Ordinance Table
Number | Passage | Subject | Location |
101 | 08-30-43 | Admission tax | Repealed by 1157 |
102 | 11-18-43 | Places of refuge | Repealed by 1032, 1157 |
103 | 10-25-45 | Dance resolution | Repealed by 1157 |
Res. | 07-13-70 | Dance license and permits | Not codified |
104 | 12-06-45 | Club licensing | Repealed by 1032, 1157 |
105 | 05-16-49 | Septic tank, cess, sewage pit cleaning | Repealed by 1050, 1157 |
106 |
| Sale of fireworks | Repealed by 1157 |
107 | 06-27-49 | Inflammable liquids | Repealed by 1032, 1157 |
108 | 10-10-49 | Restaurants, food and drink | Repealed by 1157 |
109 | 12-31-51 | Auctioneer’s resolution | Repealed by 1157 |
1010 | 10-27-52 | Intoxicating liquor | Repealed by 1157 |
1011 | 06-05-55 | Building permits | Repealed by 1157 |
1012 | 07-08-57 | Used equipment, scrap iron | Repealed by 1157 |
1013 | 06-08-81 | Building permits | Repealed by 1157 |
1014 | 04-26-62 | Harvest and transport of forest products | Repealed by 1157 |
1015 | 07-02-62 | Building permits | Repealed by 1157 |
1015A | 07-02-62 | Sewage waste disposal | Repealed by 1024, 1157 |
1015B | 07-01-62 | Safety of boaters | Repealed by 1024, 1157 |
Order | 12-16-64 | Stock restricted areas | 6.10 |
1016 | 06-07-65 | Persons convicted of crimes | Repealed by 1032, 1157 |
1017 | 03-28-66 | Sewage disposal construction | Repealed by 1157 |
1018 | 07-03-67 | Justice court district | 2.20 |
| 04-08-74 | Justice court district amendment | 2.20 |
| 04-19-82 | Justice court district amendment | 2.20 |
| 05-27-93 | Amendment | 2.20 |
1019 | 07-31-67 | Littering, use of intoxicants in county parks | Repealed by 1029, 1157 |
1020 | 10-16-67 | Firearm discharge at garbage disposal areas | Repealed by 1157 |
1022 | 06-01-70 | Boating | Repealed by 1115, 1157 |
1023 | 06-01-70 | Music festival licensing and regulations | Repealed by 1261 |
1024 | 05-07-74 | Sewage provisions | Repealed by 1157 |
1025 | 02-22-72 | Park regulations | Repealed by 1029, 1157 |
1026 | 08-28-72 | Scavenging and salvage at county dumps | Repealed by 1157 |
1027 | 02-13-73 | Vehicle operation; pedestrians | Repealed by 1157 |
1027A | 05-31-79 | Amendment | Repealed by 1157 |
1027B | 07-13-81 | Amendment | Repealed by 1157 |
1027C | 08-13-84 | Amendment | Repealed by 1157 |
1028 | 03-05-73 | Objects on highways | Repealed by 1120, 1157 |
1029 | 05-27-74 | Park use | Repealed by 1096, 1157 |
1029A | 06-27-88 | Amendment | Repealed by 1130, 1157 |
1030 | 05-27-74 | Abandoned vehicles | 8.05 |
1030A | 06-21-04 | Amendment | 8.05.110 |
1031 | 05-27-74 | Lewd conduct | Repealed by 1157 |
1032 | 05-27-74 | Repeals Ords. 102, 104, 107, 1016 | Repealer |
1033 | 06-10-74 | Lodging tax | 3.15 |
1033A | 10-21-85 | Amendment | 3.15 |
1034 | 06-24-74 | Shoreline management | 17.25 |
| 08-06-79 | Amendment | Repealed by 1279 |
| 02-21-80 | Amendment | Repealed by 1279 |
1035 | 06-10-74 | Overlegal road use | Repealed by 1157 |
1036 | 11-25-74 | Compensation of elected officials | Not codified1036A |
| 06-21-76 | Amendment | Not codified |
1036B | 07-20-78 | Amendment | Not codified |
1037 | 12-30-74 | Building code | Repealed by 1055, 1157 |
1038 | 02-30-74 | Mechanical code | Repealed by 1055, 1157 |
1039 | 12-30-74 | Fire code | Repealed by 1056, 1157 |
1040 | 12-30-74 | Plumbing code | Repealed by 1058, 1157 |
1041 | 10-30-74 | Buildings accessible to physically handicapped | Repealed by 1053, 1157 |
1042 | 02-03-75 | Planning department | 2.10 |
1043 | 05-12-75 | Setbacks from road rights-of-way | 15.15 |
| 12-10-79 | Amendment | 15.15 |
| 05-21-84 | Amendment | 15.15 |
1044 | 06-16-75 | Utility installations upon road rights-of-way | Repealed by 1128, 1157 |
| 01-10-77 | Amendment | Repealed by 1128, 1157 |
1045 | 08-14-75 | Short subdivisions | Repealed by 1153, 1157 |
1045A | 04-26-76 | Amendment | Repealed by 1153 |
1046 | 08-28-75 | Solid waste disposal | 8.15 |
1046A | 05-19-80 | Amendment | 8.15 |
1047 | 10-06-75 | Cablevision franchise | Repealed by 1157 |
1047A | 06-14-79 | Amendment | Repealed by 1157 |
1047B | 10-15-90 | Extends franchise | Repealed by 1157 |
1047C | 12-16-91 | Extends franchise | Repealed by 1157 |
1047D | 10-26-92 | Extends franchise | Repealed by 1157 |
1047E | 10-11-93 | Extends franchise | Repealed by 1157 |
1048 | 04-01-76 | Leasehold excise tax | 3.10 |
1049 | 07-06-76 | Environmental policy | Repealed by 1080, 1157 |
| 07-10-78 | Environmental policy | Repealed by 1080, 1157 |
| 01-14-80 | Amendment | Repealed by 1080, 1157 |
1050 | 02-14-77 | Repeals Ord. 105 | Repealer |
1051 | 06-30-77 | Mobile home parks | 15.30 |
| 03-31-80 | Amendment | 15.30 |
| 09-29-80 | Amendment | 15.30 |
| 07-02-87 | Amendment | 15.30 |
1052 | 10-13-77 | County jails | Repealed by 1157 |
1053 | 10-13-77 | Buildings accessible to physically handicapped | Repealed by 1157 |
