Division 2. Comprehensive Plan and Annexations
Chapter 18.28
18.28.010 Rainier comprehensive plan adopted.
18.28.010 Rainier comprehensive plan adopted.
There is adopted by this reference and made a part of this chapter as though fully set forth herein that certain plan known as “The Joint City of Rainier and Thurston County Comprehensive Growth Management Plan Update, 2004 Edition,” including all appendices and supplements therein, and all subsequent additions and amendments thereto. Said plan is to provide the policy framework for making land use and other planning decisions regarding the physical development of the city. Copies of said comprehensive plan are on file in the office of the clerk. (Ord. 548 § 2 (Exh. B) (part), 2007)
18.28.015 Enforcement.
The provisions of Section 18.12.130, Enforcement, shall apply to this division. (Ord. 548 § 2 (Exh. B) (part), 2007)
18.28.020 Fees.
Fees for text and or map amendments to the city’s comprehensive plan are established by resolution of the city council pursuant to Section 18.12.110, Fees. In addition, the applicant of any proposed amendment to the comprehensive plan shall be responsible for, and may be required to reimburse the city for, administrative costs associated with proposed amendments including special studies, staff review, mapping, printing, public noticing, etc., as determined by the community development department. (Ord. 548 § 2 (Exh. B) (part), 2007)
18.28.030 Severability.
If any provision of this division or its application to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the remainder of this division, or application of the provision to other persons or circumstances, shall be unaffected. (Ord. 548 § 2 (Exh. B) (part), 2007)