated text amendment (amend Chapter 7 “Lake Stevens School District” section), which amends the Comprehensive Plan text concurrently with adoption of the 2011 City budget | |
845 | Amending the Official Zoning Map for one parcel located at 3209 102nd Avenue NE, contained in the Brewe proposed rezone from Suburban Residential (SR) to High Urban Residential (HUR) | |
846 | Amending Ordinance 840 levying taxes upon all property – real, personal and utility, subject to taxation within the corporate limits of the City of Lake Stevens, Washington for the year 2011 | |
847 | Amending Ordinance 841, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2011 | |
848 | Amending Ord. 812, Section 1, social card games as commercial stimulant prohibited and LSMC Section 4.60.010, state law applicable | |
849 | Amending portions of Ord. 623 codified as Ch. 7.40 LSMC relating to vehicle impoundment | |
850 | (Voided) | |
851 | (Voided) | |
852 | Amending Ordinance 841, the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2011 | |
853 | Amending Chapter 3.12 Telephone Utility Tax by amending Section 3.12.030 Definitions regarding “telephone business” and adding a definition for “cellular telephone service” and adding Sections 3.12.040 “Taxpayer’s Records,” 3.12.050 “Failure to Make Returns or to Pay Tax in Full,” 3.12.060 “Penalty for Delinquent Payment,” 3.12.070 “Overpayment of Tax,” 3.12.080 “Appeal” | |
854 | Providing for a franchise to Waste Management of Washington, Inc. allowing it to collect solid waste for ten (10) years in areas annexed into the City | |
855 | Amending the following chapters of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code to be consistent with the Shoreline Management Act, Chapter 90.58 RCW, and shoreline management permit and enforcement procedures, Chapter 173-27 WAC; Chapter 14.08 LSMC “Basic Definitions and Interpretations” by amending Section 14.08.010, Chapter 14.16A LSMC “Administration and Procedures” by amending Section 14.16A.210, Chapter 14.16B LSMC “Types of Land Use Review” by amending Sections 14.16B.105, .110, .205, .230, .240, .245, .315, .320, .355, .710, and .720, Chapter 14.16C LSMC “Land Use Actions, Permits and Determinations – Decision Criteria and Standards” by amending Section 14.16C.100, Chapter 14.18 LSMC “Subdivisions, Boundary Line Adjustments and Binding Site Plans” by amending Section 14.18.120, Chapter 14.36 LSMC “Zoning Districts and Zoning Maps” by amending Sections 14.36.060 and .200, Chapter 14.88 LSMC “Critical Areas” by amending Section 14.88.100, and Chapter 14.92 LSMC “Shoreline Management” by amending Sections 14.92.010, .020, .050, .060, .070, .100, .120, .130, .140, .150, and .160 | |
856 | Approving the proposed City of Lake Stevens 2011 Shoreline Master Program and the accompanying environment designations, goals and policies, regulations, cumulative impacts analysis, restoration plan, and no net loss report summary under the procedures set forth in Chapter 90.58 RCW | |
857 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 610, 587, 414, 751, 755, and 807 codified as Lake Stevens Municipal Code Section 3.44.010, entitled “Cashier’s Change Fund Created” to accommodate customer payments at City Hall and the Police Station | |
858 | Adopting a moratorium on the establishment of medical marijuana dispensaries, collective gardens, and the licensing and permitting thereof; defining “medical marijuana dispensary;” providing for a public hearing; establishing an effective date; and providing that the moratorium, unless extended, will sunset within six (6) months of the date of adoption | |
859 | Amending a portion of Title 14 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code by adding a new Section 14.56.192 to Chapter 14.56 LSMC regarding the collection of pre-annexation traffic mitigation fees; adding a new Section 14.110.115 to Chapter 14.110 LSMC regarding the traffic concurrency of pre-annexation projects; and adopting of Sections 30.66B.120, .125, .130, .135, .145, .150, .155, .310, .320, .330, .340, and .350 of Chapter 30.66B of the Snohomish County Code | |
860 | Amending Section 14.08.010 definitions of basic terms of LSMC Chapter 14.08; amending Table 14.16A-I: classification of permits and decisions of Subsection 14.16A.210(D); repealing and replacing Part I of LSMC Chapter 14.64 Floodways, Floodplains, Drainage, and Erosion; amending Part V (Frequently Flooded Areas) of LSMC Chapter 14.88 Critical Areas of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code; and updating references to incorporating future flood insurance rate maps into the Municipal Code | |
861 | Amending portions of Ordinance No. 478, Section 2, Subsection 2.60.050 codified in Lake Stevens Municipal Code Subsection 2.60.050 entitled “Duties,” relating to the duties of the Library Board; providing for severability and an effective date | |
862 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan, Ordinances No. 726 and 739, as amended, and Title 14 LSMC, by approving 2011 City initiated text amendment requests #T-1 (Chapter 1 Introduction), #T-2 (Chapter 5 Parks and Recreation Element), #T-3 (Chapter 6 Transportation Element), #T-4 (Chapter 8 Capital Facilities Element), #T-5 (Appendices), and #T-6 (Table of Contents), which amend the Comprehensive Plan text and figures pursuant to the City’s annual Comprehensive Plan amendment and update process | |
863 | Repealing portions of Ordinances No. 119, 320, 604 and 623 codified in Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 7.20 entitled “Tonnage Limit,” and adopting a new LSMC Chapter 7.20 to be entitled “Truck Routes and Weight Restrictions” adopting regulations relating to “Truck Routes and Weight Restrictions” | |
864 | Amending the 2011 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 841 concerning fund balances and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2011 | |
865 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2012 | |
866 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan, Ordinances No. 726 and 739, as amended, by approving Comprehensive Plan amendments to Chapter 10 “Critical Areas Protection” required by the adoption of the 2011 Lake Stevens Shoreline Master Program under the procedures set forth in Chapter 90.58 RCW | |
867 | Adopting an extension of a moratorium on the establishment of medical marijuana/cannabis dispensaries, collective gardens and the licensing and permitting thereof; defining “medical marijuana/cannabis dispensary”; providing for a public hearing; referring the matter to the Planning Commission for review; establishing an effective date; amending Ordinance 858 and providing that the extended moratorium will expire six (6) months from the date of adoption | |
868 | Creating a new Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 3.45, entitled “Public Debt and Use of Collection Agencies,” to Title 3, related to collection of public debts owed to the City; to establish collection procedures and fees | |
869 | Amending the 2012 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 865 concerning fund balances and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2012 | |
870 | Repeals and replaces Title 16, SEPA Procedures and Policies, and amending references to the same in Chapter 14.16B, Types of Land Use Review, of Title 14 Land Use Code | |
871 | Amending Chapter 14.40 LSMC, Permissible Uses, and adding Part V, Multi-Family Apartments Annexed into the City, to Chapter 14.44 LSMC to regulate multi-family apartments in the Suburban Residential Zone | |
872 | Relating to the City’s Land Use Code contained in LSMC Title 14; amending the title and table of contents of LSMC Chapter 14.46 “Innovative Housing Options Demonstration Program” to reflect a permanent “Innovative Housing Options Program”; amending Sections 14.46.001, 14.46.005, 14.46.010, and 14.46.015 of LSMC Chapter 14.46; and repealing Sections 14.46.040 “Sunset Clause” and 14.46.045 “Program Evaluation” of LSMC Chapter 14.46 | |
873 | Amending portions of Title 9 the “Criminal Code” of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Chapters 9.04, 9.08, 9.12, 9.16, 9.20, 9.28, 9.32, 9.36, 9.40, 9.44, 9.48, 9.52 and 9.54; and providing for severability | |
874 | Adopting an extension of a moratorium on the establishment of medical marijuana/cannabis dispensaries, collective gardens and the licensing and permitting thereof; defining “medical marijuana/cannabis dispensary”; providing for a public hearing; establishing an effective date; amending Ordinance No. 858 and Ordinance No. 867; and providing that the extended moratorium will expire six (6) months from the date of adoption | |
875 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan, Ordinances No. 726 and 739, as amended | |
876 | Adopting subarea design guidelines; amending the official zoning map with two area-wide rezones; adding a new Chapter 14.38 “Subarea Plans” and adding a new Chapter 14.112 “Traffic Mitigation” to the Lake Stevens Municipal Code; and amending the following chapters of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code to be consistent with the adopted Lake Stevens Center Subarea Plan, 20th Street SE Corridor Subarea Plan and planned action ordinances: Chapter 14.04 LSMC “General Provisions,” Chapter 14.08 LSMC “Basic Definitions and Interpretations,” Chapter 14.16A LSMC “Administration and Procedures,” Chapter 14.16B LSMC “Types of Land Use Review,” Chapter 14.16C LSMC “Land Use Actions, Permits and Determinations - Decision Criteria and Standards,” Chapter 14.32 LSMC “Nonconforming Situations,” Chapter 14.36 LSMC “Zoning Districts and Zoning Map,” Chapter 14.40 LSMC “Permissible Uses,” Chapter 14.44 LSMC “Supplementary Use Regulations,” Chapter 14.68 LSMC “Signs,” and Chapter 14.110 LSMC “Concurrency Management System” related to adoption of subarea plans and planned action ordinances for Lake Stevens Center Subarea and 20th Street SE Corridor Subarea | |
877 | Establishing a planned action for the Lake Stevens Center Subarea pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (Chapter 43.21C RCW and WAC 197-11-164) | |
878 | Establishing a planned action for the 20th Street SE Corridor Subarea pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (Chapter 43.21C RCW and WAC 197-11-164) | |
879 | Amending the 2012 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 865 concerning fund balances and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2012 | |
880 | Amending the 2012 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 865 concerning fund balances and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2012 | |
881 | Amending portions of Title 10 entitled “Parks and Recreation” including amending Section 10.03.100 entitled “Firearms and Explosives,” amending Chapter 10.04 entitled “General Provisions,” amending Chapter 10.08 entitled “Accidents and Enforcement,” amending Chapter 10.12 entitled “Restricted Areas and Obstructions,” amending Chapter 10.16 entitled “Swimming, Diving and Waterskiing,” adding a new Section 10.20.145 entitled “Public Nuisance Noises Emanating from Watercraft,” and amending Section 10.36.010 entitled “Special Regulations Established” | |
882 | Amending the 2012 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 865 concerning fund balances and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2012 | |
883 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2013 | |
884 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan, Ordinances No. 726 and 739, as amended | |
885 | Amending the Official Zoning Map for one parcel located at 2223 Cedar Road, Lake Stevens, Washington, Parcel No. 00385500700400, contained in the PUD proposed rezone from Public/Semi-Public (P/SP) to Urban Residential (UR) | |
886 | Adopting an extension of a moratorium on the establishment of medical marijuana/cannabis dispensaries, collective gardens and the licensing and permitting thereof; defining “medical marijuana/cannabis dispensary”; providing for a public hearing; establishing an effective date; amending Ordinances No. 858, No. 867, and No. 874; and providing that the extended moratorium will expire six (6) months from the date of adoption | |
