Chapter 18.156


18.156.010    Applicability.

18.156.020    Permit process.

18.156.030    Posting requirements.

18.156.040    Departmental review.

18.156.050    Required written findings for short subdivisions.

18.156.060    Filing procedure and fee.

18.156.070    Owner’s free consent.

18.156.080    Appeal procedure.

18.156.090    Amendments.

Cross-references: Chapter 58.09 RCW and Chapter 332-130 WAC

18.156.010 Applicability.

A.    Short Plats. This section applies to short plats for subdivisions as defined in Chapter 18.144 and Chapter 58.17 RCW.

B.    Exemptions. The provisions of this chapter are not applicable to the following:

1.    All exemptions listed in Section 18.144.025.

2.    Deed releases for the purpose of obtaining building financing; provided, that a short plat is required if said parcel is separately sold or if all land specified by the contract is not acquired.

3.    Divisions which were surveyed in accordance with the Survey Recording Act and are recorded with the auditor prior to August 13, 1974.

4.    One model home may be established on a single lot without short platting, provided the city has approved a preliminary short subdivision that includes the specific lot where the model home is to be located.

5.    Any division of land solely for the installation of electric power, telephone, water supply, sewer service or other utility facilities of a similar or related nature; provided, however, that any remaining lot or lots are consistent with applicable zoning and land use plans.

6.    Any division or divisions of land for the sole purpose of enabling a municipal corporation to acquire land, either by outright purchase or exchange, for parks, viewpoints, recreational, educational or other public purposes; provided, however, that any remaining lot or lots are consistent with applicable zoning and land use plans.

C.    The entire original tract (except adjacent platted or short platted land) shall be included within one short plat application.

D.    Further Divisions. Land within a short subdivision shall not be further divided in any manner for a period of five years from the date said approved short plat is recorded with the auditor without the filing of a final plat on the land which is proposed to be further divided. This requirement shall be stated on the face of the short plat.

E.    Contiguous Parcels. All contiguous land owned by the same applicant shall be identified in a short plat application to ensure that multiple short plat applications on separate but contiguous parcels are not utilized as a substitute for submitting a long plat application. The applicant shall certify that she/he has included all contiguous land in the application and that she/he does not own or otherwise have a legal interest in the ownership of the remaining contiguous parcels. Upon completion of the short plat, the entire group of contiguous parcels shall be considered one property for the purposes of subsection (C) of this section and shall be subject to the requirements of that provision. (Ord. 618 § 2 (part), 2013: Ord. 548 § 2 (Exh. F) (part), 2007)

18.156.020 Permit process.

Short plats shall be processed as a Process II—Administrative action in accordance with Section 18.16.090. (Ord. 618 § 2 (part), 2013)

18.156.030 Posting requirements.

After acceptance of a short plat application, notification and posting procedures pursuant to Section 18.16.180, notice of application, shall apply to all short plats. (Ord. 618 § 2 (part), 2013: Ord. 548 § 2 (Exh. F) (part), 2007. Formerly 18.156.035)

18.156.040 Departmental review.

A.    Procedure. Upon receipt of an application, the planning department shall forward the application to the city engineer, fire marshal, the Thurston County health department, the assessor-treasurer’s office, and other relevant agencies to determine conformance with relevant standards. The initial review by the departments or agencies of the proposed short subdivision shall be completed within fourteen (14) working days of the request of the department, unless the applicant consents to an extension of such time period.

B.    Each department or agency shall submit comments on the short plat within the specified review period.

C.    If changes are necessary, the applicant/agent shall resubmit copies of the proposed short plat to the department reflecting the required changes within one hundred eighty (180) days after said notice of correction is given by the reviewing departments or agencies. Should the applicant require an extension of time to satisfy the requirements that were requested during the initial review, an additional one hundred eighty (180) days shall be granted upon written request. Due to the complexity of the proposal, the applicant may desire to request the following to extend the life of the application:

1.    Request in writing that the application for the proposed short plat be placed on hold for due cause. Due cause would constitute a situation that was beyond the applicant’s control; i.e., required environmental review, health department requirements for viewing high water table on the site prior to review for waste disposal, and/or a water availability report required by the state. An estimated timeline for completion of the required additional material, studies, or review should accompany the request. The hold should be placed upon the application for a specified time period.

