Chapter 22C.170


22C.170.010    Purpose.

22C.170.020    Use standards.

22C.170.030    Development standards.

22C.170.040    Design considerations.

22C.170.010 Purpose.

This chapter provides standards so that mini-storage facilities uses can be appropriately sited in close proximity to residential zones. (Ord. 2852 § 10 (Exh. A), 2011).

22C.170.020 Use standards.

Other uses on the site such as the rental of trucks or moving equipment must meet the use and development standards of the base zone, overlay zone, subarea or master plan. (Ord. 2852 § 10 (Exh. A), 2011).

22C.170.030 Development standards.

Mini-storage facilities are permitted in the zones listed in MMC 22C.020.060 subject to the following conditions:

(1) The required setbacks are:

(a) Street setback: 15 feet;

(b) Interior setback: 10 feet.

(2) Parking and internal drives are prohibited in setback areas.

(3) The accesses are required to be gated and monitored at all times. (Ord. 2852 § 10 (Exh. A), 2011).

22C.170.040 Design considerations.

The following exterior design requirements apply to mini-storage facilities:

(1) Architectural Features. Architectural features are to be consistent with the character of the surrounding neighborhood. The following are minimum standards:

(a) Minimum roof pitch is 4:12 for buildings with less than three floors.

(b) Exterior vertical surfaces require 50 percent of the area to be materials such as decorative brick veneer, stone, stucco, textured block, and other materials which reflect residential design elements.

(c) Unique architectural features such as towers, turrets and pergolas are subject to the standards of this subsection. An applicant is required to demonstrate that the proposed architectural features are consistent with the neighborhood character.

(d) Access points, except for emergency access, may not be from a local access street; provided, that when a conditional use permit is required, the city may allow access from a local street if it determines traffic will not be disruptive to residential uses.

(e) Fencing is required to be low-maintenance material and articulation at intervals no greater than 20 feet. Chain-link fencing is not permitted.

(f) Display and floodlighting is required to be constructed, shielded and used so as not to directly illuminate, or create glare visible from, adjacent property or public right-of-way.

(g) A building or series of buildings parallel with and adjacent to residentially zoned or developed property or street frontage must have staggered setbacks for every 50 feet of lineal development. The setbacks shall be stepped back or projected forward at intervals to provide a minimum of 40 percent facade modulation. The minimum depth of modulation should be four feet, and the minimum width should be eight feet. There must be at least 10 feet of separation between buildings.

(h) Where allowed as a conditional use in the CB and GC zones, the following regulations shall apply:

(i) Outdoor storage of trucks, boats, recreational vehicles or other types of vehicles or equipment is permitted subject to the following standards:

(A) Outdoor storage areas are not visible from abutting properties or public right-of-way through the use of buildings, or other method of solid screening; and

(B) The area devoted to outdoor storage is less than 50 percent of the footprint of the storage building(s).

(ii) Buildings shall have a minimum height of three floors, except in the following circumstances:

(A) When there is more than one building, only buildings located within 50 feet of a public street shall have a height of three floors; or

(B) The city may allow less than three floors if the applicant proposes an architectural and landscape design quality that is superior to what is otherwise required by development standards and design guidelines applicable to a building containing three floors. To determine if the quality is superior, the scale and design of the building, exterior building materials and landscaping treatment proposed must be comparable to what would be required for a retail or office building. The city shall take into consideration compatibility of the proposed design with existing development, or the likely future development, of surrounding properties.

(2) Landscaping and Screening. The following landscaping and screening requirements apply to all mini-storage facilities:

(a) All setback areas shall be landscaped with a variety of trees, shrubs and ground cover plants consistent with L2 landscaping as defined under Chapter 22C.120 MMC, Landscaping and Screening.

(b) A solid wall, a screening fence or a combination of both achieving a perimeter screening to a minimum of six feet in height is required and shall be located so that a minimum of 75 percent of the landscaping area is outside the fence. (Ord. 3180 § 2 (Exh. A), 2021; Ord. 2852 § 10 (Exh. A), 2011).