Chapter 17.24
R-3 High-Density Residential District


17.24.010    Purpose.

17.24.020    Permitted uses.

17.24.030    Conditional uses.

17.24.040    Special conditions.

17.24.050    Lot and yard requirements.

17.24.060    Height and density requirements.

17.24.070    Sign limitations.

17.24.080    Parking requirements.

17.24.010 Purpose.

The purpose of the high-density residential or R-3 district is to provide suitable area for housing units on the most economical basis. The district permits the highest density of population and compatible limited business uses in areas adjacent to shopping centers and along heavily traveled streets where single-family uses are often not compatible. (Ord. 1366 (part), 1995).

17.24.020 Permitted uses.

Permitted uses in the R-3 district are as follows:

(1)    Single-family dwellings;

(2)    Two-family dwellings;

(3)    Multiple-family dwellings;

(4)    Dwelling groups;

(5)    Condominiums;

(6)    Family day care homes;

(7)    Adult family homes;

(8)    Mobile/manufactured housing in conformity with Section 17.08.375(2);

(9)    On-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facility. (Ord. 1366 (part), 1995).

17.24.030 Conditional uses.

Conditional uses in the R-3 district are as follows:

(1)    Parks and playgrounds;

(2)    Utility substations and hospitals; provided, that:

(A)    Such uses are located on a collector or arterial street;

(B)    Structures do not exceed a height of fifty feet;

(C)    The front, side, and rear yard setbacks shall be one foot for each foot of building height;

(D)    Substations are enclosed by a solid, six-foot-high fence with a five-foot-wide landscaped area in front of this fence, subject to special provisions for corner lots noted in Section 17.44.027;

(3)    Home occupations subject to provisions in Section 17.44.023;

(4)    Child care centers;

(5)    Boardinghouses and rest homes;

(6)    Guesthouse and caretaker’s single-family dwelling, incidental to a permitted use;

(7)    Bed and breakfast inns in compliance with the provisions of Section 17.44.035;

(8)    Residential care facilities;

(9)    Publicly owned facilities;

(10)    Churches, indoor recreation facilities, and community centers;

(11)    Caretaker single-family dwelling incidental to permitted use; or

(12)    Business Office Use--Residential. Upon properties within this zone which face or are adjacent to commercially zoned property, administrative or business-related services in which the production, distribution, retail, or wholesale of goods or commodities is not the primary function of the business or profession. Traffic generated, building appearance, and landscaping shall not be significantly different than the neighboring residential character. (Ord. 1612 §2, 2018: Ord. 1507 §3, 2007: Ord. 1366 (part), 1995).

17.24.040 Special conditions.

Special conditions in the R-3 district are as follows:

(1)    Permitted animals: Section 17.44.025;

(2)    Conditions for the flood hazard district or planned development district, if applicable: Chapter 17.40;

(3)    Accessory buildings and uses:

(A)    Shall be located in rear area of the lot no closer than five feet to the rear lot line;

(B)    Shall not exceed twenty feet or the height of the existing dwelling, whichever is less;

(C)    Shall be located no closer than fifteen feet to any side lot line adjacent to a street; and

(D)    Shall be constructed concurrently or subsequently to the dwelling;

(4)    Architectural features: Section 17.44.026;

(5)    Corner lots: Section 17.44.027;

(6)    Storage of vehicle and other materials: Section 17.44.029; and

(7)    The hours of operation for indoor recreation facilities shall be no earlier than six a.m. and no later than ten p.m. (Ord. 1612 §3, 2018: Ord. 1366 (part), 1995).

17.24.050 Lot and yard requirements.

Lot and yard requirements in the R-3 district are as follows:

(1)    Minimum lot size: six thousand square feet;

(2)    Minimum lot width: fifty feet;

(3)    Minimum front yard: twenty feet;

(4)    Minimum rear yard: twenty-five feet;

(5)    Minimum side yard: five feet;

(6)    Minimum distance between buildings: ten feet;

(7)    Upon approval of the administrator, the front yard required within this section may be reduced to:

(A)    Ten feet on any lot where the average slope is more than one foot vertical in seven feet of horizontal distance, or

(B)    Fifteen feet where front yards for lots on same side of the street on the same block average less than fifteen feet. (Ord. 1366 (part), 1995).

17.24.060 Height and density requirements.

Height and density requirements in the R-3 district are as follows:

(1)    Maximum building height: two stories and not more than thirty-five feet. Greater building height may be allowed through a conditional use permit; provided, that building height does not exceed fifty feet; and provided further, that the minimum front, side and rear yard setbacks are increased by one foot for each one foot by which the building exceeds thirty-five feet.

(2)    Maximum density: one dwelling unit per one thousand five hundred square feet. The examiner may permit, as a conditional use, a maximum density of one dwelling unit per nine hundred square feet for one-bedroom efficiency apartments, provided that the density in the general neighborhood of the development does not exceed a density of thirty dwelling units per acre. (Ord. 1366 (part), 1995).

17.24.070 Sign limitations.

Permitted signs in the R-3 district are as follows:

(1)    Lighted or unlighted residential nameplate not exceeding two square feet in area;

(2)    Lighted or unlighted on-site identifying sign or bulletin board for a church, school, or other public or semi-public institution, not exceeding thirty-two square feet in area, and that has no portion of the sign within ten feet of any property line;

(3)    One or two on-site unlighted signs which:

(A)    Advertise a subdivision, have a total area less than thirty-two square feet, and have no portion of the sign within ten feet of any property line, or

(B)    Announce the sale or lease of residential property and do not exceed a total area of six square feet;

(4)    Appurtenant signs with:

(A)    Maximum area of thirty-two square feet facing an abutting street,

(B)    Maximum height of twenty feet and located at least ten feet above the ground if mounted on the ground or below the roof line if mounted on a building, and

(C)    Lighting provided by a unit separate from the sign structure, directed away from any street or nearby residence, and having an intensity no greater than 1.25 times the intensity of other lighting units within the same advertising area; and

(5)    On-and-off flashing lighting units shall not be allowed. (Ord. 1366 (part), 1995).

17.24.080 Parking requirements.

Minimum off-street parking in the R-3 district shall be as follows:

(1)    Single-family dwellings: two parking spaces, separate from the garage or carport, per unit;

(2)    Two-family and multiple-family dwellings: one and one-half parking spaces per dwelling unit in structures occupied by the general public and one space per two dwelling units in one-bedroom or efficiency apartments to be continually occupied by those sixty-two years of age or older;

(3)    Parking requirements for conditional uses if not specifically listed herein for the R-3 district shall be as indicated in the district where such use is permitted;

(4)    Special parking conditions as noted in Sections 17.44.029 through 17.44.031;

(5)    Indoor recreation: off-street parking requirements for indoor recreation use in the R-3 district, in addition to the provisions in Sections 17.44.030 and 17.44.031, shall be as follows: one space per four hundred square feet of gross floor area; or

(6)    Child care centers: off-street parking requirements for child care centers in the R-3 District, in addition to the provisions in Sections 17.44.030 and 17.44.031, shall be as follows: one space per employee. (Ord. 1612 §4, 2018: Ord. 1366 (part), 1995).