Chapter 17.130
17.130.020 Development standards.
17.130.010 Purpose.
Lewis County requires a determination of adequate facilities for all projects other than projects exempt from threshold review pursuant to Chapter 43.21C RCW and WAC 197-11-800. [Ord. 1358, 2024; Ord. 1179, 2002; 1170B, 2000]
17.130.020 Development standards.
(1) Water.
(a) Availability as required by Chapter 36.70A RCW and RCW 19.27.097.
(b) Quantity sufficient to meet proposed demand.
(c) Water sufficient to meet applicable fire suppression requirements, if any.
(d) Where a water district is present, the ability of the water district to serve the project with existing facilities or with facilities planned by the district or the project and reasonably available within the development phasing of the project.
(2) Waste Water. The ability to discharge waste water, including pretreatment where used, to lawful discharge points, including:
(a) Licensed treatment facilities in accordance with adopted comprehensive waste water plans and within service areas approved as of July 26, 1999.
(b) Septic tanks where the site contains soils suitable under the standards of the Lewis County Health Code for septic tanks, together with a full reserve area.
(c) Other discharges consistent with the Lewis County Health Code, including temporary service and experimental services lawfully approved.
(d) Other discharges consistent with permits issued by the Washington State Board of Health or Washington Department of Ecology, i.e., waste discharge permits, holding permits, gray water recycling permits.
(3) Fire/Emergency Service.
(a) For residential uses 35 feet tall or less and commercial uses two stories or less and 50,000 square feet or less, the local fire district has the equipment and personnel to serve the new facility without a change in the current level of service for similar facilities existing in the district.
(b) For industrial uses and all residential or commercial uses over 35 feet high, the district has the equipment and personnel to serve the new facility consistent with adopted standards within the district, including local fire codes.
(c) Fire districts can provide or secure adequate emergency services.
(4) Schools.
(a) For residential uses, that the school can reasonably accommodate the school population anticipated from the new development with existing facilities, together with state or federal funds expected as a result of growth or changes within the district.
(b) For commercial or industrial uses, that the traffic or other impact to the school does not interfere with reasonable school operations or safety.
(5) Transportation.
(a) That roads constructed for the project meet applicable road standards.
(b) That the traffic accessing the project can move through affected county arterial and collector roadway corridors and transit routes at a “D” level of service as determined consistent with the current edition of the Transportation Research Board Highway Capacity Manual, consistent with county concurrency guidelines as identified in the transportation element in the county’s comprehensive plan, at Transportation Policy T.13.6, 13.7, and T 13.8 (p. 6-8). A corridor is defined as including the principal routes and affected intersections, together with associated routes and intersections that provide reasonable alternatives for the expected trips. For purposes of concurrency, an affected corridor is determined as any road link or intersection on which the project may generate 50 new “peak time” trips or turning movements. The “peak time” is defined as the average of the 60-minute period between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. with the greatest sum of traffic volumes on a roadway segment or passing through the area of the project and the highest hour to the peak commute hour. Concurrency is based on average of all affected intersections or links, and a single failing intersection will not defeat concurrency for purposes of RCW 36.70A.070(6)(b) where intersections reasonably available to the project still function at an acceptable level. (See comprehensive plan at p. 6-44.)
(c) Projects which impact a failing intersection may be permitted to pay a fair share of the cost to upgrade the facility to an acceptable level of service through Chapter 43.21C RCW, but such share shall not exceed the total project traffic expected to use the facility as a proportion of total capacity. It is the policy of Lewis County to have transportation facilities either in place or planned and funded to be in place within six years of any development, to assure that the county maintains concurrency between planned growth and needed facilities.
(d) State route use and access on state routes comply with Washington Department of Transportation regulations (LOS C).
(6) Transit. Adequate facilities are available where the project does not adversely affect the ability of the local and regional transit agency from accomplishing its stated goals as identified in the adopted comprehensive plan.
(7) Solid Waste. Adequate facilities are available where the project does not adversely affect the ability of the local and/or regional solid waste authorities from accomplishing the goals and objectives of the adopted county solid waste comprehensive plan. Adequacy includes adequate facilities to pick up, transport, and dispose or transfer solid waste, consistent with plan guidelines. Certain projects in rural areas outside adopted service areas may be required to provide for the initial pickup and transport if public or UTC approved services are not available. [Ord. 1179, 2002; Ord. 1175 §2, 2000; Ord. 1170B, 2000]