Chapter 2.06
2.06.020 Delegation of duties by the mayor.
2.06.010 City administrator.
A. There is created the office of city administrator which office shall be filled by appointment by the mayor subject to confirmation by the city council. The city administrator shall serve at the pleasure of the mayor, and the term of employment, including tenure, may be specified by a contract executed by the mayor subject to the approval of a majority of the city council.
B. The city administrator is responsible for providing assistance to the mayor in the administration of city government. The city administrator will be responsible for the line management of all city departments, including accountability for their performance. All authority and responsibility of the city administrator is subject to the direction, authority and supervision of the mayor.
C. The duties of the city administrator may be divided between two or more officers. (Ord. 1934 § 2, 2018; Ord. 1686 § 1, 2006).
2.06.020 Delegation of duties by the mayor.
A. The mayor is designated by state statute as the chief executive and administrative officer of the city with authority to designate assistants and department heads. In the course of the mayor’s official duties, the mayor may delegate such functions as he/she deems appropriate to the appointed officers and employees of the city consistent with job descriptions adopted by the city council.
B. In the absence of the appointment of a city administrator, provisions of this code which refer to duties and responsibilities exercised by the city administrator shall be interpreted to refer to the mayor or the mayor’s designee. It is the intent of the city council to acknowledge that the mayor, in order to provide for the smooth administration of the city, may delegate tasks to appropriate officers and employees in his/her absence or for such other administrative purposes as he/she shall, in his/her discretion, determine appropriate. (Ord. 1870 § 1, 2015).