887 | Amending the 2013 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 883 concerning fund balances and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2013 | |
888 | Amending portions of Title 14 entitled “Land Use Code” including amending Section 14.60.450 entitled “Underground Utilities” | |
889 | Approving amendments to the approved City of Lake Stevens 2011 Shoreline Master Program and the accompanying environment designations, goals and policies, regulations, cumulative impacts analysis, restoration plan, and no net loss report summary under the procedures set forth in Chapter 90.58 RCW | |
890 | Amending LSMC Section 14.40.010 regarding “Permissible Uses” | |
891 | Amending Sections 9.60.010 and 9.60.050 of LSMC Chapter 9.60 Nuisance Activity; amending Sections 14.28.030 and 14.28.040 of LSMC 14.28 Enforcement and Review; amending Section 17.04.030 of LSMC Chapter 17.04 General Provisions; amending Section 17.08.050 of LSMC Chapter 17.08 Administrative Process; repealing LSMC Chapter 17.20 Civil Enforcement and Penalties and replacing it with a new LSMC Chapter 17.20 Civil Enforcement and Penalties; and repealing LSMC Chapter 17.24 Hearings and Appeals | |
892 | Amending portions of Chapter 5.28 entitled “Regulations Concerning Inherently Dangerous and Wild Animals, Animal Biting, Aggressive, Dangerous and Potentially Dangerous Dogs” | |
893 | Amending the 2013 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 883 concerning fund balances and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2013 | |
894 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Sections 14.08.010, adding definitions for cannabis, medical cannabis (marijuana) collective garden, and medical cannabis (marijuana) dispensary and 14.40.040 prohibiting the establishment of medical cannabis (marijuana) collective gardens and medical cannabis (marijuana) dispensaries | |
895 | (Voided) | |
896 | Providing for a balanced right-of-way vacation and dedication of approximately 5,400 square feet of land between the Smith Property and adjacent City property, off 20th Street SE | |
897 | Amending portions of Ord. Nos. 833, 811, 778, and 746 codified as Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Chapter 14.80, Building and Construction, and amending portions of Ord. No. 775 codified as LSMC Chapter 14.84, Fire Code, revising and updating these City regulations to comply with Washington State’s adoption of the 2012 International Code Council Editions of International Codes | |
898 | Amending Section 14.08.010, Definitions, Section 14.16A.220, Application Procedures, Section 14.16C.100, Shoreline Permits, Section 14.18.120, Decision Criteria, Section 14.36.060, Shoreline Environment Designation, Section 14.40.010, Table 14.40-I, Table of Permissible Uses, Section 14.48.040, Building Setback Requirements, Chapter 14.88 (Critical Areas), Chapter 14.92 (Shoreline Management), Section 14.16C.100 (Shoreline Permits), and the Shoreline Master Program, Section 14.88.430, Requirements, Chapter 14.92, Shoreline Management | |
899 | Amending the 2013 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 883 concerning fund balances and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2013 | |
900 | Adopting a moratorium on the establishment, siting, location, permitting, licensing or operation of marijuana cultivation, production of marijuana derivatives, and the sale of marijuana or marijuana derivatives or any other activities asserted to be authorized or actually authorized under Washington State Initiative No. 502 or any other law of the State of Washington | |
901 | Consenting to the transfer of franchise to provide open video and dark fiber services from Black Rock Cable Inc to WDH Black Rock, LLC | |
902 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan, Ordinances No. 726 and 739, as amended, and Title 14 LSMC, by approving the 2013 docket: one city-initiated map amendment #M-1 (map correction for 20th St SE stormwater detention facility redesignation) and seven city-initiated text amendment requests #T-1 amending Chapter 1 entitled “Introduction,” #T-3 Amending Chapter 5 entitled “Parks and Recreation Element,” #T-4 amending Chapter 6 entitled “Transportation Element,” #T-5 amending Chapter 7 entitled “Utilities & Public Services & Facilities Element,” #T-6 amending section entitled “Appendices,” #T-7 amending cover, footers and table of contents, and #T-8 amending Chapter 8 entitled “Capital Facilities Element,” which amend the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, text and figures pursuant to the city’s annual Comprehensive Plan amendment and update process | |
903 | Amending portions of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code as part of the 2013 docket with code housekeeping amendments to correct minor code errors and revisions found during code implementation and update code to be consistent with the GMA Comprehensive Plan; amending Section 5.16.080 entitled “Permit May Be Denied or Revoked”; amending Section 14.04.120 entitled “Adoption of Administrative Supporting Guidelines”; amending Section 14.08.010 “Definitions of Basic Terms”; moving Section 14.08.020 entitled “Lots Divided by District Lines” to new Section 14.36.120 entitled same; amending Section 14.16A.130 entitled “Construction Plan Review”; amending Section 14.16A.210 entitled “Types of Review,” Table 14.16A-1 entitled “Classification of Permits and Decisions”; amending Section 14.16A.225 entitled “Noticing Requirements”; amending Section 14.16A.250 entitled “Expiration of Approvals and Approved Permits”; amending Section 14.16B.205 entitled “Purpose”; amending Section 14.16B.325 entitled “Public Meetings”; amending Section 14.16B.350 entitled “Hearing Examiner Decision”; amending Section 14.16B.505 entitled “Purpose”; amending Section 14.16B.525 entitled “Public Meetings”; amending Section 14.16B.540 entitled “Notice of City Council Public Hearings”; amending Section 14.16B.545 entitled “City Council Decision”; amending Section 14.16B.630 entitled “Notice of Public Hearing”; amending Section 14.16C.050 entitled “Design Review”; amending Section 14.16C.075 entitled “Land Use Code Amendments”; amending Section 14.16C.090 entitled “Rezones - Official Zoning Map Amendments”; amending Section 14.18.045 entitled “Endorsements on Short and Long Subdivision Plats”; amending Section 14.18.070 entitled “Boundary Line Adjustments”; amending Section 14.18.175 entitled “Recording with County Auditor”; amending Section 14.36.100 entitled “Official Zoning Map”; amending Section 14.38.040 entitled “Dimensional Regulations,” Table 14.38-I entitled “Dimensional Regulations”; amending Section 14.38.100 entitled “Signs”; amending Section 14.40.010 entitled “Table of Permissible Uses,” Table 14.40-I entitled “Table of Permissible Uses by Zones”; amending Section 14.40.020 entitled “Use of the Designations P, A, C in Table of Permissible Uses”; amending Section 14.40.040 entitled “Permissible and Prohibited Uses”; amending Section 14.44.020 entitled “Planned Residential Developments”; amending Section 14.44.075 entitled “Farm Animals”; repealing Section 14.44.085 entitled “Motor Vehicle Sales in the Central Business District”; amending Section 14.44.110 entitled “Restrictions and Requirements”; amending Section 14.44.240 entitled “Smoke and Air Pollution”; amending Section 14.44.330 entitled “Location of Parking in Two-Family and Multi-Family Structures”; amending Section 14.46.020 entitled “Application”; amending Section 14.48.040 entitled “Building Setback Requirements” and Table 14.48-I entitled “Density and Dimensional Standards”; amending Section 14.48.050 entitled “Exceptions to Building Setback Requirements”; amending Section 14.48.070 entitled “Cluster Subdivisions”; amending Section 14.56.080 entitled “Street Width, Sidewalk, and Drainage Requirements in Subdivisions”; amending Section 14.56.100 entitled “Dead End Streets/Cul-de-Sacs”; amending Section 14.56.130 entitled “Construction Standards and Specifications”; amending Section 14.56.135 entitled “Deviations to Construction Standards and Specifications”; amending Section 14.68.020 entitled “Signs Excluded from Regulation”; amending Section 14.68.110 entitled “Sign Illumination and Signs Containing Lights”; amending Section 14.68.130 entitled “Maintenance of Signs”; amending Section 14.76.090 entitled “Additional Screening Requirements”; amending Section 14.76.120 entitled “Retention and Protection of Large Trees”; amending Section 14.80.030 entitled “Building Permits”; amending Section 14.88.010 entitled: “Purpose and Intent”; amending Section 14.88.310 entitled “Demonstration of Denial of All Reasonable Economic Uses”; amending Section 14.88.320 entitled “Allowance of Regulated Use in a Critical Area Where Denial of All Economic Use Is Demonstrated”; amending Section 14.88.400 entitled “Classification”; amending Section 14.88.930 entitled “Designation Process”; amending Section 14.110.120 “Appeals”; and minor correction of “Official Zoning Map” | |
904 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2014 | |
905 | Amending the 2013 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 883 concerning fund balances and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2013 | |
906 | Levying taxes upon all property - real, personal and utility, subject to taxation within the corporate limits of the City of Lake Stevens, Washington for the year 2014 | |
907 | Enacting Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 7.18, entitled “Tow Truck Businesses Used By the City” | |
908 | Regulating the licensing, production, processing and sale of marijuana and marijuana products; amending Section 4.04.030 “License Required” to add Subsection 4.04.030(g); amending Subsection 4.04.070(c) “Procedure for Issuance of License”; amending Section 4.04.150(a) “Suspension or Revocation of License - Grounds”; amending Section 14.08.010 “Definitions of Basic Terms”; amending Subsection 14.16C.070(e) “Home Occupations”; amending Section 14.38.020 “Zoning Districts”; amending Table 14.40-I referenced in Section 14.40.010 “Table of Permissible Uses”; adding Section 14.44.097 “State-Licensed Marijuana Facilities”; and amending Section 14.76.090 “Additional Screening Requirements” | |
909 | Amending the 2014 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 904 concerning fund balances and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2014 | |
910 | Granting a franchise to Astound Broadband, LLC | |
911 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 2.32 entitled “Police Department” relating to commissions | |
912 | Amending the 2014 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 904 concerning fund balances and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2014 | |
913 | Accepting statutory warranty deed for right of way on 20th Street SE from East Everett Investments LLC | |
914 | Establishing a salary commission for the city; adding a new Chapter 2.51 to the Lake Stevens Municipal Code | |
915 | Amending the 2014 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 904 concerning fund balances and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2014 | |
916 | Repealing existing LSMC Section 14.56.170 and replacing it with a new Section 14.56.170 entitled “Right-of-Way Dedication and Frontage Improvements” | |
917 | Amending the Lake Stevens Comprehensive Plan as set forth in Ordinance No. 726 and 739; approving city-initiated text amendments T-1 (Chapter 5 Parks, Recreation and Open Space Element), T-2 (Chapter 8 Capital Facilities Plant), T-3 (Appendices), T-4 (Cover, Footers, Table of Contents, Introduction) as part of the city’s annual Comprehensive Plan amendment and update process | |
918 | Amending the official Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, enacted by Ordinance No. 902; approving a citizen-initiated map amendment (M2 - Kjorsvik LUA2014-0009), which changes the land use designation for parcels located near SR-9 and Soper Hill Road to Commercial and Local Commercial (LC), pursuant to the city’s annual amendment and update process | |
