Chapter 17.22


17.22.010    Purpose.

17.22.020    Permitted, accessory, conditional, and prohibited uses.

17.22.030    Standards.

17.22.010 Purpose.

The purpose of the community business commercial district is to encourage the development of commercial facilities in well-defined and integrated center. This district is designed to implement the commercial element of the comprehensive plan.

(Ord. 453 § 1(part), 2007).

17.22.020 Permitted, accessory, conditional, and prohibited uses.

Permitted, accessory, conditional, and prohibited uses in this district shall be as identified in Chapter 17.40 “District Use Chart” of this title. Said uses shall be allowed, as indicated in the district use chart, only after compliance with the provisions of this chapter and all other applicable town of Mattawa rules and regulations.

(Ord. 453 § 1(part), 2007).

17.22.030 Standards.

Development in this district shall meet all of the applicable provisions of this title and all other rules, regulations and provisions of the town of Mattawa, and shall comply with the following:

A. Minimum lot area: no minimum lot area or dimensions;

B. Maximum building height: three stories or forty feet;

C. Yard requirements:

1. Front yard:

a. Zero feet from the easement line,

2. Side yard:

a. Zero feet from the side property line, and

3. Rear yard:

a. Zero feet from the rear property line with improved access (alley, street),

b. Five feet from rear property line without established access,

c. When the lot is adjacent on the side property line to land in a residential zone, the side yard setback shall be fifteen feet from the side property line,

d. When the lot is adjacent on the rear property line to land in a residential zone, the rear yard setback shall be twenty feet from the rear property line;

D. Refuse Storage. All outdoor trash, garbage and refuse storage areas shall be located outside of required yard areas, and shall be screened on all sides from public view and at a minimum, be enclosed with a sight-obscuring high wood, concrete or masonry wall or fence and landscaping on all sides;

E. General Storage. Storage of materials and merchandise, other than for display purposes, shall be located outside of required front yard areas, and it shall be entirely within an enclosed building;

F. Parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 17.46 “Off-Street Parking”;

G. Landscaping shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 17.48 “Landscaping” when not building to a zero lot or easement line;

H. Signs shall be governed according to the provisions of Chapter 17.50 “Signs”;

I. Single- and multifamily dwellings shall not occupy grade level commercial street frontage;

J. Security fences, must meet the following standards:

1. A maximum height limitation of six feet within any required setback area, and

2. A maximum height limitation of eight feet shall be observed outside of any required setback area,

3. No electric or barbed-wire fences permitted.

(Ord. 453 § 1(part), 2007).