2025 Resolutions | |
Amends Planning Commission Bylaws | |
2024 Resolutions | |
Declares Headworks International Sole Source Supplier for Washer Compactor | |
Authorizes Parks and Recreation Department to Apply for Natural Resources Community Forestry Assistance Grant | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
Authorizes Public Records Offer to Apply for Washington State Archives Technology Tools Grant | |
Ratifies 2045 Population Projections Adopted by Island County Resolution No. C-85-23 | |
Adopts Active Transportation Plan | |
Adopts 2024/2025 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Docket | |
Declares Certain Property Surplus and Authorizes Disposal | |
Adopts City Council Code of Ethics and Conduct Policy and Procedure | |
Authorizes Parks and Recreation Department to Apply for Washington Recreation and Conservation Office Grants | |
Amends Bylaws of the Police Community Advisory Board | |
Declares Failure of Main Electrical Supply Cable at Oak Harbor Marina an Emergency, Waives Public Bidding Requirements, and Authorizes Mayor to Execute Contracts | |
Ratifies Countywide Planning Policies Adopted by Island County Ordinance No. C-08-24 | |
Supports North Whidbey Pool, Park and Recreation District Request to Place Formation of a Metropolitan Park District on an Island County Special Election Ballot | |
Waives Bidding Requirements for the Purchase of a Used Mechanical Sweeper | |
Authorizes the Sale of Three Vessels for Nonpayment of Moorage | |
Declares Government Jobs, Inc. a sole source supplier for NeoGov Human Resource Software | |
Authorizes Police Department to Apply for Department of Justice COPS Hiring Grant Program | |
Names the Harbor Heights Property “Freedom Park” | |
Repeals Res. 24-14 | |
Authorizes Mayor to Consolidate State Revolving Fund Loans and Refinance Commercial Bond for Clean Water Facility | |
Amends City Council Rules of Procedure | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
Accepts Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Recommendations for Funding the 2025 Single Year Lodging Tax/Tourism Promotion Grant Awards | |
2023 Resolutions | |
Endorses School District Bond | |
Declares HD Fowler Company Sole Source Supplier for Master Meter Registers | |
Adopts 2023 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Docket | |
Auction of Contents of Three Marina Storage Sheds | |
Approves Extension of Water System Plan | |
Establishes Water Efficiency Goals for Water Utility | |
Approves Development Agreement | |
23-08 | (Pending) |
Authorizes Public Records Officer to Apply for “Technology Tools” Grant Funding | |
Authorizes Expenditure of Arts Commission Funds for Installation of Art Murals on Electrical Transformers | |
Authorizes Application for “Urban and Community Forestry Program” Grant Funding | |
Declares Certain Property Surplus and Authorizes Disposal | |
Names Well Site 10 “Explorer Park” | |
Authorizes Parks and Recreation Department to Apply for Washington Recreation and Conservation Office Outdoor Local Parks Maintenance Grant | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
Authorizes Public Works Department to Apply for Washington State Department of Ecology Integrated Planning Grant | |
Authorizes Application for Washington State Department of Ecology Shoreline Planning Grant | |
Authorizes Parks and Recreation Department to Apply for Washington Recreation and Conservation Office Outdoor Learning Grant | |
Amends Professional Service Agreement | |
Authorizes Parks and Recreation Department to Apply for Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office Outdoor Local Parks Maintenance Grant | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
Accepts Recommendations of Lodging Tax Advisory Committee for Funding 2024 Lodging Tax Program | |
Authorizes Public Works Department to Apply for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Brownsfield Multipurpose Grant | |
Declares Armored Group Sole Source Supplier for Pre-Owned 2014 BATT Armored Vehicle | |
Amends Art Commission Bylaws | |
Amends Historic Preservation Commission Bylaws | |
Amends Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Bylaws | |
Amends Marina Advisory Commission Bylaws | |
Amends Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Bylaws | |
Amends Planning Commission Bylaws | |
Amends Professional Service Agreement | |
Amends Professional Service Agreement | |
Amends Professional Service Agreement | |
Establishes 2024 Washington State Legislative Priorities | |
2022 Resolutions | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
Authorizes Location of Sculpture | |
Declares HD Fowler Company Sole Source Supplier for Master Meter Registers | |
Encourages State Legislators to Review, Discuss and Take Action on Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs Documents | |
Authorizing Sale of Vessel for Nonpayment of Moorage Charges | |
Establishes Fee for Whidbey Farmers Market Concessionaire Agreement | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
Designates Mayor as Representative to Execute Rural County Economic Development Infrastructure Investment Program Grant Amendment | |
22-09 | (Not used) |
Adopts 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Docket | |
Authorizes Expenditure of Creative Arts Funds for Installation of Sculpture | |
Authorizes Mayor as Representative for Phase I of Harbor Heights Sports Complex Project | |
Authorizes Mayor to Execute Washington Wildlife and Recreation Grant Application | |
Authorizes Mayor as Representative for Phase I of Harbor Heights Sports Complex Project | |
22-15 | (Not used) |
Approves Application for Grant Funding for Organizing City Records | |
Public Safety Tax Levy Ballot Proposition | |
Fire Station Construction and Equipment Bond Issuance Ballot Proposition | |
22-19 | (Not used) |
Amends Council Rules of Procedure | |
Authorizing Sale of Two Vessels and Contents of Two Storage Sheds For Nonpayment of Moorage and Storage Charges | |
22-22 | (Not used) |
Declares Certain Property Surplus and Authorizes Disposal | |
Declares Certain Property Surplus and Authorizes Disposal | |
Authorizes Use of Creative Arts Funds for Sculpture Repair | |
Accepts Recommendations of Lodging Tax Advisory Committee for Funding 2022 Lodging Tax Program | |
Establishes 2022 Washington State Legislative Priorities | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
2021 Resolutions | |
Declares Certain Property Surplus and Authorizes Disposal | |
Supporting School Levy | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
Identifies 2021 State Legislative Priorities | |
Declares HD Fowler Company Sole Source Supplier for Master Meter Registers | |
Establishes Shop Local Campaign as City Priority | |
Authorizes Expenditure of Creative Arts Funds for Installation and Location of Sculpture | |
Acceptance of Storage Shed Facility Donation | |
Authorizes Agreement for Creation of “Acorn” Sculpture | |
Adopts 2021 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Docket | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
Authorizing Sale of Vessel for Nonpayment of Moorage Charges | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
Selecting Phase One Concept for Harbor Heights Sports Complex | |
Designates “Harbor Heights” Property as City Park | |
Shoreline Master Program Periodic Review Amendments | |
Adopts Housing Action Plan | |
21-18 | (Pending) |
Policies and Procedures for Naming Public Parks | |
Accepts Recommendations of Lodging Tax Advisory Committee for Funding 2021 Lodging Tax Program | |
Establishes Fee for Whidbey Farmers Market Concessionaire Agreement | |
Adopts Island County Comprehensive Solid Waste and Moderate-Risk Waste Management Plan | |
Accepts American Rescue Plan Act Funding | |
Acquisition of Sculpture Pieces | |
21-25 | (Not used) |
Authorizes Payment Plans for Utility Balances | |
Approves Development Agreement | |
Authorizes Funds to Repair, Repaint and Install Sculpture | |
Authorizes Implementation of COLA Wage Increases for Non-represented Employees | |
Accepts Recommendations of Lodging Tax Advisory Committee for Funding 2022 Lodging Tax Program | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
Authorizes Sale of Abandoned Vessel | |
Establishes 2022 Washington State Legislative Priorities | |
2020 Resolutions | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
Declares HD Fowler Company Sole Source Supplier for Master Meter Registers | |
Sale of Vessels for Nonpayment of Moorage Charges | |
Adopts Declaration of Emergency | |
Adopts 2020 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Docket | |
Adopts 2020 Stormwater Comprehensive Plan | |
Adopts Island County Comprehensive Solid Waste and Moderate-Risk Waste Management Plan | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
Authorizes Emergency Procurement Procedures and Adopts Public Meetings Procedures | |
Adopts Revisions to the City’s Vision Statement, Mission Statement, and Goals | |
Donation Acceptance | |
Rural County Economic Development Infrastructure Investment Program | |
Approves Partnership with Rotary Clubs of Oak Harbor for Replacement of Pedestrian Bridge in Windjammer Park | |
Postpones Marina Rate Increases | |
Emergency Fee Waivers | |
Assigns SE 8th Avenue Honorary Co-name of “Avenue of the Oaks” | |
Acquisition of Sculpture Pieces | |
Determination of the Use of CARES Funding for North Whidbey Island Small Business Relief Fund Program to Assist Businesses Impacted Financially by COVID-19 | |
Selection Committee to Review and Recommend Grant Applications Submitted for the CARES North Whidbey Island Small Business Relief Fund Program to Assist Businesses Impacted Financially by COVID-19 | |
Donation Acceptance | |
Awards the North Whidbey Island Small Business Relief Program Grants | |
Sale of Vessels and Contents of Storage Shed for Nonpayment of Moorage and Storage Charges | |
Awards the North Whidbey Island Small Business Relief Program Grants | |
Authorizes the Adoption of the Island County Multi-jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan | |
Authorizes Implementation of COLA Wage Increases for Non-represented Employees Contingent on Available Funding | |
Declares CUES a Sole Source for Purchasing the Lamp 2 Upgrade with Options for Existing Camera System | |
Authorizes Transfer of $400,000 from Excess Stabilization Funds to Mitigate Impact of Wastewater Utility Rates | |
Declares Suez Water and Technology Solutions a Sole Source for Purposes of Purchasing Items for Membrane Expansion | |
Declares Break in 8-Inch Water Main an Emergency, Waives Public Bidding Requirement, and Authorizes Mayor to Execute Contracts | |
Sale of Vessels for Nonpayment of Moorage Charges | |
20-31 | (Not used) |
Rural County Economic Development Grant Agreement | |
Declares Certain Property Surplus and Authorizes Disposal | |
20-34 | (Not used) |
Declares a Substantial Need for Purposes of Setting Limit Factor for Property Tax Levy | |
2019 Resolutions | |
Identifies 2019 State Legislative Priority Issues | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
Declares Certain Property Surplus and Authorizes Disposal | |
Declares Certain Property Surplus and Authorizes Disposal | |
Donation Acceptance | |
Public Hearing Regarding Assumption of Transportation Benefit District | |
Declares Certain Property Surplus and Authorizes Disposal | |
Declares HD Fowler Company Sole Source Supplier for Master Meter Registers | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
Adopts 2019 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Docket | |
RCED Funding Applications | |
Donation Acceptance | |
Declares SSI-Schaefer Sole Source Supplier for Roll Cart Containers | |
Authorizes Arts Commission Funds Expenditure | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
Ballot Proposition | |
Material Change Policy for Transportation Benefit District No. 1 | |
Declares Certain Property Surplus and Authorizes Disposal | |
Renames Windjammer Splash Park “Shipwreck Shores” | |
Approves 2019 Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan | |
Recognizes Oak Harbor Main Street Association’s historic downtown logo | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
Sole Source Purchase of Stone Statues | |
Sale of Vessel for Moorage Charges Nonpayment | |
Authorizes Submittal of Revised Marina Grant Application | |
Donation Acceptance | |
Authorizes Arts Commission Funds Expenditure | |
Supports Naval Air Station Whidbey Island | |
Donation Acceptance | |
Donation Acceptance | |
