Chapter 17.14


17.14.010    Purpose.

17.14.020    Permitted, accessory, conditional and prohibited uses.

17.14.030    Standards.

17.14.010 Purpose.

The R-1 district is intended to preserve residential neighborhoods, promote efficient use of land within such neighborhoods, protect the community water system and to encourage development of land areas in accordance with the comprehensive plan and any subsequent sub-area plans.

(Ord. 453 § 1(part), 2007).

17.14.020 Permitted, accessory, conditional and prohibited uses.

Permitted, accessory, conditional, and prohibited uses in this district shall be as identified in Chapter 17.40 “District Use Chart” of this title. Said uses shall be allowed, as indicated in the district use chart, only after compliance with the provisions of this chapter and all other applicable town of Mattawa rules and regulations.

(Ord. 453 § 1(part), 2007).

17.14.030 Standards.

All development in this zone shall meet all of the applicable provisions and requirements of this title and the MMC, including the following:

A. Maximum density shall not exceed four units per acre;

B. Minimum lot size:

1. Seven thousand five hundred square feet for a single-family dwelling,

2. Twelve thousand five hundred square feet for a duplex dwelling;

C. Minimum lot width at the building line:

1. Seventy-five feet for interior lot,

2. Eighty-five feet for corner lot;

D. Maximum building height: two stories or thirty-five feet;

E. Maximum lot coverage: thirty-five percent for all buildings;

F. Minimum lot depth: ninety feet;

G. Minimum public street frontage: Each residential lot shall front on a public street for at least twenty feet;

H. Yard requirement:

1. Front yard:

a. Twenty-five feet from the front property line,

b. Buildings on corner lots shall observe a front yard setback from both front property lines,

2. Side yard:

a. Five feet from side property line, and

3. Rear yard:

a. Fifteen feet from rear property line;

I. Parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 17.46 “Off-Street Parking” and all other applicable provisions of this title and other town of Mattawa codes;

J. Accessory uses:

1. Detached garages and other residential accessory buildings shall not exceed nine hundred square feet, or sixty percent of the gross floor area of the principal structure, excluding basement areas, whichever is greater,

2. Fences:

a. Front yard, within setback: thirty-six inches maximum height and non-sight obscuring,

b. Front yard, behind setback: six feet maximum height,

c. Side yard: six feet maximum height,

d. Rear yard: six feet maximum height,

e. No electric or barbed-wire fences permitted,

3. Swimming pools:

a. Aboveground pools must be located outside of required front yard setbacks and be set back at least five feet from rear and side property lines, and

b. In-ground pools must be located outside of the required front yard setback and observe a five-foot setback from rear and side property lines. All in-ground pools shall be completely enclosed by a fence of not less than five feet in height,

4. Temporary construction offices (job shack), associated with a development permit,

5. The storage of not more than one each of a boat, travel trailer, motor home, or pickup truck may be stored outside of a building and to the rear of the front yard setback line,

6. Family home day care provider must provide the town with proof of operating license issued through Washington State Department of Health.

(Ord. 453 § 1(part), 2007).