Chapter 18.57

18.57.000    Chapter Contents


18.57.020    Purpose.

18.57.040    Approval process overview.

18.57.050    General procedures for application review.

18.57.080    Master plan approval process.

(Ord. 7364 §34, 2023).

18.57.020 Purpose

The purposes of the Master Planned Development (MPD) regulations are as follows:

A.    To permit greater flexibility and, consequently, more creative and imaginative design as required for the development within the Urban Village (UV), Neighborhood Village (NV), Neighborhood Center (NC) District, and Community Oriented Shopping Center (COSC) Districts than generally is possible under conventional zoning regulations.

B.    To promote urban infill, and more economical and efficient use of the land, while providing a development which is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood; a variety of housing choices; and, a high level of urban amenities.

C.    To encourage the provision of more usable and suitably located recreation facilities and other private and common facilities than would otherwise be provided under conventional land development procedures.

(Ord. 7364 §34, 2023; Ord. 5539 §4, 1995).

18.57.040 Approval process overview

In the following zoning districts, the City shall process a Master Plan as an amendment to the Official Zoning Map as follows:

A.    Districts. Development within the COSC, NC, NV and UV districts is permitted only after Master Plan approval, project approval, and construction permits are issued pursuant to this chapter, chapter 18.05 OMC, and chapter 18.05A OMC (Villages and Centers).

B.    Pre-Submission Conference. Applicants shall meet with the Director for an initial discussion of the proposed MPD prior to submittal of an application. The applicant shall present preliminary studies and conceptual sketches which contain in a rough and approximate manner the information required on the MPD application. The purpose of the preliminary site plan review is to eliminate as many potential problems as possible in order for the MPD to be processed without delay.

C.    Master Plan Review Process. An approved Master Plan is an amendment to the official zoning map. An application for Master Plan approval is a Type III application and must be submitted to the Design Review Board and Hearing Examiner for review and recommendation to the City Council.

D.    Project Application Review Process. At any time during review or after Master Plan approval, the applicant may submit an application for construction on a portion or all of the site to the Department for review by the Design Review Board, Hearing Examiner, and/or Director. The permit would not be issued until the Master Plan was approved.

E.    Plat Approval. When any parcel of land subject to a Master Plan is intended for individual ownership or sale, the platting and procedural requirements of the Olympia Subdivision Ordinance and applicable State laws, as amended, pertaining to the subdivision and conveyance of land and the preparation of maps must be followed. See Olympia Municipal Code Title 17, Subdivisions. Applications for project approval may be submitted simultaneously, and processed concurrently, with applications for Master Plan approval or any other Development Application.

F.    Engineering, Detailed Design Review, and Building Permits. The Building Official may not approve a Building Permit unless it complies with the use limitations, standards, and design concepts and guidelines contained in the applicable Master Plan. Any conditions of Master Plan, Land Use, Preliminary or Final Plat, or Binding Site Plan approval will constitute a limitation on the use and design of the site. Engineering and Building Permits may be issued for any improvements or structures only if consistent with an approved Master Plan and project approval.

(Ord. 7364 §34, 2023; Ord. 6967 §31, 2015; Ord. 5830 §34, 1998; Ord. 5539 §4, 1995).

18.57.050 General procedures of application review

Except as specifically provided in this Chapter, applications for project approval within Master Plans, including but not limited to land use approval, plats, and building and engineering permits, are reviewed and decided, and otherwise processed, in accordance with the procedures applicable to comparable projects in all other districts as set forth in this Development Code.

(Ord. 7364 §34, 2023; Ord. 5830 §40, 1998)

18.57.080 Master plan approval process

An applicant shall submit a Master Plan application to the Department for review. The Design Review Board and Hearing Examiner shall forward their recommendations to the City Council as follows:

A.    Design Review Board. A complete application including proposed draft design vocabulary and design guidelines (chapter 18.05A OMC, Village and Center Design Guidelines), must be submitted to and reviewed by the Design Review Board for review and recommendation to the City Council. The Design Review Board may not recommend approval of a Master Plan unless it determines that the proposed Master Plan complies with each of the applicable design guidelines contained in chapter 18.05A OMC, Village and Centers Design Guidelines. The Design Review Board may schedule additional meetings to consider the proposed Master Plan, or recommend denial or approval with or without conditions of approval.

B.    Hearing Examiner. The Hearing Examiner shall review a complete Master Plan application, including the proposed draft ordinance, chapter 18.05 OMC and schematic maps for recommendation to the City Council.

C.    City Council.

1.    The City Council shall consider the Board’s and the Examiner’s recommendations, together with any conditions, at a regular public meeting within 30 calendar days after the Examiner’s recommendation becomes final, unless the applicant agrees to a later meeting date.

2.    Such consideration must be based upon the record which was established by the Design Review Board and the Examiner.

3.    If the Council finds that the Board’s or Examiner’s recommendation is in conflict with the City’s adopted plans, policies and ordinances; or insufficient evidence was presented as to the impact on surrounding area the Council may:

a.    Deny the MPD application;

b.    Remand the matter back to the Design Review Board or Hearing Examiner for another hearing;

c.    Continue to a future date to allow for additional staff analysis desired by the Council;

d.    Modify the Design Review Board’s and Examiner’s recommendation based on the applicable criteria and adopt their own findings and conclusions, and deny or approve the Master Plan; or

e.    Schedule its own open-record public hearing.

4.    If the Council determines there are no conflicts and sufficient evidence was presented as to the impact on the surrounding area, it shall adopt the Board’s and Examiner’s recommendation as their own and approve the Master Plan by ordinance. If approved, the Master Plan, or subsequent revision thereto, is an amendment to the Official Zoning Map.

5.    Once the development plan receives Master Plan approval, all persons and parties, their successors, heirs, or assigns, who own, have, or will have by virtue of purchase, inheritance, or assignment, any interest in the real property subject to the proposed Master Plan, are bound by the conditions attending the approval of the development and the provisions of the Ordinance.

6.    The action of the Council, approving, modifying, or rejecting a recommendation of the Design Review Board and Examiner, is final and conclusive, unless within 21 calendar days from the date of the Council action an aggrieved party or person appeals to the Superior Court of Washington for Thurston County, for the purpose of review of the action taken.

D.    Phasing. If the Master Plan is to be developed in phases, the project as a whole must be portrayed on the Master Plan, and each phase may individually receive project review and approval according to the procedures established herein.

E.    Amendments. An approved Master Plan, or subsequent revision thereto, is binding as to the general intent and apportionment of land for buildings, stipulated use, and circulation pattern. Amendments which change the character, basic design, density, open space, or any other requirements and conditions contained in the Master Plan are not permitted without prior review and recommendation by the Hearing Examiner, and approval by the City Council, of such amendment. Amendments are an amendment to the Official Zoning Map and must be clearly depicted as a revision to the ordinance text and site plans.

F.    Expiration or Extension. There is no time limitation or extensions required of a Master Plan approval. However, if in the opinion of the City Council, the Master Plan does not continue to serve the public use and interest or comply with the comprehensive plan or other applicable laws or plans, the City Council may initiate an amendment or rezone at any time.

(Ord. 7364 §34, 2023; Ord. 5830 §36 1998; Ord. 5539 §4, 1995).