1054 | 12-01-77 | Discharge of firearms | Repealed by 1067, 1157 |
1055 | 12-15-77 | Building code | Repealed by 1077, 1157 |
1056 | 12-15-77 | Fire code | Repealed by 1077, 1157 |
1057 | 12-15-77 | Mechanical code | Repealed by 1077, 1157 |
1058 | 12-15-77 | Plumbing code | Repealed by 1077, 1157 |
1059 | 12-15-77 | Swimming pool code | Repealed by 1157 |
1060 | 09-11-78 | Use and discharge of firearms | Repealed by 1067, 1157 |
1061 | 06-21-79 | Boating | Repealed by 1115, 1157 |
1062 | 05-31-79 | Traffic ordinance violations | Repealed by 1157 |
1063 | 09-27-79 | Speed limits | Repealed by 1157 |
1064 | 11-19-79 | Real and personal property | Repealed by 1154 |
| 01-07-80 | Amendment | Repealed by 1154 |
| 10-09-89 | Amendment | Repealed by 1154 |
1065 |
| Animal control | Repealed by 1157 |
1066 | 02-14-80 | Criminal code | Repealed by 1157 |
1067 | 05-29-80 | Discharge of firearms | Repealed by 1109, 1157 |
1067A | 10-31-83 | Amendment | Repealed by 1109, 1157 |
1067B | 10-14-85 | Amendment | Repealed by 1109, 1157 |
1068 | 07-21-80 | Salaries, benefits for commissioners | Not codified |
1069 | 01-26-81 | Cumulative reserve fund for drug control | 3.35 |
1070 | 08-13-81 | Overlegal movements of vehicles | 12.10 |
Res. 82-91 | 03-18-82 | Amendment | 12.10 |
Res. 82-361 | 10-25-82 | Amendment | 12.10 |
Res. 90-173 | 04-16-90 | Amendment | 12.10 |
1071 | 08-06-81 | Flood damage prevention | Repealed by 1091, 1157 |
1072 | 11-01-82 | Right-of-way vacation, compensation | 12.15 |
1073 | 11-23-81 | Emergency load limitations on roads | 10.25 |
1074 | 07-22-82 | Salaries and benefits for commissioners | Not codified |
1075 | 05-23-83 | Auctioneer and hawker licensing | Repealed by 1157 |
1076 | 05-07-84 | Tonnage restrictions on bridges | Not codified |
1077 | 07-19-84 | Building code | Repealed by 1090, 1157 |
1077B | 09-06-84 | Amendment | Repealed by 1090, 1157 |
1077C | 02-21-85 | Amendment | Repealed by 1090, 1157 |
1077D | 05-02-85 | Amendment | Repealed by 1090, 1157 |
1077E | 04-07-86 | Amendment | Repealed by 1090, 1157 |
1078 | 07-16-84 | Timber harvester tax | 3.25 |
1079 | 06-25-84 | Salaries and benefits for commissioners | Not codified |
1080 | 09-24-84 | Environmental policy | 17.110 |
1080A | 08-17-92 | Amendment | 17.110, amended 1170C |
1081 | 11-19-84 | Tonnage restrictions on bridges | Not codified |
1082 | 03-04-85 | Tonnage restrictions on bridges | Not codified |
1083 | 05-09-85 | Subdivisions | Repealed by 1169 |
1083A | 06-28-99 | Amendment | Superseded by 1169 |
1084 | 05-13-85 | Tonnage restrictions on bridges | Not codified |
1085 | 07-01-85 | Tonnage restrictions on bridges | Not codified |
1086 | 11-12-85 | Additional sales and use tax | 3.05 |
1087 | 04-14-86 | Mobile homes | Repealed by 1105, 1157 |
1088 | 05-08-86 | Tonnage restrictions on bridges | Not codified |
1089 | 05-12-86 | Salaries and benefits for commissioners | Not codified |
1090 | 06-09-86 | Building code | Repealed by 1157 |
1091 | 03-31-87 | Flood damage prevention | Repealed by 1145, 1157 |
1091A | 09-26-88 | Amendment | Repealed by 1145, 1157 |
1092 | 09-21-87 | Criminal drug investigation trust fund | 3.35 |
1093 | 05-11-87 | Tonnage restrictions on bridges | Not codified |
1094 | 10-26-87 | Tri-agency narcotics network trust fund | 3.35 |
1095 | 12-14-87 | Tonnage restrictions on bridges | Not codified |
1096 | 12-28-87 | Litter control | 8.30 |
1097 | 01-11-88 | Tonnage restrictions on bridges | Not codified |
1098 |
| Animal control | Repealed by 1157 |
1099 | 03-21-88 | Road closure | Not codified |
1100 | 06-06-88 | Tonnage restrictions on bridges | Not codified |
1101 | 06-02-88 | Salaries and benefits for commissioners | Not codified |
1102 | 06-27-88 | Road closure | Not codified |
1103 | 09-26-88 | Hazardous waste treatment and storage | 8.25 |
1104 |
| Repealed by 1157 |
1105 |
| Mobile homes | Repealed by 1126, 1157 |
1106 | 05-22-89 | Tonnage restrictions on bridges | Not codified |
Res. 89-516 | 11-30-89 | Amends Ord. 1106 | Not codified |
1107 | 08-21-89 | Tonnage restrictions on bridges | Not codified |
1108 | 02-05-90 | Building code | Repealed by 1125, 1157 |
1109 | 05-31-90 | Discharge of firearms | 9.10 |
1109A | 07-23-90 | Amendment | 9.10 |
1109B | 07-8-91 | Amendment | 9.10 |
1109C | 08-19-91 | Amendment | 9.10 |
1109D | 09-24-01 | Amendment | 9.10 |
1109E | 02-28-05 | Amendment | 9.10 |
1109F | 05-18-06 | Amendment | 9.10 |
1109G | 03-10-08 | Amends road name to reflect change | 9.10 |
1110 | 06-04-90 | Tonnage restrictions on bridges | Not codified |
1111 | 07-09-90 | Alarm systems | 9.15 |
1111A | 08-31-90 | Amendment | 9.15 |
1112 | 01-24-91 | Infectious waste | 8.20 |
1113 | 05-23-91 | County buildings and work places smoke-free | Repealed by 1113C |
1113A | 05-28-94 | Amendment | Repealed by 1260 |
