Chapter 4.04
ENGINEERING FEES Revised 3/24 Revised 8/24 Revised 2/25

4.04.000    Chapter Contents


4.04.010    Assessment of fees. Revised 3/24 Revised 8/24 Revised 2/25

(Ord. 6333 §2; 2004 (reenacted section); Ord. 6333 §1, 2004 (repealed section).

4.04.010 Assessment of fees Revised 3/24 Revised 8/24 Revised 2/25

A.    Commencing January 1, 2025, the following fee schedule is in full force and effect.

Application Type

Plan Check Fees

Engineering Fee Schedule

Water Main Extension (For projects outside city limits, fees will increase by 25 percent)

$514.02 + $0.50 per linear foot or part thereof

Sewer Main Extension (For projects outside city limits, fees will increase by 25 percent)

$514.02 + $0.50 per linear foot or part thereof

Reclaimed Water Main or Service Extension

$514.02+ $0.50 per linear foot or part thereof


$514.02 + $0.50 per linear foot or part thereof

Curb and Sidewalk

$514.02 + $0.50 per linear foot or part thereof

Storm On-Site

$682.32 + $37.00 per Acre Gross Parcel Area

Storm Pipe

$514.02 + $0.50 per linear foot or part thereof

Street Lighting (For projects outside city limits, fees will increase by 25 percent)

$514.02 + $0.50 per linear foot or part thereof

Driveway: Commercial

$771.02 each

STEP Sewer System: Commercial

$1,540.92 each

Sewer Pump Station

$1,768.36 each

On-Site Community Septic System (For projects outside city limits, fees will increase by 25 percent)

$1,540.92 each

Traffic Signal

$1,540.92 each

Solid Waste Pad and/or enclosure


Landscape Plan Review


Stormwater Utility Civil Engineering Plan Review (including review of revisions) (area of new or replaced impervious surface)


Level 1 (300-1,000 sf)


Level 2 (1,000-5,000 sf)


Level 3 (5,000 sf - 1 acre)


Level 4 (> 1 acre)

$3,126.85 + $136 each additional acre or part thereof

Planning/Zoning Review for Civil Engineering Permit Applications receiving a Land Use Review Waiver (new gross floor area)


Projects with 0-5,000 sf


Projects with > 5,000 sf


Resubmittal Fee

50 percent of plan review fee starting with second resubmittal after the initial application

Application Type

Permit/Inspection Fees

Single Family Residential Erosion Control Inspection (up to and including 5,000 sq ft)

$233.13 each

Single Family Residential Erosion Control Inspection (5,001 to 20,000 sq ft)


Residential Subdivision and Commercial Site fee


Erosion Control and LID Inspection (based on lot size) (new building sites only)


5,001 – 20,000 sq ft


20,001 – 40,000 sq ft


40,001 – 220,000 sq ft


Over 220,000 sq ft


*Note: Subdivision is based on total subdivision until all improvements are accepted by the City, then individual lot fees apply if a permit is being issued for work that disturbs ground or requires LID

Streets and/or Alleys

$2.61 per linear foot or part thereof

Curb and/or sidewalk

$2.61 per linear foot or part thereof

Sidewalk Fee-in-lieu (Per City Engineer Estimate)

$85.00 per linear foot or part thereof

Street lighting (For projects outside city limits, fees will increase by 25 percent)

$1.94 per linear foot or part thereof

Driveways: Residential

$179.68 each

Driveways: Commercial

$896.12 each

Sanitary Sewer Main (For projects outside city limits, fees will increase by 25 percent)

$3.53 per linear foot or part thereof plus $2.25 per linear foot for Television Inspection

STEP Sewer System: Residential (For projects outside city limits, fees will increase by 25 percent)

$578.35 each

STEP Sewer System: Commercial (For projects outside city limits, fees will increase by 25 percent)

$1,158.82 each

Sewer Pump Station

$1,158.82 each

On-Site Community Septic System (For projects outside city limits, fees will increase by 25 percent)

$1,158.82 each

Individual Septic Review Letter

$227.76 each

Sewer Lateral Connection at Main

$418.50 each

Sewer Lateral Connection on Property

$167.17 each

Storm Sewer Main

$3.53 per linear foot or part thereof plus $2.25 per linear foot for Television Inspection

Storm On-Site System

$769.89 each

Water Main (For projects outside city limits, fees will increase by 25 percent)

$3.53 per linear foot or part thereof

Water Connection (New)

$227.44 each

Water Service Abandonment

$227.44 each

Water Purity Sampling Test (Collected for second and subsequent tests for the same system)

Actual Costs to be Assessed

Water Main Shutdown (collected for second or subsequent request for the same system)

Actual Costs to be Assessed

Reclaimed Water Main or Service Connection

$3.53 per linear foot or part thereof

Reclaimed Water Connection (new)

$227.44 each

Reclaimed Water Sampling Test (Collected for second and subsequent tests for the same system)

Actual Costs to be Assessed

Reclaimed Water Main or Service Connection Shutdown (collected for second or subsequent request for the same system)