Authorizes Establishment of Health Reimbursement Arrangement/Voluntary Employees’ Beneficiary Association Plans | |
Approves Preliminary Plat for Hillside Development Center | |
Approves Preliminary Plat for Village of Garry Oaks | |
Affirms Compliance Public Hearing Requirements for Moratorium on Development within the CBD | |
Provides Comments to Department of Ecology Regarding Preliminary Determination to Develop New General Permit | |
Declines to Impose SHB 1406 Sales and Use Tax | |
Opposes Initiative I-976 | |
Accepts Recommendations of Lodging Tax Advisory Committee for Funding 2020 Lodging Tax Program | |
Revises Design Regulations and Guidelines Document | |
Adopts Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan | |
Establishes 2020 Washington State Legislative Priorities | |
Approves Preliminary Plat for Howard’s Pointe PRD Subdivision | |
2018 Resolutions | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
Adopts Video Security Policy | |
Designating Depository Institution for City’s Business | |
18-04 | (Not used) |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
Adopts 2018 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Docket | |
Declares HD Fowler Company Sole Source Supplier for Master Meter Registers | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
Sale of Vessels and Boat Trailer for Nonpayment | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
Acceptance of Public Art | |
Park Land Acquisition Project Funding Application | |
Appropriation from General Fund Review Stabilization Fund | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
18-15 | (Not used) |
Declares Certain Property Surplus and Authorizes Disposal | |
Adopts 2019-2024 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
Negotiations with Boys and Girls Club for Siting New Facility | |
Declares Portland Loo Sole Source Supplier for Portland Loos | |
Authorizes Sale of Vessels and Boat Trailers for Nonpayment of Moorage and Storage Charges | |
Wastewater Fund Repayment from General Fund | |
Repayment of Fire Fees to Landowners Noted in Swantown Annexation Agreement | |
Provides Comments to Department of Ecology Regarding National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Phase II Permit | |
Authorizes Replacement of Bailey’s Playground at Windjammer Park | |
Authorizes Investment of Governmental Entity Monies in Local Government Investment Pool | |
Accepts Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Recommendations | |
Authorizes Acquisition of Sculpture Pieces | |
Accepts Gift of Mobile Home Structure | |
2017 Resolutions | |
Supporting School Levy | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
Adopts 2017 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Docket | |
Reimbursement Guidelines for Medicare Part B Premiums | |
Financial Support to Impaired Driving Impact Panel | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
17-07 | (Not used) |
Declares HD Fowler Company Sole Source Supplier for Master Meter Registers | |
Adopts Windjammer Park Design Documents | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
Approves Interlocal Agreement to Establish Home Consortium | |
Adopts Marina Improvement Plan | |
Approves Amendments to Countywide Planning Policies | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
Salary Schedule for Nonrepresented Employees | |
Adopts 2018-2023 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program | |
Supports Review of Urban Growth Area Expansion | |
Requests Expansion of Joint Planning Area | |
Removal of Windmill at Windjammer Park | |
Auction of Contents of Two Marina Storage Sheds | |
Authorizes Deposit and Withdrawal of Monies in Local Government Investment Pool | |
Accepts Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Recommendations | |
Identifies 2018 Washington State Legislative Priority Issues | |
Extends Timeline for Use of Transportation Impact Fees | |
2016 Resolutions | |
Amends Police Department Portion of Master Fee Schedule | |
Identifies 2016 State Legislative Priority Issues | |
Accepts Public Art | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
Approves Final Plat | |
Approves Interlocal Agreement to Form Island Transportation Planning Organization | |
Approves Updated Countywide Planning Policies | |
Declares SSI-Schafer a Sole Source for Customized Roll Cart Containers | |
Water Quality Financial Assistance Agreement with Department of Ecology | |
Declares Cues a Sole Source for Summit Wireless Retrofit Package and GNET Conversion | |
Requests Review from Office of Economic Adjustment Regarding Effects of Personnel Increases at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
Supports Full Funding of MRSC | |
Approves Alteration to Final Plat | |
Adopts Windjammer Park Integration Plan | |
Declares Certain Property Surplus and Authorizes Disposal | |
Approves One-Year Extension of Preliminary Plat | |
Approves Extension for Adoption of City’s Critical Areas Ordinance | |
Relinquishes Funds for Whidbey Avenue Pedestrian Crossing Project | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
16-21 | (Not used) |
16-22 | (Not used) |
Adopts 2016 Transportation Plan | |
Adopts 2017-2022 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program | |
Declares Certain Property Surplus and Authorizes Disposal | |
Acknowledges Island Regional Transportation Planning Organization and Authorizes Membership Therein | |
Lodging Tax Grant Awards for 2017 | |
Identifies 2017 Washington State Legislative Priority Issues | |
Amends Master Fee Schedule | |
Supports Acquisition and Construction of Boys and Girls Club Facility | |
Approves Marin Woods Preliminary Plat | |
2015 Resolutions | |
Approves Final Plat of Fairway Point PRD | |
Authorizing Posting of Signs in City of Oak Harbor Owned Parks, Banning Smoking in Children’s Play Areas, Trails and Sports Fields | |
Adopts 2015 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Docket | |
Amends Labor Agreement with Firefighters Union | |
Interfund Loan | |
Authorizing Sale of Vessels for “Marina Charges” | |
Authorizes Entering Into Water Quality Financial Assistance Agreement | |
Declaring Certain Property Surplus and Directing Conveyance Thereof | |
Declaring Surplus Property and Disposal | |
Retitles Fire Department Lieutenant Position as Captain | |
Adopts Master Fee Schedule | |
Declaring Certain Property Surplus and Directing Conveyance Thereof | |
Fire Department Reorganization and Staffing Plan | |
Removal of Former Whidbey Island Bank Upon Completion of the Wastewater Treatment Plant | |
Denies Annexation of Mangat Properties | |
Amends Police Department Portion of Master Fee Schedule | |
Amends Public Works Department Portion of Master Fee Schedule | |
Adopts Island County Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan | |
Adopts Street Light Pole Banner Policy | |
Transmittal of Formal Comments on Draft Countywide Planning Policies | |
Island County Interlocal Agreement for Base Station Transmitters | |
Amends Res. 14-43, Delaying Closing Date of Staysail RV Park | |
Acceptance of Public Art | |
Temporary Access Lease Agreement | |
Declaring E.H. Wachs a Sole Source for Purchase of Hydro-Excavation and Valve Turning Maintenance System | |
Adopts 2016-2021 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program | |
Adopts Architectural Concept for Construction of Clean Water Facility | |
Adopts Good Neighbor Plan for Construction of Clean Water Facility | |
Amends Council Rules of Procedure | |
Adopts Policy for Use of Council Chambers Wi-Fi and Use of Personal Devices by Elected Officials | |
Declares Certain Property Surplus and Authorizes Disposal | |
Names Leash Free Dog Area as Sunrise Rotary Dog Park | |
Adopts Bio-Solids Dryer Option for Construction of Clean Water Facility | |
Inclusion of Community Use Room in Clean Water Facility (Rescinded 2/10/16) | |
Initiates Right-of-Way Vacation | |
15-36 | (Not used) |
Authorizes Commissioning of Public Art “Autumn Winds” | |
Adopts Labor Agreement with Oak Harbor Police Association – Commissioned Unit | |
Declares Certain Property Surplus and Authorizes Disposal | |
Lodging Tax Grant Awards for 2016 | |
Amends Police Department Portion of Master Fee Schedule | |
Change in Disposition of Portion of City Property for Siting of Clean Water Facility | |
Medicare Part B Premium Funding | |
Participation in Main Street Tax Credit Program | |
2014 Resolutions | |
Declares Certain Property Surplus and Authorizes Disposal – Refuse Trucks | |
Relating to Under-Market Salaries | |
Lodging Tax Grant Awards for 2014 | |
Amending the Six Year Street Plan | |
Relating to Navy Participation in the WWTP Project | |
Authorizing Art Acquisition Funds to sign the contract with Artist for the “Kraken” | |
Recognizing the Sister City Committee | |
Lifting Fiscal Emergency Status | |
Donation of “Conical Etude 1” | |
2014 Comprehensive Plan Docket | |
14-11 | (Not Used) |
14-12 | (Not Used) |
Sale of City Property at 6th St. and Fairhaven | |
Sale of Vessel and Shed Contents for unpaid Moorage | |
14-15 | (Not Used) |
HR Department Reorganization | |
14-17 | (Not Used) |
Surplus Trucks from Public Works | |
14-19 | (Not Used) |
14-20 | (Not Used) |
Investment Policy | |
LGIP Investment Resolution | |
Island County Comprehensive Solid Waste & Moderate Risk Water Management Plan | |
Human Resources New Religious Holiday | |
Adopt A Water System Plan | |
ILA Home Consortium- Interlocal Agreement with Island, Skagit and Whatcom Counties | |
2016 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Public Participation Plan | |
Siting of Waste Water Treatment Plant | |
Fund Sources for Waste Water Treatment Plant | |
Waterfront Enhancement Trail Application Grant from WA State Department of Transportation | |
Whidbey Avenue Crosswalk Application Grant with WA State Department of Transportation | |
Teamsters Settlement Agreement with Public Works Union | |
Adoption of Fee Schedule | |
Senior Services – Annual Fee Increase | |
Teamsters Agreement with Marina Union | |
14-36 | (Not Used) |
6 year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) | |
Storm Drain Interfund Loan #404 (Borrowing Fund) | |
City Council Support of up to 36 Additional EA-18G Growler Aircraft at NAS Whidbey | |
14-39 | (Not Used) |
Legislative Priorities for 2015 | |
Adoption of Indigent Defense Standards (Revised) | |
Health Care Directive and Employee Tracking Hours – HR | |
Defining the Construction Location for the Waste Water Treatment Plant | |
2015 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Recommendations | |
Utility Tax for Arts Acquisitioned Fund | |
Remove restriction on Pioneer Plaza Funds designation for Lodging Tax revenues | |
HDPD Health Savings Account Funding for 2015 | |
2015 Non-represented Staff Market Adjustments | |
Surplus Authorization of Marathon Shirts | |
Funding for Impaired Driving Impact Panel | |
Accepts Recommendations to Award Lodging Tax Funding | |
Agreement to Comply with Local Agency Agreement for Update to Comprehensive Plan | |
2013 Resolutions | |
13-01 | (Not Used) |
Support Constitutional Amendment to Regulate Corporate Spending and Campaign Financing | |
Solid Waste Transfer Station – do not move forward | |
IDIPIC Funding | |
13-05 | Hartford Deferred Compensation Plan Update (Not Approved) |
Policy for Invocations at City Council Meetings | |
Amend Employee Policy Manual Re City of Oak Harbor Wellness Program and Time Off | |
Adopting the 2013 Comprehensive Plan Docket | |
City Staff to Apply for MAP-21 TAP Grant to Install Kiosks and Construct a Viewing Area | |
Authorizing Sale of a Boat for Marina Charges | |
Acquisition of the Public Art Known as the Island Spirit, Created by Artist Wayne Lewis | |
13-12 | Relating to Council Benefits (Not Adopted) |
Adopting the Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan (2014-2019) | |
Approval of Request for Funding for 2013 North Whidbey Lions Club Car show | |
Change Employee Benefit Plan by Termination and Amending Resolution No.12-14 | |
Terminating Efforts to Replace the Marina C-Dock Roof | |
20 Yr Population Projection for IC for 2016 Comp Plan and County Wide Planning Projects | |
Declaring Certain Personal Property of the City Utilities Surplus and Authorizes Disposal | |
Declaring Certain Obsolete Personal Property of the City Surplus and Authorizes Disposal | |
Supporting Naval Air Station Whidbey Island and its Training Activities and Facilities | |
Reducing the Police Department Petty Cash form Two Hundred Dollars to One Hundred | |
Declaring an Emergency and authorizing procurement of diversion pumps at WWTP | |