1113B | 10-10-94 | Amendment | Repealed by 1113C |
1113C | 12-13-04 | Repeals Ch. 2.05, smoking in county buildings | Repealer |
1114 | 06-13-91 | Tonnage restrictions on bridges | Not codified |
1115 | 06-17-91 | Watercraft regulations | 10.20 |
1115A | 09-26-94 | Amendment | 10.20 |
1116 | 07-22-91 | Tonnage restrictions on bridges | Not codified |
1117 | 08-22-91 | Juvenile court, probation counselor | Not codified |
1118 | 07-22-93 | Cable communications franchise | 5.10; amended by 1172 |
1119 | 11-14-91 | Right to farm | 17.40 |
1120 | 12-23-91 | Dangerous objects on rights-of-way | 8.35 |
1121 | 06-08-92 | Tonnage restrictions on bridges | Not codified |
1122 | 08-10-92 | Temporary street closure | Repealed by 1157 |
1123 | 08-10-92 | Solid waste disposal | 8.15 |
1124 | 08-10-92 | Solid waste disposal district | 8.15 |
1125 | 12-21-92 | Building codes | Repealed by 1146, 1157 |
1125A | 03-28-94 | Amendment | Repealed by 1146, 1157 |
1126 | 12-21-92 | Mobile homes | 15.25 |
1126A | 03-28-94 | Amendment | 15.25 |
1127 | 03-22-93 | Tonnage restrictions on bridges | Not codified |
1128 | 03-01-93 | Utility installations on road rights-of-way | Repealed by 1171 |
1129 | 02-22-93 | Packwood Airport obstruction zoning | 17.80 |
1130 | 03-08-93 | Park use | 12.05 |
1131 | 04-05-93 | Real estate excise tax | 3.20 |
1131A |
| Number not used |
1131B | 12-17-07 | Amendment | 3.20 |
1132 | 06-28-93 | Tonnage restrictions on bridges | Not codified |
1133 | 08-02-93 | Animal control | Repealed by 1260 |
1133A | 06-21-99 | Amendment | Repealed by 1260 |
1133B |
| Number not used |
1133C | 02-13-06 | Amendment | Repealed by 1260 |
1134 | 08-26-93 | Assessments for flood control district No. 2 | Special |
1135 | 10-21-93 | Sales and use tax | 3.05 |
1136 | 03-21-94 | Residential recycling | 8.10 |
1136A | 03-25-96 | Amendment | 8.10 |
1136B | 03-19-01 | Amendment | 8.10 |
1137 | 12-30-93 | Road closure | Not codified |
1138 | 03-14-94 | Road closure | Not codified |
1139 | Not passed | Public utilities to buildings and structures |
1140 | 06-27-94 | Tonnage restrictions on bridges | Not codified |
1141 | 07-06-94 | Exemption from statutory firearms provisions | Repealed by 1157 |
1142 | 07-19-95 | Land clearing burning | Repealed by 1146C |
1142A | 07-29-02 | Land clearing burning – emergency burn ban | Repealed by 1142C |
1142B | 09-26-02 | Land clearing burning – emergency burn ban | Repealed by 1142C |
1142C | 10-07-02 | Repeals 1142A and 1142B | Repealer |
1143 | 03-20-95 | LID Nos. 3 and 4 | Special |
1144 | 06-26-95 | Tonnage restrictions on bridges | Not codified |
1145 | 08-21-95 | Flood damage prevention | 15.35 |
1145A | 11-23-98 | Amendment | 15.35 |
1145B | 06-07-99 | Amendment | 15.35 |
1145C | 12-11-00 | Amendment | 15.35 |
1146 | 09-11-95 | Building codes | 15.05 |
1146A | 11-23-98 | Amendment | 15.05 |
1146B | 11-04-02 | Amendment | 15.05 |
1146C | 06-16-03 | Amendment | 15.05 |
1147 | 11-13-95 | Planning department, hearing examiner | 2.10, 2.25 |
1147A | 06-16-03 | Amendment | 2.25 |
1148 | 05-06-96 | Toledo-Winlock Airport obstruction zoning | Repealed by 1269 |
1149 | 05-20-96 | Public development authority | 2.30 |
1150 | 06-13-96 | Critical areas | Repealed by 1299 |
1150A | 12-17-96 | Critical areas | Repealed by 1299 |
Res. 96-331 | 1996 | Entry policy | 1.25 |
1151 | 06-17-96 | Resource areas | 17.30 |
1151A | 03-31-97 | Resource areas | 17.30 |
1151A[2] | 12-29-97 | Resource areas | 17.30 |
1152 | 07-01-96 | Tonnage restrictions on bridges | Not codified |
1153 | 07-01-96 | Short subdivisions | Repealed by 1169 |
1154 | 08-12-96 | County surplus property | Repealed by 1331 |
1154A | 03-28-05 | Amendment | Repealed by 1331 |
1155 | 07-29-96 | Rest area | Repealed by 1157 |
1156 | 11-18-96 | Open space | 3.50 |
1156A | 02-24-97 | Amendment | 3.50 |
1157 | 02-17-98 | Adopts amended code; repeals Ords. 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1015, 1015A, 1015B, 1016, 1017, 1019, 1020, 1022, 1024, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1027A, 1027B, 1027C, 1028, 1029, 1029A, 1031, 1035, 1037, 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041, 1044, 1045, 1047, 1047A, 1047B, 1047C, 1047D, 1047E, 1049, 1052, 1053, 1054, 1055, 1056, 1057, 1058, 1059, 1060, 1061, 1062, 1063, 1065, 1066, 1067, 1067A, 1067B, 1071, 1075, 1077, 1077B, 1077C, 1077D, 1077E, 1087, 1090, 1091, 1091A, 1098, 1104, 1105, 1108, 1122, 1125, 1125A, 1141 and 1155 | 1.05, 1.10, 1.20, 1.25, 2.10, 2.20, 2.25, 2.30, 2.35, 3.05, 3.10, 3.15, 3.20, 3.25, 3.35, 3.50, 5.10, 6.10, 8.05, 8.10, 8.15, 8.20, 8.25, 8.30, 8.35, 9.10, 9.15, 10.20, 10.25, [Insert: Title 12, 15-18 were subsequently and substantially amended - see notations below] |
1158 | 04-20-98 | Fee schedule | 15.05, 15.25, 15.30, 15.40, 17.10, 17.15, 17.16, 17.20, 17.30, 18.05 |