919 | Amending the official Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, enacted by Ordinance No. 902; approving a citizen-initiated map amendment (M1 - Huber LUA 2014-0007), which changes the land use designation for two parcels located near SR-204 and 10th Street SE to Local Commercial (LC), pursuant to the city’s annual amendment and update process | |
920 | Amending the zoning of a portion of 11 acres as part of the Kjorsvik rezone (file No. LUA2014-0010) near the eastern intersection of Soper Hill Road and SR-9 by rezoning seven parcels of the project to commercial district and two parcels of the project to local business; repealing Ordinance 780; repealing Resolution 2008-4 and rescinding and terminating a development agreement related to a previous rezone, recorded under Snohomish County Recording No. 200808120549 | |
921 | Amending the official Zoning Map, enacted by Ordinance No. 903; approving the Huber rezone (city file No. LUA 2014-0008) by rezoning two parcels near SR-204 and 10th Street SE from Suburban Residential to Local Business | |
922 | Amending LSMC Chapter 14.112 by adding a new subsection 14.112.080(d) establishing the city council’s authority related to adjustment of traffic impact fees | |
923 | Amending LSMC Section 14.38.020 entitled “Zoning Districts” and Section 14.38.030 entitled “Other uses” | |
924 | Amending the 2014 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 904 concerning fund balances and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2014 | |
925 | Adopting the budget for the city of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2015 | |
926 | Levying taxes upon all property – real, personal and utility, subject to taxation within the corporate limits of the city of Lake Stevens, Washington for the year 2015 | |
927 | Amending the city’s Comprehensive Plan by adopting the Lake Stevens School District 2014-2019 Capital Facilities Plan as a sub-element of the Capital Facilities Element of the City’s Comprehensive Plan concurrent with the City’s budget amendment Ordinance No. 929 | |
928 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 2.92 entitled Sale and Disposal of Surplus and Personal Property | |
929 | Amending the 2015 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 925 concerning fund balances and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2015 | |
930 | Providing for the sale and disposition of city-owned real property | |
931 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Section 2.08.060 regarding compensation (City Council) and Section 2.12.020 regarding compensation (Mayor) | |
932 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 730, 678, 557 and 478 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Sections 2.08.020 and 2.08.030 by changing the City Council’s regular meeting days to the second and fourth Tuesdays and changing workshop meetings days to the first and third Tuesdays of any month | |
933 | Amending the 2015 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 925 concerning fund balances and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2015 | |
934 | Providing for vacation of approximately 9,126 square feet of right-of-way land between the Tackitt Property (Parcel No. 00431400300100) and adjacent city right-of-way located off 79th Ave SE and 20th Street SE subject to payment of compensation | |
935 | Amending the 2015 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 925 concerning fund balances and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2015 | |
936 | Vacating approximately 1,439 square feet of right-of-way between the Human property (Assessor Tax Parcel No. 00385600600202) and adjacent city right-of-way located off Spruce Road | |
937 | Adopting an updated Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map as required by the Growth Management Act | |
938 | Providing for a right-of-way vacation of 2,178 square feet in exchange for dedication of approximately 38,172 square feet of land between Richmond American Homes and the city of Lake Stevens, between the northern end of 102nd Ave NE and SR-92 | |
939 | Amending the 2015 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 925 concerning fund balances and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2015 | |
940 | Authorizing the issuance and sale of a limited tax general obligation refunding bond of the city in a principal amount not to exceed $820,000 to refund certain outstanding limited tax general obligation bonds of the city, and to pay costs of issuing the refunding bond; authorizing the plan of refunding; providing for the annual levy of taxes to pay principal of and interest on the refunding bond; and authorizing the sale of the refunding bond | |
941 | Adopting a twelve (12) month moratorium within the city of Lake Stevens temporarily prohibiting the establishment, siting, location, permitting, licensing or operation of new retail locations to sell marijuana; providing for a public hearing; adopting a work plan and findings of fact in support of the moratorium; referring the matter to the planning commission for review | |
942 | (Failed) | |
943 | Adopting the budget for the city of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2016 | |
944 | Levying taxes upon all property – real, personal and utility, subject to taxation within the corporate limits of the city of Lake Stevens, Washington for the year 2016 | |
945 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code Section 2.08.080, official newspapers | |
946 | Closing Fund 206 – limited tax general obligation bond redemption fund 2004; repealing portions of Ordinance No. 697 authorizing the establishment of the fund | |
947 | Amending LSMC 14.44.110(b), restrictions and requirements, and amending LSMC 14.48.055, density and dimensional regulations, to permit a greater percentage of impervious surface on parcels in the high urban residential zoning district outside of the city’s subareas | |
948 | Adding a new Chapter 3.60 entitled “Donations to City” to the Lake Stevens Municipal Code | |
949 | Amending portions of Ordinance Nos. 932, 730, 678, 557 and 478 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Section 2.08.020 – Regular Meetings by changing the city council’s regular meetings in July and August of each year to the second Tuesday in July and the fourth Tuesday in August | |
950 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 3.04 relating to payment of claims | |
951 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 2.24 Finance Department to add a new Section 2.24.035 – Powers and Duties | |
952 | Amending the 2016 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 943 concerning fund balances, revenues and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2016 | |
953 | Authorizing the condemnation, appropriation, taking and damaging of land and other property for purposes of repair and ongoing maintenance of the east embankment of Grade Road situated within Snohomish County Tax Parcel 290605-003-022-00 | |
954 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code Section 10.03.170 entitled “Selling Refreshments or Merchandise” and Section 10.03.180 entitled “Certain Vocations Prohibited” | |
955 | Establishing a temporary traffic impact fee adjustment for a period of three years to stimulate growth of new retail businesses within established subareas; repealing Resolution 2014-13 | |
956 | (No action taken) | |
957 | Amending Chapters 4.04, 4.08, 4.12, 4.20, and 4.40 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code | |
958 | Adding definitions in LSMC 14.08.010; amending LSMC 14.40.040; amending Table 14.40-I of Chapter 14.40 LSMC; amending LSMC 14.44.097; repealing Ordinance 941 a twelve (12) month moratorium temporarily prohibiting the establishment, siting, location, permitting, licensing or operation of new retail locations | |
959 | Creating a new Chapter 8.06 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) prohibiting the occupation of properties that lack adequate water or sewer service | |
960 | Amending the zoning for 5.64 acres as part of the McKay Rezone (City File No. LUA2016-0004) located at 7508 10th Street SE, Lake Stevens, WA 98258 and changing the zoning on two parcels of the project currently zoned Suburban Residential to Urban Residential | |
961 | Amending the zoning for 9.94 acres as part of the Silverstone Rezone (City File No. LUA2016-0010) located at 1317 71st Avenue SE, Lake Stevens, WA 98258 and changing the zoning on a parcel currently zoned Suburban Residential to Urban Residential | |
962 | Making certain underdeveloped or underutilized lands zoned for industrial/manufacturing uses eligible for ad valorem tax relief and adopting a process regarding such relief | |
963 | Amending the 2016 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 943 and as amended in Ordinance No. 952 concerning fund balances, revenues and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2016 | |
964 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code Section 14.08.010 entitled “Definitions of Basic Terms” to add and amend definitions; and amending Chapter 14.64 entitled “Special Flood Hazard Areas, Drainage, and Erosion” Sections 14.64.005, 14.64.020 and 14.64.050 | |
965 | Adding a new Section 14.56.280 to the Lake Stevens Municipal Code entitled “Complete Streets”; adopting a “complete streets” policy and practice in accordance with the Lake Stevens Comprehensive Plan; adopting said policy and practice as a routine consideration for transportation projects; identifying said policy as an opportunity to accommodate and improve access to all users, including bicyclists, pedestrians, motorists, and public transportation users | |
966 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code Section 3.12.010 entitled “Tax Levied” | |
967 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code Section 9.16.100 – Nude Sunbathing Prohibited; adding new Section 9.16.110 adopting RCW 9A.86.010 Disclosing intimate images by reference | |
968 | Repealing Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 2.72 – Traffic Violations Bureau and amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 7.12 – Parking | |
969 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Section 14.08.010 regarding definitions, amending Table 14.16a-1 regarding classification of permits and decisions, and adding a new Section 14.16C.120 regarding administrative authority | |
970 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code by adding Chapter 14.124 Deferred Collection of Impact Fees for Residential Construction and revising Chapters 14.100, 14.112 and 14.120 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code for consistency | |
971 | Amending Ordinance 549 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Chapter 11.04 – Storm Water Management Utility, Section 11.04.060 – Billing and Section 11.04.070 – Rates for specific classes of users | |
972 | Amending portions of Ord. No. 833, 811, 778, and 746 codified as Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Chapter 14.80 entitled “Building and Construction”; and amending portions of Ord. No. 775 codified as LSMC Chapter 14.84 entitled “Fire Code” – revising and updating these City regulations to comply with Washington State’s adoption of the 2015 International Code Council editions of international codes | |
973 | Establishing a new Chapter 2.86 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) entitled “Legal Action Against City Officials and Employees” | |
974 | Amending the zoning for 1.17 acres as part of the Libengood rezone (City File No. LUA2O76-0110) located at 1926 Vernon Road, Lake Stevens, WA 98258 and changing the zoning on a parcel currently zoned Public/Semipublic to High Urban Residential | |
975 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2017 | |
976 | Levying taxes upon all property – real, personal and utility, subject to taxation within the corporate limits of the City of Lake Stevens, Washington for the year 2017 | |
