Chapter 17.50


17.50.010    Purpose.

17.50.020    Definitions.

17.50.030    Applicability.

17.50.040    Process for review.

17.50.050    Design criteria.

17.50.010 Purpose.

To establish “electric vehicle infrastructure” (EVI) regulations for the city to allow EVI and to meet the intent of RCW 35A.63.107 requiring the city to allow EVI. (Ord. 2012-745 § 1)

17.50.020 Definitions.

The following definitions apply to this chapter:

“Battery exchange station” means a fully automated facility that will enable an electric vehicle with a swappable battery to enter a drive lane and exchange the depleted battery with a fully charged battery through a fully automated process, which meets or exceeds any standards, codes, and regulations set forth by Chapter 19.28 RCW and consistent with rules adopted under RCW 19.27.540.

“Charging level” means the standardized indicators of electrical force, or voltage, at which an electric vehicle’s battery is recharged. The terms 1, 2, and 3 are the most common EV charging levels, and include the following specifications:

A. Level 1 is considered slow charging. Level 1 is present in homes and businesses and typically operates on a 15- or 20-amp breaker on a 120-volt alternating current (AC) circuit and standard outlet.

B. Level 2 is considered medium charging. Level 2 typically operates on a 40-amp to 100-amp breaker on a 208- or 240-volt AC circuit.

C. Level 3 is considered fast or “rapid charging” or “DC fast” charge. Level 3 typically operates on a 60-amp or higher dedicated breaker on a 480-volt or higher three-phase circuit with special grounding equipment.

“Electric vehicle (EV)” means any vehicle that operates, either partially or exclusively, on electrical energy from the grid, or an off-board source, that is stored on-board for motive purpose.

“Electric vehicle charging station” means a public or private parking space that is served by battery charging station equipment that has as its primary purpose the transfer of electric energy (by conductive or inductive means) to a battery or other energy storage device in an electric vehicle.

“Electric vehicle infrastructure” means structures, machinery, and equipment designed to support an electric vehicle, including electric vehicle charging stations and battery exchange stations. (Ord. 2012-745 § 1)

17.50.030 Applicability.

Electric vehicle charging stations may be permitted as an accessory use in all zones. (Ord. 2024-928 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 2012-745 § 1)

17.50.040 Process for review.

A. Electric Vehicle Charging Stations.

1. All electric vehicle charging station installations require an electrical permit.

2. When installed in conjunction with an associated development proposal, review of the design criteria for new electric vehicle charging station(s) shall be processed in association with the underlying development permit(s).

3. When a Level 2 or 3 electric vehicle charging station is installed without any associated development proposal on a property that is subject to a binding site plan, the design criteria shall be reviewed by the director of community development as a minor modification pursuant to MCMC 14.09.010(A)(3). Exception: Minor modification approval is not required for interior installations of electric vehicle charging stations in single-family attached and detached garages and multi-family tenant-use only garages.

B. Battery exchange stations shall require a conditional use permit. (Ord. 2012-745 § 1)

17.50.050 Design criteria.

The following criteria shall be applied to the location and design of all electric vehicle charging facilities:

A. Facility Design. Design shall be appropriate to the location and use. Facilities shall be able to be readily identified by electric vehicle users but shall blend into the surrounding landscape/architecture for compatibility with the character and use of the site.

B. Accessibility. Where located within an adjacent pedestrian circulation area, such as a sidewalk or accessible route to the building entrance, the charging equipment shall be located so as not to interfere with accessibility requirements of WAC 51-50-005.

C. Queuing. Applicant must demonstrate that adequate parking spaces are available so that vehicles waiting to use a charging station space will not interfere with any pedestrian circulation or traffic movement.

D. Minimum Parking Requirements. An electric vehicle charging space may count in the calculation for minimum parking spaces that are required pursuant to other provisions of the zoning code.

E. Signage. Each charging station space shall be posted with signage indicating the space is for electric vehicle charging purposes. Days and hours of operation shall be included if time limits or tow away provisions are to be enforced by the owner. Information identifying voltage and amperage levels or safety information must also be posted. A phone number or other contact information shall be provided on the charging station for reporting when the equipment is not functioning or other problems are encountered. All signage shall be in compliance with Chapter 17.26 MCMC, Signs. (Ord. 2012-745 § 1)