Chapter 2.55
2.55.030 Membership – appointments, attendance, vacancies.
2.55.050 Conflict of interest.
2.55.010 Creation.
There is hereby created a land advisory committee (LAC) to serve as an advisory body to the mayor and Oak Harbor city council. (Ord. 2009 § 1, 2024).
2.55.020 Powers and duties.
LAC is established for the following purposes:
(1) Review the city’s mandate to increase residential housing, consider means to do so, formulate an action plan for the consideration of the city council for residential housing, and identify the process to accomplish goals.
(2) Work with stakeholder groups, gather public comment and input, and act as an ongoing advisory committee to issues related to increasing the amount of land available.
(3) Serve as an advisory committee to the city council, mayor, and staff on issues related to land acquisition, sustainable growth, zoning, public amenities, and related matters.
(4) Annually, prior to the start of the budget process, provide a report to the city council on committee work completed during the prior year, and obtain the city council’s approval of a work plan for the following year. (Ord. 2009 § 1, 2024).
2.55.030 Membership – appointments, attendance, vacancies.
LAC shall follow the membership requirements in Chapter 2.65 OHMC. The following terms are specific to the LAC:
(1) LAC consists of five members appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the city council.
(a) Three members shall be city council members and the mayor.
(b) Two members shall reside within the city limits.
(2) LAC shall elect one member to serve as chair.
(3) The public works director and the planning and development director, or their designees, shall serve as ex officio members to the LAC; this will be a non-voting position and their attendance does not count towards a quorum.
(4) The county may appoint an ex officio member to the LAC; This will be a non-voting position and their attendance does not count towards a quorum. (Ord. 2009 § 1, 2024).
2.55.040 Meetings.
(1) Meeting Schedule. LAC shall hold regular meetings, no less than quarterly. By December 31st of each year, the LAC chair shall establish its meeting schedule for the following year and set the time and location for each meeting. Special meetings of LAC may be called at any time by the chair or by a quorum of the members of LAC upon personal notice being given to all members of LAC. If personal notice cannot be given, written notice must be received by such members at least 24 hours prior to said meeting.
(2) Meeting Agenda – Notice. The LAC agenda and meeting notice shall be sent to LAC members and posted as required 24 hours prior to said meeting.
(3) Quorum. A quorum for the transaction of official business shall consist of a majority of the appointed members of the committee. If a quorum is not present within 15 minutes of the meeting time, the chairperson needs to call the meeting to order, indicate there is no quorum, and close the meeting. Ex officio members are non-voting and do not count towards a quorum. (Ord. 2009 § 1, 2024).
2.55.050 Conflict of interest.
LAC members shall recuse themselves from discussing and voting on issues with which the member, or someone from that member’s immediate family, has a direct or remote financial interest. The definitions of contracts, financial interests, remote interests, and direct interests are set forth in RCW 42.23.020 and 42.23.030, and LAC members are encouraged to contact the city attorney in advance of the deliberation or vote on a contract in which the commissioner may have a financial interest for a recommendation regarding how to proceed. (Ord. 2009 § 1, 2024).