977 | Making a declaration of substantial need for purposes of setting the limit factor for the property tax levy for 2017 | |
978 | Amending the official Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, enacted by Ordinance No. 902; approving a citizen-initiated land use map amendment (M1 – Lake Stevens School District #4 LUA 2015-0119), which changes the land use designation for two parcels located near Lake Drive and 28th Street NE to public/semi-public (P/S-P) | |
979 | Amending the official Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, enacted by Ordinance No. 937; approving both a citizen-initiated map amendment (M2 – Hild LUA2016-0007) and a City-initiated map amendment (M3), which changes the land use designation for six parcels located near SR-92 and 127th Drive NE to medium density residential and high urban residential (HUR) and an isolated parcel east of 127th Drive NE to general industrial (GI) | |
980 | Amending the Lake Stevens Comprehensive Plan; approving City-initiated text amendments T-1 (Chapter 5 Parks, Recreation and Open Space Element), T-2 (Chapter 2 The Land Use Element, Chapter 7 Utilities and Chapter 9 Capital Facilities Plan), T-3 (Appendices), T-4 (Cover, Footers, Table of Contents, Introduction) and a City-initiated Land Use Map amendment (M4 – the SW Quad Property LUA2016-0017) to change the land use designation of ten parcels totaling approximately eight and a half acres adjacent to SR-9 and 20th Street SE from mixed use to commercial as part of the City’s annual Comprehensive Plan amendment and update process | |
981 | Amending the official zoning map, enacted by Ordinance No. 937; approving the Lake Stevens School District #4 rezone (City File Number LUA2015-0119) near Lake Drive and 28th Street NE by rezoning two parcels totaling approximately thirty eight acres from high urban residential to public/semi-public as a concurrent land use action with the 2016 Comprehensive Plan docket item M-1 | |
982 | Amending the official zoning map, enacted by Ordinance No. 974; approving the Hild (aka the Refuge) rezone and expanding the rezone area (City File No. LUA2016-0007), changing the zoning for six parcels located near SR-92 and 127th Drive NE currently zoned planned business district (PBD) to high urban residential (HUR) and an isolated parcel east of 127th Drive NE currently zoned planned business district to general industrial (GI) | |
983 | Amending the official zoning map, enacted by Ordinance No. 937; approving the SW Quad rezone (City File Number LUA2016-0017) adjacent to SR-9 and 20th Street SE by rezoning ten parcels totaling approximately eight and a half acres from mixed use neighborhood to neighborhood business as a concurrent land use action with the 2016 Comprehensive Plan docket item M-4 | |
984 | Revising and updating the city’s critical areas regulations as required by the Growth Management Act by amending Chapter 14.08 Definitions and 14.88 Critical Areas of the Lakes Stevens Municipal Code | |
985 | (Referred back to Planning Commission) | |
986 | (Referred back to Planning Commission) | |
987 | Authorizing the condemnation, appropriation, taking and damaging of land and other property for park purposes | |
988 | Amending the 2017 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 975 concerning fund balances, revenues and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2017 | |
989 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Section 2.51.050 regarding duties of the Lake Stevens salary commission | |
990 | Amending LSMC 2.56 re Park and Recreation Board (Did not move forward) | |
991 | Adding a Lake Stevens Municipal Code Section 14.44.070 entitled “Recreational Park Trailers and Recreational Vehicles (RV) Regulations” and amending the Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 14.08 entitled “Basic Definitions and Interpretations”, and Sections 14.16C.110 entitled “Temporary Use” and 14.40.040 entitled “Permissible and Prohibited Uses” | |
992 | Providing for a right-of-way vacation of approximately 12,077 square feet of land and a dedication of approximately 25,085 square feet of land between the Kjvorsik properties (parcel numbers 00590700032002, 29050100401300, 29051200200600, 00604900000706 and 00604900000804) and adjacent city right-of-way located off Soper Hill Road and SR-9 | |
993 | Amending the zoning for 5.0 acres as part of the Lyons Gate II rezone (City File No. LUA2016-0191) located at 1615 & 1621 83rd Ave SE, Lake Stevens, WA 98258 and changing the zoning of two parcels currently zoned urban residential to high urban residential | |
994 | Amending the Lake Stevens Municipal Code Section 9.12.010 “Statute Adopted” to adopt by reference the Revised Code of Washington Section 9A.44.132 “Failure to register as a sex offender or kidnapping offender—Refusal to provide DNA” | |
995 | Providing for a right-of-way vacation of approximately 13,661 square feet strip of land, approximately 450 feet in length, along 107th Ave NE off Oak Road | |
996 | Establishing the City of Lake Stevens Veterans Commission, adding a new Chapter 2.70 to the Lake Stevens Municipal Code entitled “Veterans Commission” | |
997 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code Section 7.04.010 entitled “Definitions,” and Chapter 7.36 entitled “Bicycle and Skate Regulations” | |
998 | Granting a franchise to MCImetro Access Transmission Services Corp. d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services | |
999 | Amending 2017 budget (Budget amendment #2) | |
1000 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Section 10.03.020 entitled “Definitions”; adding a new Section 10.03.157 entitled “Vaping Prohibited” | |
1001 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) 14.40.010 regarding “Permissible Uses” | |
1002 | Continuing a traffic impact fee adjustment incentive program for a period of two years to stimulate job growth in Lake Stevens and replacing Resolution 2014-12 | |
1003 | Adopting an interim official control prohibiting the establishment, siting, location, permitting, licensing or operation of new retail locations to sell marijuana in the commercial district; amending LSMC 14.38.020(b)(4)(vi) | |
1004 | Adopting an interim official control prohibiting the siting of supervised drug consumption facilities and amending LSMC 14.08.010 and LSMC 14.40.090 (Table 14.40-I: Table of Permissible Uses by Zones) | |
1005 | Adopting the budget for the city of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2018 | |
1006 | Levying taxes upon all property-real, personal and utility, subject to taxation within the corporate limits of the City of Lake Stevens, WA for the year 2018 | |
1007 | Compression braking (Did not move forward) | |
1008 | Authorizing the condemnation, appropriation, taking and damaging of land and other property for purposes of widening 20th Street SE | |
1009 | Repealing interim Ordinance No. 1003; prohibiting the establishment, siting, location, permitting, licensing or operation of new retail locations to sell marijuana in the Commercial District | |
1010 | Adopting stormwater management regulations pursuant to the Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit issued to the City by the Washington State Department of Ecology and amending Chapter 14.64 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) entitled “Special Flood Hazard Areas, Drainage, and Erosion”; amending portions of Chapter 11.06 LSMC entitled “Stormwater Management” | |
1011 | Amending the Lake Stevens Comprehensive Plan as set forth in Ordinance 980; approving city-initiated text amendments T-1 (Chapter 2 the Land Use Element), T-2 (Chapter 5 Parks, Recreation and Open Space Element), T-3 (Chapter 9 Capital Facilities Element), T-4 – T6 (appendices, cover, footers, table of contents, introduction) and two city-initiated land use map amendments (M1 – Chapel Hill Properties LUA2017-0017 - to change the land use designation of four parcels adjacent to 99th Avenue NE and Chapel Hill Road from commercial and mixed use to public/semi-public) and (M2 – Eagle Ridge Park LUA2017-0050 - to change the land use designation of two parcels adjacent to Soper Hill Road from medium density residential to public/semi-public) as part of the city’s annual Comprehensive Plan amendment and update process | |
1012 | Amending the official zoning map, enacted by Ordinance No. 993; approving the Chapel Hill Properties rezone (city file number LUA2017-0018) adjacent to 99th Avenue NE and Chapel Hill Road by rezoning four parcels totaling approximately 4.14 acres from business district and mixed use neighborhood to public/semi-public as a concurrent land use action with the 2017 Comprehensive Plan docket item M-1 | |
1013 | Amending the official zoning map, enacted by Ordinance No. 993; approving the Eagle Ridge Park rezone (city file number LUA2017-0051) adjacent to Soper Hill Road by rezoning two parcels totaling approximately 7.63 acres from urban residential to public/semi-public as a concurrent land use action with the 2017 Comprehensive Plan docket item M-2 | |
1014 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 2 Administration and Personnel, Section 2.14.010 Office Hours | |
1015 | Adopting land disturbance regulations pursuant RCW 36.70A.040 to regulate land disturbance activities, including the clearing and removal of vegetation, excavation, grading, filling and other earthwork activities, replacing Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Section 14.44.100; amending Chapters 14.08 entitled “Definitions”; amending Chapter 14.16A LSMC entitled “Administration and Procedures” | |
1016 | Adding a new section to the Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) 14.44.044 entitled “Storage facilities”; amending LSMC 14.40.010 entitled “Permissible uses”; amending LSMC 14.08.010 entitled “Definitions of basic terms” | |
1017 | Providing for a right-of-way vacation of approximately 12,504 square feet of land and a dedication of approximately 25,514 square feet of land between the Kjorsvik properties (parcel numbers 00590700032002 and 29050100401300) and the Soper Hill LLLP properties (parcel numbers 29051200200600, 00604900000706 and 00604900000804) and adjacent City right-of-way located off Soper Hill Road and SR-9; and repealing Ordinance No. 992 | |
1018 | Amending the 2018 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 1005 concerning fund balances, revenues and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2018 | |
1019 | Adopting model home regulations for properties that are granted preliminary plat approval but have not been granted final plat approval, adding a new definition for model home in Code Section 14.08.010 and adding a new Code Section - 14.44.025 Model Homes | |
1020 | Relating to the prohibition of siting of supervised drug consumption facilities; amending LSMC 14.08.010 regarding definitions and LSMC 14.40.090 regarding Table 14.40-I: Table of Permissible Uses by Zones; repealing Ordinance 1004 regarding interim regulations | |
1021 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 610, 587, 414, 751, 755, 807, and 857 codified as Lake Stevens Municipal Code Section 3.44.010, entitled “Cashier’s Change Fund Created” to accommodate customer payments at City Hall and the Police Station | |
1022 | Authorizing vacation of right of way at Market Place (Ram Restaurant) | |
1023 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code Sections 6.08, 14.16B.505, 14.16B.525, 14.16B.540, 14.16B.545, Table 14.16A-I, and 14.18.035 relating to the approval authority of final subdivisions, allowing for administrative processing of final subdivisions, being properly transmitted to the Department of Commerce | |
1024 | Relating to contracts for public works projects and Chapter 3.50 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC); amending 3.50.010 of LSMC Chapter 3.50; adding a new Section 3.50.015 related to purchases; repealing Sections 3.50.020, 3.50.030, 3.50.040, 3.50.050, 3.50.060, 3.50.070, and 3.50.080 of LSMC Chapter 3.50 | |