1158A | 06-28-99 | Amendment | 15.05, 15.15, 15.30, 15.45, 17.30 |
1158B | 12-20-99 | Amendment; schedule of fees | 18.10 |
1158C | 12-22-03 | Amendment to building code fees | Repealed by 1290 |
1158D | 11-26-07 | Amendment to building code fees | Repealed by 1290 |
1159 | 05-04-98 | Interim urban/rural growth areas | Repealed by 1170 |
1159A | 06-01-99 | Amendment | Repealed by 1170A |
1159B | 07-26-99 | Amendment | Repealed by 1170A |
Res. 98-331 | 06-22-98 | Amends Res. 96-331, entry policy | 1.25 |
1160 | 08-31-98 | Adopts amended Board of Health code and ordinances H94-0303, H96-0304, H98-0326 and H98-0327, and administrative provisions | 1.05, 1.10. 2.25, 8.40, 8.41 |
1161 | 11-23-98 | Stormwater management | 15.45 |
1162 | 09-26-98 | Vehicle impoundment and redemption | Not codified |
1162A | 11-02-98 | Amendment | 10.30 |
1163 | 11-23-98 | Amends 1033 | Not codified |
1163A | 02-22-99 | Amends § 3.15.040 | 3.15 |
1163B | 04-21-03 | Amends 1163A and § 3.15.040 | 3.15 |
1164 | 12-14-98 | Industrial-commercial binding site plan | Repealed by 1169 |
H98-0326A | 03-01-99 | Amends H98-0326 | 8.40 |
H99-0301 | 03-01-99 | Adopts amended Board of Health ordinances H94-0302 and H94-0302A | Repealed by H.Ord.041204 |
H99-0510 | 06-07-99 | Amendment | Repealed by Ord. H01/13/03 |
1165 | 11-08-99 | Administrative easements of necessity | Repealed by 1222 |
H99-0510A | 12-20-99 | Amendment | Repealed by Ord. H01/13/03 |
1166 | 12-27-99 | Amending 1159A and B for master plan developments within UGAs | Repealed by 1170 |
1166A | 01-31-00 | Amendment | Repealed by 1170 |
1167 | 12-27-99 | Amending 1159A and B UGAs | Repealed by 1170 |
1168 | 02-14-00 | Amending 1159A and B-Mineral resource areas, special use permit | Not codified |
1169 | 02-07-00 | Repeals and replaces Title 16, subdivisions | 16.02, 16.04, 16.05, 16.10, 16.12, 16.15 |
1170 | 02-14-00 | Interim development regulations | Repealed by 1170B |
1170A | 02-28-00 | An interim ordinance clarifying the status of Ordinance 1170 and repealing Ordinances 1159 and 1159A | Repealed by 1170B |
1170B | 05-16-00 | Land development regulations | 3.50, 17.05, 17.10, 17.15, 17.20, 17.25, 17.30, 17.40, 17.45, 17.50, 17.55, 17.60, 17.65, 17.70, 17.75, 17.80, 17.95, 17.100, 17.105, 17.110, 17.125, 17.130, 17.135, 17.145, 17.150, 17.155, 17.160, 17.200 |
1170C | 06-04-01 | Amending Ords. 1080 and 1080A | 17.110 |
1171 | 03-27-00 | Telecommunications | 12.25, 12.30, 12.35, 12.37, 12.40, 12.45, 12.50 |
1172 | 04-03-00 | Utility installations on road rights-of-way; amending Chapter 5.10, cable utilities installations | 12.20 |
1173 | 05-22-00 | Recreational vehicle parks | 17.144 |
1174 | 07-31-00 | Permit application processing timelines | Repealed by 1174A |
1174A | 08-06-01 | Amendment | 2.25, 17.05 |
1175 | 12-18-00 | Recreational vehicle park, Title 17 amendments | 16.04, 17.05, 17.100, 17.144 |
1176 | 12-18-00 | Amending Title 17, declaring emergency | Lapsed 6-18-01 |
1176A | Not passed | Amendment of Title 17 |
1177 | 09-10-01 | Wireless communications tower moratorium | Repealed by 1177A |
1177A | 11-19-01 | Wireless communications tower | 15.50 |
1178 | 12-17-01 | Forest practices DNR/DOE reviews | Repealed by 1195 |
H11/18/02.1 | 11-18-02 | Amendment | 8.40 |
H11/18/02.2 | 11-18-02 | Amendment | 8.40 |
H01/13/03 | 01-13-03 | Amendment | Repealed by H.Ord.041204, H.Ord.051305 |
1179 | 04-04-02 | Adopting amendments to Titles 15, 16 and 17 of the Lewis County Code | 17.05, 17.10, 17.30, 17.42, 17.45, 17.50, 17.55, 17.60, 17.65, 17.75, 17.95, 17.100, 17.102, 17.107, 17.130, 17.200 |
1179B | 05-12-03 | Adopting amendments to Titles 16 and 17 | 16.12, 17.10, 17.20, 17.100, 17.102, 17.200 |
1179C | 06-02-03 | Adopting amendments to Title 17 | 17.30 |
1179D | 07-28-03 | Amendments to Title 17, City of Centralia | 17.15 |
1179E | 09-08-03 | Amending the comprehensive plan and development regulations | 17.10, 17.200 |
1179F | Not passed | Amendment |
1179G | 05-10-04 | Amendment | 17.20 |
1179H | 09-23-04 | Float glass manufacturing facilities | 17.21, 17.200 |
1179I | 12-20-04 | Clarifying the process for Master Plan approval | 17.200 |
1179J | 08-08-05 | Amends Ch. 17.20, public participation for master planned hearings | 17.20 |
1179K | 03-20-06 | Amending the LC Code, Zoning Maps regarding certain UGAs | 17.15 |
1179L | 10-09-06 | Clarifying public participation for master planned hearings under RCW 36.70A.350 - 36.70A.367 and Chapter 17.20 LCC | 17.20 |
1179M | 01-22-07 | Amendments to Title 17 | 17.10, 17.30 |
1179N | 03-05-07 | Amending Master Plan Provisions Regarding RCW 36.70A.350 and 360 within Chapter 17.20 LLC | 17.200 |
1179O |
| Number Not Used |
1179P | 05-21-07 | Amending master application provisions for RCW 36.70A.350 (FCC) | 17.20 |
