Chapter 15.04


15.04.010    Permit required.

15.04.020    Permit issuance authority.

15.04.030    Issuance of permit.

15.04.040    Permittee compliance.

15.04.050    Violation.

15.04.010 Permit required.

No person, firm or corporation shall start or continue, or cause to be started or continued, an open fire in any clear or cultivated land within the city limits without a written permit therefor issued by authority of the city. No permit shall be issued for a fire on any forest or cutover land. (Ord. 8 § 1, 1953).

15.04.020 Permit issuance authority.

By resolution of the city council, authority to issue such burning permits may be delegated to agents or employees of any fire protection district within whose boundaries the city is wholly or partially included. (Ord. 8 § 2, 1953).

15.04.030 Issuance of permit.

Such permits shall be issued upon request, without charge, by the persons authorized by the city council, or by the commissioners of such fire district to whom authority therefor may have been delegated, when the issuing officer deems it safe to do so. (Ord. 8 § 3, 1953).

15.04.040 Permittee compliance.

The permittee shall comply with all the terms and conditions of the permit, and shall keep a responsible person in charge of the fire at all times, who shall hold the fire under control and not permit it to spread to other property or structures, and shall thoroughly extinguish the fire when the authorized burning is completed. The possession of such a permit shall not relieve the permittee from civil liability for any damages resulting from the fire for which he may be liable otherwise. (Ord. 8 § 4, 1953).

15.04.050 Violation.

Any person who violates a provision of this chapter or fails to comply with any of the requirements thereof shall be subject to the provisions and penalties as set forth in NPMC Title 19. (Ord. 1005 § 2 (Exh. B § 28), 2021).