Authorizing AWC Benefit Trust Interlocal Agreement | |
Change Health Insurance Benefit Plans to Eligible Employees | |
Authorizing the Sale of Boats for Marina Charges | |
Converting the Opt Out Benefit for Eligible Non-Represented Employees to Wages | |
Establish a Methodology to Phase-Out the Converted Opt-Out Benefit for Non Union | |
Declaring Surplus Property and Disposal (Talon Radar Units) | |
2014 Legislative Priorities | |
13-30 | (Not Used) |
Adopting WWTP Facility Plan as Approved by Dept of Ecology | |
Adopting the GC/CC Construction Method for the WWTP | |
13-33 | (Not Used) |
Adopting the Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan | |
Authorize an Intergovernmental Transfer of Two Radar Units to the Town of Coupeville | |
Elected Officials Medical Plan Eligibility | |
Comprehensive emergency management plan CEMP | |
Relating to Authorized Depositories | |
2012 Resolutions | |
Standing Committees | |
Adopt a Street | |
Petty Cash | |
12-04 | (Not Used) |
WWTP Site Selections | |
MERP (Medical Expenses Reimbursement for Firefighters) | |
Lodging Tax Grant Awards for 2012 | |
Standing Committees 2012 | |
2012 Comprehensive Plan Docket | |
Vision and Mission Statement and City Goals | |
Marina Rate Schedule | |
Sole Source Purchase of Roll Carts | |
12-13 | (Not Used) |
Repealing Res. 07-16 and adopting new Personnel Policies Handbook | |
Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for 2012 - 2018 | |
Alteration to Final Plat - Fairway Point PRD, Divisions 1 and 1A | |
WWTP Choice 1 - MBR Plant at Windjammer Park | |
12-18 | (Not Used) |
12-19 | (Not Used) |
Franklin Manor Site Plan Extension | |
Changing Employee Handbook Fire adding “paid on call” as a distinct class | |
LID for sewer improvements on Driftwood Beach Area | |
Surplusing Utility Property | |
Adopting a methodology for Phasing Construction of Wastewater Treatment Plant Components | |
Utility Tax Allocation | |
Supporting School Levy | |
Change of Employee Policy Manual 4.06 concerning Interim Out-of-Class Assignments | |
Award of 2% Grant Lodging Tax | |
Declaring a Special Market Condition for purchase of a Fire Aid Vehicle | |
Approving Shoreline Master Program to DOE | |
Replacement for Resolution 12-10 Vision of Council | |
Council’s Legislative Priorities | |
Place a New WWTP in Windjammer Vicinity | |
12-34 | (Not Used) |
Wellness Day Off City-wide Dec24th | |
Policy Enactment Fire, Bomb Threats, Guns & Earthquakes | |
12-37 | (Not Used) |
12-38 | (Not Used) |
Employee Manual revisions for Wellness Program | |
Extending Acceptances for Memorial Donation Land Claimants | |
Petty Cash | |
2011 Resolutions | |
Resolution for 2% Lodging Tax Grant Awards in 2011 | |
Marina Interfund Loan | |
Council Meeting Continuance | |
Radio Read Water Meters – Sole Source Resolution | |
Pioneer Way Mitigation and Marketing | |
11-06 | Marathon Items (Not Approved) |
WWTP Facility Sites | |
Comprehensive Plan Docket Resolution | |
City Council Meeting Continuance | |
11-10 | (Not Used) |
11-10 | (Not Used) |
Marina Rates and Charges | |
Withdraw Funds re: Multimodal Project | |
2012 – 2017 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) | |
2012 Legislative Priorities | |
11-15 | (Not Used) |
Fairway Point Division 3 Plat Extension | |
Special Benefit Analysis for Dillard Neighborhood | |
11-18 | (Not Used) |
11-19 | (Not Used) |
Georgia Gerber Ducklings for Pioneer Way | |
2010 Resolutions | |
Authorization to submit CBDG Block Grant for Pioneer Way | |
Grievance Procedure for Pioneer Way | |
Standing Committee Membership for 2010 – 2011 | |
2010 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Docket | |
Subdivision Design Manual | |
2010 Radio Read Water Meters – Sole Source Agreement | |
Decrease to Senior Center Change Fund | |
Sale of Vessel WN 0971 RG, a sailboat | |
Sale of Vessel, CF 457 CU, a powerboat | |
Prescriptive Easement Pioneer Way ROW | |
Quiet Title Action for Pioneer Way Properties | |
Adult Entertainment Facilities Overlay Zone Adoption | |
IntoLight and Sole Source Agreement | |
Marina Rates, Guest Moorage and Hoist Rates | |
Emergency Repair to 18-inch RBC Outfall Pipe at Windjammer Park | |
For Pioneer Way Funding Commitment | |
For Wellness Committee and Well City Award | |
Fairway Point Division 4 PRD Final Plat | |
Six Year TIP 2011 – 2016 | |
Financial Strategy Statement for Fiscal Years 2011 – 2012 | |
10-21 | (Not Used) |
Marina Dredging Contract Award | |
West Meadows Final Plat Alteration | |
Marina Dredging Fee | |
Legislative Priorities for 2011 | |
Authorization for Bids - Pioneer Way Improvements Project | |
Memorial for Early Oak Harbor Families | |
Pioneer Way Sidewalks | |
Dept. of Ecology Grant Agreement for Pioneer Way (Storm Water) | |
Senior Center Dues | |
2009 Resolutions | |
Surplusing property on Goldie Street for Affordable Housing | |
Undertaking of Affordable Housing with Housing Authority of Snohomish County (HASCO) | |
Supporting School Levies | |
Green Power Challenge | |
Grant Application for Conservations Futures Program and Garry Oak Tree | |
Affordable Housing Stage II Application | |
2009 Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan | |
Support for Fort Casey and Ebey State Parks | |
LID Bayshore Drive, Final Assessment Roll | |
PBY Memorial Foundation | |
Adopting City of Oak Harbor Disadvantaged Business Enterprise DBE Program | |
Wellness Award | |
MOU for State of Washington Unified Certification Program UCP | |
Resolution for Fire Department Command Pay | |
Resolution for Youth Programs in Parks | |
Sole Source for Flashing School Zone Beacon Lights | |
Affordable Housing Fall Stage I Application | |
Whidbey Island Marathon | |
Six Year TIP for 2010-2015 | |
Set Public Hearing for Gentry SR-20 Annexation | |
New Position in Law Department – Law and Justice Coordinator and Prosecutor | |
Waiver for Heron Ridge Short Plat | |
Identity Theft Prevention Program (Red Flag Initiative) | |
2010 Legislative Priorities | |
Unified Certification Program for Memorandum of Understanding between Washington State Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises and the City of Oak Harbor | |
Pioneer Way Commitment Funding | |
Fire Department Reorganization and Command Inconvenience Pay | |
COLA Adjustment for 2010 | |
IDIPIC Agreement | |
Wellness Policy | |
Marina Rates | |
Preventing Gender Discrimination | |
Sale of Boat | |
Sale of Boat | |
Sale of Boat | |
2008 Resolutions | |
Water Efficiency Goals | |
Standing Committees Structure | |
08-03 | Temporary and Seasonal Employee Pay Rates |
Wellness Committee Appreciation | |
FTA Resolution (Federal Transit Administration) Funds toward Multimodal Facility (Municipal Pier) | |
Sale of Boat | |
Marina Fuel Prices Policy | |
Anti-Idling Policy | |
Sale of Boat WN23L | |
Sale of Boat WN233BV | |
Six Year TIP | |
Salary Adjustment – Fire Chief | |
Surplus Fire Engines | |
Surplus Police SWAT Vehicle | |
Title Six Policy Adoption | |
Council’s Strategies | |
2009 Legislative Priorities | |
Blood-borne Pathogens | |
Public Defense Standards | |
Fire Department Interim Command Pay Compensation | |
2007 Resolutions | |
Legislative Issues for Council’s Consideration | |
Conservation Futures Application | |
Interlocal Purchasing Agreement with Whatcom County | |
Interlocal Agreement with NW Parks and Recreation – Water Protection (lifeguard) Services | |
Interlocal Agreement with NW Parks and Recreation – Concessionaire Services | |
Island County Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan as approved by FEMA. | |
Water Meter Sole Source | |
Oil Spill Containment, Response Equipment | |
Petty Cash Resolution | |
All Hazards Alert Broadcast (AHAB) Warning System | |
Marina Restroom Reconstruction | |
Public Participation Resolution | |
Sole Source Agreement with Western Systems, Inc., solar school zone flasher lights | |
Bayshore Drive LID – Resolution of Intent | |
Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2008-2013 | |
Adoption of Personnel Policies | |
Adoption of Island County Comprehensive Solid Waste and Moderate Risk Management Policy | |
No Number | Reimbursement Resolution – Declaration of Official Intent to Reimburse Expenditures from Proceeds of Bonds – Fire Apparatus (Fire Trucks) December 18, 2007 |
2006 Resolutions | |
Conservation Futures Grant – Boyer Property | |
Support of Oak Harbor High School Modernization | |
Boating Infrastructure Grant (BIG) Resolution | |
06-04 | (Not Used) |
FiberForce Play Structure | |
Deferred Compensation | |
ICLEI – Energy Conservation and Climate Protection Project | |
Highland Park | |
Six-year TIP, 2007-2012 | |
Amendment to Interlocal Agreement with Island County – Funding Improvements to Ft. Nugent Park | |
Action Minutes Format | |
Trail Lighting | |
Izett Street Vacation | |
06-14 | (Not Used) |
Sale of Boat for Marina Charges | |
Sale of Boat for Marina Charges | |
2005 Resolutions | |
Oak Harbor Heritage Recognition | |
2005 City Budget Calendar | |
Crosby Commons | |
TSI Sole Source for Water Telemetry | |
Cross Match Sole Source for Live Scan Fingerprinting | |
Emerald Paving for Tennis Courts | |
Sale of Boat for Marina Charges – owned by Theodore/Sharon Morse, Vessel ID WN8320RH | |
Fairway Point Preliminary Plat (from October 2004) | |
Harbor Place for 5/17 meeting | |
Public Works Sole Source Screw Sucker 104 | |
Boating Facilities Program | |
Six-Year TIP | |
NIMS | |
Wellness Committee | |
Growth Management Act (GMA) Update | |
Island Place | |
Sole Source Agreement – DATEC Inc. for PD Digital Mobile Video Systems | |
2004 Resolutions | |
(Note that Res. 05-08, pertaining to Fairway Point, was passed in 2004.) | |
Supporting the Library Site Location & obligation of funds from the sale of current library | |
Adopting Rules of Procedure for City Council Meetings | |
AICUZ – no adverse impact of development on NAS Whidbey; no further res. development n. of east and west boundary of Redwing Subdivision | |
Sale of the Uchiyama Reidell sailboat for marina charges | |
Approving the preliminary plat of Woodbury Park | |
Approving the preliminary plat of Fireside Division | |
Depository Services | |
Oak Harbor Library Capital Facility Area (Sno-Isle Library District) | |
Reimbursement from Bond Proceeds | |
Adopting the 2005-2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program | |
CDBG Resolution with Certifications of Compliance | |
Sole Source purchase – Scala Unity Communications | |
Sole Source purchase – Newtek VT4 | |
Sole Source purchase – VMI | |
Support for Oak Harbor High School Maintenance and Operation Levy | |
Sole Source purchase – Master Meter Radio Read System | |
2003 Resolutions | |
Lolbi Business Park | |
Approval of Oak Harbor School Bond – March 11, 2003 | |
Encouraging appropriations for Impact Aid | |
PP Whidbey Green | |
Conservation Futures Grant application – Trailhead @ Scenic Heights, Heller-Crosby Marsh | |
Setting public hearing for vacation of Alley – Broadview Alley | |
Increasing Senior Cnt change fund and decreasing Senior Cnt Petty Cash | |
Reso. Concerning Budget Administration for 2003 | |
Reso of Intent for Scenic Heights LID | |
2004-2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Prog | |
Sole Source purchase of Software Module to Interface with Spillman Technologies, Inc. | |
Sole Source Purchase – Software Module to interface with existing Spillman Technologies, Inc | |
Budget Administration for 2003 | |
2002 Resolutions | |
Preliminary Plat Fireside Division #6 | |
Preliminary Plat Whidbey Links Estates | |
Preliminary Plat West Meadows Phase 1 | |
Establishing the City of Oak Harbor Public Participation Procedures – Comprehensive Task Force | |
Supporting a grant application to the Island County Conservation Futures Program | |
Approving the Hawthorne Place Division #2 Preliminary Plat and authorizing filing and recordation | |
Concerning Budget Administration | |
Whidbey Links Estates Amended Preliminary Plat | |
Support for Skagit County Flood Protection/Salmon Restoration Project | |
Approving the Redwing Preliminary Plat subject to conditions imposed | |
Support for the PBY Memorial Association | |
Adopting the 2003-2208 Six-year Transportation Improvement Program | |
Amending the adopting rules of procedure for City Council meeting – adding Consent Agenda | |
Revising the City Employee Handbook dated August, 1998 | |
Support State Referendum Bill 51 | |
Petty Cash Reso. Changing the Marina Change Fund, establishing the Senior change fund, and establishing the Library Change Fund. | |
Resolution regarding purchasing bidding and small works roster | |