1179Q |
| Number Not Used |
1179R | 04-02-07 | Repealing portions of Title 17 | 17.30 |
1179S | 01-28-08 | Adds § 15.25.080(5), temporary housing | 15.25 |
1179T | 03-17-08 | Amends § 15.25.080(5), temporary housing | 15.25 |
1180 | 09-23-02 | Amendment to civil penalties sections | 1.20, 5.10, 8.05, 8.15, 8.20, 8.30, 8.35, 9.10, 9.15, 10.20, 12.05, 12.10, 12.20, 12.25, 15.05, 15.15, 15.30, 15.45, 16.10, 16.12 |
1181 | 02-24-03 | Public nuisance | 1.22, 15.05 |
1182 | 12-15-03 | Compression brakes prohibited | 10.27 |
1183 | 12-15-03 | Lewis County road development standards | Repealed by 1194 |
H.Ord. 041204 | 05-10-04 | Solid waste rules and regulations | 8.15.240 |
1183A | 06-07-04 | Amendment | Repealed by 1194 |
1184 | 11-08-04 | Imposing an excise tax on timber | 3.25 |
1185 | 11-08-04 | Fund for domestic violence assessments | Not codified |
1186 | 01-10-05 | Planning section and planning commission | 2.11 |
H.Ord. 051305 | 06-13-05 | Food service regulations; Repeals H01/13/03 | Repealed by 1251 |
1187 | 02-13-05 | Chapter 15.05 amendments to code IBC/IFC | 15.05 |
1187A | 06-11-07 | Amendments to Chapter 15.05 | 15.05 |
1188 |
| Number Not Used |
1189 | 05-15-06 | Relating to land use and zoning and imposing a moratorium on receipt of applications from development within lands under invalidity pursuant to RCW 36.70.795 and 35.63.200 | Expired |
1189A | 06-19-06 | Amendment to Ord. 1189 | Expired |
1190 | 06-26-06 | Amending LCC 17.15 | 17.15 |
1191 | 11-13-06 | Emergency land use and zoning and imposing moratorium on receipt of application for development | Expired |
1192 | 12-11-06 | Amending Title 17 | 1.20, 17.07 |
1193 | 04-20-07 | Emergency moratorium on lands in agricultural resource lands | Expired |
1193A | 05-14-07 | Moratorium on lands in agricultural resource lands | Expired |
1193B | 10-15-07 | Moratorium on lands in agricultural resource lands | Expired |
1193C | 05-05-08 | Moratorium on lands in agricultural resource lands | Expired |
1193D | 11-03-08 | Moratorium on development on agricultural resource lands | Not codified |
1194 | 06-11-07 | Road standards, repeals Ords. 1183 and 1183A | 12.60 |
H.Ord. 061107 | 06-11-07 | Amends Chapter 8.40 | 8.40 |
1195 | 05-21-07 | Forest practice moratorium; Repeals Ord. 1178 | Repealed by 1290 |
1196 | 10-01-07 | Curbside recycling | 8.10 |
1197 | 11-05-07 | Agricultural resource lands; Repeals Chapters 17.105 and 17.107 | 17.30, 17.40, 17.42, 17.200 |
1198 | 12-10-07 | Amendments to the comprehensive plan and zoning maps | 17.200 |
1199 | 12-17-07 | Public defense standards | 2.40 |
1200 | 06-16-08 | Adds Chapter 9.20, law and justice council | 9.20 |
1201 | 12-22-08 | Amends zoning map | 17.200 |
1202 | 10-27-08 | Adds Chapter 12.02, drug/alcohol program, pre-employment and random drug/alcohol testing for safety-sensitive jobs | Repealed by 1355 |
1203 | 12-22-08 | Amends urban growth area boundaries for Centralia and Chehalis and the zoning map | 17.200 |
1204 | 12-22-08 | Adds § 17.25.035 and Ch. 17.35A; Amends Chs. 15.35, 17.25 and 17.35, critical areas | 15.35 |
1205 | 4-20-09 | Amends zoning maps | 17.200 |
1206 | 4-27-09 | Renews development moratorium | Special |
1207 | 8-10-09 | Amends §§ 17.30.600, 17.30.610, 17.30.620, 17.30.650 and 17.200.020, agricultural resource lands | 17.30, 17.200 |
1208 |
| Did not pass |
1209 | 10-07-09 | Renews development moratorium | Special |
1210 | 12-14-09 | Adds §§ 17.10.016 and 17.115.030(15); Amends comprehensive plan, zoning maps and Ch. 17.42 Table 2, auctioneering | 17.10, 17.200 |
1211 | 1-25-10 | Rescinds development moratorium | Special |
1212 | 3-22-10 | Amends § 12.05.050, firearms, weapons in county park | 12.05 |
1213 | 3-22-10 | Amends § 9.10.040, no shooting zones | 9.10 |
1214 | 3-29-10 | Adds Ch. 6.15; Repeals and replaces § 6.05.060, dog breeding | 6.15 |
H.Ord. 061410 | 6-14-10 | Amends § 8.40.320, on-site sewage systems | 8.40 |
1215 | 7-26-10 | Adds Title 13, public utilities | Repealed by 1265 |
1216 | 11-1-10 | Amends Ch. 17.140, open space | 3.50 |
1217 | 10-11-10 | Adds Ch. 3.40; Repeals Res. 92-272, enhanced 911 excise tax | 3.40 |
1218 | 12-27-10 | Adds § 16.15.065; amends §§ 16.15.010, 16.15.020, 16.15.030, 16.15.040, 16.15.050, 16.15.060, 16.15.070, 16.15.090, 16.15.100, 16.15.140 and 16.15.180, industrial - commercial binding site plans | 16.15 |
1219 | 12-27-10 | Adds Chs. 17.20A, 17.20B, 17.20C, 17.20D and 17.20E; amends § 17.200.020, urban growth areas - county | 17.20A, 17.20B, 17.20C, 17.20D, 17.20E, 17.200 |
1220 | 12-20-10 | Amends §§ 15.05.020(1)(a) - (d), 15.05.030(3), 15.05.050(5) and 15.05.060(4), building codes | 15.05 |
1221 | 3-28-11 | Adds Ch. 13.80; amends Ch. 13.10; repeals and replaces §§ 13.30.110, 13.30.120 and 13.30.410, public utilities | Repealed by 1265 |