1025 | Establishing a planned action for the Downtown Lake Stevens Subarea pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (Chapter 43.21C RCW and WAC 197-11-164) | |
1026 | Amending the 2015 – 2035 City of Lake Stevens Comprehensive Plan by adopting the Downtown Lake Stevens Subarea Plan, adopting a Subarea Capital Facilities Plan, and amending the Official Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Shoreline Maps | |
1027 | Amending the Official Zoning Map with an area-wide rezone; revising Chapters 14.16C, 14.38, 14.40, 14.44, 14.110 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code; and amending the Subarea Design Guidelines to be consistent with the adopted Downtown Lake Stevens Subarea Plan and Planned Action Ordinance | |
1028 | Annexing approximately twenty-seven (27) acres known as the “Pellerin Annexation,” into the City pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120; assigning zoning and Comprehensive Plan designations upon annexation; requiring assumption of a proportionate share of City indebtedness | |
1029 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 2 Administration and Personnel, Sections 2.29 Arts Commission, 2.51 Salary Commission, 2.56 Park Board, 2.60 Library Board 2.64 Planning Commission and 2.68 Police Civil Service Commission | |
1030 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code Sections 14.08.010, Table 14.40-I, 14.44.065, 14.48.020, Table 14.72-I, and adding Section 14.44.045 relating to accessory dwelling units (ADU) | |
1031 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code Sections 14.08.010, 14.16C.110, 14.40.090, and adding new Section 14.44.038 titled “Temporary Encampments,” relating to temporary encampments | |
1032 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code Sections 11.04.040, Definitions, 11.04.050 Rates for Surface Water Drainage Service; 11.04.060, Billing; and 11.04.070 Credits Allowed, by amending the utility rate calculation methodology from rate categories to equivalent service units to more equitably collect surface water utility fees, removing references to common billing with the sewer utility bills, adding that the surface water utility rates will be collected with the yearly property tax assessment and replacing references to the Finance Director with Public Works Director | |
1033 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Title 4, Section 4.04.040 Exemptions, adding a new Section 4.04.045 Engaging in Business | |
1034 | Adopting an interim official control dissolving the Design Review Board and providing for an administrative design review process; revising LSMC 14.16A.030, 14.16A.210, 14.16A.220, 14.16A.260 and 14.16A.320; repealing LSMC 14.16A.340; revising LSMC 14.16B.010, 14.16B.305, 14.16B.310, 14.16B.340, 14.16B.405, 14.16B.410, 14.16B.440; revising LSMC 14.16C.020, 14.16.025, 14.16C.050; revising LSMC 14.44.020; revising 14.46.015, 14.46.035 | |
1035 | Amending the 2018 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 1005 and as amended in Ordinance No. 1018 concerning fund balances, revenues and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2018 | |
1036 | (Not used) | |
1037 | Repealing in their entirety Chapters 3.08, 3.12, 3.16 and 3.20 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code (“LSMC”); reenacting new Chapter 3.08 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code, establishing a six percent utility tax on the gross receipts of those engaged in the telephone business, the telegraph business, the distribution of natural gas, the light or power business, the distribution of water, the sale of cellular telephone service, and the service of garbage, refuse, and solid waste collection; establishing standards and procedures for collection of the same; establishing penalties for failure to timely register or pay the utility tax | |
1038 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2019 | |
1039 | Levying taxes upon all property – real, personal and utility, subject to taxation within the corporate limits of the City of Lake Stevens, Washington for the year 2019 | |
1040 | Providing for a right-of-way vacation of approximately 2,101 square feet of land between the Pellerin Ridge LLC property (Parcel Number 00479700000302) and adjacent improved City right-of-way (18th Street SE) | |
1041 | Annexing approximately 108 acres known as the “Rhodora Annexation,” into the City pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120; assigning zoning and Comprehensive Plan designations upon annexation; requiring assumption of a proportionate share of City indebtedness | |
1042 | Concerning safety on Lake Stevens; amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Title 10 by adding a definition of “safety marker” to Section 10.04.040; amending Chapters 10.16, 10.20, 10.32, and 10.36 | |
1043 | Establishing a transportation benefit district pursuant to Chapter 36.73 RCW and adding a new Chapter 3.80 to the Lake Stevens Municipal Code | |
1044 | Assuming the rights, powers, functions and obligations of the Lake Stevens Transportation Benefit District; amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 3.80 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code; and providing for severability and an effective date | |
1045 | Amending Title 7 LSMC by the addition of a new Chapter 7.30 wheeled all-terrain vehicles (WATVS) thereto; authorizing the operation of WATVs on designated City streets; establishing limitations, conditions, requirements and enforcement standards therefor | |
1046 | Adopting by reference the Lake Stevens School District Capital Facilities Plan 2018 – 2023 as an element of the Capital Facilities Element of the City’s Comprehensive Plan; adopting findings; providing for the inclusion of the school impact fee schedule in the City’s fee schedule | |
1047 | Amending Ordinance No. 1017 by reallocating portions of the vacated and dedicated property previously vacated and dedicated by Council’s adoption of Ordinance 1017 that provided for a right-of-way vacation of approximately 12,504 square feet of land and a dedication of approximately 25,514 square feet of land between the Kjorsvik properties (parcel numbers 00590700032002 and 29050100401300) and the Soper Hill LLLP Properties (parcel numbers 29051200200600, 00604900000706 and 00604900000804) and adjacent City right-of-way located off Soper Hill Road and SR-9 | |
1048 | Concerning wireless communications facilities; adopting findings; amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code Sections 14.08.010, 14.38.020, and 14.40.090, repealing Section 14.44.360, and adding new Chapter 14.62 titled “Wireless Communication Facilities”, relating to all types of wireless communication facilities within the City of Lake Stevens | |
1049 | Providing for a right-of-way vacation of approximately 6,620 square feet of land between City-owned parcel 290619003-021 and adjacent improved City right-of-way (99th Ave SE and 20th St SE) identified as tax assessor parcel number 290619003-0028-01); adopting findings and conclusions | |
1050 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Chapter 7.12.090 Parking Prohibited Parking by adding language consistent with RCW 46.51.570(1)(b)(i) | |
1051 | Amending LSMC 7.18 Tow Truck Businesses Used by the City | |
1052 | Amending the 2019 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 1038 concerning fund balances, revenues and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2019 | |
1053 | Annexing approximately thirty-seven and one half (37.5) acres known as the “Southeast Island Annexation,” through an interlocal agreement with Snohomish County into City Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 35A.14.460; assigning zoning and comprehensive plan designations upon annexation; requiring assumption of a proportionate share of City indebtedness | |
1054 | Authorizing the issuance and sale of limited tax general obligation bonds of the City in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $600,000 to finance the cost of acquiring a site for a decant facility to be operated by the City; establishing terms of and parameters for the bonds; authorizing each of the Mayor, City Administrator, and Finance Director to act as the City’s designated representative to negotiate a private placement of the bonds; providing for the disposition of the bond proceeds; and providing for the annual levy of taxes to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds | |
1055 | Adopting an extension of interim controls dissolving the Design Review Board and providing for an administrative design review process; revising LSMC 14.16A.030, 14.16A.210, 14.16A.220, 14.16A.260 and 14.16A.320; repealing LSMC 14.16A.340; revising LSMC 14.16B.010, 14.16B.305, 14.16B.310, 14.16B.340, 14.16B.405, 14.16B.410, 14.16B.440; revising LSMC 14.16C.020, 14.16.025, 14.16C.050; revising LSMC 14.44.020; revising 14.46.015, 14.46.035 | |
1056 | Concerning emergency preparedness; repealing Resolution 2018-23, adding a new Section 2.34 “Emergency Management” to the Lake Stevens Municipal Code | |
1057 | Approving amendments to the City of Lake Stevens Shoreline Master Program as required by RCW 90.58.080(4), periodic review | |
1058 | Amending LSMC 9 to add a new Section 9.80 Camping | |
1059 | Authorizing the condemnation, appropriation, taking and damaging of land and other property with all necessary appurtenances and property rights necessary for ingress and egress together with all rights appurtenant thereto, including access where applicable, for purposes of widening 79th Avenue S.E. by an additional 20 feet and extending 79th by an additional 30 feet. This ordinance directs the City Attorney, or designee, to prosecute the appropriate legal proceedings, together with the authority to enter into settlements, stipulations or other agreements; and acknowledges a portion of the real property affected is located within the corporate limits of the City of Lake Stevens, and a portion is located adjacent to the boundaries of the city of Lake Stevens, in Snohomish County, Washington; authorizing payment thereof from the City’s general fund or from such other monies that the City may have available or attain for the acquisition | |
1060 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code Section 14.08.010 and Chapter 14.56 | |
1061 | Annexing approximately twenty (20) acres known as the “Adrian Annexation,” into the City pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120; assigning zoning and comprehensive plan designations upon annexation; requiring assumption of a proportionate share of City indebtedness | |
1062 | Amending the 2019 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 1038 and as amended in Ordinance No. 1052 concerning fund balances, revenues and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2019 | |
1063 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapters 14.44, 14.48 and 14.80 and adding Chapter 14.52 Fences, Hedges and Walls | |
1064 | Adopting findings of fact; adopting interim zoning code regulations regulating temporary noncommercial signs | |
1065 | Authorizing the issuance and sale of limited tax general obligation bonds of the City in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $9,400,000 to finance the cost of acquiring and remodeling real property to provide facilities for the City’s police department; establishing terms of and parameters for the bonds; authorizing each of the Mayor, City Administrator, and Finance Director to act as the City’s designated representative to negotiate the sale of the bonds in one or more series; providing for the disposition of the bond proceeds; and providing for the annual levy of taxes to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds | |
1066 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 2 Administration and Personnel, Section 2.60 Library Board | |
1067 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 2 Administration and Personnel, Section 2.68 Police Civil Service Commission | |
