Chapter 2.16
2.16.010 Clerk’s powers.
As required by RCW 35A.12.020 there is created the position of city clerk. The city clerk shall exercise and is authorized to carry out all duties required by state laws, city ordinances, resolutions and the mayor and his or her designee. The city clerk shall be designated as the city treasurer to perform in that capacity whenever the laws of the state or the ordinances of the city refer to such position.
(Ord. No. 615, § 1, 9-6-18).
2.16.020 Appointive position.
The position of city clerk is appointed by the mayor and shall be confirmed by a majority of the whole city council before assuming office.
(Ord. No. 615, § 1, 9-6-18).
2.16.030 Duties.
The city clerk shall keep a full and true record of every act and proceeding of the city council and keep such books, accounts and take such reports as may be required by office of State Auditor. The city clerk shall record all ordinances, annexing thereto his/her certificate giving the number and title of the ordinance, stating that the ordinance was published according to law and that the record is a true and correct copy thereof. The city clerk shall be custodian of the seal of the city and shall have authority to acknowledge the execution of all instruments by the city which require acknowledgment. The mayor may appoint deputy clerks to assist in the performance of the duties of the clerk and to act in the absence of the clerk.
(Ord. No. 615, § 1, 9-6-18).
2.16.040 Investments.
A. Chapter 35.39 RCW, as now codified or hereafter amended, provides a city may invest excess funds, may designate an investment official, and may deposit certain investment returns into the current expense fund.
B. Pursuant to RCW 35.39.032, as now codified or hereafter amended, the city clerk is authorized to determine the amount of money available in each fund for investment purposes and to make the investments allowed by law. The city clerk shall make a monthly report of all investment transactions to the council.
C. Pursuant to RCW 35.39.034, as now codified or hereafter amended, the city clerk is directed to deposit all income derived from investments into current expense fund, except for that income required by the laws of the state of Washington or the United States to be returned to the participating fund.
(Ord. No. 615, § 1, 9-6-18).