1222 | 4-18-11 | Repeals Ch. 12.12, administrative easements of necessity along unimproved roads; rescinds all current easements of necessity | Repealer |
1223 | 7-11-11 | Amends Ch. 17.200, maps | 17.200 |
1224 | 6-20-11 | Adds chapter to Title 3, sales and use tax for chemical dependency treatment, mental health treatment, and therapeutic court programs and services | 3.45 |
1225 | 7-15-11 | Establishes moratorium of community medical marijuana garden application receipt and acceptance | Special |
1226 | 10-10-11 | Amends Ord. 1224, § 6, sales and use tax for chemical dependency treatment, mental health treatment, and therapeutic court programs and services | 3.45 |
1227 | 11-28-11 | Adds Ch. 17.300, compliance | 17.300 |
1228 | 12-12-11 | Adds Ch. 17.20F; amends § 17.200.020(1), urban reserve overlay district | 17.20F, 17.200 |
1229 |
| Did not pass |
1230 | 12-12-11 | Amends § 17.200.020(1), zoning map | 17.200 |
1231 | 10-10-11 | Extends moratorium of community medical marijuana garden application receipt and acceptance | Special |
1232 | 11-7-11 | Amends § 2.11.030(4), planning commission member terms | 2.11 |
1233 | 11-21-11 | Adds § 17.145.140(3), fences | 17.145 |
1234 | 11-21-11 | Adds § 16.02.040(10), utility lot exemptions | 16.02 |
1235 | 12-19-11 | Adds § 9.10.030(2)(e), exemption for testing ammunition by authorized manufacturer at approved facility | 9.10 |
1236 | 1-23-12 | Adds Ch. 8.60, collective medicinal cannabis gardens | Repealed by 1271 |
1237 | 2-13-12 | Haul route agreements | 12.10 |
1238 | 6-4-12 | Amends § 17.200.020(1), zoning map | 17.200 |
1239 | 7-30-12 | Emergency management | 3.02, 3.04 |
1240 | 7-30-12 | Road vacations | 12.15 |
1241 | 12-17-12 | Amends § 17.200.020(1), zoning map | 17.200 |
1242 |
| Did not pass |
1243 | 2-25-13 | Repeals and replaces § 16.02.040(8), subdivision boundary line adjustments | 16.02 |
1244 | 4-15-13 | Recodifies Ch. 17.140 as Ch. 3.50, open space taxation | 3.50 |
1245 | 9-23-13 | Amends Ch. 15.35, flood damage prevention | 15.35 |
1246 | 10-7-13 | Amends § 16.02.040, subdivision exemptions | 16.02 |
1247 | 11-4-13 | Adds Ch. 5.20, marijuana production, processing and retail sale | 5.20 |
1248 | 12-9-13 | Amends Ch. 3.40, enhanced 911 excise tax | 3.40 |
1249 | 12-9-13 | Establishes moratorium on establishments involved in marijuana sale, manufacturing, distribution or use | Special |
1250 | 12-2-13 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 8.45, solid waste rules and regulations | 8.45 |
1251 | 12-2-13 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 8.50, food service regulations | 8.50 |
1252 | 12-16-13 | Adds Ch. 8.55, Group B public water systems | 8.55 |
1253 | 6-2-14 | Adds §§ 17.155.065 and 17.160.055; amends §§ 17.10.214, 17.10.241, 17.10.243, 17.10.245, 17.145.020, 17.160.050, 17.160.070; renames Ch. 17.160, setbacks | 17.10, 17.145, 17.155, 17.160 |
1254 | 6-2-14 | Renews moratorium on establishments involved in production, processing and retail sale of marijuana and related products | Special |
1255 | 7-14-14 | Terminates timber land classification | Special |
1256 | 12-1-14 | Renews moratorium on establishments involved in production, processing and retail sale of marijuana and related products | Special |
1257 |
| Did not pass |
1258 |
| Did not pass |
1259 | 12-8-14 | Adds Ch. 18.20, impact fees | 18.20 |
1260 | 12-15-14 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 6.05, animals | 6.05 |
1261 | 2-2-15 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.15, music festivals | 5.15 |
1262 |
| Stricken |
1263 | 6-1-15 | Renews moratorium on establishments involved in production, processing and retail sale of marijuana and related products | Special |
1264 | 11-30-15 | Renews moratorium on establishments involved in production, processing and retail sale of marijuana and related products | Special |
1265 | 2-22-16 | Repeals and replaces Title 13, public utilities | 13.05, 13.10, 13.20, 13.30, 13.40, 13.50, 13.60, 13.70, 13.80 |
1266 | 5-2-16 | Adds Ch. 5.25; amends Ch. 6.15 and fee schedules, dog kennels and breeding | 5.25, 6.15 |
1267 | 5-9-16 | Amends §§ 17.42.030 and 17.42.040, rural land uses | Repealed by 1292 |
1268 | 5-23-16 | Renews moratorium on establishments involved in production, processing and retail sale of marijuana and related products | Special |
1269 | 6-6-16 | Adds Chs. 17.158 and 17.162; amends Ch. 16.02, § 16.04.043, Chs. 16.05, 16.10, 16.12, 16.14, 16.15, 17.05, 17.07, 17.20A, 17.20B, 17.20C, 17.20E, 17.30, §§ 17.35.460, 17.35.480, 17.35.520, 17.35A.460, 17.35A.480, 17.35A.520, 17.35A.530, Chs. 17.40, 17.42, 17.80, 17.120, 17.125, 17.155, 17.160 and 17.200; repeals §§ 17.35.470, 17.35.490, 17.35.500, 17.35.510, 17.35A.470, 17.35A.490, Chs. 17.85, 17.90, 17.114, 17.115, § 17.145.070 and Ch. 17.165, subdivisions and land use | 16.02, 16.04, 16.05, 16.10, 16.12, 16.15, 17.05, 17.07, 17.20A, 17.20B, 17.20C, 17.20E, 17.30, 17.40, 17.42, 17.80, 17.125, 17.144, 17.155, 17.158, 17.160, 17.162, 17.200 |
