Chapter 4.04
ENGINEERING FEES Revised 3/24 Revised 8/24 Revised 2/25
4.04.000 Chapter Contents
4.04.010 Assessment of fees. Revised 3/24 Revised 8/24 Revised 2/25
(Ord. 6333 §2; 2004 (reenacted section); Ord. 6333 §1, 2004 (repealed section).
4.04.010 Assessment of fees Revised 3/24 Revised 8/24 Revised 2/25
A. Commencing January 1, 2025, the following fee schedule is in full force and effect.
Application Type |
Plan Check Fees |
Engineering Fee Schedule |
Water Main Extension (For projects outside city limits, fees will increase by 25 percent) |
$514.02 + $0.50 per linear foot or part thereof |
Sewer Main Extension (For projects outside city limits, fees will increase by 25 percent) |
$514.02 + $0.50 per linear foot or part thereof |
Reclaimed Water Main or Service Extension |
$514.02+ $0.50 per linear foot or part thereof |
Streets |
$514.02 + $0.50 per linear foot or part thereof |
Curb and Sidewalk |
$514.02 + $0.50 per linear foot or part thereof |
Storm On-Site |
$682.32 + $37.00 per Acre Gross Parcel Area |
Storm Pipe |
$514.02 + $0.50 per linear foot or part thereof |
Street Lighting (For projects outside city limits, fees will increase by 25 percent) |
$514.02 + $0.50 per linear foot or part thereof |
Driveway: Commercial |
$771.02 each |
STEP Sewer System: Commercial |
$1,540.92 each |
Sewer Pump Station |
$1,768.36 each |
On-Site Community Septic System (For projects outside city limits, fees will increase by 25 percent) |
$1,540.92 each |
Traffic Signal |
$1,540.92 each |
Solid Waste Pad and/or enclosure |
$662.99 |
Landscape Plan Review |
$739.19 |
Stormwater Utility Civil Engineering Plan Review (including review of revisions) (area of new or replaced impervious surface) |
Level 1 (300-1,000 sf) |
$135.70 |
Level 2 (1,000-5,000 sf) |
$300.15 |
Level 3 (5,000 sf - 1 acre) |
$1,783.65 |
Level 4 (> 1 acre) |
$3,126.85 + $136 each additional acre or part thereof |
Planning/Zoning Review for Civil Engineering Permit Applications receiving a Land Use Review Waiver (new gross floor area) |
Projects with 0-5,000 sf |
$2,500 |
Projects with > 5,000 sf |
$5,000 |
Resubmittal Fee |
50 percent of plan review fee starting with second resubmittal after the initial application |
Application Type |
Permit/Inspection Fees |
Single Family Residential Erosion Control Inspection (up to and including 5,000 sq ft) |
$233.13 each |
Single Family Residential Erosion Control Inspection (5,001 to 20,000 sq ft) |
$289.98 |
Residential Subdivision and Commercial Site fee |
Erosion Control and LID Inspection (based on lot size) (new building sites only) |
5,001 – 20,000 sq ft |
$289.98 |
20,001 – 40,000 sq ft |
$403.71 |
40,001 – 220,000 sq ft |
$517.43 |
Over 220,000 sq ft |
$653.90 |
*Note: Subdivision is based on total subdivision until all improvements are accepted by the City, then individual lot fees apply if a permit is being issued for work that disturbs ground or requires LID |
Streets and/or Alleys |
$2.61 per linear foot or part thereof |
Curb and/or sidewalk |
$2.61 per linear foot or part thereof |
Sidewalk Fee-in-lieu (Per City Engineer Estimate) |
$85.00 per linear foot or part thereof |
Street lighting (For projects outside city limits, fees will increase by 25 percent) |
$1.94 per linear foot or part thereof |
Driveways: Residential |
$179.68 each |
Driveways: Commercial |
$896.12 each |
Sanitary Sewer Main (For projects outside city limits, fees will increase by 25 percent) |
$3.53 per linear foot or part thereof plus $2.25 per linear foot for Television Inspection |
STEP Sewer System: Residential (For projects outside city limits, fees will increase by 25 percent) |
$578.35 each |
STEP Sewer System: Commercial (For projects outside city limits, fees will increase by 25 percent) |
$1,158.82 each |
Sewer Pump Station |
$1,158.82 each |
On-Site Community Septic System (For projects outside city limits, fees will increase by 25 percent) |
$1,158.82 each |
Individual Septic Review Letter |
$227.76 each |
Sewer Lateral Connection at Main |
$418.50 each |
Sewer Lateral Connection on Property |
$167.17 each |
Storm Sewer Main |
$3.53 per linear foot or part thereof plus $2.25 per linear foot for Television Inspection |
Storm On-Site System |
$769.89 each |
Water Main (For projects outside city limits, fees will increase by 25 percent) |
$3.53 per linear foot or part thereof |
Water Connection (New) |
$227.44 each |
Water Service Abandonment |
$227.44 each |
Water Purity Sampling Test (Collected for second and subsequent tests for the same system) |
Actual Costs to be Assessed |
Water Main Shutdown (collected for second or subsequent request for the same system) |
Actual Costs to be Assessed |
Reclaimed Water Main or Service Connection |
$3.53 per linear foot or part thereof |
Reclaimed Water Connection (new) |