1068 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapters 14.16A, 14.16B, 14.16C, 14.44 and 14.46 | |
1069 | Restructuring subdivision regulations into one cohesive chapter including minor revisions to Chapter 14.18 LSMC – Part I, Subdivisions; minor revisions to Chapter 14.18 LSMC – Part II, Binding Site Plans; adding Chapter 14.18 LSMC – Part III LSMC, Boundary Line Adjustments; adding Chapter 14.18 LSMC – Part IV LSMC, Alternative Subdivisions; minor revisions to Chapter 14.44 and 14.48 LSMC | |
1070 | Replacing Ordinance 1064, adopting findings of fact; adopting interim zoning code regulations regulating temporary noncommercial signs | |
1071 | Adopting the budget for the city of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2020 | |
1072 | Levying taxes upon all property – real, personal and utility, subject to taxation within the corporate limits of the city of Lake Stevens, Washington for the year 2020 | |
1073 | Amending the Lake Stevens Comprehensive Plan by approving City-initiated text amendments T-1 (Chapter 2 the Land Use Element), T-2 (Chapter 5 Parks, Recreation and Open Space Element), T-3 (Public Services and Utilities Element), T-4 (Chapter 9 Capital Facilities Element), T-5 – T6 (Appendices, Cover, Footers, Table of Contents, Introduction), Addenda to the 20th Street SE Corridor and Lake Stevens Center Subareas and City-initiated land use map amendments as part of the City’s annual comprehensive plan update process | |
1074 | Amending the official zoning map as a concurrent land use action with the 2019 comprehensive plan update | |
1075 | Revising the planned action ordinance for the 20th Street SE Corridor Subarea pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (Chapter 43.21C RCW and WAC 197-11-164) | |
1076 | Amending the 2019 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 1038 and as amended in Ordinance No. 1052 and 1062 concerning fund balances, revenues and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2019 | |
1077 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 610, 587, 414, 751, 755, 807, 857 and 1021 codified as Lake Stevens Municipal Code Section 3.44.010, entitled “Cashier’s change fund created” to accommodate customer payments at City Hall and the police station | |
1078 | Concerning the charter of the Arts Commission and Parks and Recreation Planning Board; amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Title 2 by defining duties and responsibilities; amending Chapters 2.29.050 to update arts commission duties, and 2.56; updating powers and duties | |
1079 | Amending the 2020 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 1071 concerning fund balances, revenues and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2020 | |
1080 | Revising and updating Chapter 14.08 LSMC definitions; revising LSMC 14.16C.080 planned neighborhood developments; revising Chapter 14.36 LSMC zoning districts and zoning maps; revising portions of Chapter 14.38 LSMC; revising Table 14.40-I table of permissable uses by zone; revising portions of Chapter 14.44 LSMC supplementary use regulations; revising Table 14.76-I screening requirements; revising portions of Chapter 14.48 LSMC density and dimensional regulations | |
1081 | Revising and updating portions of Chapter 14.46 LSMC innovative housing options program | |
1082 | Authorizing the maximum capacity of a local sales and use tax to fund investments in affordable and supportive housing, to be codified as Chapter 3.30 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code | |
1083 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Section 10.03.150, entitled “Intoxicating liquor and drugs prohibited”; adding staff review and approval of alcohol in the park in certain circumstances; removing city council requirement to review; and adding subsection 10.03.150(b) allowing alcohol in city facilities in certain instances to be reviewed administratively | |
1084 | An interim ordinance of the City of Lake Stevens, Washington authorizing city officials to temporarily grant extensions to development applications, approved land use actions and construction permits in response to the COVID-19 pandemic | |
1085 | (Failed) | |
1086 | Authoring the acquisition of personal property (Vactor truck) and execution of a financing contract and related documentation relating to the acquisition of said personal property | |
1087 | Repealing Ordinance Nos. 610, 587, 414, 751, 755, 807, 857,1021 and 1077 codified as Lake Stevens Municipal Code Section 3.44.010, entitled “Cashier’s change fund created” to accommodate customer payments at City Hall and the police station | |
1088 | Repealing Chapter 2.29 LSMC Arts Commission and Ordinances 522 and 637; amending Chapter 3.38 LSMC | |
1089 | Concerning non-commercial temporary signage; adopting findings of fact, definitions, and sign code regulations replacing interim regulations for temporary noncommercial signs adopted in Ordinance 1070 | |
1090 | Adopting interim zoning code regulations for mobile food vendors; setting fees | |
1091 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code Section 14.08.010 definitions of basic terms; amending Chapter 14.64 Special Flood Hazard Areas | |
1092 | Amending portions of Ordinance Nos. 949, 932, 730, 678, 557 and 478 and Lake Stevens Municipal Code Sections 2.08.020 – Regular Meetings and 2.08.030 Workshop Meetings by changing the location of City Council’s regular and workshop meetings | |
1093 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Chapter 2.12 by adding new Section 2.12.015 establishing the Mayor’s position as a full time position and providing for a salary in consideration of full time duties | |
1094 | Annexing approximately sixty (66) acres known as the “Machias Industrial Annexation,” into the city pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120; assigning zoning and comprehensive plan designations upon annexation in conformance with Ordinances 1073 and 1074; requiring assumptions of a proportionate share of city indebtedness | |
1095 | Amending the 2020 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 1071 and as amended in Ordinance No. 1079 concerning fund balances, revenues and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2020 | |
1096 | Concerning mobile food vending units (also known as food trucks or food carts); adopting findings of fact, definitions, and regulations replacing interim regulations for mobile vending units adopted in Ordinance 1090 | |
1097 | Granting Comcast Cable Communications, LLC, the right, privilege, authority and franchise to construct, operate, maintain, reconstruct, repair and upgrade the cable system upon, over, under, along, across and through the franchise area for the purpose of providing cable services, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this ordinance and applicable law | |
1098 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Section 2.76.030 concerning employee benefits and policies | |
1099 | Levying taxes upon all property – real, personal and utility, subject to taxation within the corporate limits of the City of Lake Stevens, Washington for the year 2021 | |
1100 | Making a declaration of substantial need for purposes of setting the limit factor for the property tax levy for 2021 | |
1101 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2021 | |
1102 | Amending the 2020 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 1071 and as amended in Ordinance Nos. 1079 and 1095 concerning fund balances, revenues and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2020 | |
1103 | Encouraging the development of multifamily housing by the establishment of a multifamily tax exemption; providing findings for compliance with legal requirements for the enactment of development regulations; enacting new Chapter 3.27 to the Lake Stevens Municipal Code identifying the designated target areas and establishing criteria and procedures for property tax exemptions and a multifamily housing tax exemption program | |
1104 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Chapter 2.08 by amending Sections 2.08.020 and 2.08.030 concerning the start time for regularly scheduled City Council meetings | |
1105 | Amending the Lake Stevens Comprehensive Plan; approving findings of fact; approving City-initiated text amendments T-1 (Chapter 2 – Land Use Element), T-2 (Chapter 5 – Parks, Recreation and Open Space Element), T-3 (Chapter 7 – Public Services And Utilities Element), T-4 (Chapter 9 – Capital Facilities Element), T-5 – T6 (Appendices, Cover, Footers, Table of Contents, Introduction), amendments to the Downtown Lake Stevens Subarea Plan, and City-initiated land use map amendments as part of the City’s annual comprehensive plan update process | |
1106 | Adopting findings and conclusions recommended by the Planning Commission; making additional findings supported by the record; amending the official zoning map as a concurrent land use action with the 2020 comprehensive plan update | |
1107 | (Failed) | |
1108 | Providing for the City of Lake Stevens to assume the full and complete management and control of the Lake Stevens Sewer District under the provisions of RCW 35.13A.030 and 35.13A.020; subject to a referendum as provided in RCW 35.13A.115 | |
1109 | Amending portions of Ordinance Nos. 972, 833, 778 and 746 codified as Chapter 14.80 LSMC, entitled “Building and Construction,” and portions of Ordinance Nos. 972 and 775 codified as Chapter 14.84 LSMC, entitled “Fire Code”; revising and updating these City regulations to comply with Washington State’s adoption of the 2018 International Code Council editions of international codes; and providing for severability and effective date | |
1110 | Relating to contracting indebtedness; authorizing the issuance and sale of limited tax general obligation bonds of the City in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $6,500,000 to finance the cost of certain public capital improvements; establishing terms of and parameters for the bonds; designating each of the Mayor, City Administrator, and Finance Director to act independently as the City’s representative to negotiate and approve the terms of the sale of the bonds in one or more series; providing for the disposition of the bond proceeds; providing for the annual levy of taxes to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds; and providing for other related matters | |
1111 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Section 2.56.020 entitled “Memberhips/Appointment/Compensation”; amending the number of board member positions from seven to nine establishing an effective date; providing for summary publication and providing for severability | |
1112 | Concerning annexation by interlocal agreement; approving findings of fact; approving and authorizing the Mayor to sign an interlocal agreement between Snohomish County, the City of Lake Stevens, and the Lake Stevens Sewer District for the southeast interlocal annexation; providing for severability, an effective date, and for summary publication by ordinance title; and for filing of the ordinance with the Board of Snohomish County Commissioners | |
1113 | Amending the 2021 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 1101 concerning fund balances, revenues and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2021; providing for summary publication by ordinance title, and for an effective date | |
1114 | Providing for a right-of-way vacation of approximately 551 square feet of land and a dedication of approximately 3,739 square feet of land along Callow Road | |
1115 | Relating to contracting indebtedness; amending Ordinance 1110 to increase the authorized principal amount of limited tax general obligation bonds of the City to be issued for the purpose of financing the cost of certain public capital improvements; ratifying and confirming certain prior acts; and providing for other related matters | |
