Chapter 17.04


17.04.010    Purpose.

17.04.020    Repealed.

17.04.030    Principal uses.

17.04.040    Secondary uses.

17.04.045    Conditional uses.

17.04.047    Review requirements.

17.04.050    Maximum density.

17.04.060    Minimum lot width.

17.04.070    Minimum lot size.

17.04.080    Setbacks.

17.04.090    Maximum lot coverage.

17.04.100    Maximum height.

17.04.110    Project design.

17.04.120    Open space and recreation facilities.

Legislative history: Ords. 86-142, 90-218, 95-349 and 97-406.

17.04.010 Purpose.

The purpose of this zone is to implement the low density residential designation of the comprehensive plan land use map. In addition, the intent is to implement the goal of the comprehensive plan that the predominant residential land use in the city remain low density residential. Furthermore, this zone district is intended to be applied to vacant or developable lands and to allow development of low density detached and attached housing types and related uses. (Ord. 2024-928 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 2009-702 § 2 (Exh. C); Ord. 2005-609 § 2)

17.04.020 Phased developments.

Repealed by Ord. 2024-928. (Ord. 2009-702 § 2 (Exh. C); Ord. 2005-609 § 2)

17.04.030 Principal uses.

Principal uses are:

A. Single-unit dwellings;

B. Multi-unit dwellings;

C. Neighborhood business of up to one acre for every 300 dwelling units within the NR;

D. Public and private parks and recreation facilities;

E. Country clubs and golf courses;

F. Schools;

G. Adult family homes;

H. Boarding houses;

I. Permanent supportive housing; and

J. Transitional housing. (Ord. 2024-928 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 2009-702 § 2 (Exh. C); Ord. 2005-609 § 2)

17.04.040 Secondary uses.

Secondary uses are:

A. Accessory buildings that are subordinate to the principal building and are incidental to the use of the principal building on the same lot in accordance with MCMC 17.22.050;

B. Utility transmission facilities;

C. Off-street parking and private garages;

D. Home occupations in accordance with Chapter 17.23 MCMC; and

E. Accessory dwelling units in accordance with MCMC 17.22.130.

F. Family home child care, in accordance with MCMC 14.07.020. (Ord. 2022-884 § 2; Ord. 2010-717 §  2 (Exh. B); Ord. 2009-702 § 2 (Exh. C); Ord. 2005-609 § 2)

17.04.045 Conditional uses.

Conditional uses permitted within the NR zoning district shall be processed in accordance with Chapter 17.28 MCMC. Conditional uses are:

A. Satellite dishes over four feet in diameter;

B. Adult day care;

C. Public facilities/utilities and essential public facilities; and

D. Religious facilities. (Ord. 2024-928 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 2019-850 § 5; Ord. 2010-717 §  2 (Exh. B); Ord. 2009-702 § 2 (Exh. C); Ord. 2005-609 § 2)

17.04.047 Review requirements.

All development in the NR zone district shall be processed as either a preliminary plat or binding site plan in accordance with MCMC Title 16, Subdivisions and Plats. (Ord. 2024-928 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 2009-702 § 2 (Exh. C); Ord. 2005-609 § 2)

17.04.050 Maximum density.

The maximum allowable density is six dwelling units per gross acre consistent with the procedures of MCMC 16.12.050 and the requirements of Chapter 36.70A RCW. (Ord. 2024-928 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 2009-702 § 2 (Exh. C); Ord. 2005-609 § 2)

17.04.060 Minimum lot width.

The minimum lot width shall be 60 feet and corner lots 65 feet, except for townhouses for which there is no minimum lot width. (Ord. 2009-702 § 2 (Exh. C); Ord. 2005-609 § 2)

17.04.070 Minimum lot size.

The minimum lot size for single-unit dwellings and duplexes is 5,000 square feet. The minimum lot size for townhouses is an average of 2,000 square feet. (Ord. 2024-928 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 2009-702 § 2 (Exh. C); Ord. 2005-609 § 2)

17.04.080 Setbacks.

Setbacks shall be:

A. Front Yard.

1. Single-unit dwellings and duplexes: 15 feet, except that garages facing the street must be set back a minimum of 20 feet.

2. Townhouses: 15 feet; except that garages facing the street must be set back a minimum of 20 feet.

3. Multi-unit dwellings, excluding duplexes and townhomes: 25 feet plus two feet for each story over one.

B. Side Yard.

1. Single-unit dwellings and duplexes: five feet.

2. Townhouses: Every townhouse at the end of a group of attached townhouses shall have a minimum of five feet with a minimum building separation of 10 feet.

3. Multi-unit dwellings, excluding duplexes and townhomes: five feet plus two feet on each side yard for every story over one.

C. Rear Yard.

1. Single-unit dwellings and duplexes: 20 feet or 20 percent of lot depth, whichever is less, except that it may never be less than 10 feet.

2. Townhouses: 20 feet or 20 percent of lot depth, whichever is less, except that it may never be less than 10 feet.

3. Multi-unit dwellings, excluding duplexes and townhomes: 25 feet, plus two feet for every story over one. (Ord. 2024-928 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 2009-702 § 2 (Exh. C); Ord. 2005-609 § 2)

17.04.090 Maximum lot coverage.

Maximum lot coverage shall be:

A. Single-unit dwellings and duplexes: 35 percent.

B. Townhouses: The maximum lot coverage by the townhouse and accessory structures shall be no more than 55 percent of the lot. Patios, paving and driveways shall not increase the lot coverage to more than 65 percent of the lot unless paved with perforated concrete blocks or other permeable material.

C. Multi-unit dwellings, excluding duplexes and townhomes: 40 percent. (Ord. 2024-928 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 2009-702 § 2 (Exh. C); Ord. 2005-609 § 2)

17.04.100 Maximum height.

Maximum height shall be:

A. Single-unit dwellings and duplexes: 35 feet.

B. Townhouses: 35 feet.

C. Multi-unit dwellings, excluding duplexes and townhomes: None. (Ord. 2024-928 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 2009-702 § 2 (Exh. C); Ord. 2005-609 § 2)

17.04.110 Project design.

Development within this zone district shall be designed in conformance with the design principles and standards set out in Chapter 17.34 MCMC, Design Review. (Ord. 2009-702 § 2 (Exh. C); Ord. 2005-609 § 2)

17.04.120 Open space and recreation facilities.

Open space and recreation facility requirements are located in Chapters 16.12 and 17.22 MCMC. (Ord. 2009-702 § 2 (Exh. C); Ord. 2006-633 § 2)