Water Service Rates and Charges

Section 1. Water for All Uses Within the Corporate Limits.

All water supplied for domestic or commercial purposes within the corporate limits of the City shall be supplied by meter only. The rates for such metered water supplied in any one month or fractional part thereof shall be in accordance with the following schedule but not less than the minimum monthly meter charge. These base monthly rates shall be charged for each month a customer’s account is open, regardless of consumption history or actual use during any specific month:

A. Minimum Monthly Meter Charges

(1) All Classes Except Irrigation

$19.81 per month for 3/4" x 5/8" meter

$49.94 per month for 1" meter

$73.45 per month for 1-1/2" meter

$113.62 per month for 2" meter

$220.77 per month for 3" meter

$341.36 per month for 4" meter

$676.28 per month for 6" meter

$1,078.14 per month for 8" meter

$1,547.03 per month for 10" meter

$2,216.82 per month for 12" meter

(2) Irrigation

$15.67 per month for 3/4" x 5/8" meter

$29.56 per month for 1" meter

$52.65 per month for 1-1/2" meter

$80.40 per month for 2" meter

$154.38 per month for 3" meter

$237.58 per month for 4" meter

$468.76 per month for 6" meter

$746.17 per month for 8" meter

$1,071.07 per month for 10" meter

$1,532.08 per month for 12" meter

B. Consumptive Charges

In addition to the minimum monthly meter charges shown above, the following rates shall be charged for metered water consumed:

(1) Single Family Residence and Duplex

For the first 800 cu. ft. or any portion thereof – $4.19 per 100 cu. ft.

For the next 800 cu. ft. – $4.88 per 100 cu. ft.

For all over 1,600 cu. ft. – $6.37 per 100 cu. ft.

(2) Trailer Courts and Apartments (Triplex and above)

All water consumed – $4.82 per 100 cu. ft.

(3) Commercial, Churches, Schools, Hospitals, and Motels/Hotels

All water consumed – $5.15 per 100 cu. ft.

(4) Irrigation

All water consumed – $7.62 per 100 cu. ft.

Section 2. Water for all Uses Outside the Corporate Limits.

All water supplied for domestic or commercial purposes outside the corporate limits of the City shall be supplied by meter only. The rates for such metered water supplied shall be in accordance with the schedule in Section 1, plus an additional charge of sixty-five percent (65%) to cover public fire protection costs of the water system serving outside customers and other costs applicable thereto.

Section 3. Partial Monthly Charges.

When water has been supplied to any one customer for less than a calendar month, the amount to be charged such customer for the water furnished during said partial period shall be determined by dividing the applicable monthly minimum meter charge by thirty and multiplying the quotient times the number of days water was so supplied, plus the total consumptive charges for water actually supplied.

Section 4. Water Service Connection Charges.

(a) All water installations shall meet or exceed the existing standards and specifications of the City, as set forth in the Longview Municipal Code or as determined by the City Engineer. Prior to the installation, the owner/contractor shall request an inspection of materials by the City Engineer, or his/her representative. No water installations or taps into the City water mains shall occur without a utility permit issued under Chapter 15.60 LMC. Any utility construction within a public right-of-way or easement shall comply with the authorizing agency’s requirements and permitting regulations, and a permit shall be obtained from such agency prior to starting construction of the utility facilities. At locations where the City is required to obtain a permit from the authorizing agency, the owner/contractor shall reimburse the City the cost of such permit. In addition, no water installation or taps shall occur except upon forty-eight (48) or more hours advance notice to the City Engineer, or his/her representative. All water installations requiring taps into a water main shall be performed by a licensed plumbing contractor qualified to perform tapping connections, per the standards set forth by the City.

(b) The City Engineer, or his/her representative, shall inspect all materials to ensure compliance with the current City standards and specifications. Once the materials, location, and permits are approved, the contractor shall be permitted to install the service. The work shall be inspected by the City Engineer, or his/her representative.

(c) No water installations or taps into the City’s water main shall be covered or obscured until inspected and approved by the City Engineer, or his representative. An inspection fee of one-hundred fifty dollars ($150) shall be charged for such inspections and shall be paid at the time that a permit is granted under Chapter 15.60 LMC. Where the developer of newly platted land has installed a complete water service to City standards, including corporation stop, service line, meter stop and meter box, the inspection fee is waived.

Section 5. Monthly Rates for Private Fire Sprinkler Systems and for Hydrants on Private Property.

The monthly charges for private fire sprinkler systems and hydrants installed on private property shall be as follows:





Private fire protection systems must be metered as provided in LMC 15.76.070, and payment of the costs of such installation shall be the responsibility of the property owner. Use of water from private fire sprinkler systems and hydrants shall be for fire suppression or system testing purposes only.

Section 6. Charges to City Owned Facilities.

(a) Unmetered Service: For each unmetered water service to a City park or other City facility, the City shall pay into the Water Utility Fund, three thousand two hundred eighty-four dollars and forty-six cents ($3,284.46) per year for each such service.

(b) Youth Athletic Leagues: Water consumed at City parks that host Youth Athletic Leagues shall be charged at twenty-five percent (25%) of the rates set forth in the resolution. The park accounts are in the name of the City of Longview and shall be billed to the City of Longview Parks and Recreation Department.

(c) Mint Valley Golf Course Irrigation: Water consumed at the Mint Valley Golf Course for irrigation purposes only, shall be charged at twenty-five percent (25%) of the rates set forth in this Resolution.

(d) Community Gardens Irrigation: Water consumed by community gardeners utilizing City Community Garden facilities owned and operated by the City of Longview Parks and Recreation Department shall be charged at twenty-five percent (25%) of the rates set forth in this Resolution. The Community Gardens accounts are in the name of the City of Longview and shall be billed to the City of Longview Parks and Recreation Department.

