Chapter 16.10
16.10.010 Applicability – Development requirements.
16.10.010 Applicability – Development requirements.
Gated communities are allowed under the following conditions:
A. These provisions shall apply to parcels or developments of three or more dwelling units.
B. All persons wishing to install a gate shall obtain a building permit for the gate.
C. All streets with or within gates shall be privately owned and maintained. The street shall be designed to public street design and construction standards.
D. All gates shall have Opticom activation system or equivalent and compatible system that is approved by the police and fire chiefs.
E. All gates must be electronically activated and shall have default capabilities to the unlocked position.
F. The minimum clear width of a gate shall be compatible with the street lane required width.
G. Gates that might be obstructed by the accumulation of snow shall not be installed.
H. A vehicular turn-around must be provided in front (between the gate and the public street) of the gate.
I. Gates shall be a minimum of 60 feet back from the public street for developments of 20 units or more and 30 feet back from the public street for developments of 19 units or fewer. This allows stacking and turn around for vehicles.
J. For developments with more than one gate, all gates must be operable at all times. (Ord. 1491 § 2, 2001).