Chapter 9A.36


9A.36.005    Assault and other crimes against persons adopted by reference.

9A.36.005 Assault and other crimes against persons adopted by reference.

The sections of this chapter are hereby adopted in table form in which each row of the table represents a separate section in which the titles of the adopted statutes are listed in the first column and the reference to their corresponding RCW section numbers are listed in the second column. Copies of the adopted code sections of this chapter are on file in the city clerk’s office. Each of the referenced provisions of the RCW in this table, as now in effect or as hereafter amended, is hereby adopted by reference as if fully set out herein to be a part of the Oak Harbor Municipal Code as assaults and crimes against persons:


RCW Section

(Source of Adopted Law)

Assault in the fourth degree


Reckless endangerment




Interfering with the reporting of domestic violence


(Ord. 1427 § 13, 2005).