Chapter 17.79
17.79.010 Suspension and revocation.
17.79.010 Suspension and revocation.
A. The planning and community development director may temporarily suspend or permanently revoke any permit issued under MMC Titles 15 through 18, when those titles do not provide for any alternative suspension or revocation procedure, under the following circumstances:
1. Failure of the holder to comply with the requirements of any requirement of MMC Titles 15 through 18, or rules or regulations adopted thereunder; or
2. Failure to comply with any notice and order issued pursuant to this title.
B. Such permit suspension or revocation shall be carried out through the notice and order provisions of this title and the suspension shall be effective upon service of the notice and order upon the holder or operator. The holder or operator may appeal such suspension as provided by this title. The planning and community development director may pursue permit revocation as opposed to permit suspension if he/she determines that permit suspension will not accomplish code compliance or that suspension instead of revocation will result in significant adverse impacts to adjoining property owners or the community at large.
C. Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, whenever the planning and community development director finds that a violation of any land use ordinance, or rules and regulations adopted thereunder, has created or is creating a dangerous or other condition which, in his judgment, constitutes an immediate and irreparable hazard, he may, without service of a written notice and order, suspend and terminate operations under the permit immediately. (Ord. 1663 § 29, 2006; Ord. 1580 § 4, 2003).