1270 | 11-21-16 | Amends comprehensive plan and zoning maps | 17.200 |
1271 | 1-23-17 | Adds §§ 8.15.085, 8.40.065, 8.45.105, 17.10.132, 17.10.13201, 17.10.13202, 17.10.13203, 17.30.475, 17.30.635, 17.75.037, 17.145.150 and 17.145.160; amends Ch. 5.20, §§ 8.55.010, 8.55.020, 8.55.030, 8.55.040, 15.05.010, 15.05.020, 17.10.001, 17.10.131, 17.10.133, 17.42.030 and 17.42.040 and fee schedules; repeals Ch. 8.60 and Ord. 1272, marijuana | 5.20, 8.15, 8.40, 8.45, 8.55, 15.05, 17.10, 17.30 |
1272 | 11-14-16 | Renews moratorium on establishments involved in production, processing and retail sale of marijuana and related products | Repealed by 1271 |
1273 | 12-12-16 | Amends § 3.45.060, advisory committee on sales and use tax for chemical dependency treatment, mental health treatment, and therapeutic court programs and services | 3.45 |
1274 | 3-6-2017 | Adds § 17.30.234; amends §§ 17.30.450, 17.30.460, 17.30.610, 17.30.750 and 17.30.770, resource lands | 17.30 |
1275 | 6-19-2017 | Adds § 6.05.155, judicial removal of dangerous animal designation | 6.05 |
1276 | 8-14-2017 | Amends Ch. 15.05, building codes | 15.05 |
1277 | 8-28-2017 | Transfer of telecommunications franchise | Special |
1278 | 10-16-2017 | Amends the Lewis County shoreline master program | Not codified |
1279 | 10-16-2017 | Amends Ch. 17.25 and § 18.05.120, shoreline management | 17.25 |
1280 | 10-2-2017 | Amends § 6.05.155, judicial removal of dangerous animal designation | 6.05 |
1281 | 11-6-2017 | Transfer of cable television franchise | Special |
1282 | 11-13-2017 | Amends Ch. 9.20, law and justice council | 9.20 |
1283 | 12-4-2017 | Adds Ch. 16.18 and § 17.30.623; amends § 16.04.087, Art. VII of Ch. 16.05, §§ 17.30.620, 17.30.630, 17.30.650, Ch. 17.42, §§ 17.45.060, 17.55.040, 17.95.020, 17.95.030, 17.100.060, Chs. 17.102, 17.150, §§ 17.158.030 and 17.160.050; repeals §§ 16.10.460, 17.100.070, 17.100.110 and 17.100.120, subdivision, land use and development regulations | 16.04, 16.05, 16.18, 17.30, 17.42, 17.45, 17.55, 17.95, 17.100, 17.102, 17.150, 17.160 |
1284 | 6-25-2018 | Adds Ch. 17.38; amends Ch. 17.10; repeals §§ 17.30.070 - 17.30.280, Ch. 17.35A, §§ 17.40.030, 17.80.020 and 17.110.040, critical areas | 17.10, 17.38 |
1285 |
| Stricken |
1286 | 6-4-2018 | Adds Ch. 10.40, wheeled all-terrain vehicles | 10.40 |
1287 | 6-25-2018 | Amends comprehensive plan | Special |
1288 | 6-25-2018 | Amends zoning map | Special |
1289 | 8-13-2018 | Amends § 2.25.130 and Ch. 6.05, animals and appeals | 2.25, 6.05 |
1290 | 8-27-2018 | Amends Ch. 18.05, community development fee schedule | 18.05 |
1291 |
| Stricken |
1292 | 9-17-2018 | Adds §§ 17.10.01503 [amends § 17.10.010], 17.10.191 [amends § 17.10.180], 17.10.192 [amends § 17.10.180], 17.10.22301 [amends § 17.10.190], 17.10.22303 [amends § 17.10.190] and Ch. 17.142; amends Chs. 17.42, 17.45, 17.50, 17.55, 17.60, 17.65, § 17.75.035, Chs. 17.95, 17.100, §§ 17.145.020, 17.145.030, 17.145.130, 17.145.140, Chs. 17.155 and 17.158; repeals §§ 17.10.108 [amends § 17.10.070], 17.10.117 [amends § 17.10.080], 17.70.090, 17.70.100, 17.75.037, 17.75.040, 17.75.050, Ch. 17.120, §§ 17.145.050, 17.145.080, 17.145.100, 17.145.110, 17.145.120, 17.145.150 and 17.145.160, land use and development regulations | 17.10, 17.42, 17.45, 17.50, 17.55, 17.60, 17.65, 17.75, 17.95, 17.100, 17.142, 17.145, 17.155, 17.158 |
1293 | 9-17-2018 | Amends Ch. 15.15, building setback regulations | 15.15 |
1294 | 8-6-2018 | Water-Sewer District No. 5 moratorium | Special |
1295 | 10-22-2018 | Adds Ch. 3.55, noxious weeds | 3.55 |
1295A | 3-11-2019 | Amends Ch. 3.55, noxious weeds | 3.55 |
1296 | 10-8-2018 | Amends zoning map | Special |
1297 | 1-28-2019 | Amends Ch. 17.12, public participation program | Repealed by 1330 |
1298 | 2-4-2019 | Adds §§ 17.15.015 and 17.15.018; amends §§ 17.15.010, 17.15.020 and 17.15.025; repeals §§ 17.15.030 and 17.15.040, urban growth areas - cities | 17.15 |
1299 | 2-4-2019 | Repeals Ch. 17.35, critical areas | Repealer |
1300 | 1-28-2019 | Extends Water-Sewer District No. 5 moratorium | Special |
1301 |
| Simple segregations | Stricken |
1302 | 6-3-2019 | Renews Water-Sewer District No. 5 moratorium | Special |
1303 | 8-19-2019 | Dissolves joint diking and drainage district No. 1 | Special |
1304 |
| Joint diking and drainage district dissolution | Failed |
1305 | 7-22-2019 | Amends § 3.30.400(1), sale of county property | Repealed by 1331 |
1306 | 8-5-2019 | Moratorium upon certain permits within rural and resource lands | Special |
1307 | 11-25-2019 | Amends comprehensive plan map | Special |
1308 | 11-4-2019 | Extends Water-Sewer District 5 moratorium | Special |