2.    Request in writing that a time extension is necessary to provide the reviewing departments with the necessary material, documents, and studies, as requested in the initial county review. The city may provide a second one hundred eighty (180) day extension.

3.    The required time extension fee is required with an extension application.

D.    The applicant is required to submit the requested revisions for a short plat prior to the expiration of the allowable time period. Upon submittal of the additional information, reviewing departments or agencies shall further review the short plat and ensure that the proposal is in compliance with all applicable codes and standards. Additional revisions may be required. (Ord. 618 § 2 (part), 2013: Ord. 548 § 2 (Exh. F) (part), 2007. Formerly 18.156.050)

18.156.050 Required written findings for short subdivisions.

A.    Required Findings. The designee shall inquire into the public use and interest proposed to be served by the establishment of the short subdivision and any dedication. The designee shall make written findings that determine if appropriate provisions are made for, but not limited to:

1.    The public health, safety, and general welfare for open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds, and shall consider all other relevant facts, including sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school;

2.    Whether the public interest will be served by the short subdivision and dedication; and

3.    Whether the provisions in Section 18.16.090(I)(2) have been met.

B.    Approval. If the designee finds that the proposed short subdivision makes appropriate provisions for the items listed in subsection (A) of this section and that the public use and interest will be served by the proposal, then the director or designee shall approve the proposed short subdivision and dedication.

C.    Site Development. All conditions and site development conditions identified in the written findings shall be completed or addressed in a manner acceptable to the city engineer prior to an application for final short subdivision approval. As an alternative to actual site development, the project may be bonded as provided in Section 18.12.120, Security mechanisms. (Ord. 618 § 2 (part), 2013)

18.156.060 Filing procedure and fee.

A.    The original mylar and fee for an application for final short plat approval shall be submitted when the city indicates that it is prepared to approve the short subdivision;

B.    A final short plat shall address all relevant conditions for final plats specified in Section 18.148.140 and meet the applicable standards listed in Section 18.148.150;

C.    Effect of Approval. The approval of a final short plat does not guarantee that future permits will be granted for any structures or development within the area and a notation to this effect shall be stated on the face of the short plat. (Ord. 618 § 2 (part), 2013: Ord. 548 § 2 (Exh. F) (part), 2007. Formerly 18.156.020)

18.156.070 Owner’s free consent.

The owners of the property subject to the short plat shall sign a statement signifying that the plat is made with their free consent and in accordance with the desires of the owners (see Section 18.176.030). (Ord. 618 § 2 (part), 2013: Ord. 575 § 40, 2009: Ord. 548 § 2 (Exh. F) (part), 2007. Formerly 18.156.030)

18.156.080 Appeal procedure.

Appeals of any city decision are processed pursuant to Section 18.16.090, Process II—Administrative action. (Ord. 618 § 2 (part), 2013: Ord. 548 § 2 (Exh. F) (part), 2007. Formerly 18.156.090)

18.156.090 Amendments.

A.    Amendments to short subdivisions may be approved by the city by approving an amendment note that states to the effect that: “This amended short plat supersedes Short Plat No.____.” Depending on the significance of the change, an amendment may be subject to a Process II—Administrative action in accordance with Section 18.16.090.

B.    The note must specify the changes before the city can approve the amended short plat:

1.    All city requirements and conditions stated on the original short plat must be stated on the amended short plat and clearly state or identify the amendment; and

2.    All property owners of the short subdivision affected by the amendment shall provide the city with a notarized statement to the effect that they agree to the terms of the amendments to the short subdivision and shall sign the final amended short plat prior to recording.

C.    If any city department or other agency’s previous approvals may be affected by the amendment, that department shall approve the proposed amendment before the city may grant final approval. The established fee shall be paid to process the amended short plat.

D.    The assessor-treasurer’s office must again signify that the current real estate taxes are paid before the amended short plat is recorded. Upon recording, the amended short plat is deemed approved by the city. (Ord. 618 § 2 (part), 2013: Ord. 548 § 2 (Exh. F) (part), 2007. Formerly 18.156.100)