Authorizing Sale of a boat for “Marina Charges.” | |
Department of Retirement – Deferred Compensation | |
Fort Nugent Highlands Preliminary Plat | |
Pacific Crest Preliminary Plat | |
Sole Source Purchase for GBA | |
Ameriflex Administrative Services | |
2001 Resolutions | |
Defining Sewer Service Area within the Urban Growth Area | |
Support of Oak Harbor School District’s M & O Levy | |
Approving the 2000 Oak Harbor Comprehensive Parks & Recreation Plan | |
Setting a public hearing for a vacation of certain property | |
Support to those individuals who being affected by the International Incident in Chain VQ1 | |
2002-2007 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program | |
Preliminary Plat of Fireside Division #5 subject to conditions imposed | |
Outlining the city of Oak Harbor’s water shortage response plan | |
COG 01-08 | Encouraging reduction in waste and greenhouse gas emissions through smart growth community planning (Council of Governments) |
Purchasing, Bidding & Small Works Roster Policy | |
September 11, 2001 resolution | |
Adopting Findings Concerning Interim Development Regulations – return to the City Council for further consideration after study and review by the Planning Commission | |
Declaring a financial emergency for the City of Oak Harbor for the year 2002 | |
Public Participation | |
2000 Resolutions | |
Refinance the existing interfund loan from the Equipment Rental fund to the Marina Fund. | |
Providing for an interfund line of credit in the amount of two hundred fifty thousand dollars (250,000) from the equipment rental fund to the Marina Fund. | |
Finance Assistance from the State as the result of I-695 | |
Declaring a Financial Emergency for the City of Oak Harbor. | |
Adopting Rules of Procedure for the City Council meetings. | |
Existence of Emergency regarding storm damage repairs at the Oak Harbor Marina. | |
Approving Preliminary Plat of Fireside, Division #4. | |
In support of the M&O Levy for the Oak Harbor School District. | |
Increasing the Marina Fund change fund to $750. | |
Legislative Relief Resolution. | |
East Park preliminary Plat | |
2001-2008 Six Year Transportation Improvement Prg | |
Oak Harbor Citizen Comprehensive Plan Task Force | |
1999 Resolutions | |
Support of Island County Application for CDBG fund for Partnership with Youth. | |
Applying for funding to CTED for CDBG Planning- Only Grant. | |
Regarding Purchasing, bidding and Small Works Roster. | |
Authorizing grant application to Island County Conservation Futures | |
City Council support and acceptance of the Market Assessment-Lodging/Conference Facility. | |
Personnel and Compensation providing 1999 compensation for non-represented personnel | |
Designating Island Co as lead agency relating to Chapter 246 - Salmon restoration. | |
Setting a public hearing for vacation of certain property - Koetje Street | |
Listing of Puget Sound Chinook Salmon endangered species act. | |
Adopting the 2000-2005 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program | |
Supporting the work of the Dock Committee | |
Authorizing removal of a landscape buffer from Division #3 Plat of Shannon Forest allowing for a side yard on lot 102 without a landscape buffer. | |
Approving a preliminary plat of Taryn Place | |
Public hearing for vacation of portion of “Old Fort Nugent Road”. | |
Accepting the work of the Municipal Dock Citizens Committee and approval of the preliminary design of the pier complex. | |
Agreeing in principle to pursue a coordinate Island County wide tourism-marketing plan. | |
Approving the preliminary plat of Cherry Hill. | |
Supporting a levy request by the North Whidbey Park and Recreation District. | |
Approving the preliminary plat of Highland West Division 7. | |
1998 Resolutions | |
Requesting the legislature of the State of Washington to allocate sufficient additional revenues to the sales tax equalization account. | |
Authorizing sale of a boat for Marina charges | |
Deferred Compensation Plan | |
Requesting Sno-Isle Library to provide blocking software on its Internet access computers. | |
Authorizing application for funding for a Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program IAC (Pioneer Plaza Project) | |
Establishing policies and procedures relating to the naming of public parks and recreation related facilities. | |
Adopting the 1999-2004 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. | |
Map as the official record for Partnership with Youth/ - Drug Free Zone. | |
Amount to be raised by ad valorem taxes | |
Establishing policy of the City of Oak Harbor - Employee Handbook | |
Repealing Reso. 93-15 providing bidding not required for purchase of goods and equipment in excess of $15,000. | |
Preliminary Plat of Gustin/Daniff | |
Establishing priorities for Arterial Sidewalk Installation and project financing. | |
Deferred Compensation Plan. | |
Declaring a future substantial need to protect future property tax levy. | |
1997 Resolutions | |
Authorizing use of Sidewalks Areas for Adornment | |
Approving a map as the official record of the location & Boundaries of the Island Transit Harbor Station, as well as areas within 1,000 feet of the perimeter grounds, in order to implement enhanced penalties for unlawful drug activities in the area. | |
Adopting findings concerning moratorium on water connections outside the City limits of Oak Harbor | |
Designating Oak Harbor’s agent for obtaining federal and state emergency and/or disaster assistance funds. | |
Approving a preliminary plat of Quiet Woods. | |
Approving a three-year contract with Coca-Cola for installation of soft drink vending machines at City Beach and Mini Harbor. | |
Approving a preliminary plat of Swantown Estates. | |
Authorizing application(s) for assistance for the Ft. Nugent park project to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC) as provided in RCW 43.98A. | |
Six- Year Transportation Improvement Program 1998-2003. | |
Providing for a loan from the equipment rental fund to the sewer fund. | |
Providing for a loan from the equipment rental fund to the Marina fund | |
Authorizing funding assistance from the State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development for a planning only grant to study youth programs. | |
Partnership between the City of Oak Harbor and Naval Air Station, Whidbey Island for community participation in special, annual and other events and programs. | |
CDBG Planning only Grant - to study youth programs. | |
Establishing a lodging tax advisory committee. | |
Petty cash and change funds per department. | |
Approving a preliminary plat of Highlands West, Division 6. | |
Waiving public bid requirements for purchase of sole source fire fighting equipment. | |
1996 Resolutions | |
Releasing George & Jo Rockwood property owners from one condition of a preannexation agreement. | |
Authorizing a contract with URS Consultants for engineering svc related to the upgrade and improvements to the secondary treatment facilities. | |
Authorizing sale of boat for marina charges | |
Authorizing a contract with Skagit Bonded Collectors for collection at Municipal Court. | |
Authorizing the Oak Harbor Fire Department to pay the volunteer firefighter’s portion of the Washington State Volunteer Relief and pension act fees. | |
Authorizing a contract with URS consultants for Engineering services related to update of the comprehensive sewer plan. | |
A proclamation declaring April 1996 as “Child Abuse & Neglect Prevention Awareness Month. | |
Adopting the water service area for Oak Harbor. | |
Entering into an interlocal agreement with the Oak Harbor School District. | |
Adopting a Flexible Benefit Plan. | |
Supporting Oak Harbor School District’s bond levies to rebuild, renovate, and improve our school buildings. | |
Authorizing a lease agreement between Oak Harbor School District #201 and the City providing for the use of property owned by the School District #201 by citizens of the City of Oak Harbor for recreational purposes. | |
Amending section 2-15 of resolution No 90-16 personnel policies by authorizing changes in mileage rate paid for travel expenses to correspond to IRS rates. | |
Approving an exchange agreement with the Piculells. | |
1997-2002 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. | |
Directing the addressing committee to grant the request by the Beeksma Family to change the street to be named as Baywatch to Beeksma Street. | |
Interlocal agreement between Island County and the City of Oak Harbor providing for the construction of ball fields and a parking lot on property leased by the City adjacent to Fort Nugent park. | |
Exemption from system development fees for North Whidbey Help House. | |
Establishing the City Oak Harbor public participation procedures. | |
Sponsoring the Island County Emergency Services communications Center (I-Com) request to join the Association of Washington Cities Risk Management Services Agency. | |
Declaring the intent of the City of Oak to adopt the right of Initiative & Referendum for the qualified electors of the City. | |
Adoption of the Economic and Architectural Feasibility study prepared by the Harbor Watch Downtown redevelopment plan. | |
Renegotiating of animal services contract between the City of Oak Harbor & Terry E. Sampson authorizing the Mayor to sign the attached modified agreement to replace the City Council approved agreement dated December 20, 1995. | |
Approving a preliminary plat of Parkside. | |
Authorizing use of sidewalk areas for commercial display. | |
Authoring the Mayor to terminate effective January 1, 1998 an interlocal agreement between the City of Oak Harbor and the County of Island that allowed the City to operate a Municipal Court as a Department of the Island County District Court. | |
Interlocal agreement with Island County, Washington for the 1996-97 coordinated prevention grant task force. | |
1995 Resolutions | |
Requesting an amendment to RCW 67.28.210 to allow the City of Oak Harbor to spend Hotel-Motel tax monies for the purpose of constructing tourist “promotion infrastructures” in the same manner as Cities bordering the Pacific Ocean do. | |
Contract with Paul S. Running & Assoc. for Solid Waste Rate Study | |
Grant application to the Island Co. Conservation Futures Prg & Coastal Zone Management Project Assistance Planning Grant Prg. | |
Approving a transfer of the Cable Television Franchise | |
Contract with URS Consultant for design and construction of a RV Park Sewer system | |
Amending the Oak Harbor Comprehensive Land Use Plan.(Scenic Heights Road) | |
Amending the Oak Harbor Comprehensive Land Use Plan ((Harbor Watch) | |
Fair Housing. | |
1996-2001 Six-Year Street Improvement Program. | |
City of Oak Harbor is applying to the State Department of Community Trade and Economic Development for funding assistance. | |
Approving preliminary plat of Westwood. | |
Authorizing application for funding assistance for an outdoor recreation project to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation as provided by the Marine Recreation Land Act. | |
Authorizing application for funding assistance for an outdoor recreation project to the Marine Recreation Land Act. | |
1994 Resolutions | |
Approving a preliminary plat of the Heights and authorizing filing and recordation thereof subject to conditions imposed. | |
Authorizing sale of a boat for marina charges. | |
Approving a contract with URS Consultants, Inc. to provide profession-engineering services during the design and construction of improvements to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. | |
Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan Amendment. | |
Regulation of basic service tier rates and related equipment, installation and service charges of any cable television system operating in the City of Oak Harbor. | |
Amending the Oak Harbor Comprehensive Land Use Plan. - Muleskinners. | |
Amendment to the Preliminary Plat #2-93 of Fireside Division #2 and #2 to the internal street system and relocation of the intersection of 170 N.W. and Fort Nugent Road further to the West. | |
Amending the Oak Harbor Comprehensive Land Use Plan - former City Landfill changed to “Park/Recreation/Forest” to “Public Facilities.” | |
Approving award of contract to Fakkema & Kingma, Inc. for Engineering Services on the Sanitary Sewer line to serve Island County's proposed public health facility, and the proposed City Public Works Facility. | |
Amending the Comprehensive Plan and Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program to include the West Pioneer Way Streetscape (Corridor) Plan. | |