1116 | Amending Chapter 9.40 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code (“LSMC”) and criminalizing the knowing possession of a controlled substance without a prescription; adopting findings of fact and declaring an emergency; amending Section 9.40.020 LSMC; providing for severability, an effective date, and for publication by ordinance title | |
1117 | (Not used) | |
1118 | Revising LSMC Section 16.04.050 to adopt SEPA flexible thresholds for minor new construction; adopting findings and conclusions recommended by the Planning Commission; and providing for severability, an effective date and for summary publication by ordinance title only | |
1119 | Revising LSMC 14.44.097 (marijuana facilities) and 14.08.010 (definitions of basic terms); adopting findings and conclusions recommend by the Planning Commission; and providing for severability, and effective date and for summary publication by ordinance title only | |
1120 | Amending Ordinance Number 1108 by amendment of the ordinance recitals only | |
1121 | Revising LSMC Chapters 14.16C (land use actions and determinations) and 14.08 (definitions) to create lot status regulations; adopting findings and conclusions recommended by the Planning Commission; and providing for severability, and effective date and for summary publication by ordinance title only | |
1122 | Repealing in its entirety Title 17 and adopting a new Title 17 - Uniform Enforcement Code - to establish new regulations related to code enforcement; amending the following sections of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code to update applicable cross-references and clarifying regulations as appropriate: 8.04.020, 8.04.120, 8.06.020, 8.06.040, 8.06.050, 8.06.070, 8.06.090, 9.60.230, 14.08.010, 14.28.010, 14.28.030, 14.28.040; repealing and replacing the following Lake Stevens Municipal Code Sections: 8.04.150, 8.20.010, 9.60.210; repealing Lake Stevens Municipal Code Section 8.06.060 and Chapter 9.72; providing for severability and establishing an effective date | |
1123 | Revising LSMC Sections 14.110 (School Impact Mitigation) and 14.112 (Traffic Impact Mitigation Fees); adopting findings and conclusions recommended by the Planning Commission; and providing for severability, an effective date and for summary publication by ordinance title only | |
1124 | Revising LSMC Chapters 5.08 (Definitions), 14.08 (Basic Definitions and Interpretations), 14.40 (Permissible Uses), 14.44 (Supplementary Use Regulations) and 14.72 (Parking); adopting findings and conclusions recommended by the Planning Commission; and providing for severability, an effective date and for summary publication by ordinance title only | |
1125 | Concerning the Police Civil Service Commission; amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Chapter 2.68 to provide clarification and necessary updates per RCW 41.12; providing for severability, summary publication by ordinance title only and an effective date | |
1126 | Amending Ordinance 1119 and revising LSMC Section 14.44.097(f) (marijuana facilities); and providing for severability, an effective date and for summary publication by ordinance title only | |
1127 | Levying taxes upon all property – real, personal and utility, subject to taxation within the corporate limits of the City of Lake Stevens, Washington for the year 2022 | |
1128 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2022 | |
1129 | Amending the 2021 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 1101 and as amended in Ordinance No. 1113 concerning fund balances, revenues and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2021; providing for summary publication by ordinance title, and for an effective date | |
1130 | Concerning dog and cat licensing, amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Chapter 5.12 to provide clarification and necessary updates, providing for severability, summary publication by ordinance title only and an effective date | |
1131 | Amending the official zoning map enacted by Ordinance 1106; approving the Wrona rezone (city file No. LUA2021-0137) located at 10212 South Lake Stevens Road by rezoning one parcel totaling 5.65 acres from R6 to R8-12; adopting findings and conclusions recommended by the Hearing Examiner; and providing for severability, an effective date and for summary publication by ordinance title only | |
1132 | Revising LSMC Chapters 14.08 (Basic Definitions and Interpretations), 14.32 (Nonconforming Situations), and 14.38 (Subarea Plans); and adopting findings and conclusions recommended by the Planning Commission; and providing for severability, an effective date and for summary publication by ordinance title only | |
1133 | Amending the Lake Stevens Comprehensive Plan; approving findings of fact; approving City-initiated text amendments T-1 (Chapter 2 - Land Use Element), T-2 (Chapter 5 - Parks, Recreation and Open Space Element), T-3 (Chapter 7 - Public Services and Utilities Element), T-4 (Chapter 9 - Capital Facilities Element), and T-5 – T6 (Appendices, Cover, Footers, Table of Contents, Introduction) as part of the City’s annual comprehensive plan update process; and providing for severability, an effective date and authorizing summary publication by ordinance title only | |
1134 | Repealing and replacing in its entirety Lake Stevens Municipal Code Chapter 5.28; renaming LSMC Chapter 5.36; adding a new section to LSMC Chapter 5.36 - Inherently Dangerous and Wild Animals Prohibited; providing for severability; providing for summary publication by ordinance title only; and establishing an effective date | |
1135 | Providing for the condemnation, appropriation, taking, and damaging of an easement interest in portions of certain parcels of real property, located within the Quail Court and Willowood Division 2 subdivisions in the City in order to construct a recreational trail and such other appurtenances and improvements associated with the public improvement and providing that the entire cost thereof shall be paid from available funds; directing the City Attorneys to prosecute the appropriate action and proceedings in the manner provided by law for such condemnation; providing for severability and establishing an effective date | |
1136 | Amending LSMC 14.80.010(b) - Removing references to Appendix U, Dwelling Unit Fire Sprinkler Systems related to the adoption of the 2018 International Building Code; and providing for severability and effective date | |
1137 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Section 2.34.030 concerning emergency management definitions; providing for severability, summary publication by ordinance title only and an effective date | |
1138 | Amending the 2022 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 1128 concerning fund balances, revenues and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2022; providing for summary publication by ordinance title, and for an effective date | |
1139 | Revising LSMC Chapters 14.08 (Basic Definitions and Interpretations), 14.16A (Administration and Procedures), 14.40 (Permissible Uses), 14.44 (Supplementary Use Regulations) and 14.72 (Parking); adopting findings and conclusions; and providing for severability, an effective date and for summary publication by ordinance title only | |
1140 | Adopting stormwater management regulations pursuant to the Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit issued to the City by the Washington State Department of Ecology and amending portions of Chapter 11.06 the Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) entitled “Stormwater Management”; amending portions of Chapter 14.50 of LSMC entitled “Land Disturbance”; providing for severability, summary publication and effective date | |
1141 | (Failed) | |
1142 | Providing for a right-of-way vacation of approximately 215 square feet of land along 29th St NE to the Lake Stevens School District | |
1143 | Annexing approximately 13.9 acres known as the “Fagerlie Annexation” into the City pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120; assigning zoning and comprehensive plan designations upon annexation; requiring assumption of a proportionate share of City indebtedness; and providing for severability and an effective date and providing for summary publication by ordinance title only | |
1144 | Repealing certain provisions of Chapter 9.40 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code; providing for severability, summary publication, and effective date | |
1145 | (Failed) | |
1146 | Amending the official zoning map enacted by Ordinance 1106; approving the Hisey rezone (City File No. LUA2021-0211) located on an undeveloped parcel along Machias cutoff (parcel number: 29062000305400) by rezoning the subject parcel from R6 to R8-12; adopting findings and conclusions recommended by the hearing examiner; and providing for severability, an effective date and for summary publication by ordinance title only | |
1147 | Revising LSMC Chapters 14.08 (Basic Definitions and Interpretations), 14.40 (Permissible Uses), and 14.44 (Supplementary Use Regulations); adopting findings and conclusions; and providing for severability, an effective date and for summary publication by ordinance title only | |
1148 | Amending the 2022 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 1128 and as amended in Ordinance No. 1138 concerning fund balances, revenues and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2022; providing for summary publication by ordinance title, and for an effective date | |
1149 | Levying taxes upon all property – real, personal and utility, subject to taxation within the corporate limits of the City of Lake Stevens, Washington for the year 2023 | |
1150 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2023 | |
1151 | Clarifying the existing stormwater and surface water management regulations and adding items defining a source control program for business conducted on private propery pursuant to the Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit issued to the City by the Washington State Department of Ecology and adding Chapter 11.03 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) entitled “Stormwater Definitions”; amending portions of Chapter 11.04 of LSMC entitled “Stormwater Management Utility”; amending portions of Chapter 11.06 of LSMC entitled “Stormwater Management”; and providing basis for authority, administration, applicable measures, enforcement, penalties, and purpose of the regulatory intent of the surface water program; and providing for an effective date and for summary publication by ordinance title | |
1152 | Amending the Lake Stevens Comprehensive Plan and approving findings of fact for the 2022 Comprehensive Plan docket, which includes City-initiated text amendments T-1 (Chapter 2 - Land Use Element), T-3 (Chapter 5 - Parks, Recreation and Open Space Element), T-4 (Chapter 7 - Public Services and Utilities Element), T-5 (Chapter 9 - Capital Facilities Element), T-6 (Appendices, Cover, Footers, Table of Contents, Executive Summary), T-7 (20th St SE Corridor Subarea Plan), and T-8 (Lake Stevens Center Subarea Plan); citizen-initiated map amendment M-1; and City-initiated map amendments M-2 and M-3; providing for severability, an effective date and for summary publication by ordinance title only | |
1153 | Adopting findings and conclusions recommended by staff and the Planning Commission; making additional findings supported by the record; amending the official zoning map as a concurrent land use action with the 2022 Comprehensive Plan docket; providing for severability, an effective date and for summary publication by ordinance title only | |
1154 | Concerning the salary schedule for non-exempt employees; amending the 2023 Budget Ordinance No. 1150; providing for summary publication by ordinance title, and for an effective date | |
1155 | Concerning the salary schedule for exempt employees; amending the 2023 Budget Ordinance No. 1150; providing for summary publication by ordinance title, and for an effective date | |
1156 | Approving minor amendments to the City of Lake Stevens Shoreline Master Program per Chapter 173-26, Part II of the Washington Administrative Code | |
