Chapter 15.08


15.08.010    Off street parking requirements generally.

15.08.020    Off street parking spaces required.

15.08.030    Parking requirements for uses not specified.

15.08.040    Mixed occupancies.

15.08.050    Joint uses.

15.08.060    Required improvement and maintenance of parking area and used car sales area.

15.08.070    Illumination of parking areas and used car sales area.

15.08.080    Disabled parking signs/post.

15.08.010 Off street parking requirements generally.

Every building hereafter created, moved, reconstructed, or structurally altered shall be provided with permanently marked and maintained off street parking spaces as provided in this chapter and such off street parking spaces shall be made permanently available and be permanently marked and maintained for parking purposes. For the purpose of this section, a parking space shall be at least nine feet wide and a minimum of twenty-one feet long, exclusive of access drives or aisles, having access from a public thoroughfare, and shall be of usable shape and condition. There shall be provision for ingress and egress from each parking space. The location and design of all entrances and exits to the parking area shall be subject to the approval of the town planning commission.

(Ord. 403 §1, 2001).

15.08.020 Off street parking spaces required.

Required off street parking spaces are as follows:

A. Single-family dwellings: Two spaces for each dwelling unit.

B. Two-family dwellings, duplex: Two spaces for each dwelling unit, plus one additional for each four spaces.

C. Multiple-family dwellings: Two spaces for each dwelling unit, plus one additional for each three spaces.

D. Residential hotels, fraternity houses, rooming houses or boardinghouses: One space for each guest accommodation.

E. convalescent homes, sanitariums, institutions for the aged and children, welfare or correctional institutions: One space for each six beds or patients, plus one additional space for each two employees.

F. Hospitals: One space for each five beds including bassinets, plus one space for each two employees, plus one space for each two residing and/or staff doctors.

G. Medical and dental clinics: Three spaces for each doctor or three spaces for each two examination rooms, whichever is greater, plus one space for each employee.

H. Dancehalls: One space for each fifty square feet of gross floor area of the building.

I. Funeral parlors and mortuaries: One space for each four seats or eight feet of pew space for assembly used for services, plus one space for each employee.

J. Passenger terminals (bus, rail or air): One space for every one hundred square feet of gross floor area used for passenger waiting area, plus one space for each two employees.

K. Manufacturing and industrial buildings: One space for each two employees on the largest shift.

L. Stadiums, sports arenas, auditoriums, (including school auditoriums) and other places of public assembly and clubs and lodges having no sleeping rooms: One space for each four seats or eight feet of bench length for spectators.

M. Bowling alleys: Five spaces for each alley plus one space for every four seats or eight feet of bench devoted to spectator area plus one space for the proprietor and one space for each employee.

N. Libraries: One space for each two hundred square feet of gross floor area plus one space for each two employees.

O. Churches: One space for each four seats or eight feet of pew bench and one space for each four hundred square feet of gross floor space used for assembly and not containing fixed seats.

P. Colleges or commercial schools for adults: One space for each three seats in classrooms plus one space for each employee.

Q. High schools, elementary schools and other children schools: One space for each twelve seats in the auditorium or assembly room, plus one space for each employee, plus sufficient off-street space for the safe and convenient loading and unloading of students from school buses.

R. Theaters: One space for each three seats plus one space for each employee.

S. Mobile home parks: Two spaces for each mobile home lot and one additional for each four mobile home lots for guests, plus one space for each employee.

T. Motels and auto courts: One space for each unit plus three additional spaces for every ten units.

U. Semi-private golf courses, country clubs, gun clubs, etc.: One space for each three members.

V. Public utility stations: Two spaces.

W. Retail stores and personal service shops; One space for every four hundred square feet of business space, plus one space for the proprietor and one space for each two employees.

X. Banks: Two spaces for each bank teller plus one space for each employee.

Y. Restaurants, taverns or bars: One space for each three seats or stools plus one space for each employee and one space for each fifty square feet of dance floor space.

Z. For city owned public facilities property, parking space shall not be required but will be determined by the town planning commission and confirmed by the town council.

(Ord. 403 §2, 2001).

15.08.030 Parking requirements for uses not specified.

Where the parking requirements for a use are not specifically defined in this title, the parking requirements for such use shall be determined by the town planning commission and such determination shall be based upon the requirements for the most comparable use specified in this chapter. Those requirements shall then become part of the requirements of this title upon approval by the town council.

(Ord. 403 §3, 2001).