Authorizing landscape easements and landscape maintenance agreements for West Pioneer Way streetscape projects. | |
Application to the State department of Community, Trade and Economic Development for funding assistance. | |
Approving the Comprehensive Storm Drainage Plan for the City of Oak Harbor. | |
Regarding membership in the Association Washington Cities Risk Management Service Agency. | |
Approving a preliminary plat of Meadowridge and authorizing filing and recordation thereof subject to conditions imposed. | |
Approving a preliminary plat of Highlands West, Division 5 and authorizing filing and recordation subject to conditions imposed. | |
Approving the agreement for consultant services between the City of Oak Harbor and 3-H Cable Communications Consultants | |
Approving a preliminary plat of Amberdale and authorizing filing and recordation hereof subject to conditions imposed. | |
Adopting Oak Harbor Fire Department Volunteer Incentive Program.(VIP). | |
Authorizing sale of a board for “Marina Charges.” | |
1995-2001 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Prg. | |
Amending the Oak Harbor Comprehensive Park Plan adopting a Comprehensive Park Plan adding a Marina element. | |
Amending Reso. 90-9 establishing an Employee of the Year award. | |
Amending the Oak Harbor Comprehensive Land Use Plan (Whidbey Press) | |
Amending Reso. 90-16 by providing that certain positions are exempt from under the Fair Labor Standards Act. | |
Adopting a policy protecting individuals engaged in non-violent civil rights demonstrations. | |
Adopting the 1994 Oak Harbor Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Plan. | |
Approving a contract with URS Consultants, Inc. Engineering services for assessing he organic loading of the wastewater treatment plant. | |
Approving a preliminary plat of Frontier Plaza and authorizing filing and recordation thereof subject to conditions imposed. | |
Increasing the Finance Department/s change fund. | |
Approving the adoption of a residential anti-displacement & relocation assistance plan under Section 104(D) of the housing & community development act of 1974, as amended. | |
1993 Resolutions | |
Resolution approving a preliminary plat of Eagle Crest, Division I and 2, and authorizing filing and recordation thereof subject to conditions imposed. | |
Resolution on reporting improper governmental action and protecting employees against retaliation. | |
Resolution establishing a Drug Free Workplace for the City of Oak Harbor. | |
Reso. creating a Housing Authority | |
Reso. authorizing sale of a boat for “Marina Charges” | |
Six Year Street Program 1994-1999 | |
Establishing a harassment policy. | |
Increasing the Finance Department's change Fund. | |
Economic Diversification Plan | |
Declaring certain property surplus and authorizing sale. | |
Authorizing the Use of Collection Agencies for referral of uncollected accounts and specifying procedures. | |
Amending the Comprehensive Park Plan and Transportation Chapter of the Oak Harbor Comprehensive Plan. | |
Relating to the establishment of an Interim Urban Growth Area boundary and authorizing the Mayor to sign an Interlocal Interim urban Growth Area Agreement for local government cooperation. | |
Authorizing Sale of a Boat for “Marina Charges” | |
Establishing a Procedure to Secure Written or Telephonic Quotations from Vendors. | |
Adopting policies for implementing the Family Medical Leave Act and Chapter 49.78 of the RCW. | |
Reso. amending reso 93-01 providing for changes to the Preliminary Plat of Eagle Crest allowing for a change in location for the left turn lane. | |
A reso of the City of Oak Harbor, Washington, approving a map as the official record of the location and boundaries of schools and school bus route stops, as well as areas within 1,000 feet of school bus routes stops and the perimeter of school grounds in order to implement enhanced penalties for unlawful drug activities in those areas. | |
Authorizing sale of motor vessel Sea Otter, documentation No. 209733. | |
1992 Resolutions | |
Increasing Change Fund Police Dept | |
Approving contract with Mithun Partners (City Shop) | |
A greater United States share of Fraser River salmon and for federal funds for salmon enhancement. | |
Recognizing two Oak Harbor Police Officers for bravery. | |
Amending Oak Harbor Comprehensive Land Use Plan (with respect to future parks in the southwest expansion of the City. | |
1993-1998 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. | |
Reso approving Preliminary Plat #1-92 of Fireside, Divisions #2 and #3, and authorizing filing and recordation therefor subject to conditions imposed. | |
Resolution authorizing sale of a boat for “Marina Charges.” | |
Resolution increasing Fire department’s change fund to the sum of (200.00). | |
Resolution approving preliminary plat #3-92 of Materne’s First Addition. | |
Resolution authorizing application for funding for an outdoor recreation project to the Interagency committee for Outdoor Recreation as provided by the Marine Recreation Land Act. | |
Resolution setting a public hearing for a petition for vacation of certain property. | |
Resolution amending the Oak Harbor Comprehensive Land Use Plan in respect to future trails. | |
Resolution setting up a panel for disability compliance. | |
1991 Resolutions | |
Supporting President George Bush with regards to the conflict in the Middle East. | |
Adopting Island County Moderate-Risk Waste Management Plan. | |
Approving a contract with URS pertaining to additions to the City's sanitary sewer system. | |
Establishing Public Works petty cash. | |
Authorizing a grant application to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation. | |
Declaring the month of May “Older Americans” month. | |
Preliminary Plat Spring Time #1 | |
School Levy Support | |
Recognizing Police Dog Conan as a retired member of the Police Department. | |
1992-1997 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Prg | |
Resolution with Certifications of compliance | |
Resolution increasing the Senior Center's Petty Cash fund and create a change fund for the Police Department | |
Amending the 1987 Comprehensive Land Use Plan (Massey Goldie Road Annexation. | |
Enhanced 9-1-1- Service | |
Approval of Construction Bond & Maint & Operation Oak Harbor School District #201 | |
Opposing initiatives 559 | |
Preliminary Plat #2-91 - Harborview Estates | |
Interlocal agreement with Island Co. for Solid Waste Management. | |
1990 Resolutions | |
Limiting expenditures by Councilmembers after losing an election. | |
Interlocal agreement with Skagit Valley College for the development and operation of a joint library facility on certain property owned by Skagit Valley College. | |
Exchanging property with Island County for purposes of providing an adequate site for the Island County District Court and providing the City possible property for use as a fire station. | |
Increasing the Finance Office Change Fund to the sum of Two Hundred Dollars. | |
City Council of Oak Harbor asking for voters approval of School Levy Set for Election on May 15, 1990. | |
Authorizing a grant application to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation as provided by the Marine Recreation Land Act. | |
1991-1996 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program | |
Establishing the policy of the City of Oak Harbor with respect to certain terms of employment with the City. | |
Establishing a merit pay program for employees. | |
Increasing the City Clerk's Petty cash fund | |
Authorizing sale of a boat for Marina charges. | |
Capital Facilities Plan. | |
Contract with URS Sanitary Sewer Improvements. | |
Contract with Paul Running & Assoc Recycling Prg. | |
Establishing Regional Transportation Planning. | |
Establishing the policy of the City of Oak Harbor with respect to certain terms of employment. | |
Authorizing sale of a boat for “marina charges”. | |
Increasing the Police Department's Petty Cash. | |
Adopting the Island County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan Update. | |
Designating Oak Harbor's Agent for obtaining Federal and State Emergency and/or Disaster assistance Funds. | |
1989 Resolutions | |
Reso. supporting levy request of Sno-Island Library | |
Preliminary Plat of Cascade Village #2-88 | |
Approving an agreement w/Greater Oak Harbor Chamber of Commerce | |
Authorizing sale of a boat for marina charges | |
Approving a Preliminary Plat of Piper Heights, Division #1 and authorizing filing and recordation thereof subject to conditions imposed. | |
Adopting a Park Comprehensive Plan | |
Adopting the 1989-1994 Park Capital Improvement Program | |
Adopting modifications to the City of Oak Harbor Deferred Compensation Program to bring the same into compliance with TAMRA. | |
Endorsing the 1989 Whidbey Island Dixieland Jazz Festival. | |
Adopting a Comprehensive Sewerage Plan. | |
Establishing the policy of the City of Oak Harbor with respect to certain terms of employment with the City. | |
Requesting the State of Washington Department of Transportation reconsideration of its position with regard to left turn traffic signals at SR20 and 700 Avenue West. | |
Amending the 1987 Comprehensive Land Use Plan (Oak Tree Investment Rezone #5-88). | |
Setting a public hearing for vacation of certain property. | |
Complying with Section 89 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended. | |
Authorizing an agreement for improvement to water system. | |
Six Year Transportation Improvement 1990-1995. | |
Approving an interlocal Agreement with Island County for construction of improvements at and near Cackle Corner (intersection of SR 20, Fort Nugent Road, and Swantown Road)> | |
Alleged certain public nuisance conditions on described property. | |
Consultant contract with Makers. | |
Approving a preliminary plat of Heatherwood Heights #2-89. | |
1988 Resolutions | |
Establishing a procedure to secure written or telephonic quotations from vendors | |
Amending the 1987 comprehensive land use plan (Embleton/Christensen). | |
Amending the 1987 comprehensive land use plan (Puget power) | |
Approving contract with DOT for financial participation for construction 625 W from SR-20 to 80 NW. | |
Amend the city of Oak Harbor Senior Center Advisory Board by-laws. | |
Requesting the state legislature to study and improve traffic laws relating to pedestrians. | |
1988-1993 capital improvement program | |
Authorizing a grant application to the IAC committee. | |
Enter into and authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement and the federal aid prospectus. | |
1989-1994 Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program. | |
Approving a Preliminary Plat Of Kimball Heights, Division 4 & 5 | |
Adopting Comprehensive Water System Plan. | |
Adopting Capital Improvement Plan. | |
Amending Reso. #88-10 | |
Approving Contract With PEI Consultants, Engineering Services - Water System Improvement. | |
Adopting Certain Generally Accepted Accounting Principals For Capital Assets. | |
Authorizing Extension Of Concession Agreement. | |
Approving Contract With McDowell & Associates | |
County Health Department | |
Setting A Public Hearing For Petition For Vacation Of Certain Property. | |
Supporting Levy Request Of Sno-Isle Regional Library | |
Setting A Public Hearing For Vacation Of Certain Property | |
Allowance For Volunteer Firemen | |
1987 Resolutions | |
Approving a preliminary plat of Spring Hill, Division 3, and authorizing filing and recordation thereof subject to conditions imposed. | |
Approving Contract with North Whidbey Chamber of Commerce for tourist promotion as authorized under RCW 35.21.700. | |
Directing the Oak Harbor Planning Commission to develop general planning and zoning amendments concerning shopping centers and the SR-20 CORRIDOR. | |
Approving Contract with Architects Calvin Jordan & Associates for design phase, preparation of contract specifications and construction supervision. | |
Approving a labor agreement dated January 1, 1987 to December 31, 1988 with the Oak Harbor Police Association which amends the original agreement. | |
Providing for a tax exempt benefit program for certain employees. | |
Providing for designation of exempt positions for the Fair Labor Standards Act. | |
Authorizing the City of Oak Harbor to participate in the Washington Cities Insurance Authority to jointly self-insure it's general liabilities, and. | |
Purchasing insurance for 1987-1988 from private companies instead of the Washington Cities' Insurance Pool. | |