1309 | 11-25-2019 | Flood control district special assessment system | Not codified |
1310 | 12-2-2019 | Amends Ch. 3.02, emergency management operations and plan | 3.02 |
1311 | 12-30-2019 | Adds Ch. 1.23, public disturbance noise | 1.23 |
1312 | 12-9-2019 | Amends § 2.40.050, standards for public defense services | 2.40 |
1313 | 12-16-2019 | Amends Ch. 3.55, noxious weed containment real property tax | 3.55 |
1314 | 2-3-2020 | Extends moratorium upon certain permits within rural and resource lands | Special |
1315 | 2-24-2020 | Amends §§ 17.10.020 and 17.10.190, land use and development regulations | 17.10 |
1316 | 1-27-2020 | Sales and use tax for affordable and supportive housing | 3.60 |
1317 | 4-27-2020 | Extends Water-Sewer District 5 moratorium | Special |
1318 | 7-8-2020 | Amends § 18.10.020, public works fee schedule | 18.10 |
1319 | 8-3-2020 | Lifts moratorium upon certain building permits within boundaries of Middle Fork Water-Sewer System | Special |
1320 | 8-17-2020 | Dissolves dikage and drainage district No. 1 | Special |
1321 | 10-5-2020 | Adds Ch. 2.45, statutory authority for the Lewis County manager | 2.45 |
1322 | 10-12-2020 | Adds Ch. 12.70, airports division | 12.70 |
1323 | 2-8-2021 | Amends comprehensive plan and zoning maps | Special |
1324 |
| Did not pass |
1325 | 5-4-2021 | Amends Chs. 2.25, 16.05 and 17.05, subdivisions | 2.25, 16.05, 17.05 |
1326 | 6-22-2021 | Amends Ch. 15.05, building codes | 15.05 |
1327 | 9-14-2021 | Amends § 17.38.020(2), 17.38.250(1)(a)(iv), 17.38.270(1), 17.38.280(1) and 17.38.930, critical areas | 17.38 |
1328 | 9-14-2021 | Amends § 15.35.150, shoreline permits or exemptions | 15.35 |
1329 | 9-21-2021 | Amends § 17.25.030, shoreline management | 17.25 |
1330 | 10-26-2021 | Amends § 17.05.040; repeals and replaces Ch. 17.12, public participation program | 17.05, 17.12 |
1331 | 12-7-2021 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 3.30, management and disposition of property | 3.30 |
1332 | 12-14-2021 | Amends §§ 2.11.010 and 2.11.030, planning section and commission | 2.11 |
1333 | 5-3-2022 | Adds §§ 17.15.030, 17.42.017 and 17.142.090; amends §§ 17.10.030 and 17.42.020; renumbers §§ 17.142.090 through 17.142.160 to 17.142.100 through 17.142.170 and 17.142.190 through 17.142.210 to 17.142.200 through 17.142.220, land use and development regulations | 17.10, 17.15, 17.42, 17.142 |
1334 | 8-9-2022 | Amends §§ 17.110.130 and 17.110.210, SEPA | 17.110 |
1335 | 8-2-2022 | Amends § 9.20.050, law and justice council meetings | 9.20 |
1336 |
| Pending |
1337 | 11-22-2022 | Amends comprehensive plan and zoning maps | Special |
1338 | 10-25-2022 | Adds Ch. 8.60, unauthorized camping | Repealed by 1347 |
1339 | 11-29-2022 | Amends Ch. 8.10, recycling service area | 8.10 |
1340 | 12-20-2022 | Amends §§ 17.05.040, 17.05.060, 17.05.120, 17.05.160 and Ch. 17.12, land use and development regulations | 17.05, 17.12 |
1341 | 12-13-2022 | Amends §§ 2.40.020, 2.40.040, 2.40.050, 2.40.090, 2.40.100, 2.40.110, 2.40.120, 2.40.140, standards for public defense services | 2.40 |
1342 |
| Stricken |
1343 | 3-3-2023 | Amends zoning map | Repealed by 1353 |
1344 | 2-28-2023 | Adds Ch. 3.70, compost procurement policy | 3.70 |
1345 | 3-28-2023 | Adds § 17.12.150, administration and interpretation | 17.12 |
1346 | 6-13-2023 | Adopts 2045 population and housing allocations | Special |
1347 | 8-22-2023 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 8.60, unauthorized camping and parking | 8.60 |
1348 | 10-3-2023 | Amends §§ 15.30.030(3), 17.10.030, 17.10.130, 17.10.180, 17.10.200, 17.10.250, 17.30.460 and 17.42.020; amends and recodifies §§ 16.04.236, 16.04.237 and 16.04.238 in Ch. 17.10 and Ch. 16.14 as Ch. 17.144, recreational vehicle parks and campgrounds | 15.30, 17.10, 17.30, 17.42, 17.144 |
1349 | 10-17-2023 | Adds Ch. 8.70, interference with a firefighter or emergency responder | 8.70 |
1350 | 1-2-2024 | Amends comprehensive plan | Special |
1351 | 11-21-2023 | Adds Ch. 9.30, exclusion from county parks and facilities | 9.30 |
1352 |
| Pending |
1353 | 1-16-2024 | Amends zoning map; repeals Ord. 1343 | Special |
1354 | 4-16-2024 | Sterile needle and syringe exchange | 8.80 |
1355 | 5-7-2024 | Repeals Ord. 1202, drug/alcohol program | Repealer |
1356 | 8-6-2024 | Adds Ch. 9.40; repeals Res. 93-707, courthouse facilitator program | 9.40 |
1357 | 8-27-2024 | Amends §§ 12.60.280, 16.02.100 and 16.12.500 through 16.12.530; renumbers § 16.02.085 as 16.02.080, private roads | 12.60, 16.02, 16.12 |
1358 | 12-10-2024 | Amends Table 17.05-2, §§ 17.05.060, 17.05.070, 17.05.080, 17.05.090, 17.05.125, 17.05.170, 17.05.190, 17.10.040 and 17.130.010, permit review processes | 17.05, 17.10, 17.130 |
1359 | 11-12-2024 | Population and housing allocations | Special |