2.00.000 Title Contents
Title 2
2.04 City Council
2.06 Council Committees
2.08 City Manager
2.12 Officers
2.14 Municipal Court
2.24 Department of Emergency Services
2.28 Fire Department
2.32 Fire Protection Agreements
2.36 Police Department
2.38 Police Auditor
2.40 Police Reserve Force
2.44 Civil Service Commission
2.64 Officers’ Compensation
2.68 City Office Hours
2.70 Legal Defense for Acts or Omissions
2.72 Defense of Elected Officials in Recall Proceedings
2.74 Miscellaneous, Administration
2.82 Domestic Partnership Registry Program
2.100 Citizen-Member Boards, Commissions and Advisory Committees Appointed by the Olympia City Council
(Ord. 6526 §1-7, 2008, repealed Chapters 2.42 Arts Commission, 2.52 Planning Commission, 2.56 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, 2.62 Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, 2.63 Parking Advisory Committee, 2.76 Utility Advisory Committee, and 2.80 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee; Ord. 6499 §1, 2007; Ord. 6421 §2, 2006, repealed Youth Advisory Committee 2.60; Ord. 6421 §1, 2006, repealed Library Board 2.59; Ord. 6283 §1, 2003, repealed Urban Forestry Advisory Board Chapter 2.58; Ord. 6220 §1, 2002; Ord. 6150, §1, 2001; Ord. 6149 §1, 2001; Ord. 5670 §8, 1997, repealed 2.48 Thurston County Human Rights Commission).