Establishing petty cash funds. | |
Amending the Oak Harbor Comprehensive Land Use Plan. | |
Providing for designation of exempt positions for the Fair Labor Standards Act. | |
Establishing the policy of the City of Oak Harbor with respect to certain terms of employment with the City. | |
Amending the Comprehensive Plan of 1980 allowing commercial development along the highway between 700th Avenue and Pioneer Way. | |
Amending the Comprehensive Plan of 1980 allowing commercial development along the highway between 700th Avenue and Pioneer Way. | |
Authorizing the Mayor of the City of Oak Harbor to enter into an agreement for the expansion of the Oak Harbor Marina. | |
Adopting the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 1988-1993. | |
Approving acquisition of sewage treatment facilities by lease. | |
Supporting the NAS Whidbey Island Air Installations Compatible Use Zones (AICUZ) Program. | |
Requesting a review of regulations and management practices of the Skagit River salmon fishery. | |
Approving a preliminary plat of Highlands West, Division #4, and authorizing filing and recordation thereof subject to conditions imposed. | |
Extending the time limit for completion of all lots in Harborview Mobile Home Park. | |
Supporting construction of a Navy Exchange operated lodge facility for transient military personnel. | |
Authorizing acceptance of a grant and the signing of a contract for the grant. | |
Establishing petty cash funds. | |
Approving a contract with URS Corporation for costs to design certain improvements to the City's wastewater treatment facilities. | |
Adopting the 1987 Comprehensive Plan. | |
Approving Contract with Paul Upchurch, or his agent, for leasing of a portion of the “300 Building” as office space. | |
Approving a contract amendment with architects, Calvin Jordan and Associates, Inc., for certain off-site improvements and construction supervision. | |
Approving a contract with Fakkema and Kingma, Inc. for surveying and design costs for certain improvements to 80 N.W. Street from 700 Avenue West to 625 Avenue West and 625 Avenue West from 80 N.W. Street to SR 20. | |
1986 Resolutions | |
Approving an Interlocal Agreement with Island County for Joint Planning and Review between Island County and the City of Oak Harbor. | |
Setting allowance and reimbursement amounts for firemen and officers. | |
Dissolving the Interlocal Agreement with Island County for Joint Project Participants. | |
Establishing the policy of the City of Oak Harbor with respect to certain terms of employment with the City. | |
Supporting measure HB 1419 allowing local governments to lift the 106% property tax lid for certain purposes and for a limited number of years. | |
Requesting the State Legislature and its members to defeat SB 3611 and thereby allow local communities to continue to regulate mobile homes as they deem fit and proper within the parameters of laws now existing. | |
Approving a labor agreement with the Oak Harbor Police Association amending the Agreement from January 1, 1986 to December 31, 1987. | |
Authorizing the Mayor to designate an electrical engineer to do consulting work for the City with regard to installation of an emergency generator for the public safety building. | |
Setting a public hearing for a petition for a vacation of certain property. | |
Authorizing the Mayor to designate an engineering firm to do consulting work for the City with regard to update of the City's Water Comprehensive Plan in accordance with the Washington State Public Water System Coordination Act. | |
Authorizing the Mayor to designate an architect to provide architectural design services for the City with regard to expansion of the existing Police Department. | |
Adopting the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 1987-1992. | |
Authorizing application for funding assistance for an outdoor recreation project to the Interagency Committee For Outdoor Recreation as provided by the Marine Recreation Land Act. | |
Applying the Fair Labor Standards Act to all employees of the City of Oak Harbor. | |
Approving a preliminary plat of Eastview Estates and authorizing filing and recordation thereof subject to conditions imposed. | |
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into agreements with Fakkema and Kingma, Inc. for survey services, MacCauley and Associates for appraisal services and URS Corporation for technical and engineering services regarding negotiation with the United States Navy for use of the wastewater stabilization ponds presently owned and operated by the Navy on the Seaplane Base. | |
Adopting the Capital Improvement Plan for the City of Oak Harbor. | |
Authorizing abandonment of a drainage easement in the City of Oak Harbor. | |
Approving the plan for Marina expansion. | |
Encouraging the Oak Harbor School District to take advantage of the environmental education programs available from Island County/ Washington State Dept. of Ecology. | |
Relating to petition for IAC funding and assurance of City financing. | |
Adopting the 1987-1992 Park Capital Improvement Program. | |
Authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement between the City of Oak Harbor and Island County establishing a roadway maintenance plan. | |
Authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement between the City of Oak Harbor and UPS Corporation to provide a Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan for the City of Oak Harbor. | |
Authorizing the Mayor of the City of Oak Harbor to enter into an agreement for the expansion of the Oak Harbor Marina. | |
Approving a contract with Island County Fire District No. 2. | |
1985 Resolutions | |
Authorizing sale at public auction of vessel with delinquent moorage charges. | |
Approving contract for City Engineer. | |
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the County for health services in the form hereto attached. | |
Authorizing Bent Jensen to sign contracts, contract modifications and vouchers. | |
Authorizing a signing of a contract for Community Development Block Grant Contract No. B-85-DC-53-0001-8507. | |
Authorizing employing of an architect. | |
Pledging support for the 1985 Whidbey Island Armed Services YMCA Partner Membership Enrollment Program. | |
Modifying the Comprehensive Plan. | |
Modifying the Comprehensive Plan. | |
Approving a preliminary plat of Colonial Court and authorizing filing and recordation thereof subject to conditions imposed. | |
Contracting for addendum to the County Solid Waste Management Plan. | |
Authorizing a temporary hookup to the Oak Harbor sewage system prior to annexation. | |
Authorizing the Mayor of the City of Oak Harbor to enter into an agreement for the expansion of the Oak Harbor Marina. | |
Authorizing the Mayor of the City of Oak Harbor to enter into an agreement for Sewer System Planning and Analysis. | |
Authorizing a new printing of the Moorage Agreement. | |
Setting allowance and reimbursement amounts for firemen and officers. | |
Authorizing property exchange with Prominent Properties. | |
Authorizing a grant application to the InterAgency Committee For Outdoor Recreation as provided by the Marine Recreation Land Act. | |
Amending the Oak Harbor Comprehensive Land Use Plan. | |
Amending the Oak Harbor Comprehensive Land Use Plan. | |
Authorizing the Mayor to designate an electrical engineer to do consulting work for the City with regard to installation of an emergency generator for the public safety building. | |
Adopting the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 1986-1991. | |
Adopting the 1986-1991 Park Capital Improvement Program. | |
Authorizing the application for a Title II Construction Grant. | |
Approving a contract with URS Company for construction engineering services for a 42" storm drain line. | |
Approving contract with URS, an engineering firm, for engineering services for the design of a sludge disposal facility. | |
Allowing delay in installation of greenbelts at Harborview Mobile Home Park. | |
Authorizing the Clerk-Treasurer to order for delivery and payment without calling for bids, supplies, materials and/or equipment from or through the U.S. government. | |
Designating an official newspaper. | |
Approving an Interlocal Agreement with Island County for Ft. Nugent/Swantown Road Construction. | |
Regarding annexation policies for the City of Oak Harbor. | |
Relating to financing of 42" storm drain line. | |
Approving application for grant from Referendum 38 funds for obtaining fluoridation equipment. | |
Adopting the Island County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan in its final draft dated March 1985 together with Amendment No. 1 in final draft dated July 17, 1985. | |
Authorizing the Mayor of the City of Oak Harbor to enter into an agreement for the street improvements of 300 Avenue West and 30 N.W. Street. | |
Amending the Comprehensive Plan by adding annexation policies. | |
Making certain changes to the work and salary structure for certain positions in City employment. | |
Approving a Professional Services Contract with URS Corporation for Engineering Services. | |
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the County for health services for 1986 and 1987 in the form hereto attached. | |
Approving a contract with Island County Fire District No. 2. | |
1984 Resolutions | |
Declaring the intention of the City Council to improve a certain area within the City by the construction and installation of storm sewer mains and laterals and by doing all work necessary in connection therewith and installing asphaltic concrete paving and fixing a time and place for the hearing thereon. | |
Approving a preliminary plat of Cedar Glen, Division #1 and authorizing filing and recordation thereof subject to conditions imposed. | |
Establishing a loading zone. | |
Approving a preliminary plat of Olympic Gardens, Division #2 and authorizing filing and recordation thereof subject to conditions imposed. | |
Terminating the City's contribution to the medical self-insurance program. | |
Authorizing a grant application to the. Interagency Committee For Outdoor Recreation as provided by the. Marine Recreation Land Act. | |
Authorizing agreement on emergency services cooperation among governmental units of the Island. | |
Adopting the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 1985-1990. | |
Approving a preliminary plat of Hobday Park subject to conditions. imposed. | |
Adopting the 1984-1989 Park Capital Improvement Program. | |
Approving a preliminary plat of Timberlane, Division #2 and authorizing filing and recordation thereof subject to conditions imposed. | |
Approving a preliminary plat of Cedar Glen, Division #2, and authorizing filing and recordation thereof subject to conditions imposed. | |
Authorizing execution of an agreement for SCAN service. | |
Authorizing the Mayor to sign contracts with Bensmiller Computer Systems, Inc. and Edens Systems, Inc. to provide the “software” and services therein described. | |
Setting a public hearing for a petition for vacation of certain property. | |
Agreeing to preconditions for Community Development Block Grant. | |
Approving a preliminary plat of Forest Meadow and authorizing filing and recordation thereto subject to conditions imposed. | |
Adopting a grievance procedure, a self-evaluation, and a transition plan for structural changes regarding Federal Revenue Sharing Regulations. | |
Setting a public hearing for a petition for vacation of certain property. | |
Setting a public hearing for a petition for vacation of certain property. | |
Authorizing sale at public auction of vessel with delinquent moorage charges. | |
Approving a preliminary plat of Spring Hill, Division #3, and authorizing filing and recordation thereof subject to conditions imposed. | |
Declaring the intention of the City Council to improve a certain area within the City by the construction and, installation of storm sewer mains and laterals and by doing all work necessary in connection therewith and installing asphaltic concrete paving and fixing a time and place for the hearing thereon. | |
Authorizing a contract for purchase of land. | |
Authorizing the Mayor to sign a mutual aid agreement with other local governmental units for 1985 in the form presented at Council Meeting. | |
Authorizing the Oak Harbor Police Department to order a Dictagraph Multichannel Telephone Recorder. | |
1983 Resolutions | |
Setting allowance and reimbursement amounts for firemen and officers. | |
Authorizing sale of certain property originally purchased for use in connection with the sewage treatment plant. | |