Section 7. Delinquent Payments.

All money due the City for furnishing water service for any customers shall be due and payable within fifteen (15) days of the due date shown on each bill, and if not paid within fifteen (15) days thereafter, shall be deemed delinquent. In accordance with Longview Municipal Code, if full payment on a utility account has not been received at the Finance Department by the thirtieth (30th) day after the due date, a penalty as shown in the master fee schedule shall be assessed and written notice will be mailed for demand for payment or otherwise. In the event the utility account remains delinquent beyond the forty-first (41st) day after the due date, and after such contact has been attempted by the City, the utility service shall be disconnected or shut off until such time as the balance is paid in full. In accordance with the Longview Municipal Code, a penalty as shown in the master fee schedule shall be assessed to turn on the utility service, once the balance, including penalty fees, are paid in full. In accordance with Longview Municipal Code, there is hereby established a charge as shown in the master fee schedule to turn on a water service which has been disconnected or turned off due to a user failing to apply for water service as provided in Longview Municipal Code. A charge as shown in the master fee schedule is hereby established if the City is required to turn on a water service after regular working hours. If the City determined that it was necessary to physically remove the meter to enforce the provisions of the Longview Municipal Code and this resolution, a charge as shown in the master fee schedule shall be assessed to reinstall the meter and turn on water service.

Section 8. Water Obtained from Fire Hydrant.

Anyone desiring to obtain water from an un-metered fire hydrant shall first obtain a Fire Hydrant Use Permit and, pay all applicable fees and deposits. Use of a fire hydrant to obtain water shall be temporary only, shall occur only at hydrants designated and approved by the Utilities Systems Manager or his/her designee, and shall not exceed ninety (90) calendar days unless otherwise approved by the Utilities Systems Manager or his/her designee. All water obtained from a hydrant shall be through a water meter and backflow prevention assembly provided by the City, except that the Utilities Systems Manager may authorize the permittee to provide its own meter and backflow prevention assembly.

The permittee shall pay a deposit as shown in the master fee schedule and a non-refundable meter assembly installation and removal fee as shown in the master fee schedule in advance of the City installing the meter assembly on the hydrant. The permittee shall also pay a meter rental charge as shown in the master fee schedule per calendar day and shall pay for water used at the rates shown in Section 1.B (3).

All water supplied for use outside the corporate limits of the City shall be charged at the rates shown in Section 1.B (3), plus an additional charge of sixty-five percent (65%) as identified in Section 2 of this resolution.

The deposit is required for the purpose of assuring that said meter will be returned to the City, and that it will not be damaged. The permittee shall be fully responsible for any damage or loss to the hydrant and/or the hydrant meter assembly. If a meter assembly is returned to the City in a damaged condition, or the hydrant is damaged by the permittee’s use, the permittee shall be responsible to pay all replacement or repair costs that exceed the deposit amount, in addition to the meter rental and water consumption charges. Replacement or repair costs shall become payable to the City within thirty (30) calendar days after notification and subsequent mailing of an invoice to permittee.

Permittees providing their own meter and backflow prevention assembly shall obtain a Fire Hydrant Use Permit for each hydrant used, and shall use only hydrants designated and approved by the Utilities Systems Manager or his/her designee. Such permittees shall be exempt from the installation/removal fee and meter rental charge, but shall pay a one hundred dollar ($100.00) deposit, shall pay for all water consumed, and shall be responsible for any damage or loss to the hydrant due to their use of the hydrant.

The permit shall be on site at any time water is to be withdrawn from the hydrant and shall be subject to examination on request of employees of the City. The permittee shall comply with the requirements set forth in the 2015 International Fire Code, Section 901.8 and subsequent editions; and LMC 15.72.040 and 15.72.060.

The Utilities Division shall provide meter readings to the Finance Department, who shall determine and issue the monthly and final billings. The Finance Department shall refund the deposit to the permittee after all charges have been paid and upon verification from the Utilities Operations Manager or his/her designee, that the meter has been returned and that all City-owned property is undamaged.

Section 9. Water Shortage Fees.

During a water shortage emergency as defined in Chapter 15.84 LMC, fees shall be assessed as follows for installation and removal of flow restrictor devices on individual water services, or for disconnecting or shutting off services, as provided for to enforce the measures set forth in Chapter 15.84 LMC:

3/4-inch to 1-1/2-inch meters:

as shown in the master fee schedule

larger than 1-1/2-inch meters:

as shown in the master fee schedule

Section 10. City of Kelso Water Delivery Rate

All water delivered to the City of Kelso for domestic or commercial purposes shall be supplied by meter only. The rates for such metered water supplied in any one month or fractional part thereof shall be in accordance with the following schedule but not less than the minimum monthly meter charge. These base monthly rates shall be charged for each month a customer’s account is open, regardless of consumption history or actual use during any specific month:

A. Minimum Monthly Meter Charges

Monthly meter charges will be applied according to Section 1.A.(1) above.

B. Delivery Charges

In addition to the minimum monthly meter charges shown above, the following rates shall be charged for metered water delivered:

All water delivered - $1.95 per 100 cu. ft.

C. Purveyor rate

In addition to the minimum monthly meter charges and delivery charges shown above, a purveyor rate will also be levied by the Water Operating Board for water consumed.

Sections 3, 4 and 7 above will apply to the City of Kelso and all its connections to the City of Longview water distribution system.

(Res. 2510, 2024; Res. 2384, 2021; Res. 2228, 2017; Res. 2173, 2016; Res. 2052, 2012; Res. 1946, 2009; Res. 1799, 2004).