Sanitary Sewer Service Rates

Section 1. Customer Rates Inside Corporate Limits of the City.

The rates for sanitary sewer service for customers inside the corporate limits of the City shall be as follows; these base monthly rates shall be charged for each month a customer’s account is open, regardless of consumption history or actual use during any specific month:

A. Monthly Base Customer Charges




$39.21 per month for each single family residence and duplex (if single account)


$39.21 per month for each unit of a duplex (if two separate accounts)


Trailer Courts and Apartments (Triplex and above)


$88.21 per month


Commercial, Churches, Schools and Motels/Hotels


$67.25 per month

B. Consumptive Charges

In addition to the monthly charges shown above, the following rates shall be charged based on metered water consumed or as otherwise specified:

(1) Residential

(a) Monthly consumptive charges for single family and duplex residential customers shall be $6.51 per 100 cubic feet (CCF) multiplied times the customer’s average metered water consumed per month during the previous winter season billing periods. For customers on a bi-monthly billing cycle, average consumption shall be calculated using the customer’s water meter readings that generally represent the customer’s consumption during the months of November through February, or during the months of December through March, depending on the customer’s assigned billing cycle. Charges for customers on a monthly billing cycle shall be based on the monthly average of their water consumption during the November through February billing periods. Except as provided below, such charges shall remain constant for a 12-month period and shall be adjusted annually.

(b) Single family and duplex residential customers who do not have a complete billing cycle water consumption history for the billing periods specified above shall be charged $6.51 per CCF multiplied by the metered water consumed, up to a maximum of 12 CCF per month, until such time as a consumption history is established as specified in (a) above.

(c) Single family and duplex residential customers with an average water consumption of 1 CCF or less per month during the billing periods specified above, shall be charged $6.51 per CCF multiplied by the metered water consumed, up to a maximum of 12 CCF per month, until such time as a consumption history is established as specified in (a) above.

(d) Single family and duplex residential customers who do not have a City water service account and for which the City is unable to obtain official billing history from a state of Washington Department of Health approved water system for the billing periods specified above, shall be charged $38.31 per month, which amount represents $6.51 CCF multiplied by the current average residential metered water consumption of 6 CCF per month.

(e) For any billing period, if the customer’s total metered water consumption is zero, the consumptive sewer charge will be $0.

(2) Commercial, Churches, Schools, Hotels/Motels, Trailer Courts, and Apartments (Triplex and above)

(a) The sewer consumptive charge shall be based on metered water consumed at the rate of $6.51 per 100 cubic feet.

(3) The following charges for extra strength sewage shall be in addition to any other charges and shall be as determined by taking samples at intervals approved by the Director of Public Works. The fee shall be imposed on an industry or commercial business when any sample of wastewater discharged from that business during that month exceeds 350 mg/l TSS (total suspended solids) and/or BOD (biochemical oxygen demand). However, if the Volatile Suspended Solids (VSS) portion of the TSS is 100 mg/l or lower, then the surcharge for TSS shall not apply. The high strength fee shall be the greater of:

(a) For single or intermittent discharges, the sum of the following high strength waste fees calculated for each sample tested during the month that exceeds 350 mg/l TSS and/or BOD:

TSS Fee = TSS (mg/l) – 350 (mg/l) x Flow (mgd) x 8.34 x $0.65

BOD Fee = BOD (mg/l) – 350 (mg/l) x Flow (mgd) x 8.34 x $0.47

VSS: If the VSS portion of the TSS is 100 mg/l or lower, then surcharges for TSS shall not apply.

For the calculation above, “Flow (mgd)” means the volume of wastewater discharged during the sample collection period.


(b) For discharges of longer duration, the high strength waste fee will be based upon the average TSS and/or BOD concentration for all samples tested during that month when either or both averages exceed 350 mg/l.

TSS Fee = TSS (mg/l) – 350 (mg/l) x Flow (mgd) x 8.34 x $0.65

BOD Fee = BOD (mg/l) – 350 (mg/l) x Flow (mgd) x 8.34 x $0.47

VSS: If the VSS portion of the TSS is 100 mg/l or lower, then surcharges for TSS shall not apply.

For the calculation above, “Flow (mgd)” means the total volume of wastewater discharged during the month.

(4) Subject to City Council approval, the City Manager may recommend modifications to commercial and industrial user charges for businesses that use metered water in excess of 7,500 cubic feet per month. Any such modification shall be based on classification of user and shall reflect the businesses’ sewage flow volume as well as the degree of sewage treatment required for that class of business.

(5) For sewer discharge patterns not accurately predicted by metered water consumption nor captured by the billing periods or calculation methods specified above, the City may calculate the customer’s sewer service charges based on past water consumption at the site, water consumption patterns for similar customers, or from customer-provided data. The calculated sewer consumption billing shall be agreed to in writing by the customer and the Director of Public Works. The City shall periodically review on-site water and sewer consumption patterns and business practices for continued accuracy, and retains the right to adjust the calculated sewer billing accordingly.

Section 2. Sewer Service for Youth Athletic Leagues.