Petitioning Department of Labor and Industries to be appointed as local agency to inspect installation of mobile homes. | |
Adopting the 1983-1987 Park Capital Improvement Program. | |
Authorizing a grant application to the Interagency Committee For Outdoor Recreation as provided by the Marine Recreation Land Act. | |
Approving preliminary plat of Ridgehaven. | |
Authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement between the City of Oak Harbor and Island County establishing a roadway maintenance plan. | |
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into and execute an Agreement giving Lake Union Air certain landing rights at the Oak Harbor Marina. | |
Establishing a self-insurance program for employee medical benefits. | |
Approving a preliminary plat of Forest Glen and authorizing filing and recordation thereof subject to conditions imposed. | |
Adopting the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 1984-1989. | |
Approving an updated Comprehensive Park Plan. | |
Approving a preliminary plat of Cedar Glen and authorizing filing and recordation thereof subject to conditions imposed. | |
Declaring a nuisance related to fire hazards caused by growth of weeds and grass. | |
Adopting a plan to coordinate response to emergencies in the water areas of Oak Harbor. | |
Applying for Community Development Block Grant. | |
Approving a preliminary plat of Carlton Heights, Division #3 and authorizing filing and recordation thereof subject to conditions imposed. | |
Urging reconsideration of a proposed treaty between the United States of America and Canada. | |
Approving a preliminary plat of Heritage North, Division #3 and authorizing filing and recordation thereof subject to conditions imposed. | |
Accepting the contract between the City of Oak Harbor and Winterburn Construction for Phase I of City Beach Park as complete. | |
Withdrawing from the Island County Public Transportation Benefit Area. | |
Changing work and salary structure for certain positions in City employment. | |
1982 Resolutions | |
Providing for a representative to acquire federal surplus property from the Washington State Agency for Surplus Property. | |
Establishing petty cash funds. | |
Establishing a VISA account for City of Oak Harbor, Washington. | |
Setting hearing on street vacation petition. | |
Designating hazardous materials incident command agency as required by law. | |
Adopting the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 1983-1988. | |
Setting hearing on street vacation petition. | |
Adopting the preliminary plats of Uplands West No. 2 and Timberlane. | |
Establishing petty cash fund for City Clerk. | |
Approving plans of State of Washington Highway Department for signals at SR 20 and 900 West and SR 20 and Goldie Road. | |
Applying for Community Development Block Grant. | |
Protecting Garry oak trees. | |
Changing work and salary structure for certain positions in City employment. | |
Supporting legislative or legal action or both to relieve or alleviate the detrimental impact of the Boldt Decision. | |
Directing City Treasurer to apportion interest earned on short term interest bearing accounts or instruments to current expense fund. | |
1981 Resolutions | |
Setting allowance and reimbursement amounts for firemen and officers. | |
Declaring certain city property as surplus and directing sale of such said property. | |
Authorizing applications for funding assistance for an outdoor recreation project to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation as provided by the Marine Recreation Land Act. | |
Adopting the Six Year Improvement Program 1982-1987. | |
Declaring a nuisance under Chapter 6.20 of the Oak Harbor Municipal Code referring to fire hazards caused by growth of grass, shrubs, bushes, trees or other vegetation. | |
Declaring a nuisance under Chapter 6.20 of the Oak Harbor Municipal Code referring to fire hazards caused by growth of grass, shrubs, bushes, trees or other vegetation. | |
Creating a variance for a mobile home park known as Terrace Mobile Home Court. | |
Creating a variance for a mobile home park known as Harborview Mobile Home Park. | |
Providing guidelines for the legal advisor of an organization that is purchasing annuity contracts for its employees and/or independent contractors from the Hartford Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company. | |
Creating a variance for a mobile home park known as 70th N.E. Street Mobile Home Court. | |
Amending Res. 7-81, variance for a mobile home park known as Terrace Mobile Home Court. | |
1980 Resolutions | |
Amending Employee Rules and Regulations. | |
Appropriating certain funds from the Fire Department Reserve Fund. | |
Adopting Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law in Rezone Application No. 8-79. | |
Increasing the Harbormaster 's Change Fund to the sum of two hundred dollars. | |
Abolishing Petty Cash Fund for the City Attorney. | |
Adopting Six Year Improvement Program 1981-1986. | |
Authorizing applications for funding assistance for an outdoor recreation project to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation as provided by the Marine Recreation Land Act. | |
Authorizing applications for funding assistance for an outdoor recreation project to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation as provided by the Marine Recreation Land Act. | |
Adopting Comprehensive Park Plan and 1981-1986 Park Capital Improvement Plan. | |
Releasing easement granted to the City in document recorded under Auditor's File No. 307152. | |
Declaring certain city property as surplus, directing the sale of such property and that the funds from such sale be deposited in the fire department's cumulative reserve equipment fund. | |
Authorizing the Mayor of Oak Harbor to sign an agreement for the City of Oak Harbor with Island County establishing a system of solid waste disposal. | |
Declaring certain city property as surplus, directing the sale of such property and directing the funds from such said sale be deposited in the general revenue account. | |
Declaring certain city property as surplus, direct the sale of such said property. | |
Adopting the 1980 Comprehensive Plan for the City of Oak Harbor. | |
Dedicating Well Sites 5, 6, 7 and 8 for park purposes. | |
Amending certain sections of Employee Rules and Regulations as set forth under City of Oak Harbor Council Resolution No. 1-79 and amendments thereto under Resolution 1-80. | |
Transferring funds from the Municipal Reserve to the Sewer Department as a loan. | |
1979 Resolutions | |
Establishing terms of employment with city | |
Amending Res. 21-74, marina change fund | |
Establishing petty cash funds | |
Authorizing negotiation for correction of property line adjoining Midway Blvd. | |
Authorizing negotiation for correction of property line adjoining Midway Blvd. | |
Adopting right-of-way acquisition procedures | |
Adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law for Olympic Gardens rezone applications | |
Approving agreement with Washington State Department of Transportation regarding federal aid project no. M-7762(1) | |
Adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law for Harbor Lands Company rezone application | |
Adopting six-year street construction schedule | |
Adopting urban arterial street plan | |
Setting allowance and reimbursement amounts for firemen and officers | |
Proving for reimbursement of certain expenses of elected officials and employees | |
Approving agreement with county on care of wards of juvenile court in city jail | |
Adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law for Oak harbor Lutheran Church rezone application | |
Adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law for William L. Massey rezone application | |
Adopting findings for comprehensive plan amendment | |
Adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law for Edmond D. Bridges et al. rezone application | |
Adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law for George B. Mahler rezone application | |
Declaring items surplus | |
Amending six-year street construction program | |
Establishing procedure for vendor quotations | |
Evidencing support of Section 402 of Public Law 93-618, 93rd Congress, H.R. 10710 | |
1978 Resolutions | |
Adopting revised job classification and salary range designation | |
Approving application for preliminary loan for low-rent public housing | |
Approving cooperation agreement with county housing authority | |
Setting hearing on street vacation petition | |
Amending cooperation agreement with county housing authority | |
Adopting solid waste plan | |
Declaring intent to construct storm sewer mains | |
Declaring intent to construct storm sewer mains | |
Adopting six-year street construction program | |
Adopting urban arterial street plan | |
Approving settlement of suit against Francis A. Johnson | |
Approving settlement of suit against Kurt L. Hendricks et al. | |
Setting allowance and reimbursement amounts for firemen and officers | |
Loan transfer from cumulative municipal reserve to sewer department | |
1977 Resolutions | |
Supporting mixed use concept for central business district | |
Approving inclusion of areas in city in petition for Whidbey Island park and recreation district | |
Adopting six-year street construction program | |
Amending comprehensive plan | |
Authorizing settlement of suit against Reid Middleton & Associates | |
Establishing equal employment opportunity policy and creating affirmative action program | |
Adopting joint SR-20 corridor study | |
Amending Res. 13-76, floating holiday eligibility | |
Amending Res. 12-75, terms of employment | |
1976 Resolutions | |
Commemorating golden anniversary of Skagit Valley College | |
Adopting six-year street construction program | |
Approving public service employment CETA contract modification | |
Declaring intent to construct storm sewer mains | |
Setting hearing on street vacation petition | |
Authorizing joint agreement between city and county planning commissions | |
Declaring vehicles surplus | |
Transfer from promotional fund to street fund | |
Approving condemnation proceedings | |
Defining water service areas | |
Setting hearing on street vacation petition | |
Agreeing to automatic extension of urban area boundaries to conform with annexations | |
Amending Res. 12-75, overtime pay and holidays | |
Loan transfer from cumulative municipal reserve to water department | |
Authorizing petition to county for inclusion of city in justice court district | |
1975 Resolutions | |
Establishing petty cash fund for fire department | |
Flood hazards | |
Building permit application review for flood hazards | |
Designating expenditures of revenue sharing funds | |
Renewing cooperation agreement with Housing Authority of Island County | |
Adopting six-year street construction program | |
Warrant for settlement of condemnation proceedings | |
Declaring surplus property | |
Declaring environmental nonsignificance of floating breakwater construction for marina | |
Establishing terms of employment | |
1974 Resolutions | |
Reaffirming environmental report for marina project | |
Environmental assessment for city hall addition | |
Declaring environmental nonsignificance of 900th Ave. W street improvement | |
Environmental impact of comprehensive plan update | |
Establishing petty cash fund for city attorney’s office | |
Establishing petty cash fund for police court judge’s office | |
Job descriptions, salary and classification schedule | |
Denying claim by Stanley B. Morgan Jr. | |
Mercury vapor lights contract with Puget Sound Power & Light Company | |
Designating expenditures of revenue sharing funds | |
Appropriating cumulative reserve funds | |
Approving 900th Ave. W urban arterial project | |
Adopting comprehensive plan | |
Adopting standard specifications for municipal public works construction | |
Designating mayor as representative for grant applications for wastewater facilities | |
Transferring funds to police department for narcotics control | |
Setting hearing for surplussing right-of-way | |
Adopting six-year street construction program | |
Annual review of items from traffic study | |
Setting hearing on street vacation petition | |
Advancing change fund to harbor master | |
Transfer from road and street construction fund to U.A.B. #3 fund | |
Transfer from street department storm sewer capital outlay fund to U.A.B. #2 fund | |
Amending personnel rules and regulations | |
1973 Resolutions | |
Transfer from professional fees and services to personal services | |
