Chapter 17.01
17.01.010 Purpose.
This title shall be known as the site development code and shall supplement and implement NMC Titles 18 and 20. The purpose of this title is as follows:
A. To regulate the development of existing sites and construction of improvements for approved subdivisions;
B. To regulate the clearing and grading of sites not otherwise associated with development, ensure their preservation for future development, and to mitigate effects of clearing and grading on abutting sites and downstream properties;
C. To promote the public health, safety, and general welfare in accordance with standards established by the city and the state;
D. To ensure compliance with all adopted land use and environmental codes as sites are developed;
E. To ensure consistency with the city’s comprehensive plan as sites are developed;
F. To ensure compliance with all engineering standards and practices;
G. To facilitate adequate provision for water, sewerage, parks and recreation areas, sites for schools and school grounds and other public requirements;
H. To provide for proper ingress and egress;
I. To promote the preservation of critical areas and encourage low impact development;
J. To serve to maintain the current character of the city;
K. To encourage efficient and cost-effective provisions for installing infrastructure, limit the development impact area and minimize impervious surfaces;
L. To encourage sustainable site design that will protect critical areas and the larger environment, including the preservation of natural site amenities such as watercourses, wetlands, and topographic and geologic features;
M. To encourage low impact development (LID) practices when providing for stormwater management, streets and sidewalks;
N. To protect and preserve trees and the urban forest for its environmental and economic benefits;
O. To encourage site design that can make the best use of renewable energy resources including solar and geothermal. (Ord. 2021-634 § 3).
17.01.020 Administration.
The directors of community development and public works, hereinafter the “director,” and/or his/her designee(s), are delegated the responsibility for administration, coordination and enforcement contained in this title. The director of public works shall have primary responsibility for compliance with the provisions of Newcastle public works standards and all other applicable standards, including but not limited to WSDOT Standard Specifications, King County Stormwater Manual, etc. The director of community development shall have primary responsibility for compliance with the procedural and nonengineering aspects of this title, and for all other applicable nonengineering standards, including but not limited to the city’s comprehensive plan, zoning code, and environmental standards including SEPA. (Ord. 2021-634 § 3).