$227.44 each |
Reclaimed Water Sampling Test (Collected for second and subsequent tests for the same system) |
Actual Costs to be Assessed |
Reclaimed Water Main or Service Connection Shutdown (collected for second or subsequent request for the same system) |
Actual Costs to be Assessed |
Traffic Signal |
$1,791.11 each |
Solid Waste Pad and/or enclosure |
$284.30 |
Landscape |
$426.45 |
Bicycle Parking |
$358.22 |
Paving of Parking Lots (including re-paving) |
$0.07 per square foot or part thereof |
Right-of-Way Obstruction Permit (Traffic Control Plan may be required; flaggers and/or lane restrictions in place for 1 hour or less) |
$209.03 each |
Right-of-Way Obstruction Permit (Traffic Control Plan Required, flaggers and/or lane restrictions in place for more than 1 hour)1 |
$639.11 each |
Right-of-Way Excavation/Restoration (Completion Bond Required before Issuance of a Permit equal to 125 percent value of the work) |
$209.25 each |
Right-of-Way Vacation Request |
$2,209.59 each |
Latecomer Reimbursement Contract |
$2,209.59 + 5 percent Administrative Fee (5 percent of the reimbursement amount is deducted by the city for administrative fees each time the city collects a latecomer fee from a property owner within the reimbursement area) |
UGA City Utility Availability Authorization |
$199.01 each |
Long Term Right-of-Way Use Authorization for Open Right-of-Way Use per Year |
$477.63 per year |
Street Closure Permit for Temporary Moving of Structures or Equipment |
$966.63 each |
Recording Fees for Bills of Sale, Easements, Deeds, Annexation Agreements, Sewer Connection Contracts, Interim Onsite Sewage System Agreements |
$341.64 |
Recording Fees for Stormwater Maintenance Agreements |
$445.64 |
Private Utilities |
Private Utility (power, natural overhead, gas, telecommunications, CATV) (New development of systems): |
New Short Plat – (2-9 Lots) Plan Check: $255.87 Permit Fees: $90.98 |
New Long Plat – (10-25 Lots) Plan Check: $358.22 Permit Fees: $130.78 + $0.20 per linear foot or part thereof |
New Long Plat – (26+ Lots) Plan Check: $608.41 Permit Fees: $130.78 + $0.20 per linear foot or part thereof |
New Commercial: Plan Check: $347.82 Permit Fees: $113.72 |
New R-O-W Utilities (New or Extension) Plan Check: $299.08 + $1.00 per linear foot or part thereof Permit Fees: $108.04 + $0.10 per linear foot or part thereof |
Repair/Replace Existing or new lines or cable using existing infrastructure Plan Check: $299.08 Permit Fees: $108.04 + $0.10 per linear foot or part thereof New/Replace Pole: $108.04 per Each |
Resubmittal fees starting with second resubmittal after the initial application |
50 percent plan check fees |
Pavement Restoration Fee |
Base Fee |
$28.43 per square foot or part thereof |
Year 1 (new pavement) |
5X base fee |
Year 2 |
4X base fee |
Year 3 |
3X base fee |
Year 4 |
2X base fee |
Year 5 |
1X base fee |
Tree Protections and Replacement Ordinance Fee Schedule |
Tree Plan Review for New Commercial Development |
$995.06 each |
Tree Plan Review for New Multi-family Residential Development |
$1,074.66 each |
Tree Plan Review for New Subdivisions - 9 lots and less |
$824.48 each |
Tree Plan Review for New Subdivisions - 10 lots and more |
$1,074.66 + $26.00 per lot |
Tree Plan Field Inspection for New Commercial Development |
$995.06 each |
Tree Plan Field Inspection for New Multi-family Residential Development |
$1,074.66 each |
Tree Plan Field Inspection for New Subdivisions - 9 lots and less |
$824.48 each |
Tree Plan Review for New Subdivisions - 10 lots and more |
$1,074.66 +$26.00 per lot |
Tree Plan Review for Tree Trimming by Private Utility |
$392.34 + $0.10 per linear foot, or part thereof, of project |
Tree Plan Field Inspection for Tree Trimming by Private Utility |
$272.93 + $0.10 per linear foot, or part thereof, of project |
Tree Conversion Option Harvest |
$170.58 per acre, or part thereof, to $3,000.00 maximum |
Technology Fee – applicable to all permits and plan review fees |
4.1 percent of permit/plan review fee |
Fee may be waived by the Community Planning and Development Director or designee for removal of hazard trees determined to be a high risk based on a Tree Risk Assessment approved by the City’s urban forester.
(Ord. 7416 §1, 2024; Ord. 7390 §1, 2024; Ord. 7380 §1, 2023; Ord. 7351 §1, 2022; Ord. 7306 §1, 2021; Ord. 7219 §1, 2019; Ord. 7181 §1, 2019; Ord. 7164 §1, 2018; Ord. 7148 §1, 2018; Ord. 6890 §1, 2013; Ord. 6832 §1, 2012; Ord. 6790 §1, 2011; Ord. 6610 §1, 2008; Ord. 6447 §1, 2006; Ord. 6428 §1, 2006; Ord. 6333 §2; 2004 (reenacted section); Ord. 6333 §1, 2004 (repealed section); Ord. 6238 §1, 2002; Ord. 6183 §1; 2002; Ord. 6153 §1, 2001; Ord. 6059 §1, 2000; Ord. 5980 §1, 1999; Ord. 5862 §1, 1998; Ord. 5658 §1, 1996; Ord. 5577 §1, 1995; Ord. 5125 §1(part), 1990).