Actual Costs to be Assessed

Traffic Signal

$1,791.11 each

Solid Waste Pad and/or enclosure




Bicycle Parking


Paving of Parking Lots (including re-paving)

$0.07 per square foot or part thereof

Right-of-Way Obstruction Permit (Traffic Control Plan may be required; flaggers and/or lane restrictions in place for 1 hour or less)

$209.03 each

Right-of-Way Obstruction Permit (Traffic Control Plan Required, flaggers and/or lane restrictions in place for more than 1 hour)1

$639.11 each

Right-of-Way Excavation/Restoration (Completion Bond Required before Issuance of a Permit equal to 125 percent value of the work)

$209.25 each

Right-of-Way Vacation Request

$2,209.59 each

Latecomer Reimbursement Contract

$2,209.59 + 5 percent Administrative Fee (5 percent of the reimbursement amount is deducted by the city for administrative fees each time the city collects a latecomer fee from a property owner within the reimbursement area)

UGA City Utility Availability Authorization

$199.01 each

Long Term Right-of-Way Use Authorization for Open Right-of-Way Use per Year

$477.63 per year

Street Closure Permit for Temporary Moving of Structures or Equipment

$966.63 each

Recording Fees for Bills of Sale, Easements, Deeds, Annexation Agreements, Sewer Connection Contracts, Interim Onsite Sewage System Agreements


Recording Fees for Stormwater Maintenance Agreements


Private Utilities

Private Utility (power, natural overhead, gas, telecommunications, CATV) (New development of systems):

New Short Plat – (2-9 Lots)

Plan Check: $255.87

Permit Fees: $90.98


New Long Plat – (10-25 Lots)

Plan Check: $358.22

Permit Fees: $130.78 + $0.20 per linear foot or part thereof




New Long Plat – (26+ Lots)

Plan Check: $608.41

Permit Fees: $130.78 + $0.20 per linear foot or part thereof




New Commercial:

Plan Check: $347.82

Permit Fees: $113.72




New R-O-W Utilities (New or Extension)

Plan Check: $299.08 + $1.00 per linear foot or part thereof

Permit Fees: $108.04 + $0.10 per linear foot or part thereof




Repair/Replace Existing or new lines or cable using existing infrastructure

Plan Check: $299.08

Permit Fees: $108.04 + $0.10 per linear foot or part thereof

New/Replace Pole: $108.04 per Each

Resubmittal fees starting with second resubmittal after the initial application

50 percent plan check fees

Pavement Restoration Fee

Base Fee

$28.43 per square foot or part thereof

Year 1 (new pavement)

5X base fee

Year 2

4X base fee

Year 3

3X base fee

Year 4

2X base fee

Year 5

1X base fee

Tree Protections and Replacement Ordinance Fee Schedule

Tree Plan Review for New Commercial Development

$995.06 each

Tree Plan Review for New Multi-family Residential Development

$1,074.66 each

Tree Plan Review for New Subdivisions - 9 lots and less

$824.48 each

Tree Plan Review for New Subdivisions - 10 lots and more

$1,074.66 + $26.00 per lot

Tree Plan Field Inspection for New Commercial Development

$995.06 each

Tree Plan Field Inspection for New Multi-family Residential Development

$1,074.66 each

Tree Plan Field Inspection for New Subdivisions - 9 lots and less

$824.48 each

Tree Plan Review for New Subdivisions - 10 lots and more

$1,074.66 +$26.00 per lot

Tree Plan Review for Tree Trimming by Private Utility

$392.34 + $0.10 per linear foot, or part thereof, of project

Tree Plan Field Inspection for Tree Trimming by Private Utility

$272.93 + $0.10 per linear foot, or part thereof, of project

Tree Conversion Option Harvest

$170.58 per acre, or part thereof, to $3,000.00 maximum

Technology Fee – applicable to all permits and plan review fees

4.1 percent of permit/plan review fee


Fee may be waived by the Community Planning and Development Director or designee for removal of hazard trees determined to be a high risk based on a Tree Risk Assessment approved by the City’s urban forester.

(Ord. 7416 §1, 2024; Ord. 7390 §1, 2024; Ord. 7380 §1, 2023; Ord. 7351 §1, 2022; Ord. 7306 §1, 2021; Ord. 7219 §1, 2019; Ord. 7181 §1, 2019; Ord. 7164 §1, 2018; Ord. 7148 §1, 2018; Ord. 6890 §1, 2013; Ord. 6832 §1, 2012; Ord. 6790 §1, 2011; Ord. 6610 §1, 2008; Ord. 6447 §1, 2006; Ord. 6428 §1, 2006; Ord. 6333 §2; 2004 (reenacted section); Ord. 6333 §1, 2004 (repealed section); Ord. 6238 §1, 2002; Ord. 6183 §1; 2002; Ord. 6153 §1, 2001; Ord. 6059 §1, 2000; Ord. 5980 §1, 1999; Ord. 5862 §1, 1998; Ord. 5658 §1, 1996; Ord. 5577 §1, 1995; Ord. 5125 §1(part), 1990).