Chapter 6.42


6.42.010    Statutes incorporated by reference.

6.42.010 Statutes incorporated by reference.

The following statutes regarding theft are incorporated by reference:


9A.56.010    Definitions.

9A.56.020    Theft – Definition, defense.


    (1)    Theft in the third degree.


    (1), (3)    Unlawful issuance of checks or drafts.

9A.56.063    Making or possessing motor vehicle theft tools.

9A.56.170    Possessing stolen property in the third degree.

9A.56.180    Obscuring identity of a machine.

9A.56.220    Theft of subscription television services.

9A.56.230    Unlawful sale of subscription television services.

9A.56.240    Forfeiture and disposal of device used to commit violation.

9A.56.260    Connection of channel converter.

9A.56.270    Shopping cart theft.

9A.56.330    Possession of another’s identification.

(Ord. 3335 § 4 (Exh. D), 2024; Ord. 2734 § 1, 2008; Ord. 1451, 1986; Ord 965 § 9.01, 1977).