Sewer service provided to City parks that host Youth Athletic Leagues under a Longview Parks and Recreation Department Youth Sports Facility Use Agreement shall be charged at twenty-five percent (25%) of the rates set forth in this Resolution. Where a Youth Athletic League has secured its own facility, operates in coordination with the Longview Parks and Recreation Department, and is the account customer billed directly by the City, the league shall be billed at twenty-five percent (25%) of the account total determined by the rates set forth in this Resolution.

Section 3. Customer Rates Outside Corporate Limits of the City.

The sanitary sewer rates for customers outside the corporate limits of the City shall be as follows:

A. All Accounts Except Schools – To the sewer rates set forth in Section 1, add 65% of such rate to compensate the City as provided in Chapter 15.02 LMC.

B. Schools – The same school rate for inside corporate limits, Sections 1A(3) & 1B(2)(a).

C. Charges for extra strength sewage shall be as provided in Section 1B(3).

Section 4. Partial Monthly Charges.

When sewer service has been provided to any one customer for less than a calendar month, the amount to be charged such customer for the sewer service furnished during said partial period shall be determined by dividing the applicable monthly base charge by thirty and multiplying the quotient times the number of days sewer service was provided, plus the total consumptive charges. For single family and duplex residential customers charged a flat monthly consumptive charge in accordance with Section 1.B.(1)(a), the consumptive charge shall also be determined by dividing the applicable flat monthly charge by thirty and multiplying the quotient times the number of days sewer service was provided.

Section 5. Charge for Connection to Sanitary Sewer.

As provided by Chapter 15.20 LMC, the charge for connection to the sanitary sewer system shall be as follows:

A. Sewer Service Connection Charges

(1) All sewer installations shall meet or exceed the existing standards and specifications of the City. Prior to the installation, the owner/contractor shall request an inspection of materials by the City Engineer, or his/her representative. No sewer installations or taps into the City sewer mains shall occur without a utility permit issued under LMC 15.60.020. Any utility construction within a public right-of-way or easement shall comply with the authorizing agency’s requirements and permitting regulations, and a permit shall be obtained from such agency prior to starting construction of the utility facilities. At locations where the City is required to obtain a permit from the authorizing agency, the owner/contractor shall reimburse the City the cost of such permit. In addition, no sewer installation or taps shall occur except upon forty-eight (48) or more hours’ advance notice to the City Engineer, or his/her assigned representative. All sewer installations, including taps into a sewer main, shall be performed by a licensed plumbing contractor qualified to perform tapping connections, per the standards set forth by the City.

(2) The City Engineer, or his/her representative, shall inspect all materials to ensure compliance with the current City standards and specifications. Once the materials, location, and permits are approved, the contractor shall be permitted to install the service. The work shall be inspected by the City Engineer, or his/her representative.

(3) No sewer installation or taps into the City’s sewer main shall be covered or obscured until inspected and approved by the City Engineer, or his/her representative. An inspection fee as shown in the master fee schedule shall be charged for such inspections, and shall be paid at the time that a permit is granted under LMC 15.60.020. Where the developer of newly platted land has installed a complete sewer lateral or connection up to the property or sewer easement boundary, in accordance with City standards, including a cleanout, and the lateral or connection was approved as part of the development infrastructure, the inspection fee is waived.

B. Capital Recovery Fee

In addition to the foregoing charges, a Capital Recovery fee will be charged, for new and added sewer connections, according to the associated water connection size as shown in the master fee schedule.

C. Sewer Treatment System Development Charge

(1) In addition to all of the foregoing charges, a Sewer Treatment System Development Charge (SDC) as shown in the master fee schedule for wastewater treatment will be charged for each Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU).

(2) Very Low Strength Industrial:

In addition to all of the foregoing charges, a Sewer Treatment System Development Charge (SDC) as shown in the master fee schedule for wastewater treatment will be charged for each new Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) in accordance with the following:

Industrial development, expansion, or increased discharge having projected discharge concentrations of less than 35 mg/L each for BOD and TSS:

1 ERU per each three hundred (300) gallons per day flow

For qualifying industrial dischargers, this SDC fee is charged in lieu of the SDC for industrial dischargers identified in Section C(1) above.

(3) For System Development Charges required to be paid by the City to the Three Rivers Regional Wastewater Authority (TRRWA), payment of such System Development Charges by City customers shall be made to the City thirty (30) days or more prior to the time that such charges are required to be paid by the City to TRRWA. In the event that payment to the City is not paid promptly, the City may discontinue sewer service or take other measures to effect collection as provided in any contractual agreement between the City and its customer.

(4) Deferral of Payment of SDCs of $30,000 or More:

Deferral of payment of SDCs of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00) or more, together with any “SDC increase” charges, may be made in the manner, in the amounts, and in accordance with the schedule of payments set forth in Resolution Nos. 02-87 and OB 19-179 of TRRWA, including any amendments thereto.

Section 6. Three Rivers Regional Wastewater Authority Discharge Permits

The rates for issuance of a Three Rivers Regional Wastewater Authority (TRRWA) discharge permit shall be as shown in the master fee schedule.

Permits will be issued based on the provisions contained in Chapter 15.24 LMC and the Three Rivers Regional Wastewater Authority Discharge Pretreatment Policy. (Res. 2511, 2024; Res. 2385, 2021; Res. 1941, 2009; Res. 1800, 2004).