Chapter 5.20
5.20.010 Short title – Effective date.
5.20.030 License – Not required when.
5.20.040 License – Required when.
5.20.090 License – Possession required – Limitation of hours authorized.
5.20.100 Unauthorized entry onto private property prohibited.
5.20.110 Sign posting required.
*Prior legislation: Ords. 456 and 841.
5.20.010 Short title – Effective date.
This chapter shall be known as the “Green River Ordinance” and becomes effective from and after December 11, 1961. (Ord. 1434 § 1, 1999).
5.20.020 Definitions.
For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms are defined as follows:
A. A “peddler” is any person who sells, attempts to sell, or solicits the sale or purchase of goods, wares or merchandise or services by going from place to place or from house to house, whether he carries with him for delivery such property or whether he merely solicits orders for future delivery or performance.
B. A “street seller” is a person who sells, attempts to sell, or solicits the sale or purchase of goods, wares or merchandise or services from a location on any street, alley, sidewalk or other public thoroughfare, whether he carries with him for such delivery such property or whether he merely solicits for future delivery or performance.
C. A “transient merchant” is any person, firm or corporation who engages in, does or transacts any temporary business at wholesale or retail for the sale of goods, wares or merchandise or services and who for such purpose has, uses or occupies any building, vehicle, booth or other structure, either temporary or permanent, for the exhibition and/or sale of such property or services. (Ord. 1434 § 1, 1999).
5.20.030 License – Not required when.
The license provided in this chapter shall not be required for the following:
A. Delivery persons for an established business;
B. Religious, charitable or benevolent societies or organizations;
C. Salesperson on pre-established routes;
D. Vendors of newspapers;
E. Wholesalers or drummers;
F. Individuals exempted under RCW 36.71.090: farmers, gardeners, etc. (Ord. 1434 § 1, 1999).
5.20.040 License – Required when.
It is unlawful for any transient merchant, peddler or street seller to transact business as such within the city without first obtaining a general business license pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 5.04 MMC, Business Licenses. (Ord. 2018 § 2, 2021; Ord. 1434 § 1, 1999).
5.20.050 License – Appointment of clerk as agent required.
Repealed by Ord. 2018. (Ord. 1434 § 1, 1999).
5.20.060 License – Application – Contents – False statements prohibited.
Repealed by Ord. 2018. (Ord. 1434 § 1, 1999).
5.20.070 License – Rates.
Repealed by Ord. 2018. (Ord. 1434 § 1, 1999).
5.20.080 License – Refusal to issue – Appeal.
Repealed by Ord. 2018. (Ord. 1434 § 1, 1999).
5.20.090 License – Possession required – Limitation of hours authorized.
Every licensee shall have in his possession the license or a copy of same as issued to him. Soliciting and peddling shall take place during reasonable hours, and the city license officer can limit the hours if complaints are received at the City Hall. (Ord. 2018 § 7, 2021; Ord. 1434 § 1, 1999).
5.20.100 Unauthorized entry onto private property prohibited.
This chapter is not intended, and does not license, any transient merchant, peddler, street seller, or any other person not having been requested or invited to do so by the owner or occupant thereof, to go in or upon private property used for residential purposes for the purposes of his/her business, and the practice of going in or upon private property used for residential purposes in the city by any transient merchant, peddler, street seller, or any other person, not having been required or invited to do so by the owner or occupant of said property, whether licensed or not, for the purpose of selling, attempting to sell, or soliciting the sale and purchase of any goods or services, is declared to be a public nuisance and a misdemeanor, punishable as a violation of this chapter. (Ord. 1434 § 1, 1999).
5.20.110 Sign posting required.
Signs reading “Green River Ordinance Enforced” shall be posted at the arterial entrances to the city. (Ord. 1434 § 1, 1999).
5.20.120 Violation – Penalty.
Violating any of the terms of this chapter shall constitute a misdemeanor, and any person found guilty and convicted of any such violation may be punished as set forth in Chapter 1.08 MMC. Conviction of any such violation shall automatically revoke any license issued, and no person whose license. has been revoked shall be entitled to a return of any portion of the license fee previously paid or to a new license for a least 30 days following the date of such conviction and revocation. (Ord. 1434 § 1, 1999).