Chapter 12.10
12.10.020 Complete streets definition.
12.10.030 Implementation of complete streets principles.
12.10.050 Extraordinary circumstances.
12.10.060 Funding for complete streets.
12.10.010 Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to help achieve the goals and objectives of the transportation, land use and parks and recreation elements of the city of Mattawa comprehensive plan. The city of Mattawa shall, to the maximum extent practical, scope, plan, design, construct, operate and maintain appropriate facilities for the safe accommodation of pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, motorists, emergency responders, freight and users of all ages and abilities in all new construction, retrofit or reconstruction projects. This chapter provides for the implementation of complete streets guiding principles. Through ongoing operations and maintenance, the city of Mattawa shall identify cost effective opportunities to include complete streets practices.
(Ord. 632, § 1, 7-2-20).
12.10.020 Complete streets definition.
A complete street is a road that is designed to be safe for drivers, bicyclists, transit vehicles and users, and pedestrians of all ages and abilities. The complete streets concept focuses not just on individual roads but on changing the decision-making process so that all users are routinely considered during the planning, designing, building and operating of all roadways.
(Ord. 632, § 1, 7-2-20).
12.10.030 Implementation of complete streets principles.
The city of Mattawa will incorporate complete streets principles into the city’s comprehensive plan, public works standards, parks and recreation master plan, traffic circulation plan and other plans, manuals, rules, regulations and programs as appropriate.
(Ord. 632, § 1, 7-2-20).
12.10.040 Exceptions.
Facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users and/or people of all abilities are not required to be provided when:
A. A documented absence of current or future need exists;
B. Nonmotorized uses are prohibited by law;
C. The cost would be disproportionate to the current need or probable future uses;
D. In instances where a documented exception is granted by the public works director;
E. Their construction is not practically feasible or cost effective because of a significant adverse environmental impact to streams, wetlands, steep slopes, or other critical areas or significant adverse impacts on neighboring land uses, including impacts from right-of-way acquisition;
F. Where the establishment would be contrary to the transportation element of the comprehensive plan.
(Ord. 632, § 1, 7-2-20).
12.10.050 Extraordinary circumstances.
Except in unusual or extraordinary circumstances, complete streets principles may not apply to the following:
A. Repairs made pursuant to pavement opening and restoration allowed by approval of the public works director.
B. Ordinary maintenance activities designed to keep assets in serviceable condition (e.g., mowing, cleaning, sweeping, spot repair and surface treatments such as chip seal, or interim measures on detour or haul routes).
C. Where the director of public works issues a documented exception concluding that application of complete street principles is unnecessary or inappropriate because it would be contrary to public safety.
(Ord. 632, § 1, 7-2-20).
12.10.060 Funding for complete streets.
Complete streets may be achieved through single projects or incrementally through a series of smaller improvements or maintenance activities over time. It is the city’s intent that all sources of transportation funding be drawn upon to implement complete streets. The city believes that maximum financial flexibility is important to implement complete streets principles.
(Ord. 632, § 1, 7-2-20).