15.08.040 Mixed occupancies.

In the case of mixed occupancies in a building or on a lot, the total requirements for off-street parking shall be the sum of the requirements for the various uses computed separately. Off-street parking facilities shall not be considered as providing required parking facilities for the other use except as hereinafter specified for joint use.

(Ord. 403 §4, 2001).

15.08.050 Joint uses.

The town planning commission may, upon application by the owner or lessee of any property, authorize the joint use of parking facilities by the following uses or activities under the conditions specified in this section:

A. Up to one hundred percent of the parking facilities required by this chapter for a church or auditorium incidental to a public or parochial school may be supplied by parking facilities for a use considered to be primarily a daytime use, provided such reciprocal parking shall be subject to the conditions set forth in subsection C of this section.

B. For purposes of this section, the following uses are typical daytime uses: business offices, schools, barbershops and beauty shops, manufacturing or wholesale buildings. The following uses are typical nighttime and/or Sunday uses: auditoriums incidental to a public or parochial school, churches and theaters.

C. Conditions required for joint use are as follows:

1. The building or use for which application is made for authority to utilize the existing off-street parking facilities provided by another building or use shall be located within one hundred fifty feet of such parking facilities.

2. The applicant shall show that there is not substantial conflict in the principal operation hours of the buildings or uses for which the joint use of the parking facilities is proposed.

3. Parties concerned in the joint use of off street facilities shall evidence agreement for such joint use by a proper legal instrument, approved by the town attorney as to form and content. Such instrument when approved, as conforming to the provisions of this title shall be recorded in the office of the town clerk/treasurer and copies thereof shall be filed with the planning commission.

(Ord. 403 §5, 2001).

15.08.060 Required improvement and maintenance of parking area and used car sales area.

Every lot or parcel of land used as a public or private parking area, or used car sales area shall be developed and maintained in the following manner:

A. Grading, drainage and surfacing. All off-street parking areas shall be graded, shall provide adequate drainage, and shall be surfaced with a permanent all-weather surface, which shall consist of either asphalt pavement or cement concrete pavement. When off-street parking is accessed through an alley, the paving requirements shall include the alley from the street to the off-street parking area, so that the entire alley contiguous to the off-street parking is paved.

B. Border barricades. All parking areas and used car sales areas that are not separated by a fence from any street or alley property lines upon which it abuts shall be provided with a suitable concrete curb or timber barrier not less than six inches in height, located not less than four feet from such street or alley property lines and such curb or barrier shall be securely installed and maintained; Provided, that no such curb or barrier shall be required across any driveway or entrance to such parking area.

C. Screening and landscaping. Every parking area or used car sales area which abuts a residential district shall be separated from such residential district by a solid wall or view-obscuring fence, at least six feet in height, or a green belt planted and maintained at least five feet in width; except, that along any street frontage onto or from which an entrance is provided, the fence, wall or green belt shall not exceed thirty-six inches in height. Said wall or fence shall receive normal maintenance in keeping with the character of the adjacent development. No such wall, fence or green belt need be provided where the elevation of that portion of the parking area or used car sales area immediately adjacent to any residential district is six feet or more above or below the elevation of such district along the common property line.

D. Entrances and exits. The location and design of all entrances and exits shall be subject to the approval of the town planning commission.

(Ord. 403 §6, 2001).

15.08.070 Illumination of parking areas and used car sales area.

Any lights provided to illuminate any public parking area, any semi-public parking area, or used car sales area permitted by this chapter, shall be arranged so as to reflect the light away from any dwelling unit and the public right-of-way.

(Ord. 403 §7, 2001).

15.08.080 Disabled parking signs/post.

A. Vertical signs for disabled accessible parking spaces are to be between thirty-six and eighty-four inches off the ground, have the International symbol of Access, have colors of white on blue background as described under RCW 70.92.120, and have the notice “State Disabled Permit Required” clearly printed thereon.

B. Any public or private building that was built or substantially remodeled after October 1, 1976 is required to have handicap accessible parking spaces. (Washington State Regulation for Barrier Free Facilities. WAC 51.10)

C. For each parking lot or garage provided to serve a building, a minimum of one disabled parking space must be provided or two percent of the first two hundred spaces. An additional disabled accessible parking stall shall be provided for each one hundred stalls over the two hundred parking space capacity.

D. Parking spaces shall be a minimum of twelve feet six inches wide. Two adjacent parking spaces may be used that are total of twenty-one inches wide, provided a marked access aisle of forty-eight inches is located between the spaces.

E. The parking spaces are to be located to provide the least distance to the entrance of the building they are servicing.

(Ord. 403 §8, 2001).