Chapter 19.21


19.21.010    Purpose.

19.21.020    Permit process.

19.21.030    Standards for all mixed-use projects.

19.21.040    Standards for vertical mixed use.

19.21.050    Standards for horizontal mixed use.

19.21.010 Purpose.

Mixed-use zoning allows for the provision of a variety of uses within a single development. This may allow for additional residential and commercial density in areas typically utilized strictly for commercial development and thereby can help meet the demand for housing in the community while providing a compact, walkable development pattern. These areas may function as a downtown core or a node in a larger neighborhood that provides goods and services to residents. (Ord. 1932 § 1, 2021).

19.21.020 Permit process.

Proposals for mixed-use development that will include separate ownerships, buildings, parking areas or other common facilities shall utilize the binding site plan process as outlined in Chapter 21.80 OHMC. (Ord. 1932 § 1, 2021).

19.21.030 Standards for all mixed-use projects.

(1) Land uses and building dimensional standards such as setbacks and height limitations shall be based on the underlying zone district requirements.

(2) Structures, landscaping, and other improvements shall be designed and built in accordance with the provisions of the Oak Harbor design regulations and guidelines (DRG) document.

(3) No residential uses are permitted north of the adopted alignment of NE 16th Avenue (existing or future) between Regatta Drive and Heller Road. (Ord. 1932 § 1, 2021).

19.21.040 Standards for vertical mixed use.

(1) Landscaping is required in locations not occupied by buildings, driveways, parking lots, utilities, or other necessary and approved appurtenances. Landscaping shall meet the criteria set forth in Chapter 19.46 OHMC and the design regulations and guidelines (DRG) document.

(2) Vertical mixed use is required to include active facades and commercial spaces on the ground floor on buildings with frontage on SE Pioneer Way.

(3) In the CBD district, mixed-use sites with multiple street frontages may locate dwelling units on the ground level on any street frontages other than SE Pioneer Way. (Ord. 1932 § 1, 2021).

19.21.050 Standards for horizontal mixed use.

(1) Landscaping shall meet the standards of Chapter 19.46 OHMC and the design regulations and guidelines (DRG).

(a) If a project is phased, landscaping shall be completed for an entire phase of the project with staff approval required before occupancy.

(b) If a street frontage is to be left undeveloped as part of a subsequent phase, required landscape setbacks shall be installed before occupancy is allowed in other phases per the standards of OHMC 19.46.030.

(c) Any undeveloped areas shall be treated to prevent dust, erosion or other negative impacts and maintained by the property owner or an established and approved owners’ association.

(d) Where phasing may allow loading docks, garages, or blank walls to temporarily face a public right-of-way, those views shall be screened by landscaping. Such landscaping may be removed when a subsequent phase of construction obscures the view from the public right-of-way.

(2) Separate, designated parking shall be provided for residential units on site. Such parking may be surface or in structure(s) but specifically labeled/established on plans and on site for residents.

(3) Land within 100 feet of the property line adjacent to any public right-of-way designated as a principal arterial, minor arterial or collector street shall be set aside as a commercial reserve area. Land within 65 feet of the property line adjacent to a public right-of-way not designated as one listed previously shall be set aside as a commercial reserve area. The following standards shall apply for these reserves:

(a) This area is designated for buildings with commercial space on the first floor only.

(b) Related building functions such as utilities and public entrances may be located within this area; however, all loading docks and doors and emergency exit areas shall face away from the public right-of-way or be fully screened by the structure and/or landscaping.

(c) Landscaping, walkways and other public areas as required by the DRG may be located within this area per those standards and those of Chapter 19.46 OHMC.

(d) Required driveway access may be provided in this area. Parking spaces are not permitted within the reserve area.

(e) Multi-floor buildings may include residential units above the first floor only. All floor area not utilized for access to residential units shall be commercial space.

(f) An active facade must comprise at least 50 percent of the first floor of buildings within the reserve area.

(g) For parcels with multiple frontages on public rights-of-way, those not on streets designated as requiring a 100-foot reserve area may waive the entire reserve requirement on that frontage only.

(h) For parcels within the residential-office (RO) zone district, multifamily residential uses are permitted; however, if commercial development is proposed, the above standards shall be followed.

(4) Minimum density for dwelling units per acre is not set; maximum density is 30 percent greater than that of the R-4 zone district.

(5) Easements established for providing access, utilities, storm water or other facilities must be submitted and approved for all phases before construction begins. (Ord. 1932 § 1, 2021).