Chapter 18.180


18.180.010    Purpose.

18.180.020    Nature of master plans.

18.180.030    Application process.

18.180.040    Plan approval.

18.180.050    Term.

18.180.060    Specific development proposals.

18.180.010 Purpose.

The purpose of this title is to establish a process by which zoning master plans can be developed and approved for large properties within the city and urban growth areas. Also, it is intended to create greater flexibility and creativity of zoning within the city as follows:

A.    To make provision for integrated planning of parcels of land;

B.    To ensure that future growth and developments which occur by virtue of master plans do so in accord with the comprehensive plan and the planning policies of the city;

C.    To require all plats and binding site plans to be consistent with the terms of the master plan as subdivisions are considered and approved in the future;

D.    To provide for large scale projects that incorporate a full range of land uses, where appropriate and where consistent with the comprehensive plan;

E.    To encourage the provision of more usable and suitably located recreational facilities and other public services than would otherwise be provided under conventional zoning;

F.    To foster and ensure a rational pattern of compatibility between residential, business and industrial uses so as to complement and minimize impacts on existing neighborhoods;

G.    To provide for use of planned actions under SEPA and relevant agreements to provide a degree of continuity to larger developments. (Ord. 548 § 2 (Exh. F) (part), 2007)

18.180.020 Nature of master plans.

A.    Master plans under this chapter shall be characterized as zoning overlays which address the physical layout of the site but do not lay out individual building sites. Individual building sites will be administered under the provisions for subdivision or binding site plan. Application of a master plan to land is a Process IV quasi-judicial process pursuant to Section 18.16.110(B)(2) and is consistent as a project action zoning amendment process. The master plan shall be consistent with the comprehensive plan and planning policies. Master plans may be applied to county land within Rainier’s urban growth areas subject to annexation, and constitutes pre-annexation zoning for such lands.

B.    Master plans and comprehensive plan amendments may be processed jointly. (Ord. 548 § 2 (Exh. F) (part), 2007)

18.180.030 Application process.

A.    Complete Application—Textual. In addition to requirements of Section 18.16.140, Project permit applications, application submittals shall also include:

1.    Master plan application;

2.    The name, address, zip code and telephone number of applicant and all landowners. If not the owner, a notarized owner/agent agreement;

3.    The names and addresses of all property owners located within one thousand (1,000) feet of the property included in the master plan;

4.    The legal description and tax parcel number(s) of the property in the master plan;

5.    The existing zoning and plan designation on the subject property, the existing subdivision standards, the existing stormwater control and treatment standards, and existing critical area criteria;

6.    The acreage proposed within the master plan for each proposed zone type and for residential zones, the density and specific zone designation;

7.    The location and availability of public facilities such as water, sewer, schools, fire districts, etc.;

8.    Anticipated phasing of development;

9.    Preliminary development plans and other required supplementary reports;

10.    Environmental checklist. Identification through the SEPA process of potential major anticipated adverse environmental impacts and general mitigating measures, including off-site improvements, which may be incorporated in the master plan; and

11.    Other information such as zoning, subdivision standards, stormwater control requirements, road standards and critical area criteria.

B.    Completed Application—Maps. The applicant shall provide the following map information:

1.    A vicinity drawing showing the location of the site and its relationship to surrounding areas;

2.    Parcel boundaries and uses proposed for each parcel;

3.    Streets, highways, and freeways that will serve the development;

4.    The location by site of uses to be made of the property, including boundaries of use areas, range of densities and types of uses;

5.    Any changes proposed in zoning or development plans;

6.    Transportation plans, with proposed major roads, points of ingress, and the relationship to existing and area transportation facilities;

7.    Existing site conditions, including water courses, wetlands, floodplains, unique natural features, forest cover, steep slopes and elevation contours of appropriate intervals to indicate the topography of the entire tract for a reasonable distance beyond the boundaries of the proposed development to include adjacent or nearby lands where project impacts are relevant.

C.    SEPA Compliance. Provisions of Division 4 of this title, State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), shall apply as a project action approach for master plan approval.

D.    Complete Application. The planning department shall commence project review and notification procedures after issuance of a determination of completeness pursuant to Section 18.16.150. (Ord. 548 § 2 (Exh. F) (part), 2007)

18.180.040 Plan approval.

A.    The master plan application shall be reviewed pursuant to Section 18.16.110, Process IV—Quasi-judicial.

B.    The master plan approval by city council shall be considered a final action and shall be considered an amendment to the zoning map of the city of Rainier. (Ord. 548 § 2 (Exh. F) (part), 2007)

18.180.050 Term.

A master plan approved by the city council and affirmed by a court on any review, should there be one, shall constitute the zoning for the area described therein for a period of twenty (20) years unless mutually agreed by the city and the responsible developer. The responsible developer shall be the party initiating the master plan process or a successor designated in writing. (Ord. 548 § 2 (Exh. F) (part), 2007)

18.180.060 Specific development proposals.

Subdivisions, binding site plans, and other development proposals authorized by the Rainier Municipal Code, when consistent with the provisions of the master plan, may be approved concurrent with, or subsequent to, approval of the master plan.

A.    Plats. When any parcel of land in any master plan is intended for individual ownership, lease or sale, the platting and procedural requirements of this division shall be followed. Applications for preliminary or short subdivision approval may be submitted simultaneously, and processed concurrently, with an application for a master plan or any associated project approval.

B.    Binding Site Plans. For any portion of the master plan, the city may approve a binding site plan for commercial or mixed use sites. The city may attach terms and conditions to the approval of the site plan if necessary to ensure compliance with the master plan. Processing of any preliminary plat or short subdivision, or binding site plan shall be as provided under this division.

C.    Final Plat Approval. An application for final plat approval within a master plan shall be submitted to the Rainier planning department. The platting and procedural requirements of Division 6 of this title, or as amended, pertaining to the subdivision and conveyance of land and the preparation of maps shall be followed.

D.    Development Agreements. The terms and conditions of any approvals set forth in this chapter may be set out in a development agreement as authorized under Chapter 36.70B RCW and RCW 82.02.020.

E.    Vesting. An application is considered vested upon determination of a complete application pursuant to provisions of Section 18.16.150, determination of completeness.

F.    Severability. Should any provision or chapter be found by a competent court with jurisdiction to be contrary to applicable law, the remainder of the provisions or sections shall remain valid and in force. (Ord. 548 § 2 (Exh. F) (part), 2007)