Chapter 13.12
13.12.005 Purpose, goals and policies.
13.12.010 Classification of frequently flooded areas.
13.12.020 Designation of frequently flooded areas.
13.12.005 Purpose, goals and policies.
(a) Purpose and Objectives. As of the adoption of this chapter, there are no FEMA floodplains in the city of Othello. However, it is the intent of the city to recognize and diminish potential hazards that may be caused by future annexations in areas where severe and costly flooding is anticipated to occur. Based on historical observation and information collected by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the city endorses a cautious posture to protect the important hydrologic functions of floodplains by limiting construction in areas located within zones designated to be flood prone. This decision stems from local as well as state and federal understanding that development limitation in these areas helps to serve the health, safety and public welfare of the people of the city of Othello.
(b) The following reflect the goals and policies of the community:
(1) Goals. Protect the frequently flooded areas that are known to be critical parts of the natural drainage system by limiting and controlling potential alterations and/or obstructions to those areas.
(2) Policies.
(A) Discourage land use practices that may impede the flow of floodwater or cause danger to life or property. This includes, but is not limited to, filling, dumping, storage of materials, structures, buildings, and any other works which, when acting alone or in combination with other existing or future uses, would cause damaging flood heights and velocities by obstructing flows.
(B) Maintain and add catch basins or similar measures as needed to protect the health, safety, and welfare of residents and the environment. (Ord. 1505 § 4 (part), 2018).
13.12.010 Classification of frequently flooded areas.
(a) Classification of frequently flooded areas should include, at a minimum, the one-hundred-year floodplain designations of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the National Flood Insurance Program. The following categories of frequently flooded areas established for the purpose of classification are:
(1) Floodways. The channel of a stream or other watercourse, plus any adjacent land areas, that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than one foot (WAC 173-158-030).
(2) Floodplains. The floodway and special flood hazard areas.
(3) Special Flood Hazard Areas. The land in the floodplain which is subject to a one percent or greater chance of flooding in any given year, as identified in the Adams County and Incorporated Areas Flood Insurance Study (January 16, 2009), and determined by the Federal Insurance Administration. (Ord. 1505 § 4 (part), 2018).
13.12.020 Designation of frequently flooded areas.
All lands, shorelines and waters which are currently identified within the one-hundred-year floodplain in the Federal Emergency Management Agency entitled “The Flood Insurance Study Adams County Washington and Incorporated Areas,” dated January 16, 2009, with accompanying digital flood insurance rate maps, are designated as frequently flooded areas. If and when this study becomes updated to reflect new conditions, designation of frequently flooded areas will include the changes. (Ord. 1505 § 4 (part), 2018).