Chapter 9.52
9.52.000 Chapter Contents
9.52.010 Animals at large.
9.52.030 Fowl at large.
9.52.050 Boats on Capitol Lake.
9.52.060 Carnivals.
9.52.080 Cruelty to animals.
9.52.090 Digging or selling oysters or clams.
9.52.110 Jet models.
(Ord. 6562 §1, 2008, repealed Sections 9.52.040 and 9.52.100).
9.52.010 Animals at large
No horses, sheep, mules, goats, hogs, or cattle shall be permitted to run at large within the city limits. "Running at large" means loose and free from physical restraint, upon the streets, alleys, highways, public property or on any property not belonging to the owner or under the control of the owner of any such animal within the city limits.
(Ord. 3957 §15(A), 1976).
9.52.030 Fowl at large
Every person or persons, being the owners or having the possession of, or control of, chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys or domestic fowl, and who permits, allows or suffers the same to run at large upon the streets, alleys, highways, public property or on any property not belonging to such person is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Ord. 3957 §15(B), 1976).
9.52.050 Boats on Capitol Lake
A. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply:
1. "Boat" means any vehicle capable of being operated in the water.
2. "Motor-operated boat" means any boat which is in itself a self-propelled unit.
B. The provisions of this section shall be applicable to that portion of Capitol Lake lying within the city.
C. All boats which are operated on Capitol Lake shall be launched only at designated launching sites; provided, however, motor-operated boats launched at any designated launching site north of the railroad trestle shall proceed to the area wherein the operation of motor-operated boats is permitted through designated approach channels only.
D. All motor-operated boats are prohibited in the area of Capitol Lake north of the railroad trestle crossing the lake unless prior written authorization is obtained from the Director of the Department of General Administration of the State of Washington.
E. It is unlawful for any person or persons to drive or operate under power, or allow to be driven or operated under power, any motorboat under the railroad bridges crossing Capitol Lake.
F. It is unlawful for any person or persons to drive or operate a motorboat pulling or towing any person on water skis or any similar device unless there is in the motorboat, at all times, in addition to the operator thereof, at least one person whose duty it shall be to observe other boat traffic on the lake and any obstructions ahead.
G. Water skiing shall be prohibited in the area of Capitol Lake north of the railroad trestle unless prior written authorization is obtained from the Director of the Department of General Administration of the State of Washington.
H. Buses, trucks, or trucks and cargo trailers which exceed ten thousand pounds gross weight and similar heavy-duty vehicles are prohibited from driving on the west parkway road.
I. All boats operating on Capitol Lake shall be equipped and operated in conformity with state law, municipal and county ordinances pertinent thereto.
J. The driver or operator of a motorboat on Capitol Lake within the corporate limits of the city shall drive or operate such motorboat in a careful and prudent manner and at a speed no greater than is reasonable and proper under the conditions at the time and place of operation, taking into account the amount and character of traffic, the freedom from obstruction to view ahead, and so as not to unreasonably endanger persons or property or other rights of other persons entitled to the use of such waters.
K. It is unlawful to operate a motorboat on Capitol Lake within the corporate limits of the city between one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise.
(Ord. 3957 §15(J), 1976).
9.52.060 Carnivals
It is unlawful for any traveling carnival or aggregation of sideshows, doll racks, cane racks or other similar amusement devices to exhibit, show or operate within the city, unless granted a permit by the city.
(Ord. 3957 §15(E), 1976).
9.52.080 Cruelty to animals
A. No person shall, within the corporate limits of the city, cruelly beat, whip or mistreat any beast of burden or other animal, nor shall any person starve, neglect to feed, or underfeed any animal, or subject the same to circumstances of unusual and unnecessary hardship and suffering.
B. No person shall train any dog, bird or animal with intent to use the same in fighting for sport or money, or keep or have the same in his possession for the purpose mentioned above. No person shall conduct, promote or attend any animal or fowl fight for sport or money.
(Ord. 3957 §15(G), 1976).
9.52.090 Digging or selling oysters or clams
A. All persons are forbidden from digging clams or oysters upon any of the tidelands, or tide flats located or situated within the corporate limits of the city.
B. All persons are forbidden from selling, offering for sale or having in their possession with intent to offer for sale any clams or oysters dug within the corporate limits of the city.
(Ord. 3957 §15(H), 1976).
9.52.110 Jet models
It is unlawful for any person, partnership, firm or corporation within the corporate limits of the city or upon any property owned by the city, including the municipal airport, to fly, use or operate any type of jet-propelled model airplane.
(Ord. 3957 §15(L), 1976).