Chapter 3.15
3.15.010 Sewage lift stations.
3.15.010 Sewage lift stations.
The following rules and procedures are hereby adopted as the policy of the District and shall be followed and adhered to by all District employees until otherwise ordered by the Board of Commissioners:
(1) Entry into any manhole or lift station shall be preceded by a test of the atmosphere. Every reasonable effort shall be made to reduce all hazards to safe levels.
(2) All tests of the atmosphere in a manhole or lift station shall be made by trained competent personnel. Atmosphere tester shall be similar to Mine Safety Appliance Company’s combustible gas and oxygen indicator Model 250.
(3) Such tests of the atmosphere shall be conducted in the following manner:
(a) Prepare atmospheric test equipment, attach sample tube, check battery level, and take sample of air (above grade) to check “zero” setting of gauges. If gauges indicate low oxygen or presence of combustible gases, move at least 100 feet from manhole or lift station and repeat check on gauge setting. If gauges still read low oxygen or presence of combustible gases, follow manufacturers’ instruction manual and recalibrate instrument.
(b) Lower sample tube to bottom of manhole or lift station and retract so tube is clear of any liquid, then take sample. Read gauges, allowing a response time delay of about 30 seconds for sample to travel through tube to instrument. Record all readings on maintenance report forms, including time of day reading is taken.
(c) Retract sample tube another four feet and read again, then retract sample tube four feet more and read a third time. Repeat retraction and reading if oxygen deficiency is found so that a profile of the oxygen content is recorded.
(4) If a dangerous condition is found in which the oxygen is less than 18 percent or combustible gas is present at any of the levels tested, then the space must be thoroughly vented before entering. Use a portable or fixed blower discharging air into the space through a pipe or hose extending to within three or four feet of the bottom. Following thorough venting, test again before entry. A portable blower and discharge ducting for discharge into confined spaces together with a portable electric generator shall be available and maintained in clean and ready-to-use condition at all times.
(5) Normal exhaust ventilation shall be maintained at all times when employees are in confined spaces. All work shall stop and the confined spaces evacuated if ventilation fails.
(6) The manhole or lift station shall be evacuated if any indications of ill effects such as dizziness, irritation or excessive odors are noted.
(7) An observer capable of maintaining communication at all times shall be located outside of the manhole or lift station. He shall have respiratory protection available when indicated, and he shall be properly trained in its use.
(8) Training of personnel for first aid and the operation of respirators and atmospheric test equipment shall be conducted as soon as possible after they are hired. Training shall consist of not less than:
(a) Attending and passing a first aid course.
(b) Study of manufacturers’ operating instructions for testing meters and respirators.
(c) Demonstration and practice sessions with the equipment conducted by a qualified State safety inspector, local fire chief, or similarly qualified individual.
(9) Records shall be kept of all inspection dates and findings for respirators.
(10) If, in emergency, it becomes necessary to enter a manhole or lift station where the oxygen deficiency and contamination are above threshold limit values but below values immediately hazardous to life and health, then respiratory protective equipment shall be used and workers shall wear a safety harness with lines attached.
(a) Respirators shall be a self-contained breathing apparatus type with air cylinders maintained fully charged.
(b) Users shall be instructed and trained in proper use and limitations of respirators.
(c) Respirators shall be regularly cleaned and disinfected after each use. Thorough inspection shall be made monthly and worn or deteriorated parts shall be replaced.
(d) Respirators shall be stored in clean, sturdy portable boxes which shall be convenient and accessible to the personnel qualified for their use.
(e) Personnel shall not be assigned to use of respirators unless physically able to perform the work and use the equipment. [Res. 169 § 1, 1974.]