Chapter 13.08
13.08.010 Residential sewer fees.
13.08.020 Business sewer fees.
13.08.010 Residential sewer fees.
A mandatory minimum charge for connection and collection of sewage from each residence in the town of Rainier that is connected to the sewer system. This mandatory minimum charge is thirty-eight dollars and fifty cents ($38.50) plus four percent. This minimum charge shall not apply to any business entity. State and/or federal taxes are not included. (Ord. 420 § 1, 1999)
13.08.020 Business sewer fees.
A mandatory minimum charge for connection and collection of sewage from each business entity in the town of Rainier that is connected to the sewer system. This minimum charge shall be determined by business type and equivalent residential unit (ERU) averages for that business. For each business entity the minimum charge shall be thirty-eight dollars and fifty cents ($38.50) per equivalent residential unit plus four percent. State and/or federal taxes are not included. (Ord. 420 § 2, 1999)
13.08.030 Effective date.
This chapter shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. However fees specified in this chapter cannot be assessed until after a residence or business is connected to the sewer system. (Ord. 420 § 3, 1999)