1157 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Title 10, entitled “Parks and Recreation”; updating Director to be consistent with the formation of the Parks and Recreation Department; updating violation and penalty sections; updating definitions; allowing flexibility for park uses; consolidating vaping and tobacco use; referencing Title 9 for nude sunbathing enforcement; updating shoreline to include entire lake and other water to be consistent with annexation; providing for severability, summary publication by ordinance title only and an effective date | |
1158 | Amending the official zoning map enacted by Ordinance 1153; approving the Sherlock rezone (City File No. LUA2022-0110) located on an undeveloped parcel along Callow Road (Parcel Number: 29060600201500) by rezoning the subject parcel from R4 to R8-12; adopting findings and conclusions recommended by the hearing examiner; and providing for severability, an effective date and for summary publication by ordinance title only | |
1159 | Amending Chapter 9.40 of the Municipal Code in regard to the use of dangerous drugs in public places; providing for severability, authorizing necessary corrections, summary publication by ordinance title only, and for an effective date | |
1160 | Amending portions of Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Chapter 14.80 entitled “Building and Construction” and amending portions of LSMC Chapter 14.84 entitled “Fire Code” to comply with Washington State’s adoption of the 2021 International Code Council Editions of International Codes; and providing for severability and effective date | |
1161 | Adding new Section 2.16.050 providing an annual review process for the City Administrator; providing for severability, summary publication, and establishing an effective date | |
1162 | Amending the 2023 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 1150 concerning fund balances, revenues and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2023; providing for summary publication by ordinance title, and for an effective date | |
1163 | (Pending) | |
1164 | Amending the official zoning map enacted by Ordinance 1106; approving the Batcheldor Phase I and II rezone (City File No. LUA2022-0092) located at 11922 and 12009 20th Street SE and an undeveloped parcel east of 117th Drive SE off the Machias Cutoff Road in Lake Stevens, comprised of the following parcels 2906000302400, 2906000302401, 2906000301600 and 29062000304000 by rezoning the subject parcels from R6 to R8-12; adopting findings and conclusions recommended by the hearing examiner; and providing for severability, an effective date and for summary publication by ordinance title only | |
1165 | Amending Chapter 9.40 of the Municipal Code in regard to the use and possession in public places of dangerous drugs (controlled substances); repealing Ordinances 1116 and 1159 (LSMC 9.40.020); repealing reference to repealed and felony statutory provisions, and adding new gross misdemeanor provisions of RCW 69.50.4011 and 69.50.4013 to LSMC Section 9.40.010; providing for severability, authorizing necessary corrections, summary publication by ordinance title only, and for an effective date | |
1166 | Amending the official zoning map enacted by Ordinance 1153; approving the Stillwater rezone (City File No. LUA2O22-O029) located at 524 South Davies Road by rezoning two parcels totaling 3.67 acres from R4 to R8-12; adopting findings and conclusions recommended by the hearing examiner; and providing for severability, an effective date and for summary publication by ordinance title only | |
1167 | Amending the 2023 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 1150 and as amended in Ordinance No. 1162 concerning fund balances, revenues and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2023; providing for summary publication by ordinance title, and for an effective date | |
1168 | Amending Chapter 10 of the Municipal Code in regard to the exclusion of persons from city parks for misconduct; adding new Sections 10.03.310 and 10.03.320; providing for severability, authorizing necessary corrections, summary publication by ordinance title only, and for an effective date | |
1169 | Amending the Lake Stevens Comprehensive Plan and approving findings of fact for the 2023 Comprehensive Plan docket, which includes city-initiated text amendments T-1 (Chapter 2 - Land Use Element), City-initiated map amendments M-1 and M-2; citizen-initiated map amendment M-3, providing for severability, an effective date and for summary publication by ordinance title only | |
1170 | Adopting findings and conclusions recommended by staff and the Planning Commission; making additional findings supported by the record; amending the official zoning map as a concurrent land use action with the 2023 Comprehensive Plan docket; providing for severability, an effective date and for summary publication by ordinance title only | |
1171 | Establishing new Chapter 3.55 in the Lake Stevens Municipal Code and a policy for the use of compost products in city contracts as set forth in RCW 43.19.160; providing for severability, the making of corrections, summary publication by ordinance title only, and for an effective date | |
1172 | Levying taxes upon all property – real, personal and utility, subject to taxation within the corporate limits of the City of Lake Stevens, Washington for the year 2024 | |
1173 | Adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2024 | |
1174 | Amending the 2023 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 1150 and as amended in Ordinance Nos. 1162 and 1167 concerning fund balances, revenues and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2023; providing for summary publication by ordinance title, and for an effective date | |
1175 | Amending the official zoning map enacted by Ordinance 1169; approving the Mulvaney rezone (City File No. LUA2023-0161) located on an undeveloped parcel along Callow Road (parcel number: 29060600300600, 29060600302400 and 29060600301200) by rezoning the subject parcels from R4 to R8-12; adopting findings and conclusions recommended by the Hearing Examiner; and providing for severability, an effective date and for summary publication by ordinance title only | |
1176 | Relating to contracting indebtedness; authorizing the issuance and sale of not to exceed $10.2 million aggregate principal amount of limited tax general obligation bonds to provide funds to pay (a) the costs of the development of a City Hall complex and other administrative office space, including the acquisition of certain real property (including existing buildings and parking facilities located thereon) and undertaking certain improvements, construction, renovation, and rehabilitation of a City Hall complex and improvements; (b) the costs of designing, constructing, renovating, or improving facilities for use as a historical museum; (c) other capital improvements; and (d) the costs of issuance and sale of the bonds; fixing or setting parameters with respect to certain terms and covenants of the bonds; appointing the City’s designated representative to approve the final terms of the sale of the bonds; and providing for other related matters | |
1177 | Amending Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) 2.56.020 membership/appointment/compensation; amending the number of board member positions from nine to seven; and providing for severability, summary publication by ordinance title only and an effective date | |
1178 | Concerning the 2024 salary schedule for non-exempt employees; amending the 2024 budget Ordinance No. 1173; providing for summary publication by ordinance title, and for an effective date | |
1179 | Revising multiple LSMC chapters as part of a code clean up project and to comply with recent State legislation, including for middle housing and accessory dwelling units; adopting findings and conclusions; and providing for severability, an effective date and for summary publication by ordinance title only | |
1180 | (Pending) | |
1181 | An ordinance of the City of Lake Stevens amending the official zoning map enacted by Ordinance 1169; approving the Sparman Rezone [City File No. LUA2023-0073] located at 10720 South Lake Stevens Road, comprised of the following parcels 00586900000401 and 00586900000402 by rezoning the subject parcels from R6 to R8-12; adopting findings and conclusions recommended by the Hearing Examiner; and providing for severability, an effective date and for summary publication by ordinance title only | |
1182 | An ordinance of the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, amending the 2024 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 1173 concerning fund balances, revenues and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2024; providing for summary publication by ordinance title, and for an effective date | |
1183 | (Pending) | |
1184 | An ordinance of the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, concerning limited commissions for code enforcement of animal control and parking regulations by the police department; amending Chapters 2.32 and 7.12 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code (“LSMC”); providing for the making of corrections, summary publication by ordinance title only, and for an effective date | |
1185 | An ordinance of the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, concerning solicitor licenses; adopting findings of fact, definitions, and regulations; providing for severability, expiration and an effective date | |
1186 | An ordinance of the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, amending Chapter 10.03 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code (“LSMC”) in regard to the authority of the Parks Director to approve the use and throwing of projectiles; providing for the making of corrections, summary publication by ordinance title only, and for an effective date | |
1187 | An ordinance of the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, amending the 2024 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 1173 and as amended in Ordinance No. 1182 concerning fund balances, revenues and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2024; providing for summary publication by ordinance title, and for an effective date | |
1188 | An ordinance of the City of Lake Stevens, Washington adopting the 2024 Lake Stevens Comprehensive Plan as required by the Growth Management Act; amending the Comprehensive Plan land use map; and providing for severability, an effective date and for summary publication by ordinance title only | |
1189 | An ordinance of the City of Lake Stevens, adopting findings and conclusions recommended by staff and the Planning Commission; making additional findings supported by the record; amending the official zoning map as a concurrent land use action with the 2024 Comprehensive Plan; providing for severability, an effective date and for summary publication by ordinance title only | |
1190 | An ordinance of the City of Lake Stevens levying taxes upon all property – real, personal and utility, subject to taxation within the corporate limits of the City of Lake Stevens, Washington for the year 2025 | |
1191 | An ordinance adopting the budget for the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, for the calendar year ending December 31, 2025 | |
1192 | An ordinance of the City of Lake Stevens, Washington adopting interim zoning code regulations in Chapter 14.16a LSMC to comply with upcoming changes to Chapter 36.70B RCW, Local Project Review; adopting findings and conclusions; providing for the duration of this ordinance; identifying a potential date for the public hearing; establishing a work program; and providing for severability, an effective date and for summary publication by ordinance title only | |
1193 | An ordinance of the City of Lake Stevens, Washington, amending the 2024 budget as set forth in Ordinance No. 1173 and as amended in Ordinance Nos. 1182 and 1187 concerning fund balances, revenues and expenditures for various fund balances for the year 2024; providing for summary publication by ordinance title, and for an effective date |