Adopting six-year capital improvement program for recreational facilities | |
Authorizing funding assistance application for outdoor recreation project | |
Making police vehicle available for other city use | |
Repayment of loan from general fund | |
Permitting construction of small boat harbor and marina | |
Adopting engineering report for small boat harbor and marina | |
Appointing mayor as liaison officer for boat moorage facilities funds application | |
Declaring intent to adopt classification of noncharter code city without reorganization | |
Setting public hearing on annexation petition | |
Adopting six-year street construction program | |
Establishing petty cash fund for police department | |
Appropriating funds for purchase of Osburn property for water system facilities | |
Nuisance abatement | |
Establishing petty cash fund for city clerk’s department | |
Approving easement for Department of the Navy | |
Transfers between funds | |
Establishing personnel rules and regulations | |
Setting public hearing on annexation petition | |
Accepting environmental study on proposed Ault Field pumping plant | |
Setting hearing on surplussing right-of-way | |
Approving fence construction contract with Skagit Valley Community College District No. 4 | |
1972 Resolutions | |
Authorizing acquisition of water line easements | |
Transfer from cumulative reserve fund to water fund | |
Transfer from general fund to street fund | |
Permitting improvement and widening of portions of 200th Ave. SW and E Pioneer Way | |
Application for purchase of surplus federal land | |
Adopting six-year construction program | |
Accepting water line construction | |
Transfer from magistrates association expenses to extra clerk hire fund | |
Authorizing municipal water pumping contract with Puget Sound Power & Light Company | |
Setting hearing on vacation of portion of East Pioneer Way | |
1971 Resolutions | |
Approving alterations to temporary classroom portable buildings at junior high school | |
Approving water contract with Navy | |
Approving participation in federal rent supplement program | |
Adopting six-year construction program | |
Authorizing easement | |
Authorizing municipal water pumping contract with Puget Sound Power & Light Company | |
Authorizing financial assistance application for Acorn Marina development | |
Adopting six-year capital improvement program for recreational facilities | |
Approving water services contract with city of Anacortes | |
1970 Resolutions | |
Authorizing island regional planning council | |
Appointing James Hay as attorney for HUD application | |
Approving community improvement program | |
Adopting six-year street construction schedule | |
Designating parking control areas | |
Nuisance abatement | |
Approving application of Section 23 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 as amended | |
Establishing personnel rules and regulations | |
Transfer from accumulated police reserve fund to general fund | |
Garbage dump public access hours | |
Declares existence of blighted areas | |
Approving preparation of general neighborhood renewal plan | |
1969 Resolutions | |
Designating holidays for city employees | |
Authorizing application for federal funds for sewage system improvements | |
Authorizing contract with Puget Sound Power & Light Company for municipal water pumping | |
Authorizing contract with Puget Sound Power & Light Company for municipal water pumping | |
1968 Resolutions | |
Authorizing application for funding assistance for outdoor recreation project | |
Including spending on mini-harbor in cost of overall marina development | |
Appropriating funds for land fill and harbor dredging | |
Appropriating funds for sewer system improvements | |
Authorizing contract with Puget Sound Power & Light Company for municipal water pumping | |
Submitting propositions to voters for property tax increase | |
Authorizing application for funding assistance for outdoor recreation project | |
1967 Resolutions | |
Sidewalk construction | |
Establishing R-1-T zone classification | |
Setting hearing on R-1-T zone classification | |
Setting hearing on rezone | |
Setting hearing on R-1-T zone classification | |
Setting hearing on rezone | |
Setting hearing on rezone | |
Setting fee for carnival sponsored by local fraternal or civic organization | |
Setting hearing on street vacation petition | |
Setting hearing on street vacation petition | |
Setting hearing on rezone | |
Setting hearing on rezone | |
Appointing mayor pro tempore | |
1966 Resolutions | |
Approving application for preliminary loan for low-rent public housing | |
Sidewalk construction | |
Declaring need for housing authority to operate in city | |
Authorizing cooperation agreement with county housing authority | |
Informing state highway department of critical traffic situation on Highway 525 | |
Workable program on low housing rental | |
Setting hearing on adoption of code of ordinances | |
Approving control of vehicle parking on part of State Highway 525 | |
1965 Resolutions | |
Approving application for planning and development fund loan for boat basin | |
Approving agreement with J.W. Copeland Yards of Washington for property transfer | |
Setting hearing on annexation petition | |
Setting hearing on annexation petition | |
Setting hearing on annexation petition | |
Setting hearing on annexation petition | |
Street lighting | |
Offering acquisition of county property | |
Setting hearing on street vacation petition | |
Approving application for Section 701 matching funds for comprehensive planning survey | |
1964 Resolutions | |
Adopting street improvement program | |
Submitting proposition to electors for change of classification to third class city | |
Declaring result of election on third class city status | |
Street lighting | |
Entertaining annexation petition | |
Setting hearing on annexation petition | |
Setting hearing on zoning of annexed property | |
1963 Resolutions | |
Authorizing reservation of fuel tax allotments for traffic striping of streets | |
Taking option to increase maximum salary for employee retirement contribution calculation | |
Setting hearing for street vacation petition | |
1961 Resolutions | |
Classifying arterial streets | |
Setting hearing on street vacation petition | |
Authorizing investment of surplus reserve funds | |
Classifying arterial streets | |
Adopting six-year comprehensive street program | |
Police vehicle lease | |
1960 Resolutions | |
Transfer from fire department accumulated reserve to current expense operating fund | |
Transfer from LID #2 construction fund to LID #2 bond redemption | |
Transfer form LID #5 construction fund to current expense fund | |
Transfer from LID guaranty fund to sewer operating fund | |
Transfer from investment and accumulative reserve to building fund | |
Transfer from police accumulated reserve to current expense fund | |
Transfers from garbage accumulated reserve and garbage investment fund to current expense fund | |
Closure of garbage accumulated reserve fund | |
Allocating funds for permanent street surfacing | |
Authorizing striping of town streets | |
1959 Resolutions | |
Recording salaries for town employees | |
Loan transfer from current expense fund to general obligation bond redemption fund | |
Retaining counsel for bond issuance | |
1958 Resolutions | |
Approving estimate for LID No. 3 work | |
Approving voucher for sewer line installation | |
Approving estimate for LID No. 5 work | |
Approving statement for legal services | |
Approving statement for engineering services | |
Setting hearing on LID No. 3 | |
Approving statement for LID No. 5 work | |
Approving statement for engineering services | |
Transfer from LID No. 3 construction fund to current expense fund | |
Approving estimate for LID No. 5 work | |
Approving statement for engineering services | |
Setting hearing on annexation petition | |
Setting hearing on annexation petition | |
Setting hearing on annexation petition | |
Approving statement for engineering services | |
Approving statement for engineering services | |
Approving statement for engineering services | |
Approving statement for road restoration | |
Accepting statement for LID No. 5 contract | |
Drawing warrant for legal services | |
Providing for issuance of LID No. 3 bonds | |
Approving statement for legal services | |
Approving statement for printing of bonds | |
Approving statement for legal services | |
Setting hearing on LID No. 5 assessment roll | |
Approving ingress/egress easement at beach park | |
Transfer from organizational fund for LID No. 5 to sewer fund | |
28-58 | Accepting statement for LID No. 5 work |
Setting hearing on sewer easement vacation petition | |
Accepting statement for engineering services | |
Retaining counsel for bond issuance | |
Placing bond issuance on ballot for town hall and fire hall construction | |
Drawing warrant against LID No. 5 fund | |
Providing for issuance of LID No. 5 bonds | |
Setting hearing on easement vacation petition | |
Providing for issuance of LID No. 5 bonds; repeals Res. 33-58 | |
Transfer from general fund to LID No. 5 fund | |
Drawing warrants on LID No. 5 construction fund | |
1957 Resolutions | |
Approving estimate for sanitation plant construction work (contract III) | |
Approving estimate for sanitation plant construction work (contract III) | |
Favoring formation of local improvement district | |
Accepting construction work on sanitation plant | |
Declaring intent to construct sewer mains | |
Creating sewer fund for LID No. 3 | |
Authorizing payment for road restoration | |
Authorizing payment for peat hauling | |
Designating Oak Harbor News as official newspaper | |
Approving statement for engineering services | |
Transfer from LID #3 to sewer fund | |
Approving statement for engineering services | |
Approving estimate for LID No. 3 work | |
Transfer from organization fund for LID No. 5 | |
38-57 | Loan transfer from sewer fund to organization fund for LID No. 5 |
Declaring intent to construct sewer mains | |
Approving statement for engineering services | |
Approving estimate for LID No. 3 work | |
Setting hearing on alley vacation petition | |
Approving statement for legal services | |
Approving estimate for LID No. 3 work | |
Approving statement for engineering services | |
Approving contributions to LID No. 5 construction costs | |
Approving voucher for LID No. 5 engineering | |
Awarding contract for LID No. 5 construction | |
Approving estimate for LID No. 3 work | |
Approving statement for engineering services | |
1956 Resolutions | |
Setting hearing on rezone | |
Setting hearing on petition relating to alley | |
Confirming contract awards at special meeting | |
Creating sewer construction fund | |
Approving estimate for sanitation plant construction work (contract III) | |
Approving estimate for sanitation plant construction work (contract II) | |
Approving estimate for sanitation plant construction work (contract III) | |
Permitting installation of sanitary sewer line | |
Approving installation of grit ejector pump | |
Approving estimate for sanitation plant construction work (contract II) | |
Approving estimate for sanitation plant construction work (contract III) | |
Accepting construction work on sanitation plant | |
Approving estimate for sanitation plant construction work (contract III) | |
Approving estimate for sanitation plant construction work (contract III) | |
Granting extension for sanitation plant construction work (contract III) | |
Removing landscaping item from sanitation plant construction contract III | |
Approving estimate for sanitation plant construction work (contract III) | |
Approving estimate for sanitation plant construction work (contract I) | |
Approving estimate for sanitation plant construction work (contract III) | |
1955 Resolutions | |
Transfer for LID No. 2 construction fund to LID No. 2 fund | |
Approving contract for sewer system extensions | |
Accepting payment for damage to town property | |
Setting policy on water and sewer extensions | |
Authorizing engineering services for sewer facilities | |
1952 Resolutions | |
Placing ballot question on water fluoridation | |
Allowing protests to assessments | |
Providing for issuance of LID No. 1 bonds | |
1951 Resolutions | |
Declaring intent for street improvements | |
Declaring intent for annexation | |
Declaring intent for street improvements | |
Accepting bid of Everett Bros. | |
Accepting payment for fixed estimate |
Resolution number 08-03 was used twice.
Resolution number 28-58 was used twice.
Resolution number 38-57 was used twice.