Chapter 2.08


2.08.010    City council salary.

2.08.020    Mayor’s salary.

2.08.030    Expenditures for and reimbursement of expenses in connection with officially assigned duties and travel.

2.08.040    Offices of city clerk and finance director established – Appointment.

2.08.050    City clerk and finance director – Duties.

2.08.060    City clerk and finance director – Oath required.

2.08.070    City clerk and finance director – Bond required.

2.08.080    Office of city manager established – Appointment.

2.08.090    City manager – Qualifications.

2.08.100    City manager – Duties.

2.08.110    City manager – Oath required.

2.08.120    City manager – Bond required.

2.08.130    City manager – Interference by council members.

2.08.140    City manager – Authority to execute contracts.

Legislative history: Ords. 18, 24, 85-101, 85-109, 89-208, 92-271, 96-384, 98-437 and 99-459.

2.08.010 City council salary.

The salary to be paid to members of the city council, excluding the mayor, shall be $300.00 per month until December 31, 1991, shall be $400.00 per month from January 1, 1992, through December 31, 1993, and shall be $500.00 per month from January 1, 1994.

2.08.020 Mayor’s salary.

The salary to be paid to the mayor of the city of Mill Creek shall be $400.00 per month until December 31, 1991, shall be $600.00 per month from January 1, 1992, through December 31, 1993, and shall be $700.00 per month from January 1, 1994.

2.08.030 Expenditures for and reimbursement of expenses in connection with officially assigned duties and travel.

A. All officers and employees of the city, including the members of the city council, members of the boards and commissions of the city, appointees, employees, and volunteers of the city, are eligible to make expenditures and receive reimbursement for expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties for the city, provided such persons comply with applicable state laws, city ordinances and regulations, and city policies.

B. The business expense policy issued as Policy No. 300-01 by the city manager has been approved by the city council. The city manager shall maintain said business expense policy pursuant to the city’s Policy No. 100-01 and in accordance with the city’s needs and state law changes.

C. All claims for expenses paid or reimbursement thereof under the business expense policy shall be regularly audited by the city council as a whole or such other auditing committee or other auditing process as shall be established by the city council. (Ord. 2018-828 § 3)

2.08.040 Offices of city clerk and finance director established – Appointment.

Pursuant to RCW 35A.13.090, there is hereby established for the city of Mill Creek the office of city clerk and the office of finance director. Such offices shall be appointive and all appointments to such offices shall be made by the city manager. These offices and titles may be assigned to one or more appointees, as the city manager determines appropriate. (Ord. 2007-667 § 2)

2.08.050 City clerk and finance director – Duties.

The person(s) appointed to serve as city clerk and finance director shall have all of the powers and shall perform each and all of the duties appropriate to their respective offices specified by RCW Title 35A for city clerks and, in the case of the finance director for city treasurers, together with any other duties or authority which may be conferred upon such office by the laws of the state of Washington, the ordinances of the city, as now or hereinafter amended, or as assigned by the city manager. (Ord. 2007-667 § 3)

2.08.060 City clerk and finance director – Oath required.

Before substantially entering upon the performance of the duties of their office, the person(s) appointed to serve as the city clerk and finance director shall each take an oath or affirmation for the faithful performance of their official duties. The city clerk shall maintain a copy of the signed oath or affirmation. (Ord. 2007-667 § 4)

2.08.070 City clerk and finance director – Bond required.

Before substantially entering upon the performance of the duties of their office, the person(s) appointed to serve as the city clerk and finance director shall each furnish an official bond in favor of the city, conditioned upon the honest and faithful performance of their official duties, as required by RCW 35A.12.080 and 35A.13.160. The amount of such bonds shall be at a minimum $50,000 unless set in a higher amount as determined appropriate by the city manager. The bond(s) shall be in continual effect for the duration of the appointment, but may be renewed annually. The premiums on such bond(s) shall be paid by the city. To the extent feasible, the bond(s) shall be provided within the scope or as part of the city’s insurance coverage document with Washington Cities Insurance Authority, as now or hereafter amended. The city clerk shall maintain a copy of such executed bond(s) or coverage assurance. (Ord. 2007-667 § 5)

2.08.080 Office of city manager established – Appointment.

Pursuant to RCW 35A.13.090, there is hereby established for the city of Mill Creek the office of city manager. Such office shall be appointive and all appointments to such office shall be made by the city council. (Ord. 2007-667 § 6. Formerly 2.08.110)

2.08.090 City manager – Qualifications.

The city council shall select a candidate to serve as city manager based on the city council’s assessment of his or her executive and administrative abilities, and his or her actual experience in, or knowledge of, the duties of the office of city manager. Unless otherwise specified at the time of appointment or as may thereafter be determined appropriate by the city council, the city manager shall devote substantially his or her full time and attention to the affairs of the city and shall not engage in other remunerative employment. Unless otherwise specified at the time of appointment or as may thereafter be determined appropriate by the city council, the city manager need not be a resident of the city during his or her term of appointment. (Ord. 2007-667 § 7)

2.08.100 City manager – Duties.

The city manager shall have all of the powers and shall perform each and all of the duties specified by RCW 35A.13.050, 35A.13.080, 35A.13.090, 35A.13.100 and 35A.13.110, together with any other duties or authority which may be conferred upon such office by the city council or by the laws of the state of Washington or the ordinances of the city, as they now exist or may hereinafter be amended. (Ord. 2007-667 § 8. Formerly 2.08.112)

2.08.110 City manager – Oath required.

Before substantially entering upon the duties of the office of city manager, the person appointed to said office shall take an oath or affirmation for the faithful performance of his or her official duties. The city clerk shall maintain a copy of the signed oath or affirmation. (Ord. 2007-667 § 9. Formerly 2.08.114)

2.08.120 City manager – Bond required.

Before substantially entering upon the duties of the office of city manager, the person appointed to said office shall furnish a bond in favor of the city in the amount of $100,000 or in such other amount as may be fixed from time to time by the city council. The bond shall be in continual effect for the duration of the appointment, but may be renewed annually. The premiums on such bond shall be paid by the city. To the extent feasible, the bond shall be provided within the scope or as part of the city’s insurance coverage document with Washington Cities Insurance Authority, as now or hereafter amended. The city clerk shall maintain a copy of such executed bond or coverage assurance. (Ord. 2007-667 § 10)

2.08.130 City manager – Interference by council members.

Neither the city council, nor any of its committees or members, shall direct the appointment of any person to, or his removal from, office by the city manager or any of his subordinates. Except for the purpose of inquiry, the city council and its members shall deal with the administrative service solely through the city manager, and neither the city council nor any committee or member thereof shall give orders to any subordinate of the city manager, either publicly or privately. The provisions of this section do not prohibit the city council, while in open session, or in a session authorized by Chapter 47.30 RCW, from fully and freely discussing with the city manager anything pertaining to appointments and removals of city officers and employees and city affairs. (Ord. 2007-667 § 11. Formerly 2.08.116)

2.08.140 City manager – Authority to execute contracts.

The city manager is authorized to execute contracts on behalf of the city without review by the city council so long as the contract is consistent with the approved annual budget for the city and the contract sum does not exceed the lesser of the applicable fund balances or $50,000, or is otherwise authorized by city council-approved ordinances, resolutions or policies. (Ord. 2011-740 § 1; Ord. 2007-667 § 12. Formerly 2.08.118)